Racial Traits

In 5e, a character is given certain traits that define them: two personality traits, an ideal (an idea that drives your character), a bond (to an item, place, or person), and a flaw. These are based on your background, whether you worked as a sailor or served as a temple acolyte.

However, I found that these backgrounds tend to create a certain type of personality in the player, which doesn't always reflect the full nature of the character. Sometimes, a creature's racial identity is much stronger than their previous job.

I have put together a list of "Racial Traits". The traits function exactly like the background traits, and if you prefer a racial trait you simply may select it instead of the same trait in your background. I hope that this will lead to players using their race as a story and world building device, rather than just something they picked because it had the best stats for the class they wanted.

These traits are based on the descriptions found in the Player's Handbook. in your setting, you may need to adjust them to better fit your versions of the D&D races.


d8 Personality Trait
1 I could talk for days about my home, my clan, or my family trade.
2 I consider myself a purveyor of the finer things in life, especially ale and gold.
3 I speak directly. No use bandying words around.
4 I treat master craftsmen and warriors with the highest respect.
5 I'd much rather take my time and do things right than rush in and muck everything up.
6 I'm a highly valued member of my clan and I carry that reputation with me wherever I go.
7 I always consider what my clan or God would do before I act.
8 I'm quick to invoke my clan name to swear oaths and curses.

d6 Ideal
1 Courage. It is only in the face of evil that a dwarf can truly forge their bravery. (Good)
2 Perseverance. My people are as eternal as the mountains, and so am I. (Lawful)
3 Justice. Evildoers must meet the fate they deserve, and if it is under my boot all the better. (Lawful)
4 Loyalty. A friend justly earned is a friend for life. (Good)
5 Stubbornness. The old ways are best, and fools ignore them at their own peril. (Lawful)
6 Perspective. I've lived much longer than humans and halflings, and my experience guides my actions. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I am committed to serving my clan, and my actions represent their name.
2 The mountain I was born under will always have a special place in my heart.
3 My ancestors forged a great artifact that was lost to time. I hope to find it and reclaim my inheritance.
4 Just as Morodin forged the dwarves, I use my forge to craft my works and myself.
5 I learned to fight from the best warrior in my clan, and I will always respect and honor great warriors.
6 My clan has killed Orcs, Goblins, and even dragons; I am here to continue our tradition.

d6 Flaw
1 I never forgive a grudge, even among allies.
2 There's no such thing as an inappropriate time for a drink.
3 I would do anything, kill anyone, to get my hands on the treasure I seek.
4 I won't set foot on a boat or in anything bigger than a puddle. I hate the feeling of leaving the earth behind me.
5 Never trust an elf, no matter what they say with their honeyed words.
6 If you wrong me, you had better expect to face the wrath of my clan.



d8 Personality Trait
1 Until blades are drawn, I regard any threat with amusement, not fear.
2 My desire to understand the world eclipses my baser instincts.
3 I am difficult to stir, an air of aloofness is vital to me.
4 I am slow to trust others, but when I do, I have a friend for as long as they live.
5 I've collected hundreds of stories and songs over my lifetime, and I always have one that applies to a situation.
6 I'd rather fall back and fight another day than make a costly mistake.
7 I've trained hundreds of human and elven children in my art, and I always effect the air of an instructor.
8 I take my time with everything I do, and savor it. There is plenty of time to live.

d6 Ideal
1 Nature. The beauty and elegance of the natural world is worthy of imitation. (Neutral)
2 Art. Personal expression is the epitome of the mortal experience. (Chaotic)
3 Diplomacy. Through the exchange of ideas, all obstacles can be overcome. (Good)
4 Discovery. The world is vast and fascinating, and I want to see every twig and leaf. (Chaotic)
5 Xenophobia. Those who are not elves will never understand the truth of the world. (Evil)
6 Magic. By learning about the secret magic of the world, I become closer to understanding everything. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 My woodland home is a source of great magic and happiness to me, I always yearn to return there.
2 The weapons I forged have protected me through thick and thin, I am loathe to abandon them.
3 The art I create is of immense personal value to me, I trade it away only when I know it will be cared for and appreciated.
4 My freedom is the most important treasure I've earned.
5 I trust the elves of my realm before anyone else. We can speak with a level of discretion and subtlety above any others.
6 I will stand alongside any who fight the oppression of their people.

d6 Flaw
1 I believe I can talk my way out of anything, even if an ogre was barreling towards me.
2 If you insult me, it will take a century to earn back my trust.
3 Even sleeping in the same tree for more than one night feels regimented and oppressive to me.
4 Dwarves are foolish dirt-eaters who lack any redeeming qualities.
5 I can't hear an opinion I disagree with without launching into a verbal repartee.
6 It's hard to take the short-lived races seriously. How do they think they know anything?



d8 Personality Trait
1 I love discovering new things, especially if they are simple and practical.
2 I'm used to being ignored by the tall folk, so I rarely speak up around them.
3 I always seek out the simple pleasures of life. I'd rather have a warm meal than an extravagant one.
4 I've got a knack for figuring out the simplest and most straightforward solution to problems.
5 I hate being seen as a show-off and am quick to hide my wealth.
6 I've got a kind word for everyone I meet.
7 The world is vast and scary, but I'm excited to see every inch of it.
8 I'm always taken aback when others are purposefully mean. What makes them better than anyone else?

d6 Ideal
1 Hearth and Home. A simple, orderly home where you can put your feet up is a blessing in itself. (Good)
2 Practicality. There's no reason to have things you can't use, nor to want things you can't have. (Lawful)
3 Humility. Simplicity and consideration is a better path to happiness than excess and pride. (Good)
4 Community. It takes a village to make a life worthwhile. (Lawful)
5 Friendship. The finest pleasure in the world is an ally who won't let you down. (Good)
6 Food. A home-cooked meal is as good for the soul as it is for the belly. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I treat any place with a roaring fireplace and a tasty meal like I would my own home.
2 My family has always been wanderers. I yearn for the open horizon.
3 Anyone who values peace is worthy of being treated like family.
4 A sturdy set of boots is worth more to me than a pile of gold.
5 Any good creature that suffers is quick to earn my pity and mercy.
6 Those who travel with me are like my family. I am quick to care for them and won't let them down.

d6 Flaw
1 I have little patience for those who talk on and on without saying a thing.
2 I am overly trusting of the elderly, and sometimes forget that they aren't always in charge.
3 I'm just as likely to compliment an orc as I am to fight it.
4 I refuse to enter a disheveled home or seedy tavern. It's just too sad.
5 I'm quick to say what's on my mind, especially when I disapprove.
6 I would never turn down a good meal or drink, even if it was served by my mortal enemy.



d8 Personality Trait
1 I hate being idle, and am eager to meet my goals as soon as possible.
2 I can sleep anywhere, from marshes to mountains.
3 I never dwell on the past, but I often dream of the future.
4 I'll jump on any opportunity that benefits me. You never know when it might come up again!
5 I enjoy creating new and unique things, and can get discouraged if I hear something has already been done.
6 I've got a kind word for everyone I meet.
7 I never turn down a chance to look good in front of others. I hope to have songs written about me someday.
8 I'm always aware of the political dynamic of a situation.

d6 Ideal
1 Innovation. I want to make something that has never been made, live a life that nobody else has, and do things that have never been done. (Chaotic)
2 Society. By building institutions and organizations, the legacy of a single person can live forever. (Lawful)
3 Acceptance. The world is vast, and there is room for all types and peoples within it. (Good)
4 Ambition. Power is its own reward, and any price to be paid for it is well worth the sacrifice. (Evil)
5 Glory. To be seen as worthy in the eyes of your fellows is to be worthy to the Gods. (Any)
6 Achievement. A life is measured by the impact it has upon the world. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I have a dash of nonhuman blood from a distant ancestor, and I strive to be more like that race.
2 The kingdom I live in is whom I serve first and foremost, it is greater than I will ever be.
3 I have a plan for my life, and I will stick to it no matter what.
4 I fight for a cause that is greater than any mortal. I'd gladly lay down my life to support it.
5 Someday, I will discover the secret to immortality. That is what drives me forward.
6 I have a big dream and it's going to take more than just me to do it. I am always looking for followers or recruits.

d6 Flaw
1 I am quick to mistrust nonhumans. They don't act quite right.
2 Meeting my goals is more important than those I have to step on along the way.
3 I often make the same mistake more than once because I hate dwelling on my errors.
4 I jump from cause to cause like a butterfly on the wind. I'm not really sure what I believe.
5 Unless someone follows the rules of my organization, they will never really achieve greatness.
6 I believe that everyone is trying to usurp my goals, no matter how much they help me.



d8 Personality Trait
1 If I were to dishonor my clan, I might disown myself.
2 I'm always amused when other races pray or practice religion.
3 I hope to find a craft or goal worthy of my time, like my ancestors before me.
4 I'm quick to pass judgment on others, even though I know they can't ever live up to dragonborn standards.
5 I make fast friends with those who also practice my craft.
6 I can't stand being idle, and complain loudly if I can't occupy myself with my goals.
7 There are some problems only a dragonborn can solve, no matter what other races believe.
8 I am proud of my skill at my craft and love to discuss it with others.

d6 Ideal
1 Duty. Adherence to the traditions and responsibilities of the clan is the most worthy goal. (Lawful)
2 Honor. Any one member of a clan represents it, and their actions reflect deeply on the clan. (Good)
3 Self-Improvement. Life is a never-ending journey, there are always new things to learn and do. (Neutral)
4 Loyalty. Those who are a part of my clan are worthy of the highest honor and respect. (Good)
5 Self-Sufficiency. A complete dragonborn needs no assistance from others, we are as strong alone as together. (Chaotic)
6 Mastery. Life is a reflection of craft. If I am skilled at my craft, I will be better as a dragonborn. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 The dragon whose scales I bear is worthy of my service and respect.
2 My clan is more important than life itself. I always reflect upon how my actions will affect their honor.
3 My craft is my life, and I constantly look to practice and improve it.
4 The best person to help a dragonborn is another dragonborn, preferably within my clan.
5 I am loathe to associate myself with dragons or dragonborn of my color. It's worth being considered an outsider.
6 The lands of my birth are where my clan was sown. They are worth protecting.

d6 Flaw
1 The other races see us as monsters, and I am slow to trust them in kind.
2 I'd rather be miserable than ask a non-dragonborn for help with my problems.
3 I have no respect for those who trust the fickle gods before their peers.
4 If someone acts dishonorably before me, I take it as a personal offense and demand atonement.
5 Those who rely completely on others are more worthless than the dirt I walk upon.
6 I trust other dragonborn easily, even if they are my enemies.



d8 Personality Trait
1 I love jokes and puns and try to tell at least one to everyone I meet.
2 No matter the spell, I believe my magic is applicable to any situation.
3 I could have fun in a pit of wolves.
4 I can't wait to see or discover new things, and rush to new places like a child in a sweetshop.
5 My mind is bubbling with thoughts and I can never speak them fast enough.
6 I am fascinated by others and make great efforts to listen to them, sometimes even taking notes.
7 I can always find humor in my own mistakes.
8 I love to help people and share my knowledge with others.

d6 Ideal
1 Life. Every moment a creature is alive is a good one and should be lived to the fullest. (Good)
2 Fun. 500 years is too short to be boring, dull, or sad. (Chaotic)
3 Community. A family is a group of friends that can be full of surprises and laughter. (Lawful)
4 Intelligence. The quickest way to master a skill or craft is to learn everything you can about it. (Neutral)
5 Curiosity. Learning about the world is the finest way to enjoy it. (Any)
6 Magic. The arcane arts are the best way to find out new things and fill a lifetime of exploration. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 My hair or beard is always finely trimmed and exotically shaped. I'd be devastated if it were cut.
2 I have a powerful invention in my possession that I would never part with, it has deep significance to me.
3 I love my home or workshop, and have honed my skills in hope of protecting it.
4 I'd like nothing better than to completely cover myself in extravagant clothing, jewelry, and equipment.
5 Kobolds are stuffy and sour, I plan to play pranks on each one I meet.
6 I've taught many human and halfling students, and my knowledge and experience are very important to me.

d6 Flaw
1 I often laugh at those who trip or fall, before I realize it wasn't a harmless prank.
2 I have trouble knowing when it's not appropriate to make a joke.
3 I'd do anything to meet my goals, and I hardly ever think about the risks beforehand.
4 I have little patience for the sour, dour, and party-poopers.
5 I think mistakes aren't the end of the world, even though others see me as foolhardy or reckless.
6 If I don't want to be found, I will take great measures to hide.


Half Elves

d8 Personality Trait
1 I can find a friend in every city I visit.
2 My desire to understand the world eclipses my baser instincts.
3 I can sleep anywhere, from marshes to mountains.
4 I'll jump on any opportunity that benefits me. You never know when it might come up again!
5 I've collected hundreds of stories and songs over my lifetime, and I always have one that applies to a situation.
6 I'd rather fall back and fight another day than make a costly mistake.
7 I'm privy to many diplomatic and political secrets, which I sometimes use to get out of trouble.
8 I'm always aware of the political dynamic of a situation.

d6 Ideal
1 Acceptance. The world is vast, and there is room for all types and peoples within it. (Good)
2 Diplomacy. Through the exchange of ideas, all obstacles can be overcome. (Good)
3 Innovation. I want to make something that has never been made, live a life that nobody else has, and do things that have never been done. (Chaotic)
4 Discovery. The world is vast and fascinating, and I want to see every twig and leaf. (Chaotic)
5 Freedom. The opportunity to express oneself without limitation is always a worthy goal. (Chaotic)
6 Solitude. It is important to spend time in quiet contemplation to consider a life well spent. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 My freedom is the most important treasure I've earned.
2 I have a big dream and it's going to take more than just me to do it. I am always looking for followers or recruits.
3 I will stand alongside any who fight the oppression of their people.
4 I fight for a cause that is greater than any mortal. I'd gladly lay down my life to support it.
5 I've become part of an enclave of half-elves that I would never turn my back on.
6 I favor one side of my ancestry over the other, and I strive to be more like and accepted by that race.

d6 Flaw
1 I often make the same mistake more than once because I hate dwelling on my errors.
2 I believe I can talk my way out of anything, even if an ogre was barreling towards me.
3 I jump from cause to cause like a butterfly on the wind. I'm not really sure what I believe.
4 I can't hear an opinion I disagree with without launching into a verbal repartee.
5 I hate when people impose the slightest restriction on me, and often go out of my way to disobey it.
6 I am overly quick to empathize with others, even those who are outcasts or villains.


Half Orcs

d8 Personality Trait
1 Every one of my scars has a story, some good, some bad.
2 I can hear the whispers of Gruumsh One-Eye, the evil God of Orcs, in my dreams. I struggle to understand what they mean.
3 I'm not above breaking a few bones to get what I want, no matter the situation.
4 Despite my strong emotions, I have trouble saying exactly what's on my mind.
5 Physical combat makes me feel alive, and nothing else can compare to it.
6 I've learned that I will always have to fight to get what I want.
7 You could hear me laugh or cry from a mile away.
8 No talk good. Fight good.

d6 Ideal
1 Notoriety. A half-orc is nothing without a reputation for others to praise or fear. (Chaotic)
2 Pride. The value of a deed measures the value of a half-orc. (Neutral)
3 Strength. The only way to win in life is to break those who are weaker than you. (Evil)
4 Redemption. A person's actions can redeem their heritage, no matter how evil. (Good)
5 Emotion. Feelings, from rage to pleasure, should never be suppressed. (Chaotic)
6 Endurance. Life is difficult, and only those who can weather its trials will prevail. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I would do anything to prove my worth to one side of my heritage.
2 I keep a memento from one of my parents, and value it more than my own life.
3 I have intense feelings of love for a particular person, and would do anything to protect them.
4 My collection of scars is my pride and joy, and I am always looking for a chance to earn a new one.
5 I can feel the influence of Gruumsh One-Eye in my heart, and I loathe (or accept) his evil ways
6 There's nothing greater in the world that the thrill of battle.

d6 Flaw
1 I am overly reckless in battle, because I am eager to collect more scars.
2 Anyone who uses a word more than three syllables long deserves to be punched in the face.
3 I have a temper shorter than a gnome, and I snap easily at others.
4 I don't always understand why the things I do are bad.
5 I hate showing my pain and push others away when I am hurt.
6 I often ignore the advice of those smarter than me. Who do they think they are?



d8 Personality Trait
1 I've learned to ignore insults and even violence thrown my way.
2 I try to be extra-nice to make up for the trouble I cause.
3 I have a habit of toying with my horns or tail, even though it makes most people uncomfortable.
4 I'm extremely aware of other people's feelings, and know right away when someone feels hurt or sad.
5 I hate jokes and pranks. I'm not comfortable laughing at other people.
6 I like scaring people with my appearance, especially those who already fear me.
7 Even though I am burdened with this curse, I still find certain aspects of Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, alluring.
8 I can never fall in love, because I never want to place my burden on my descendants.

d6 Ideal
1 Loyalty. Those who can look beyond the surface and into the hearts of others are worth sticking with forever. (Good)
2 Notoriety. There's no such thing as a bad reputation if it helps you get what you need. (Chaotic)
3 Power. Other races are right to fear the darkness and fire of the Nine Hells. (Evil)
4 Caution. A closed heart is a safe heart, and a careful tiefling is a living tiefling. (Chaotic)
5 Destiny. Nothing can alter the course of fate, and those who are born to be crushed beneath the world can only wait for their end. (Neutral)
6 Endurance. Life is difficult, and only those who can weather its trials will prevail. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I have sworn to take my vengeance upon Asmodeus and his minions, even though it may be an impossible task.
2 My family of Tieflings are all that matter to me, whether or not we share blood we all share a curse.
3 I have a mentor who took me in despite my appearance, and I owe that person everything.
4 Those who look down on me will someday know my wrath.
5 Despite what others think, I enjoy my unusual appearance. I just hate the curse that came with it.
6 I chose my name carefully, and I hope to live up to the virtue it represents.

d6 Flaw
1 I am quick to respond to violence with violence, despite the consequences.
2 I trust anyone who gives me food or shelter, sometimes despite my better judgment.
3 I have earned a sharp tongue from my years of being insulted, and it often gets me in trouble.
4 It might take years for me to fully trust someone, and that trust can be broken in an instant.
5 I have a morbid fascination with dark magic, necromancy, and conjuring fiends.
6 I imagine I hear insults and jabs in every sentence spoken to me.
