Originalus Contentious

There have been few creatures as difficult to understand and as fast as the Originalus Contentious. Each has an all important story and an extreme hatred towards stealing. Some say the first arose from a small mammal after a magical mishap. The resulting experiment was too fast to contain and escaped captivity. Since that faithful day these spined fuzzy mammalian humanoids have been appearing in enclaves maintaining a nomadic lifestyle.

Beyond the original

Although the first OC was likely some small mammal but the appearance of nonmammalian OC's seems to indicate that the magical nature of these creatures can spread to other tiny creatures of the woodlands.

Magically Fast

The Originalus are a people magically gifted with speed beyond that of mundane races. This has had strange effects on their physiology making them much more succeptable to magic based on age. They burn throuh so much energy to survive that they often have to eat much more food than a humanoid their size should eat.

Originalus Contentious Names

Once a OC is born their parents choose a name for them which has to be unique among all other OC's.

Their family name is often the animal they most resemble prefaced by "The".

Male Names: Dextar, Edgeling, Vortex, Cold Steel

Female Names: Dexia, Pastry, Lady Night, Vermillia

Family Name: The "animal name" such as The Sugarglider or The Spotted Lemur

Your OC character has a number of things in common with other OC.

Ability Score Increase. Your dexterity score increases by 2. Your constitution score increases by 1.

Age. An Originalus reaches maturity at 15 years of age and lives to about 60 years at the most.

Alignment. Originalus Contentious often live dangerous lives and are drawn towards reckless behavior to prove themselves. They are often Chaotic in nature.

Size. OC's grow between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh about 60 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 60 feet.

You're Too Slow. Originalus Contentious are always under a magical effect that increases their speed and durability. While unarmored your AC is equal to 12 + Dex modifier. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Each turn you gain an additional action. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, or Use an Object action.

Languages. You speak, read and write Common and one language of your choice.

Credit: Homebrewery and Meme Wikia Sanic Art