Bard College

Ice Singer

People respond in different ways to tragedy. Some become angry; others are strengthened by their ordeals. A few, however, are filled with a despair so great that their souls become as cold as ice, spurning all warmth and joy. These are the ice singers- men and women who have been emotionally scarred to the point of utter desolation and indifference. Ice singers channel their chilling despair into song and pass their pain to all who can hear them. Some ice singers use their powers to prevent others from experiencing the anguish they themselves have endured. Some fueled by an icy hatred of joy and warmth simply seek to bring pain to all they encounter.


When you become an ice singer at 3rd level you gain resistance to cold damage.

In addition, you can expend a use of your bardic inspiration to chill your opponent’s soul as a reaction deal the bardic inspiration dice + your charisma modifier of cold damage to an enemy within 60ft that you can see attacks you.

Cold Spells

Also, add the following spells to your spell list.

Cantrips (0 Level)

Frost Bite, Ray of Frost

1st Level

Ice Knife

2nd Level

Snilloc's Snowball Swarm

3rd Level

Sleet Storm

4th Level

Ice Storm

5th Level

Cone of Cold

6th Level

Investiture of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Wall of Ice

Fingers of Frost

At 6th Level, you add your Charisma Mod to damage dealt by cold cantrips.

In addition, you can use your action to touch one object or surface and coat a continuous up to a 10-foot square area with slippery ice. The area must include the point touched and functions as though it were under the effect of a grease spell. The ice lasts for 1 hour or until it takes 10 points of fire damage. This ability can be used once per short or long rest.

Subzero Soul

At 14th level, you become immune to cold damage, if you expend a use of bardic inspiration you can extend this immunity to allies within 60ft of you for a number of rounds equal to half your bard level rounded down.

In addition, when you damage a creature with a cold spell of 1st level or higher that creature must make a con save dc equal to your spell save dc. If they succeed nothing happens if they fail the save they are frozen, and considered to be petrified until the start of your next turn. If the target has cold resistance they have advantage on this save if the target is immune to cold damage they automatically succeed.

Ice Magic

If you want more ice magic to check out my list of spells in this homebrewery.

Based on the 3.5 prestige class of the same name