Bartitsu V1.1

Certain members of high society sought out the teaching of monks in order to learn ways to defend themselves, especially in situations where imposing armor and large weapons would be viewed as poor etiquette.

Path of Bartitsu

Those trained in the art of Bartitsu specialize in using a simple walking cane both to controll or contain an opponent and as a weapon. The walking cane uses the game statistics of a club. Walking canes are quite common, usually made from either wood or metal, and should be readily available for purchase at most general stores

The Bartitsu Cane

Though any cane with a hooked handle will suffice, the practitioners of Bartitsu often personalize their cane. Monks who are proficient with artisan's tools have been known to incorporate their proficiency when personalizing the cane, for instance a woodcarver may decorate their cane with ornate carvings.

An eye for etiquette

When you chose this path at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in either the Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) skill. If you are already proficient in both skills, you may chose any skill from the list of skills available to Monks. Additionally, when you perform a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) skill check, you may choose to add your Wisdom modifier to your roll rather than your Charisma modifier.

A civilized weapon

At level 3, while wielding the cane you can use the cane to attempt a grapple or push attack. The cane can be used in place of a free hand while grappling, and when you make a grapple or push attack you are considered proficient in the Strength (Athletics) skill, and may add your Dexterity modifier to your roll, rather than your Strength modifier. Additionally, you can grapple or push as an oppertunity attack. Grappling or Pushing with the cane also offers some benefits

  • When pushing you can move the target 10ft in any direction, rather than just 5ft away from you
  • While grappling, you can use your movement to move the target without moving yourself providing the target stays within your reach

A Gentlemans Ki-Empowered strikes

Starting at 6th level, attacks made using a cane count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Vicious Taunt

At 6th level, you can use a bonus action to taunt an opponent. Choose a target you can see within 30 ft. The target must be able to see or hear you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls if it targets any target other than you until the start of your next turn. Additionally, if a target you have taunted makes a melee attack targeting you, you may spend 1 ki point to make one melee attack as a reaction.

Hostile enviroment

At 11th level, you start to use your surroundings offensively. If you move the target to an occupied square, the target (and whatever occupies the square) takes damage equal to your Martial Arts die. When you use a push attack, you may also spend up to 3 ki-points to increase

Civil misdirection

At 17th level you are able to use the cane defensively. While wielding the cane, when you are targeted by a melee weapon attack, you can spend 5 ki points to use your reaction to catch the attack. You completly negate the effects of the attack, and may attempt a grapple or push as part of the reaction.