Aasimar-Tiefling Hybrid

"What might happen if you combine the most oppositely essences in the entire universe, you ask? Well you must be a madmen to find out"

Love and hate, peace and anger, hunger and satisfaction. Opposites in all formes, all at the same time shared your way. You experience your emotional self as beeing a prisma, breaking your feelings in all colors. Most humanoids turn this into madness, but you learned to understand yourself from early on. When people see you, they do not understand what they see, as you share attributes from Aasimars and Tieflings. But as people usually know Tielfings only, they treat you as such. However, some scolars may see your true origin, and the pain that lies within you.

Infernal and Angelic Blood

You are the result of a union between an Aasimar and a Tielfing. Curse and bless are running your veins equally. Some hybrids appear almost human, some combine the outlookings of demons and angels. Most of these hybrids are breeding experiments of wizards or alchemists, to learn more about the divine and/or demonic essences. And you proof their experiments to be successful. Usually, one part of your parents, as been more dominant over the other. Your appereance shares a lot of features from this race, like horns, tails, skin and haircolor, the look of your eyes. Only on a perfect equal strength, you look almost human.

Unsure and Balanced in heart in equal ways

As these hydrids always fight with their emotions, it is not supising as these beeings prefer not beeing on the same spot for more than a few weeks. Local people often disaprove them, religious men may even curse them by preaching, traders look for their company if they have to. Whereever they are, the hybrids try to bring balance, as they feel it is right, even if they are not asked to. Their fighting skills, especially against demons but also against beeings of good like unicorns, make them regarded warriors in an adventure, as long as they not start to defend their enemies.

Racial traits

Ability Score Increase. You increase your Charisma by 2 points.

Age. You age as fast as a normal human beeing, so you mature at arround 20 and live for about 70 years.

Aligment. As you always fight for balance your aliment is usually a neutral one, but how you achieve it, is personal preference.

Size. Hybrids have the same size as humans, your size is medium.

Darkvision.Thanks to your infernal and angel heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Opposing Resistance. You are infused by the resistances of your parent's blood. You have resitance against radiant and fire damage.

Gift of Blood. You may cast faery fire once per day withput expending a spellslot, you can' cast it again until you finsih a long rest. Charisma is your spell save DC for this ability

Subraces. Usually, one part of your parents has been more dominant. This divides hybrids in two groups, Dreakers and Arakers.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 point.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1 point.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.