Beach Dwarves

Those who are under the impression that dwarves are hard working, stern and serious are often stunned the first time they they stumble across a scruffy band of partying beach dwarves dancing around a bonfire as the sun sets over the ocean.

Fun in the Sun

While their mountain-dwelling cousins are typically more at home in the dark, beach dwarves don't mind getting some sun. Surfers, sunbathers, and sandcastle scupltors, beach dwarves are less inclined follow the stricly held honour codes of clan and kingdom. They follow relaxed, epicurean lifestyles, and are more likely to be founders of a tropical getaway resort than a inpenetrable fortress.

Don't mistake their easy-going natures for flakiness however; a beach dwarf is a loyal companion, and though they prefer peace-making, they are not afraid to see a conflict out and do some good old-fashioned butt-whoopin'.

Coastal Crafters

While they are not as driven as their inland bretheren, they are not strictly averse to labour, and when they apply their knowledge and brawn few can match them.

Beach dwarves are most famously unchallenged masters of shipbuilding. Their ships are strong and steady enough to weather any storm, whist still being maneuverable enough to skirt daintily around shoals and sandbars.

They're also skilled workers of their most abundant natural resource; sand. Long ago dwarven forges designed for smithing had been co-opted for glass-blowing; and beach dwarves can create incredibly intricate and delicate glass and crystal sculptures. It is said that some rare masters can even work the glass to be as strong as steel and can create weapons and armour of unparelleled beauty.

Beach Dwarf Names

Although beach dwarves give their children names that follow dwarf tradition, the names of their clans are more often associated with features of the sea and the coast.

Clan Names: Afa, Anka, Barr, Bulwark, Cliffspire, Conmara, Corral, Driftwater, Foaksul, Foambeard, Kersey, Lannon, Laghunn, Mizzenerr, Orlop, Rocha, Saltspear, Shoalbreaker, Skerry, Teagh, Tombolo, Wavern, Wrekkost.

Beach Dwarf traits

When you create a dwarf character, you may choose the beach dwarf as an alternative to the subraces in the Player's Hanbook.

Ability Score Increase Your Charisma Score increases by 1.

Tool Proficiency You gain proficiency with one of the following tools of your choice: brewer's supplies, carpenter's tools, or glassblower's tools. This replaces the standard dwarven tool proficiency trait

Aquatic Weapon Training You have proficiency with the trident, spear, net, and dart.

Divers Lungs Your Constitution Modifier is double for the purposes of holding breath and suffocation.

Thighs of Steel Slogging through sand dunes is second nature to you. Difficult terrain composed of loose substrate such as sand, mud, and snow doesn't cost you any extra movement.