Birbino the cockatiel

Warlocks are those who seek the secrets of the world, willing to make pacts with beings of a another world. Most people who play D&D know this story very well and most people who play warlocks are...well people. The Patrons don't always choose humanoids to enact their bidding, especially when times are tough in the lower planes. This his how a normal cockatiel with a lot of charm somehow convinced the Fiend to bestow their powers onto him. Very few can talk to the bird, and many fewer people have learned what Birbino did to convince the Fiend but never the less Birbino is now a very strong warlock with a magic bent tail as his casting focus. The Fiend realized he might need a light casting focus and such blessed his bent feather to become one. His mind is kept intact and he holds his loyalty to his owner, Queen Cotena. When the Queen had found that her cockatiel had gained unholy powers, she embraced the powers and had used him to dominate over her enemies, bring fear into the hearts of those who would think of opposing her, and entertain him by honking people into the lower planes at her bidding.

a bird that does as he pleases

Birbino's name isn't actually Birbino but rather Cricket. Noone dares call him by this however as he see's it as his slave name and will utterly destroy anyone who calls him that. With this power in mind he rules right under the Queen herself however holds little consideration for rules or society's norms. He has no job as no pet does but does occasionally like to help adventurers and wage war for seemingly no reason. He once flew away from the queen, only to return a week later understanding and replicating Theives Can't through scratching into Talc or other easy to scratch materials. He also likes to sing tunes, attack things that aren't human, and help lead people to places within his home kingdom. Whimsical in nature, the only thing that truly matters to him is his loyalty to his master, Queen Cotena. It only has one weakness, scritches behind the head and neck.

Art by my girlfriend @_Larkeroni__)