Monastic Tradition: Way of the Phoenix

Birds of primordial fire, and destructive avatars from the plane of fire, the Phoenix has been marvelled by mortals throughout the multiverse. This fascination comes not only from their awesome power, but also from their unique ability to be reborn after death. Monks of the Phoenix seek to emulate these properties by changing their soul and body, to both manifest their elemental fury and uncover their secrets to eternal life

Inner Fire

At 3rd level, you have begun to tap into the strength of your own soul, learning how to manifest it as a blaze of fire.

Whenever you chose to use your martial arts dice to calculate damage when attacking with your unarmed strikes or weapons, you can chose to change the piercing, slashing and/or bludgeoning damage done to fire damage.

Additionally, when you are dropped to 0 hp, you explode as your inner fire is released. All creatures in a 10ft radius around you, excluding yourself, must make a dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC. Creatures take fire damage equal to twice your martial arts dice on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Phoenix Egg

Also at 3rd level, you have begun to uncover the secrets of the Phoenix's rebirth, slowly changeing your soul and body. When you die, you leave behind a small, black egg about the size of your fist within your hand on your body. If no body is present, such as being desintegrated or pulled into another plane, this egg appears spontaneously at the place you were killed. The egg is immune to damage, and acts as an anchor for your soul to the living world. This egg can be substituted as the material component for any spell that would bring you back from the dead.

Form of Fire

At 6th level, you learn how burn your ki to channel the elemental planes, transforming yourself into an avatar of fire. As a free action on your turn, you can choose to spend 1 ki point to enter into a state of living fire, lasting until the start of your next turn. For the duration, you gain the following benefits:

  • You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet
  • If a creature within 5ft attempts to touch you, attempts a melee attack, or is holding you/ being held by you at the start of its turn, it takes fire damage equal to your martial arts die
  • You can move through a space as narrow as l inch wide without squeezing, and can pass through the space of other creatures.
  • When you travel through the space of another creature, they must make a dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failure, they take damage equal to your martial arts die. Each creature you pass through can only be damaged this way once per turn
  • Any flammable objects within 5ft of you not being worn or carried by a creature ignite and catch fire

Fearing the Reaper

Also at 6th level, your phoenix egg allows you to grapple with death for a longer time than most. The number of successful death saving throws needed to stabilize, as well as number of failed death saving throws needed to die, is equal to 3 + your proficiency modifier; For example, at 6th level, with a proficiency modifier of +3, you would need 6 successful death saving throws to stabilize, or 6 failed saving throws to die outright.

Additionally once per minute, when you are brought back to life, or are healed above 0hp such that you are to continue combat, you regain a number of ki points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

Endurance of Ashes

At 11th level, You are experienced in handling both fire and death. You gain resistance to fire and necrotic damage.

What we say to the God of Death

Also at 11th level, your work on altering your soul has allowed you continue fighting even in death's clutched. You no longer fall unconscious when below 0hp and while not killed outright. You still must make death saving throws as normal.

Through Fire and Flames

At 17th Level, you learn how to fully manifest the might and endurance of the phoenix. While using your Form of Fire ability, you gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed and gain immunity to fire damage.

Phoenix Rebirth.

Also at 17th level, you finally unlock the coveted immortality of the Phoenix. Once you are killed, roll 1d6. After that many days, if not brought back to life by other means, the spell reincarnate is automatically casted on the point of your phoenix egg, consuming the egg in the process. However, your body is always that of a young adult version of your previous body.

Variants of Phoenix Rebirth
  • If you are looking for a more interesting roleplay experience, you can choose to alter the conditions of your phoenix rebirth. You can choose to roll for the race of your new body.
  • At the DM's discretion, you can alter its apperance. You can alter the height, weight, facial features, sound of voice, hair length. coloration, and distinguishing characteristics. Talk with you DM if you want any changes beyond those outlined, such as sex, although any changes should not provide mechanical advantages/disadvantages