Goals of the system

  1. Saving throws should be of equivalent value
  2. Saving throws should have a mostly consistent success rate

Goals Outlined

1. Saving throws should be of equivalent value

The saving throw system creates inherent inequality for the value of saving throws. Characters are encouraged to focus on their defenses for the most common saves, ignoring the others. This results in Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma being less desirable saving throw proficiencies and much less desirable abilities to invest in unless your class depends on that ability score.

Ability % of total saves % Damage % hard control % light control
Strength 16% 17% 14% 92%
Dexterity 24% 76% 17% 21%
Constitution 35% 49% 29% 26%
Intelligence 2% 67% 67% 22%
Wisdom 19% 4% 66% 47%
Charisma 5% 4% 57% 22%

See Saving Throw Totals for the complete numbers.

2. Saving throws should have a mostly consistent success rate

Constitution based spells and features like cone of cone, stunning strike, and blight become far less valuable as players level due to monsters having more and more Cositution, but this unequal distribution is apparent at lower levels as well.

Intelligence suffers from a similar situation, but is on the opposite end of the spectrum in that it is extremely likely to succeed. This results in illusion type spells being particularly powerful against most enemies.

Player Saving Throw Success Rate
Ability Overall Level 15-20
Main Save 65% 65%
Secondary Save 58% 55%
Tertiary Save 33% 20%
Other Saves 23% 10%

Monster Saving Throw Success Rate
Ability Overall Level 15-20
Strength 45% 46%
Dexterity 39% 40%
Constitution 52% 63%
Intelligence 31% 29%
Wisdom 44% 51%
Charisma 43% 53%

See Saving Throw Success Rates for the complete numbers.


Saving throws condensed to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will

Fortitude measures the inherent toughness, mass, and resilience of your physique. It is the key defense against attacks that include effects such as disease, poison.

Reflex measures your ability to avoid area of effect spells and forced movement. It's useful against areas of effect such as dragon breath or a fireball spell.

Will is your defense against effects that daze, disorient, confuse, or overpower your mind. It measures your strength of will, self-discipline, and devotion.


Fortitude uses your Constitution modifier

Reflex uses the average of your Strength and Dexterity modifiers

Will uses the average of the highest two modifiers from your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers.

Use Ability Scores

If you'd like odd ability scores to matter first average the ability scores and then determine the modifier by removing 10 and dividing by 2.

Ability % of total saves % Damage % hard control % light control
Fortitude 35% 49% 29% 26%
Reflex 40% 52% 16% 49%
Will 25% 9% 64% 40%

See Saving Throw Totals for the complete numbers.

Player Saving Throw Success Rate
Ability Overall Level 15-20
Main Save 52% 50%
Secondary Save 33% 20%
Tertiary Save 28% 15%
Monster Saving Throw Success Rate
Ability Overall Level 15-20
Fortitude 47% 59%
Reflex 46% 54%
Will 46% 58%

See Saving Throw Success Rates for the complete numbers.