Adventure Points

Action Points

The Eberron campaign setting introduced this concept to reflect characters who are larger-than-life heroes destined for great things. Action points allow a player to change any d20 roll so that characters can dodge or at least mitigate the effects of bad luck.

You have a number of action points equal to your proficiency bonus. Each time you gain a level, you regain any spent action point.

You can spend an action point whenever you roll a d20 to make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw. You don’t have to decide until after you make the roll and learn if it succeeded or failed. If you spend an action point, roll 4d10 and replace your d20 result, probabbly changing a failure into a success. You can spend only 1 action point per roll.

In addition, whenever you fail a death saving throw, you can spend an action point to make it a success.

Inspiration Points

Inspiration points reflect moments when the characters perform better or worse than others, because of their personal characteristics.

Instead of the Inspiration Rule on the PHB, you can use this rule.

Characters can acquire Inspiration Points. You have a number of Inspiration points equal to your proficiency bonus. Each time you gain a level, you regain any spent action point.

At any time you roll a d20, you can spend Inspiration Points to gain a Inspired Bonus to your roll . You don’t have to decide until after you make the roll and learn if it succeeded or failed.

When you make a roll with inspired bonus, you roll your proficiency dice and add the result to your roll, possibly changing the result.

If the roll ties directly to any of the your’s Personal Characteristics (your Traits, Ideal, Bond, or Flaw), an attack or a Saving Throw (except death saving throws), the Inspired Bonus costs 1 Inspiration Point. If the roll does not tie directly to any of your Personal Characteristics, the Inspired Bonus costs 2 Inspiration Points.

Sometimes the relationship between a Inspired Bonus and a Characteristic is self-evident, but other times the Inspired Bonus will require some creative narrative to be allowed.

You can acquire Inspiration Points during the game by making a Character Play, which can be done in one of two ways:

  • You can announce and make a Character Play, but the action taken MUST tie in to one of their Personal Characteristics.
  • The DM can suggest a Character Play to you, pointing out one of your Characteristics and how it could compel an action or impose disadvantage in a situation. You may choose to accept to take the Character Play or ignore it.

Every time you make an Character Play, you regain 1 spent Inspiration Point.

Interation between Adventure Points

You can only use one kind of Adventure Point per action.