
  • 1d6 per 10ft. fallen, up to 20d6
  • Descend 500 ft. per round
  • If a flying creature is falling because it was knocked prone, subtract fly speed from distance it fell
  • If a flying creature is falling because it was knocked prone, it can use half of its fly speed to righten itself on its turn


  • A creature can hold its breath a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds)
  • If a creature is choking or out of breath it can survive a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) before dropping to 0 HP at the start of its next turn, it can't be stabilized or healed until it can breath


  • Whispers don't disturb sleep unless passive Perception score is 20 or higher and the speakers are within 10 ft.
  • Speech at a normal volume does not disturb sleep unless passive Perception score is 15 or higher and the environment is already quiet
  • Sleep in Medium or Heavy armor recovers only 1/4 of the total hit dice and does not reduce levels of exhaustion
  • Whenever a 24-hour period ends without a long rest make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion, the DC increases by 5 for every 24-hour period without a long rest

Tying Knots

  • When tying a knot make an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check which will be contested with an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
Object Armor Class
Substance AC
Cloth, paper, rope 11
Crystal, glass, ice 13
Wood, bone 15
Stone 17

Substance AC
Iron, steel 19
Mithral 21
Adamantine 23

Object Hit Points
Size Fragile Resilient
Tiny (bottle, lock) 2 (1d4) 5 (2d4)
Small (chest, lute) 3 (1d6) 10 (3d6)
Medium (barrel, chandelier) 4 (1d8) 18 (4d8)
Large (cart, 10-ft.-by-10-ft. window) 5 (1d10) 27 (5d10)
Improvising Damage
Damage Examples
1d10 Burned by coals, hit by falling bookcase, minor poison
2d10 Struck by lightning, stumbling into fire pit
4d10 Hit by falling rubble, falling into vat of acid
10d10 Crushed by wall, falling on steel blades, wading in lava
18d10 Submerged in lava, hit by a crashing flying fortress
24d10 Tumbling into a vortex of fire on the Elemental Plane of Fire, being crushed in the jaws of a godlike creature or a moon-sized monster
Conversation Reaction
DC Friendly Creature's Reaction
0 The creature does as asked without taking risks or making sacrifices.
10 The creature accepts a minor risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
20 The creature accepts a significant risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
DC Indifferent Creature's Reaction
0 The creature offers no help but does no harm.
10 The creature does as asked as long as no risks or sacrifices are involved.
20 The creature accepts a minor risk or sacrifice to do as asked.
DC Hostile Creature's Reaction
0 The creature opposes the adventurers' actions and might take risks to do so.
10 The creature offers no help but does no harm.
20 The creature does as asked as long as no risks or sacrifices are involved.