Fleshripper's Daughter

Pure or Unpure, the lure of power calls to all elves. Their honor guards their hearts, but those which fall from grace never return as those they was before. The hags of the ancient Unpure known as the Fleshripper Coven calls to elven mages to increase their power and knowledge in the arcane arts, and to transform them into Green Hags known as the Fleshripper's Daughters. The power they wield is unmatched but by the most powerful elven mages.

Restriction: Pure Elves Only

Only pure elves and half-elves with a pure elven parent can choose the fleshripper's daughter arcane tradition, as only the pure elven people can be corrupted in this way.

Power of the Eternal Night

At 2nd level, your spellweaving becomes corrupted by the power of Krashkathuluk. You can expend one wizard spell slot to add damage to your spells. The extra damage is 2d6 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d6 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d6. The damage increases by 1d6 if the target is a fey or a celestial.

Blood Pact of the Coven

At 2nd level, the Coven grants you the power of innate spellcasting for the prize of an offering of blood. You can cast the Darkness spell once per day. This will cause you to take 1d6 necrotic damage that bypasses damage resistance or immunity.

Shroud of the Eternal Night

Starting at 6th level, you can magically turn invisible for 1 minute or until you attack or cast a spell, or until your concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment you wear or carries is invisible with you.

Once you do so, you need to finish a long rest before you do so again.

Tounge of the Dark One

At 11th level, you can read and write Infernal.

The Hand of Krashkathuluk

Starting at 14th level, your damaging spells deal 1 extra die of necrotic damage.