
"Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po, Teletubbies, Teletubbies, say hello!"

-The teletubbies

Otherworldly Earth-Dwellers

Hailing from an unnamed grassy, floral land, these abominations tend to live in high-tech huts known as "superdomes". The superdomes are implanted in the ground and accessed through a door-like hole at the top floor. The land of the teletubbies is very different from other worlds in many ways, mainly the fact that the sun is a face. Like, the face of an actual human baby. Every morning the teletubbies take part in a ritual of greeting the sun as it rises, for like, 15 fucking minutes. This is presumably because the sun is a god who will viciously murder the teletubbies if they do not fulfill its requests.

Chubby Entertainment Machines

Many things stand out when talking about the looks of a teletubby: Their abnormally large ears. Their colorfull bodies. The fact that they look like babies wearing a costume, even as adults. Their most important features, however, are the television screen in their abdomen and the antenna protruding from their head. The television screen is able to, providing the antenna is still attached and functional, show clips of childring playing or some shit. The antenna is, though not essential to live, very important to teletubby culture. The antenna of a teletubby is the difining mark of them, and is unique for everyone. It can range from a jumble of intricate shapes, to just a straight line.



The children of the teletubby race, known as tiddlytubbies, are basically the same as teletubbies, but smaller. Mentally, teletubbies are not particularly more developed than the tiddlytubbies. It is unknown how the teletubbies procreate, yet it is speculated that new tiddlytubbies are created by the allmighty sungod, in order to have more slaves who will do his bidding.

Colorfull Bastards

Each teletubby has a combination two seperate skin colors. The color of their face and ears, and the color of their fur. The face and ears tend to be in the range of human skin colors, ranging from almost white to almost completely black. The fur, however, can be any color of the rainbow, though it tends to be very bright colors.

Teletubby names

Teletubies only have one name, most likely given to them by the allmighty sungod. Teletubby names are frequently sounds that a baby would easily be able to make. The names are gender neutral.

Teletubby Names: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po, Daa-Daa, Umpie Pumpie, Ba, Ping, Mimi, RuRu, Nin, Duggle Dee

Teletubby Traits

Your character has certain characteristics in common with all other teletubbies.

Ability Score Improvement. Your strength and constitution scores are increased by 2 and your intelligence score is decreased by 2.

Age. Teletubbies reach mental maturity at age 3, and physical maturity at age 15. They are able to live several centuries, if they please the sungod enough.

Alignment. The teletubbies have no relation to either good or evil, which typically makes them neutral.

Size. Teletubbies are range from about 6 feet to about 7 feet. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Scary Abomination. You are proficient with the intimidation skill.

Stomach TV. You have a television embedded in your abdomen. It is able to show clips which can be very distracting in combat. You are able to use your bonus action to turn on the television and play a clip. When you do this, all creatures who can see you in a 15 foot cone originating from you must make a wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed. They will be able to use their action to make this saving throw until they succed. The effect ends if they succeed the saving throw, you choose to turn off the tv, they get out of the range of the cone, or a minute passes from when you turned the TV on. The DC for the saving throw is equal to 8 plus your proficiency bonus plus you constitution modifier. You can only use this ability once per long rest.

Languages. You can speak common, yet only in its most basic form