Chapter 1: Introduction and Races

Riabeth is a continent of extremes. There are multiple nations with multiple cultures and subcultures, and among these many varying races living together, or in some cases, very much apart from the others. Visiting any of these places will be dramatically different from any other. Adventurers may hail from any nation and culture, and contained here is the information necessary to create a new character in largest continent of the mystical world of Starsong.

Character Creation in Riabeth

When you create a new character in Riabeth, first you choose a culture to hail from. Most cultures allow any races to call their lands home, but a few are very picky and don't allow outsiders. Read about the cultures themselves in the Cultures chapter to get an idea of where you want to be from.

Next, pick a race. Unlike in traditional 5E Dungeons and Dragons, the races are simplified. Nothing from culture is involved, and only the biological abilities of a race come into play. This prevents situations like a High Elf being raised by Humans in Waterdeep but somehow still knowing Elf Weapon Training. Each race is balanced to make sure that no one race is stronger or weaker than any other.

After you pick a race and culture combination, it's time to decide on a subculture. These replace the traditional concepts of Subrace because of the separation of biology and culture in this setting. Each subculture represents a large swath of the population from this particular culture, and grants various bonuses. This allows situations where two humans from Ryor, for example, have very different abilities because they are from different parts of the culture.

After you have picked a culture, race, and subculture, you're set to continue creating your character as you would in any other setting: choosing a background, a class, and starting gear. So let's take a look at what options are available! For now we will be looking at races and subcultures.


There are thirteen playable races in Riabeth. Each has their own stats and abilities, and some have exclusive culture groups.


Humans make up the largest population in Riabeth and live in nearly every climate and culture. The physical appearance of humans changes drastically depending on their cultural background and ancestors.

Humans of Ryoran heritage have lighter to olive colored skin, brown to blonde hair, and are traditionally clean shaven and well kept. They tend to have brown or black eyes and longer noses and faces than other humans.

Humans from the Baerlinga tribes tend to have moderately dark skin, black hair, and almond-shaped eyes. They wear various forms of facial hair and longer hair to help keep the face and head warm.

Humans of Seraphiman and Ankoran heritage have dark skin ranging from a heavy tan to nearly black. Their faces are rounder and have wider noses and jaws. Their hair styles and appearance vary much wider than the other two culture groups.

Human Traits

The humans are the most adaptable of the races, quick to learn and interested in widely different studies and experiences.

Ability Scores. Increase 2 ability scores by 1 each.

Age Humans mature around age 16 and live to roughly 85 years of age.

Size Humans range from just under 5 foot tall to well over 6 feet. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Skill Proficiencies. Gain 2 skill proficiencies.

Languages You can speak, read, and write Ryoran and one other language based on your culture choice. Ryorans can choose any language.


Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids. There are multiple bloodlines of dwarves in Riabeth, and they all trace their lineage back to the lost Dwarven civilization of Ankor.

The Dwarves in the desert cultures of Seraphiman and Ankoran descent have golden skin, brown or black hair, and tend to decorate themselves with braids and beads. Many wear beards, but it is not mandatory unless from a group that holds ancient Dwarven society in high regard and follows its tennants.

The Dwarves in the Baerlinga territories tend towards lighter skin colors and blonde hair, though red and black are not unheard of. They are most often cleanshaven and sometimes tattooed.

Dwarven Traits

Dwarves are stocky and powerfully built. They are difficult to knock down, tend to be healthy, and have a stubborn streak.

Ability Scores. Your Constitution and Strength scores are increased by 1.

Age. Dwarves mature after about 20 years and can live up to 300 years.

Size. Dwarves range from 4 1/2 feet to 5 1/2 feet tall and average about 160 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Darkvision You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Dwarven Resilience You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Languages You can speak, read, and write Dwarvish, Ryoran, and one language based on your culture. Ryoran dwarves can choose any language.


The Sylvani are actually two destinct races living together as a singular society. They are remnants of Fey expeditions onto the Prime Material Plane that were suddenly cut off from their homeland in the Obfuscate and were forced to set up permanant settlements around Riabeth. Thousands of years ago they thrived in every climate of Riabeth, but centuries of war with others forced them to withdraw and become very isolationist for survival.

The Sylvani Highborn are startling to behold to those not familiar with their race. They have brown, tough skin that vaguely resembles bark, feet ending in cloven hooves, and two large horns that twist and stretch from the sides of their head. They have heavily recessed noses to the point some appear to have no nose at all, merely a pair of nostrils. Their hair is green and stringy and their eyes are gold and sparkle when light hits them.

Sylvani Lowborn look much more human-like, but still retain several traits that clearly define them as Fey. They have a pair of short, twig-like antlers jutting backwards from their heads, their hair resembles long thin leaves like grass, and they have elongated ears similar to a rabbit. The sides of a Sylvani Lowborn's body show a series of markings resembling the coloration of a young deer, with a white stripe and spots. Their feet end in two long toes, and their legs are digitigrade, causing them to be taller than even their Highborn cousins.

Sylvani live in most other societies, but as a miniscule minority, and many others can live their whole lives never seeing a Sylvani. Their own society is incredibly strict about who may enter, and no outsider may live there permanantly.

Sylvani Highborn Traits

Sylvani Highborn are graceful and wild Fey creatures with animalistic features and the wisdom of ages.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom and Intelligence scores are increased by 1.

Age. Sylvani Highborn mature at around age 60 and can live thousands of years.

Size. Sylvani Highborn range from 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 feet tall and average around 180 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Bark Skin. Your skin is tough and difficult to damage. When you are not wearing armor, your AC equals 11 + your Dexterity modifier.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Sylvan, Ryoran, and one language based on your culture. Ryoran Sylvani can choose any language.

Sylvani Lowborn Traits

Slyvani Lowborn are lithe, frail-looking Fey creatures that are surprisingly nimble and quick.

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores are increased by 1.

Age. Sylvani Lowborn mature at around age 40 and can live to around 800 years.

Size. Sylvani Lowborn range from 6 feet to 7 feet tall and average around 160 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Sylvan, Ryoran, and one language based on your culture. Ryoran Sylvani can choose any language.


Halflings are the second most common race in Riabeth, and have spread among Human settlements in every major culture. They vary in appearance so drastically that some would describe the southern and northern halflings as two separate races were it not for their shared ancestry.

Sandskipper halflings hail from the desert regions of the Sahar-Azan desert and tend towards tanner skin and lighter hair. Their style is heavily influenced by the culture they are from, and many have short beards.

Foxkin are a northern breed of halfling that have shaggier hair, longer ears, and more angular faces. They hail from the Baerlinga territories and are often used as scouts and messengers in the tribes because of their penchant for stealth.

Halfling Traits

Halflings are short humanoids that resemble very small humans or even human children in body proportions.

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity and Wisdom scores are increased by 1.

Age. Halflings mature and age at about the rate of humans.

Size. Halflings range from 3 to 4 foot tall and average about 80 lbs. Your size is small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran halflings can choose any language.

Glass Gnomes

The Glass Gnomes is a name given to the race of diminutive desert dwellers of mysterious origins and strange transportation. Nobody but the Gnomes know where they came from, but a thousand years ago they simply appeared out of the Sahar-Azan desert. Sailing the desert on strange "sandships," the Glass Fleet travels from desert "port" to desert "port," never staying anywhere for long.

They are small, smaller even than halflings, and tend to have larger noses and more prominant facial features than other races. They have pale skin and tend to cover most of themselves from the elements. Their society is very close-knit and do not allow outsiders on their ships, but sometimes Glass Gnomes leave the fleet to travel and settle elsewhere. Ankor-Jubei and the Free City of Seraphim both have sizable populations of Glass Gnomes, though they tend to stick with one another.

The Glass Gnomes tend to be very intelligent and able to figure things out quickly that other races would have difficulty learning. They also tend toward less... upstanding persuits.

Glass Gnome Traits

Glass Gnomes are intelligent and cunning beings of small stature and big personalities.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence and Charisma scores are increased by 1.

Age. Glass Gnomes mature around age 20 and can live to around 150 years.

Size. Glass Gnomes range from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall and average around 50 lbs. Your size is small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Languages. Gnomish, Ryoran, Seraphiman, and one language based on your culture. Ryoran, Seraphiman, or Ankoran Glass Gnomes can choose any language.

Clan Orcs

The Clan Orcs are the newest society of Riabeth, having developed a mere 200 or so years ago. The orcs of the Jade Mountains in the south and the Sundered Peaks in the north are a savage and animalistic lot. Many never develop writen language and none ever developed agriculture, relying on cannibalism and raids on civilized lands, with the exception of one group.

Lead out of the mountains of the north and settling near Demon Fang Peak, the Clan Orcs fled the life of violence and pain under the leader of Oogick, the first Great Shaman. Developing a settled location, the Clan Orcs formed the beginning of a civilized society in the shadow of the mountain. Heavily religious and lead by the Great Shamans who use knowledge from the dead ancestors to lead their people, the Great Orcs are striving for peace and acceptance by the outside nations of the world.

Orcs are brawny, beastial humanoids with greenish or brownish skin, large mouths with small tusks, and short lives. Unlike their savage cousins, the Clan Orcs have written language, art, and culture, and have even begun to have adventurers. The other societies are still struggling to take Clan Orcs seriously, and they tend to get cool receptions in other lands at first.

Clan Orc Traits

Clan Orcs are strong and hardy folk from warrior ancestry.

Ability Scores. Your Strength and Constitution scores are increased by 1.

Age. Clan Orcs mature at around age 8 and can live to around 40 years.

Size. Clan Orcs range from 5 1/2 feet to around 7 feet tall and average around 200 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran, Orcish, and one language based on your culture. Ryoran and Clan Holdings Clan Orcs can choose any language.


The Ranae are a rare and enigmatic race of amphibious frog people from the north west near the Eye of Civilization. They were the first magic users and their tribes created druidic magic and helped spread magic to the rest of the continent millennia ago.

After the arrival of Heironus Maro the Ranae found themselves one of the first cultures to be attacked by the expanding Ryoran empire. Heavily outnumbered, they surrendered and became a secondary culture under the Ryoran banner.

The Ranae resemble large thin bipedal frogs. Their skin is rubbery and ranges from greens and blues to even some red and orange on rare occasions. They have long thin fingers and toes but have reduced webbing as compared to frogs. Originating from the swamplands near the Eye of Civilization, the Ranae are at home in temperate climates and can survive under water for extended periods of time as compared to other humanoid races but find living in the frozen north or dry desert to be very difficult.

Despite primarily being Ryoran citizens, they are rare and the other races tend to view them as weird outsiders, tho lack any direct hostility. In fact, most Ryorans and others can truthfully claim to have never met a Rana before.

Ranae Traits

Ranae are thin but hardy and have a great wisdom and connection with the natural world.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom and Constitution scores are increased by 1.

Age. Ranae mature around age 18 and can live to around 200 years.

Size. Ranae range from 4 to 6 feet tall and average around 170 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and you have a swimming speed of 20 feet.

Amphibious Nature. You may hold your breath four times as long as normal.

Nonacclamation. You have disadvantage on all saving throws to resist the affects of an extremely cold or hot climate.

Poisonous Secretion. You may cast the Poison Spray cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran Ranae can choose any language.

Mare's Chosen

Mare's Chosen, or simply Chosen, are the mysterious descendants of Ryorans that left the mainland to sale the seas to the west of Riabeth thousands of years ago. Settling on, and in, the 4 great Primordial Whales of North, South, East, and West, they have developed sophisticated seafaring societies that live in a symbiotic relationship with the gargantuan whales that they call home.

As an offshoot of humanity, Mare's Chosen look similar to humans. The biggest distinctions are the slightly blueish tint to the skin and the reliance on mechanical and magical apparatus to survive on the surface after thousands of years of developing in the depths of the ocean. These apparatus are generally a sort of metal piece that is attached around the neck and jaw, often glowing blue and allowing ease of breathing and resistance to the lack of pressure. This can create a bit of fragility to Chosen adventurers. These devices, however, cannot be removed by normal means, so theft is not as serious a problem as it could be otherwise.

Mare's Chosen Traits

Mare's Chosen are an offshoot of humanity and therefore share many physical traits, but the differences are enough to ensure they are a separate race.

Ability Scores. Your Constitution score and one other score are increased by 1.

Age. Mare's Chosen mature and age at the same rate as humans.

Size. Mare's Chosen range in size the same as humans. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency with one skill of your choice.

Watery Connection. You may cast the Shape Water cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Breathing Regulation. Your magical implant allows you to breath underwater as well as on the surface, but anything that disables it, such as any sort of anti-magic field or the Disspell Magic spell, causes you difficulty. You must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 every hour you are affected, suffering 1 level of exhaustion on a failure. You may only suffer one level of exhaustion in this way per 24 hours. The device will function again 1 hour after being disabled if you are no longer affected by whatever caused the malfunction.

Mare's Blessing. If you drop below half of your maximum HP, while conscious you begin to regenerate 1 HP per turn, up to half your maximum.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran, Seaspeak, and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran and Urbalaenan Mare's Chosen can choose any language.

Aberant Bloodlines

Aberant bloodlines are those that are born with various magical effects showing their heritage to not be pure. Most can be born to any race, and are almost always a surprise to the parents. Most are infertile, and all are seen by others as a strange circumstance.


Dragonborn are the result of having the taint of draconic heritage somewhere in the bloodline. They are large, scaled, and brightly colored, resembling a bipedal, wingless and tailless dragon. Because they are born to any race, the baby is, more often than not, far more than the mother can safely carry to term. Many mothers die in childbirth, and others seek magical practitioners to either end the pregnancy or ease the suffering by performing various procedures to allow an easier birth. Dragonborn that are unlucky enough to kill their mother are often viewed with hatred by their remaining family and their community at large. Orphanages designed strictly for Dragonborn children exist in most cultures. Those lucky few that do not injure or kill their mother live a life on the edge of their community, never fully fitting in but not hated or shunned.

Dragonborn expose their heritage quite obviously. They are the color of the dragon they are related to, tend to have similar head shapes, and even have a weakened form of their namesake's breathweapon.

Dragonborn Traits

Dragonborn are one of the largest humanoid races, and stand out quite considerably from the other, more mamilian races.

Ability Scores. Your Strength and Charisma scores are increased by 1.

Age. Dragonborn mature around age 14 and can live to around 80 years.

Size. Dragonborn range from 6 to 7 foot tall and average around 250 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation.

When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.

After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Damage Resistance You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran and one language based on your culture. Ryoran Dragonborn can choose any language.


Feytouched are humans with a hint of Fey in their bloodline. Perhaps their great great grandfather fell in love with a Sylvani, or an ancient ancestor made a pact with a Fey lord of the Obfuscate. Either way, a Feytouched was the result. They resemble humans with Fey qualities, like pointed ears, angular features, or even green hair.

Because of the history of war with the Sylvani and the distrust most have towards them, many Feytouched choose to hide their true nature. For some this is an easy task, and they live their lives out without incident. For others, their traits are harder to hide, and they find themselves viewed with suspicion and choose to wander or seek reclusion.

Feytouched Traits

Feytouched are generally very similar to humans except with a few Fey traits that reveal their heritage. They tend to have a high degree of variance between individuals because of their very different lifestyles from individual to individual.

Ability Scores Your Charisma and one other ability score are increased by 1.

Age. Feytouched mature at the same rate as humans, but tend to live longer, living to around 120 years.

Size. Feytouched are built like humans, but more slender. They range from 5 to 6 1/2 feet tall and average about 160 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency with one skill of your choice.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran Feytouched and choose any language.


Devilborn are those with a fiendish bloodline. Many of the more superstitious population view them as an bad omen or sign of evils to come, and shun them. Some parents shield their Devilborn children from the outside world, attempting to give them the closest thing to a normal life they will ever have, while others fear their own children and choose to give them up. Either way, a normal life is basically impossible.

Devilborn have obvious fiendish features. They often have any combination of pointed ears, strangely colored skin (often various shades of red, purple, orange, or even white, or paterns of spots), animal-like eyes, a pair of horns in various configurations, hooves, or a tail. They are often drawn to magical study, partly because it doesn't involve being out with the people that view them with suspicion, and partly because of their own fiendish bent toward the arcane.

Devilborn Traits

Devilborn are generally more bookish than others because of sheltered lives and have to try harder to make up for their appearance, thereby finding themselves in posession of strong personalities.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence and Charisma scores increase by 1.

Age. Devilborn tend to mature and age at the same rate as humans.

Size. Devilborn tend to be between 4 and 6 feet tall, depending on the race of their parents. They average around 170 lbs.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fire Resistance You are resistant to fire damage.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran, Infernal, and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran Devilborn can choose any language.


Godlings are the divine equivalent of a Devilborn. Somewhere in the ancestry is a divine being, most likely an angel of some kind, though some Godlings through history have claimed to be descended of the actual gods. While Devilborn are seen as a sign of ill fortune and tend to be shunned, Godlings have the exact opposite problem. Most view them as signs of good luck and expect great things of them. This can be a bit of a strain as expectations mount and not fulfilling them brings shame and embarrassment. Some Godlings choose to rebel against the expectations of their families and communities and choose a darker path.

Godlings tend to be lighter skinned and have hair ranging from blonde to white. They have pupil-less eyes, and seem to almost glow. They have very strong personalities, and historically have ranged from great paladins to cult leaders to talented musicians and everything in between. Whatever they become, Godlings are anything but mundane.

Godling Traits

Godlings resemble humans with aspects that betray their divine nature.

Ability Scores. Your Charisma and Wisdom scores increase by 1.

Age. Godlings tend to mature and age at the same rate of humans.

Size. Godlings tend to be between 4 and 6 feet tall, depending on the race of their parents. They average around 170 lbs.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Damage Resistance You have resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ryoran, Celestial, and one other language based on your culture. Ryoran Godlings can choose any language.

Chapter 2: Cultures

Each culture has multiple subcultures within it. Choose one subculture from within your culture group.

Ryoran Bright Empire

Based out of the gargantuan city of Ryor, a 200 mile diameter megalopolis inside a series of concentric ring walls, the Ryoran Bright Empire has spread its culture and control across the western half of Riabeth. They are a heavily militarized society, requiring all adults, both men and women, to serve mandatory 4 years military service, which can consist of anything from border patrols and city watch to colonial military regiments, expanding the authority of their God-King Heironus Maro.

In Ryor, the strain of governing such a massive megalopolis lead to a predisposition toward order and structure. This structure permeates every level of culture, even to the family traditions and naming conventions.

Older Ryoran society tends to be a bit xenophobic, viewing outsiders and non-humans and non-Ryoran-born as less civilized and the duty of all good Ryorans to raise up from savagery to the height of culture. Nowadays, after 60 years of peace, most of the younger generations and those in border settlements are far more accepting of outsiders and non-humans. There is still some resistance, especially in the capital, and it's highly uncommon for a non-Human to belong to a New Family, let alone an Old Family, though the few that have have been absolute paragons of their race and helped prove the old predjudices as nothing more than ignorance.

Ryoran Names

Ryorans have 3 names: the given name, the family name, and the descriptive or earned name. The descriptive name is one either earned through some great deed or through people simply calling the person that. It's essentially a formal nickname.

Male Names: Marcus, Augustus, Gaius, Gnaeus, Julius, Lucius, Manus, Octavius, Paulus, Caecilius, Titus, Quintus

Female Names: Alba, Aurelia, Cassia, Lucretia, Drusilla, Julia, Livia, Valentina, Vita

Major Family Names: Brutus, Cornelius, Geminius, Magius, Helvidius, Marius

Descriptive Names: Pulchrissus/Pulchrissa (Handsome or Beautiful), Prudenus/Prudena (Wise), Victorus/Victora (Conquorer), Crassus/Crassa (Fat)

Ryoran Old Family

The old families of Ryor have had power in the capital for centuries. Their names hold power, politics is their playground, and they tend to find ways around serving in the military. If they do end up in the services of Lupaeus they tend to be commanders and tacticians on the back lines rather than common soldiers.

Ryoran Old Family Traits

Ryoran Old Families have the best education in Imperial territory and hold a strong favor for other Ryorans.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence score is increased by 1.

Ryoran Brotherhood. You gain proficiency in Persuasion. If you make a Persuasion check against a fellow Ryoran, add double your Proficiency bonus.

Voice of an Empire. You may cast the spell Command at first level once per day. Intelligence is used for your spellcasting modifier.

Ryoran New Family

The new families of Ryor are those that rose from the common station within the last century. They have risen from the common stock through the glorious actions of their predecessors, be they through military, economic, or religious means. Though they may be “better” than paupers now, they are still too low in station to avoid military conscription, and many new families take great honor in their service.

Ryoran New Family Traits

Ryoran New Family members make up the bulk of the Empire's legions and the mandatory military service ensures at least basic combat training in the traditional Ryoran style.

Ability Scores. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Wall of Steel. You gain proficiency with shields. When you are wielding a shield you may use your bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield.

Strenuous Training. Once per day you my gain advantage on any Strength or Dexterity skill check if you are proficient.

Ryoran Commoner

Commoners in Ryor lead difficult lives. This is the station most non-humans are born into. Farmers, peddlers, thieves, and servants all belong in this caste. Their lot in life lead many to cling even more tightly to the gods and hope for a better tomorrow. They sometimes manage to avoid military service because Legion commanders know the value of farming and craftsmen to the war effort. Their difficult lives do have a bonus though: they know how to take a hit and can work through conditions that would make their snobby “betters” keel over.

Ryoran Commoner Traits

Ryoran Commoners are tough but street smart.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

School of Hard Knocks. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion, and may add double your proficiency modifier to any other constitution saving throw once. This can be used again after a long rest.

Skilled Worker. You gain proficiency with one set of craftsman's tools.

Baerlinga Clans

The plains, tundra, and icy wastes of the north and east are an inhospitable place, where only the strongest and heartiest can survive, let alone thrive. It is a realm populated by wolves, great white bears, elk, walruses, and more natural beasts, as well as many creatures thought to be pure fantasy and exaggeration by those pampered “civilized” folk in the warm courts of the southern kingdoms. This land is home to the Baerlinga clans, a loose confederation of human, dwarf, and halfling families. The Baerlinga are highly nomadic, living off the land and herding the great grey elk of the north, a source of food, clothing, fuel, and building materials.

There are two major settlements where large groups decided that remaining stationary was preferable, a controversial idea to be sure. These settlements, Quaqtaq and Inukjiak, are major whaling settlements, the stationary nature allowing for large, complicated docks to be built. Every month hundreds of whaling ships leave the ports and attempt to bring back the food, blubber, and bone that allow their society to continue.

Generally clad in furs decorated with animal bones, with long beards and braided hair, and often intricate tattoos describing great deeds or family histories, the Baerlinga tribespeople mark a stark contrast from the clean and stuffy Ryorans, the green and wild Sylvari, and the sand swept peoples of the Kar-Azan. The leader of each clan wears a crown made from a bear head, claiming to have been blessed by Baer Konungr, the white bear king and god of authority. It is from him his chosen people were named, the Baerlinga, or “Bear People.” Males are referred to as baersons, and females as baerdottrs. The other gods they worship are wild and noble animal spirits, like Deor, the Elk of Light, and Gallus Fothr, the Anterled One.

Because of their clan and tribal based society, and the nature of nomadic peoples, the Baerlinga don’t really have a cohesive government structure. Clans are lead by clan leaders, the Baerfothrs, and upon the death of a Baerfothr a tournament is held within the clan to find a replacement. The strongest warrior is chosen to claim the bear crown. In the city of Inukjiak a great hall stands where Baerfothrs meet in times of emergency and great need. There clan alliances may be struck, and plans for the future of their people are drawn up.

The tribes are primarily made up of 3 races: Humans, Dwarves, and Foxkin halflings. Other races make up minorities or live as Clanless.

Baerlinga Names

Baerlinga names are based on the first name of the father. Boys take the last name consisting of their father's first name followed by -son, and -dottr for girls. This system allows clan elders to follow bloodlines one individual at a time. Each clan has a large book guarded by an elder where every name is recorded.

Male Names: Alvar, Bjorn, Dag, Eryk, Geir, Igor, Oskar

Female Names: Brun, Helga, Nanna, Kari, Ingmarr, Brita, Sassa, Sigrid

Elk Clan Baerlinga

The Salen Steppes, south of the Wastes, are home to great herds of elk, and the Baerlinga that live among them. To the nomadic clans, the elk is everything: food, warmth, a beast of burden, and home. Their entire clan identities are so entwined with the creatures that they have developed a strong symbiotic relationship. To supplement their diet, Baerlinga will ride their great elk mounts in hunting parties, finding bears, wolves, rabbits, and other native creatures.

Elk Clan Baerlinga Traits

The Elk Clans are steppes nomads, living in tandem with heards of giant elk and hunting the natural creatures.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score is increased by 1.

Animal Kin. You may cast Animal Friendship at 1st level once per day. Wisdom is used for your spellcasting modifier.

Lords of the Steppes. You have advantage on Nature and Survival checks when in a steppes environment.

Hunting Masters. You gain proficiency with short bows, spears, and animal handling.

Whale Clan Baerlinga

The clans of the northern tundra and the Sea of Gold have given up their nomadic lifestyle to settle in large fishing and whaling settlements and owe their lives to the sea. The north is such an inhospitable place that the men and women that live there are only the heartiest of folk and claim to be blessed by the goddess of winter. Since whaling and fishing are so intertwined to their culture even the least sea-worthy among them knows the correct usage of ships, making them arguably the best sailors in all of Riabeth.

Whale Clan Baerlinga Traits

The Whale Clans are extremely hardy people out of necessity because the tundra and arctic climate of the Wastes will break any lesser person.

Ability Scores. Your Constitution score is increased by 1.

Skyydottr's Protection. You gain resistance to cold damage. In addition, you have advantage on any Constitution saves to avoid the affects of an extremely cold climate.

Experienced Whalers. You gain proficiency in all mundane water vehicles and add double your proficiency modifer when making checks to use one in dangerous situations.

Strength of the Baerfothr. Once per day you may gain advantage on a Strength check.


The clanless are an interesting and complicated classification. Belonging to neither of the major clan groups, these people are often the non-Baerlinga that have settled in Baerlinga lands, or have separated themselves from tradition for one reason or another. They are not really an organized group, but rather a dissonant rabble. Because they do not have the large clans as support, the clanless must rely on their own tenacity and survival instincts to live in the harsh environments of the north. As such, they are often expert hunters, intimately familiar with the land and animals. Skyydottr has taken a liking to these hardy folk, and blesses them to assist in their survival.

Clanless Traits

The Clanless are those that have chosen to make their home in the north, but don't have the benefits of the Baerlinga bloodlines and clan system to survive. They are extremely strong willed to ensure they are not beaten by the North.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Nature's Bounty. When making a survival or nature check for hunting or foraging for food, you're able to find double what you would normally find. Also gain proficiency with short bows and spears.

Huntress' Blessing. May cast the cantrip Guidance, and at 3rd level gains the ability to cast Locate Animal or Plant once per day. Wisdom is used for your spellcasting modifier.

The Free City of Seraphim

The Free City of Seraphim is a city of irony. The city sits on the Bay of Angels, yet their leaders have officially rejected religion, instead choosing to focus entirely on scientific endeavors. Perhaps it is the influence of the gnomish Fleet of Glass that passes through often, or simply the fear of another holy war like the Pious Crusade a millennium ago which culminated in a clash, both between ideologies and actual armies, which wiped the citadel of Ankor off the map, destroying the Dwarven civilization, and causing the renaming of the God’s Ribs mountains to the Sundered Peaks. Either way, religious practice has been officially outlawed, creating a unique black market specializing in ideas, the Obsidian Way, where the religious meet to discuss and share information on faiths and pass tomes, holy symbols, and other religious paraphernalia back and forth. Rogues and bards serve as smugglers of faith, bringing the pious the things they need to practice their beliefs.

Though religion is technically illegal, for many it is more of a formality than anything else. The faithful can't openly practice, but many still do in private, and some faiths still hold services in secret in the backrooms of shops and in private homes.

Seraphim society is based around a socialist meritocracy where those that benefit society the most are rewarded the most. Scientists, philosophers, and teachers are the most powerful people in the Free City, and education is seen as one of the most important gifts one can give another. To this end, most people in Seraphim work towards advancing science and their community.

This has lead to a scientific boom over the past half-millennium, and now automation and technological marvels have replaced the domain once held by magic and mysticism. Electric lights and central heating are commonplace, craftsmen use electrical appliances and the richest use automatons, and the high walls of the city are protected by mechanical devices of destruction.

The city itself is lead by the Azure Assembly, a council of great scientific minds, political philosophers, and other important citizens. They follow in the footsteps of Ibrahim Jabbar al Seraphima, the historic leader that lead the rejection of religion nearly 800 years ago.

Seraphim has no standing army, as they generally don’t really need one: most people are too afraid of the technological death machines that can be fielded to even attempt to take any hostility towards the city and the surrounding lands under its control.

Keeping the Seraphiman technology Seraphiman is a full-time job for the police force, which has special task forces designed to curb technology smuggling. The Azure Assembly feels that if Seraphim lost its technological superiority it would quickly be attacked by outsiders.

Seraphiman Names

Seraphiman names sound almost musical because of the nature of the Seraphiman language. Each Seraphiman has a personal name, a descriptive name givin by the parents at birth in hopes the child will attain that quality, followed by "al" which means "from" and then the name of the birth city.

Male Names: Alim, Bashir, Hilmi, Jabir, Masoud, Rahim, Sa'id, Waleed

Female Names: A'isha, Fatima, Katya, Maya, Nadia, Samiya, Yasmin

Examples of Descriptive Names: Jabbar (Mighty), Hakim (Wise), Jamila (Beautiful), Mahab (Loving)

Honored Seraphim

The Honored are those that have proven themselves to the Seraphim through achievement or discovery. Since it often requires expertise to achieve greatness, the Honored tend to be the most educated in Seraphiman society, though that is not always the case.

Honored Seraphim Traits

The Honored are generally very well educated and can use that education in a number of ways.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Tinker You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time.

When you create a device, choose one of the following options:

Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.

Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.

Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song’s end or when it is closed.

Scientific Education. Gain proficiency in either Nature or History. Disabling traps and picking locks can be done with an Intelligence (Tinker's Tools) check as well as Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) as normal.

Big Bang. Gain Proficiency in either firearms or thrown grenade-like weapons (explosive grenades, acid vials, alchemist fire, etc.)

Upstart Seraphim

The less educated, or less achieved, Seraphim tend to form the equivalent of middle-class in Seraphiman society. Most often they are craftsmen, merchants, traders, or other such professions that make up the bulk of society. Since Seraphiman society honors those that can achieve for themselves, the Upstart caste takes pride in being able to run a business or make good business decisions.

Upstart Seraphim Traits

The Upstart tends to be good with business and personable elements, but also needs to be quick witted to keep up with Seraphiman society and dextrous to utilize the new technology.

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Shrewd Business. You may take advantage on any Charisma (persuasion) or Charisma (deception) checks to haggle and sell goods. Also gain proficiency in Insight.

Quick On the Uptake Once a day you may reroll any roll with a skill you are not proficient with. If you rolled lower, add your profiency modifer as if you were proficient if that would make it higher than the first roll. Take the new roll regardless of whether it's higher or lower.

Big Bang. Gain Proficiency in either firearms or thrown grenade-like weapons (explosive grenades, acid vials, alchemist fire, etc.)

Newcomer Seraphim

A newcomer is a Seraph that has just obtained citizenship and often has not yet achieved much of anything or had access to the greatness of Seraphiman schools. The lack of real scientific education tends to limit their abilities to create and use advanced mechanical technology, with the exceptions of basic mechanical weaponry. They are the lowest caste of Seraphiman society, and must work hard to prove themselves valuable to their new home.

Newcomer Seraphim Traits

Newcomers have to make up for their lack of formal Seraphiman education with their work ethic and their fresh outsider perspective.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Hard Worker. You are treated as one size category larger in regards to carry limit. You also gain proficiency in a tool set, and can find enough work to earn a comfortable living, regardless of background.

Oral Tradition. When making an Intelligence (history) check to recall information about the culture your family originated from, you may add double your proficiency bonus.

Big Bang. Gain Proficiency in either firearms or thrown grenade-like weapons (explosive grenades, acid vials, alchemist fire, etc.)


Ankor-Jubei is on the north-western border of the Kar-Azan and the Sundered Peaks. It was built out of the husk of an ancient dwarven citadel called Ankor, and is a religious center for the Order of Faran, a sect of monks that devote their lives to the study of life, seeing a universe in every moment, understanding the waves and ripples of chaos and how every action, large and small, has an effect on the rest of the world. Ankor- Jubei is studded with large, multilevel sandstone structures. The center of the city is a large domed monastery called the Jubei Andhai el Faran, or Mind’s Eye of Faran, the deific founder of the Order of Faran.

The people of Ankor-Jubei are seen as eccentric by most others. They are from the city of arts, the city of serenity.

Ankor-Jubei is a city of migrants. The original Ankor was a dwarven citidel and capitol of their civilization. It was destroyed in a cataclysm during the Pious Crusade nearly a millennium ago, and hundreds of years later settlers from Seraphim began attempting to resettle the ruins while fleeing from the religious persecution under Ibrahim Jabbar al Seraphima. There they built a new life for themselves, and the hidden power of the citidel brought them strength.

Outside of the monastic order, the civilian population consists of a disproportionately large creative culture. Something about the monastery seems to awaken previously unexplored artistic skills and impulses in the populace, and many of Riabeth’s greatest creative achievements in music, paintings, writing, and even mathematics have originated in the sand swept streets of Ankor Jubei. Religious scholars believe it may be caused by Oneirus, god of dreams and creativity, blessing the site. Regardless of the reason, the people of Ankor-Jubei are almost universally talented in some form: music, writing, dancing, craftsmanship, philosophy, artwork, etc. are so commonplace among the people that it has become a stereotype among the other nations, and those that are gifted in artistic endeavors in Ryor or Seraphim are often nicknamed “Ankorish” which is a insulting term meaning "artsy-fartsy" or frivolous.

Ankoran Names

Ankorans use the same naming scheme as the Seraphim, owing to their shared cultural heritage, but with a larger proportion of dwarven influenced names.

Male Names: Kiliam, Bashir, Hansiran, Jabir, Masoud, Kazouk, Sa'id, Da'wi

Female Names: A'isha, Falmi, Kouta, Masi, Nadia, Samiya, Jeifah

Examples of Descriptive Names: Jabbar (Mighty), Hakim (Wise), Jamila (Beautiful), Mahab (Loving)

Ankoran Old Settlers

The old settlers trace their lineage back to the first Ankorans, and those that resettled the once ruined capital of the old dwarven civilization. They take pride in their past, clinging to tales, archaeological discovery, and genealogy to feel justified. They also tend to be the first to do the physical labor needed to keep the city-on-a-city standing, letting the more frivolous pilgrims and artisans focus on their mental and emotional pursuits. They are also the only ones that know how the old dwarven constructions work.

Ankoran Old Settler Traits

The Old Settler pride in tradition and history shines through in their common skills and strength.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score is increased by 1.

Long Memory. You gain proficiency in History. When making an Intelligence (History) check concerning Ankor-Jubei or the old Dwarven civilization, make the check with advantage.

Builders of Civilizations. You gain proficiency in light hammers, hand axes, war hammers, and battle axes. Also learn the Mending cantrip. Intelligence is your spell casting modifier.

Prideful. You gain advantage on Strength saving throws.

Ankoran Pilgrims

Pilgrims are those that came to Ankor-Jubei for the monasteries, religious centers, and the calm that fills the city. They may be followers of the Order of Faran, or may simply be a spiritually attuned person seeking peace and enlightenment. Children growing up here are often taught the values of meditation and seeking peace whenever possible.

Ankoran Pilgrim Traits

The Pilgrims are generally a more spiritual section of the population, being taught ways to bring peace in the religious schools and monasteries of the area.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Disarming Presence. You can cast Charm Person at 1st level once per day, and upon reaching level 3 may cast Calm Emotions at 2nd level once per day. Wisdom is used for your spell casting modifer.

Meditation. When spending hit dice to heal during a short rest, you may add an additional 1d4 per rest.

Ankoran Artisan Families

The Artisan families are the youngest cultural group in Ankor-Jubei, having begun immigrating merely a couple of centuries ago. The calm and peace of the city seems to magically inspire certain types of people, and great artistic works have come from the artisans here. In addition, the sense of enlightenment and wonder encourages naturally gifted artists and musicians to be more outgoing and friendly, and many outsiders find the artisan quarters disconcerting and eerie compared to the rudeness, cruelty, or indifference seen elsewhere.

Ankoran Artisan Family Traits

The Artisan subculture tends to create very charasmatic, showy personalities, and are taught a great deal about creativity of varying types.

Ability Scores. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Creative Gift. You gain proficiency in either Performance or a set of craftsman's tools.

Onierus' Laughter. You learn one cantrip from the Bard spell list. Charisma is used for your spell casting modifier.

Cult of Personality. Once per day you may have advantage on any Charisma check.

The Fleet of Glass

The Fleet of Glass is a massive migratory caravan of mysteriously floating "ships" that sail the Sahar-Azan desert, also known as the Sea of Glass due to the extremely high silicate composition of the landscape.

The "gnomes" of the Fleet of Glass arrived in Riabeth under conditions known only to them. Realizing that the citizens call their people "gnomes," after a mythical creature of mischief and mystical powers, the early leaders of the Fleet began identifying as Glass Gnomes to take advantage of the superstitious fears of others.

The ships of the Fleet of Glass are cobbled together from various things like wood, stone, glass, and the last remnants of the vessel the Gnomes originally arrived in from a far away realm. These remnants resemble a shiny blue-grey glass or metal, highly reflective, giving the ships a sparkling appearance from a distance, reinforcing the mystical feel and the Glass name.

Glass Gnome society consists of large extended families, and each boat is owned and operated by a specific family like a floating house. When one marries into a family, they are traded to the other ship to become a first mate (quite literally). The leaders of the ships form a sort of council of captains that make up the governing body of the Fleet.

The mechanism that allows the ships to float is a closely guarded secret, and only the captain of a ship knows, learning this fact as he is awarded his or her captainship. In fact, the protection and safeguarding of this secret is the highest law in the Glass Gnome society, and an oath is taken upon attaining captainship. Breaking of this law is seen as treason most foul and results in a banishment from the fleet, the harshest punishment in their society and, depending on the location of the fleet upon banishment, a literal death sentence where the banished is left to wander the desert until thirst or predators take them. To prevent banished gnomes from continuing to share the Great Secret, magic is used to alter their memory, erasing all knowledge of the flight mechanism.

The Fleet of Glass travels the desert, scavenging and plying their trades to the trade depots and cities they pass through. They are peddlers of junk, crafty tradesmen, and even the occasional scam artists posing as fortune tellers or a troupe of circus performers. All means, besides outright murder of course, are seen as acceptable when the end goal is the prosperity of the Fleet. This tends to create a reputation, as expected. Many view Glass Gnomes with caution, knowing that they need the trade provided, but aware that there may be a larger price than they like.

Required Race: Glass Gnomes, any aberant bloodline except Feytouched

Glass Fleet Names

The Glass Gnomes take their names from a mixture of the other races they have encountered, partly as an attempt to fit in and partly as a form of light-hearted mockery. Glass Gnomes may have names from any other culture, often mixtures, such as a Ryoran first name with a Sylvani last name.

Glass Fleet Shipmen

The shipmen, as they call themselves, are the highest social status among the Glass Gnomes. They are charged with building, repairing, and upkeep of the sandships that make up the fleet, and they know this is important work. Because of their experience and training with their own vehicles, they tend to be able to utilize other vehicles easier than non-shipmen, and a lifetime of scavenging the desert has made them quite adept at finding things others might overlook.

Glass Fleet Shipmen Traits

The Shipmen are the leaders of the Glass Gnome society and they view themselves as the truest of the Fleet, using their great scavenging experience to supply the Fleet with resources.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score is increased by 1.

Gnomish Ingenuity. When making an Investigation check to find items, loot, salvage, etc. you may reroll once and must take this new roll.

Vehicle Training. When using a vehicle or mount you may make more progress per day than others, moving at 1.5 times the speed if traveling long distances.

Glass Fleet Caravaneers

The caravaneers are the link between the Glass Fleet and the outside world. They are known among every desert settlement because of the trade, entertainment, and crime that arrives every time they pull into port. Masters of surviving the harsh climates of the desert, they are able to handle life on the outer rims of the Fleet as compared to the cushy capital ships in the center.

Glass Fleet Caravaneer Traits

The Caravaneers are adept at travel from the fleet proper to the trading posts of the Seraphim and Ankorans and back again, as well as the fast talking needed to make deals and avoid trouble with local law enforcement.

Ability Scores. Your Charisma score is increased by 1.

Desert Masters. You gain advantage on all Dexterity (stealth) checks made while in a desert environment.

Sketchy. You gain proficiency in either Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation. Once per day you may gain advantage on a check for that skill.

Glass Fleet Outsiders

Outsiders are not an organized classification. They can be outcasts, exiled for crimes against the Fleet. They can be explorers, seeking to know more about the world outside the Fleet. They may also simply be people that have chosen a life away from the fleet for one reason or another. There are small settlements of Glass Fleet outsiders in the desert where whole generations of families have lived and died never seeing the inside of a sandship. Many simply wander the world.

Glass Fleet Outsider Traits

Outsiders tend to be street-smart and inconspicuous out of necessity, prefering to avoid the spotlight while they wander Riabeth in search of a new life.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score is increased by 1.

Subtle. You gain advantage on stealth checks when attempting to blend into a crowd. Once per day may gain advantage on a stealth check in any other situation.

Wanderers. You have advantage on any saves to resist the environmental effects of extreme temperatures. Additionally, you have resistance to fire damage.

Experienced Visitor. When you roll Intelligence (History) checks to recall information about a location, you are considered proficient, and if you are already proficient you gain double your proficiency bonus.

The Coast of Giants

Due to the expansion of the other races, including the attempted genocide by the Ryoran Bright Empire, the Sylvani have pulled back from their ancestral settlements across Riabeth and now reside in the Coast of Giants, a huge forest on the Eastern coastline of the continent. The Sylvani are extremely insular, viewing the other races as userpers and threats to their way of life.

The Sylvani used to be peaceful and artistically-inclined, prefering to write poetry and song and study ancient lore than to take up the sword. Their society has changed, however, and many lament their own fall into militantism, looking at their own people's decline and feeling sorrowful for their future. Contemporary Sylvani are all trained in military matters, requiring a 20 year commitment to the Glade Sentinels, a sort of militia trained in guerilla style warfare.

The forest is closely guarded, and incredibly few outsiders have ever stepped foot in Sylvani borders without being met with an arrow to the throat. The training provided the citizens of the Coast of Giants involves fighting from the trees and firing arrows from the treetops in an ambush, and many tresspassers die before ever laying eyes on their attackers.

The society of the Sylvani is presided over by the Emerald Court, a council of the leaders of the 5 great families and ruled by the Verdant Sorceress, a mysterious figure whose true identity is kept hidden from all but the closest advisors, creating a safety net and allowing the Sorceress to live among her people in secret. The 5 great families are led by their patriarchs: Firan of the Darkroot, Gil’Garan of the Lightborn, Tilureth of the Thistlewind, Amryn of the Shadowfleet, and Faeranduil of the Stargrey.

The Emerald Tower is the capital of the Coast of Giants. It is a citidel built into the trunk and branches of the Elanel-hiliani, the "Eternal Oak," the largest tree on the planet. The spires of the citidel are seemingly grown from the trunk itself with a form of silvery organic glass creating elegant archways, pathways, vaults, and watchtowers.

Both races of Sylvani live together as equals, though the Highborn are far less common than their Lowborn cousins, owing to their long lives and original purpose as leaders of the expeditions from the Obfuscate.

The Sylvani traditionally follow a complicated belief in a spirit called the Great Host, a sort of hive mind of many thousands of aspects all encompassing a single entity. These aspects have no names, and the Great Host has no physical form. The Sylvani represent this omniscient presence as a multitude of eyes in a circle surrounding a leaf.

Required Race: Sylvani Highborn, Sylvani Lowborn, any aberant bloodline except Feytouched

Slyvani Names

Sylvani have personal names and family names. The 5 main families are the Darkroot, Lightborn, Thistlewind, Shadowfleet, and Stargrey. They are named after the 5 expeditions from the Obfuscate. Smaller families exist in limited numbers, but they have no real power and are essentially offshoots of the main 5.

Sylvani first names: Eriladar, Galaeron, Myriil, Lathiin, Ohmbryn, Rothilion

Sylvani Court Citizens

The citizens of the Emerald Court are the 5 great families of the Sylvani: Darkroot, Lightborn, Thistlewind, Shadowfleet, and Stargrey. They each vie for power while keeping in mind they serve the Verdant Sorceress. As such, they are heavily involved in court politics and even the least member of a great family has a deep connection to the Fey of the Obfuscate.

Sylvani Court Citizen Traits

The court citizens are trained from birth to be more in-tune with the Obfuscate and the magic of their hertitage.

Ability Scores. Your Charisma score is increased by 1.

Beguiling Presence. Once a day you may cast Sanctuary on yourself and the spell lasts for one minute. Charisma is used for your spell casting modifer.

Fey Knowledge. If you focus for one minute, taking no other action, you can understand all spoken and written languages as if under the effects of the Comprehend Languages spell for up to one hour. You may take no action other than reading, speaking, or listening while this is in effect, and if you take any other action the effect ends. This can be used once and then may be used again after a long rest.

Sylvani Military Training. You gain proficiency in long bows, short bows, spears, and glaives.

Sylvani Border Citizens

Border citizens are those Sylvani that are not of the great houses and are far removed from the politics and vanity of the Emerald Court. They often live in modest tree villages throughout the Coast of Giants and the militancy of the Sylvani is never more noticeable than in these border towns which are often more akin to military outposts than civilian homes. The citizens are trained in guerrilla style warfare to protect the Coast of Giants from any incursion.

Sylvani Border Citizen Traits

The border citizens make up the bulk of the Glade Sentinels, and their military training is the strongest the Sylvani have to offer.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score is increased by 1.

Forest Sentinels. You gain advantage on Stealth checks when in a forest environment and may climb a tree without taking a movement penalty.

Sylvani Military Training. You gain proficiency in long bows, short bows, spears, and glaives.

Speed of the Fey. You may ignore the effects of difficult terrain caused by brush, plantlife, or the Plant Growth spell.

Fluidic Sylvani

Those called the Fluidic are the Sylvani that have given into the more chaotic history of their people. They are considered by some to be more in tune to the old ways before the Ryoran wars and by others as a danger to the safety of the entire Coast of Giants. They often reject the militancy of the others in favor of wandering, learning, and peaceful coexistance, even leaving the forest. Often, when outsiders meet Sylvani outside the forest they are the Fluidic that have left their home.

Fluidic Sylvani Traits

The Fluidic are ironically more in-tune to the natural world than the other Sylvani, traveling the world and living among the other peoples.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Great Host's Bounty. You may cast the Druidcraft cantrip and the spell Goodberry once per day. Wisdom is used for your spell casting modifier.

Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

The Clan Orcs of Demon Fang Peak

The Clan Orcs out of Demon Fang Peak are the newest society in Riabeth. Striving to leave the savage nature of their race behind and embrace a more peaceful, spiritual temperment, the Clan Orcs are drastically different from their monstrous kin.

The Clan Orcs are ancestor worshipers, believing the spirits of their dead ancestors watch over them and guide them through the Great Shamans. Great Shamans are hereditary, so the current Great Shaman is the son of the previous Great Shaman, who was the son of a Great Shaman, and so forth. These spiritual leaders also lead the clans politically, utilizing the heads of the clans as the Council of Life while the spirits of the ancestors make up the Council of Death.

The Clan Orc society is heavily invested in death because of the short lifespan of the Orcs. Necromancy is not seen as evil here but rather a tool towards an end. Many shamans utilize necromancy, and view the raising of their own people as the ancestors choosing to come back to fight for their kin. The Clan Orcs recognize the power of the various deities from other cultures, but feel that only their ancestors can be trusted.

The one thing they kept from their savage cousins is a predisposition towards living underground. Clan Orc settlements are often partially in tunnels and underground vaults, and tunnels between settlements ensure save travel and trade.

Clan Orc settlements are not strictly mono-race, as they will allow outsiders that wish to live and trade among them if they are willing to conform to their culture. It is very uncommon, though, as the culture is strange and often difficult for others to learn if they did not grow up with it and have no connection to the history. Outsiders cannot be Spiritkin, though, as they do not have the bloodline of Oogick.

Clan Orc Warkin

The Warkin are a bloodline in the Clan Orcs that produce larger orcs. Despite seeking peace, unlike their uncivilized bretherin, the Clan orcs see the value in strength of arms and so test all members of the clan in single combat. Those that succeed, Warkin being the most common, are trained to fight when necessary to defend their homes.

Clan Orc Warkin Traits

The strongest of the Clan Orcs, the Warkin are the most common defenders of their territories, having been tested in combat.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Strong Back. You may carry twice your normal carrying capacity. This affects your pushing, pulling, and lifting limits.

Forged in Battle. Once per long rest you may add double your proficiency modifer to all attack rolls made with a weapon you are proficient in during a single turn.

Clan Orc Spiritkin

The Spiritkin trace their bloodline to the first Great Shaman, Oogick, who lead his people away from the warring tribes and established the first permanent settlement. The Great Shamans commune with spirits, and the Clan Orcs believe that the spirits have touched their souls, giving them gifts. All Spiritkin are closer to the spirit world than others, and can learn to commune with the spirits around themselves.

Clan Orc Spiritkin Traits

The Spiritkin are naturally more attuned to the spirit world and learn soul magic either from spiritual leaders or even from the spirits of ancestors reaching out.

Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Sight of the Spirit World. You may cast the Soul Lantern cantrip and the spell Haunt once per day. Upon reaching third level you may cast the spell Soul Touch once per day. Wisdom is used for your spell casting modifier.

Clan Orc Molekin

Molekin are the lowest bloodline of Clan Orcs. Descended from the slaves and workers freed from bondage by Oogick, the first Great Shaman, the Molekin have taken pride in their past. They are the most experienced in the tunnels and caves of their culture and have developed a high tolerance for dangerous conditions.

Clan Orc Molekin Traits

Molekin are hardy and in traversing the tunnels and vaults of their society.

Ability Scores. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Tunnel Workers. You gain advantage on perception and survival checks made when underground.

Hardy Folk. When you take damage, you may roll a 1d12 and add your Constitution modifier. Reduce the damage taken by that amount. After you use this trait you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

The Whale Cities

Mare's Chosen are an offshoot of humanity that settled on and in massive primordial whales named Voras, Anatoli, Notos, and Dysi. These societies are all different in many ways but keep some things common between them: they travel, never staying in one place; they have an organized caste system based on duties required to maintain their home; they generally keep their distance from the surface dwellers except in specific, uncommon circumstances.

The Mare's Chosen utilize strange, advanted technology and magic to travel the seas, live vast distances under the ocean, and defend their people.

The people of Notos, the southern whale, make a stop at the Ryoran port of Messallan once a year, and this event is celebrated with a festival in Messallan, including a small parade, food, music, and decorations of flowers, signifying the growth and prosperity brought to both cities through cooperation.Notos has some occasional trade with the ports of Seraphim, but their relations are quite sterile and strictly business. The Seraphim don't trust the Notosi because the Urbalaenan, or "whale city people," are the closest competitors in technology.

The peoples of Dysi are violent raiders and pirates, actively hostile against Ryor on the western coast of Riabeth. The Ryoran military center of Neer Locus on the Eye of Civilization was heavily fortified and became the staging ground in the active sea conflict with Dysi, though the mobile nature of the whale makes any sort of offensive against Dysi borderline impossible.

The other two whales are enigmatic, choosing to remain mostly unknown.

Required Race: Mare's Chosen

Chosen Seakeepers

The Seakeepers are the closest tenders of the whales. They are a caste of protectors whose priestly duty is the upkeep of the whales that they call home. They are the collectors of knowledge, the makers of law, and the keepers of the primordial magic they gather from the whale and utilize to develop their society.

Chosen Seakeeper Traits

The Seakeepers are lore masters of their realm, crafting the magic that keeps their people alive.

Ability Scores. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Lorekeeper. You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Homefinder. You have a psychic connection to your home whale. You always know where your home whale is, can pinpoint it on a map, and know the direction and speed it is moving. You may speak to it as if using the Sending spell once per day.

Chosen Seekers

The Seekers are the hunter/gatherers of Urbalaenan society. They use the whales as a home base while they travel the seas, looking for resources and items to return to their home. They range from fishermen to pirates to traders and everything in between.

Chosen Seeker Traits

The Seekers are masters of the sea and the life that exists within. If there's something or someone in the sea that needs found, Seekers will find it.

Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Sea Master. You gain proficiency with Nature and double your proficiency bonus for any Nature checks involving the sea or sea life.

Blessing of the Sea Mother. Once per day you may pray to Mare for sustanace. After praying for one minute an edible creature suitable for the terrain you are in will arrive and allow itself to be eaten. As long as you do this once a day you never go hungry.

Seeker Sight. Once a day you may gain advantage on all perception checks for one minute.

Chosen Seacrafters

Seacrafters are Mare's Chosen that have learned an intense affinity with the creatures of the sea. They learn to utilize magic to gain the attributes of sea creatures for brief periods of time to assist in defense of their people. This talent is taught on the fringe of Chosen society, as it is seen as an unsightly necessity by the Seekers and Seakeepers.

Chosen Seacrafter Traits

Seacrafters are the soldier caste of Urbalaenan, and utilize their specialized training to combat threats, both natural and unnatural.

Ability Scores. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Fleshchanger. Once per day you may cast a limited form of Alter Self. You gain one of the below effects for 10 minutes.

Crustacean Claws: Your hands become large crab-like claws, allowing you to make unarmed attacks for 1d4 damage and granting yourself advantage on Athletics checks to grapple a medium or smaller creature.

Hardened Scales: Your skin hardens into scales, giving you a +1 to your AC.

Mer Fins: Your hands and feet become webbed, granting you a swim speed of 20 feet.

Chapter 3: Spells


First Level Necromancy

Casting Time: One Action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ash from a funeral pyre)

Duration: Instantaneous

You summon a spirit from beyond the grave and command it to haunt a creature you can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 2d10 Cold damage, taking half as much on a success and ending the effect. They continue to be haunted, but the spirit loses strength the longer it remains attached to a creature. At the end of your next turn the creature takes another 1d10 cold damage and the spell ends.

At Higher Levels: If cast at second level or higher the spell deals an additional 1d10 Cold damage for each slot level after 1st on the first hit.

Soul Lantern

Necromancy Cantrip

Casting Time: One Action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a unlit torch or lantern)

Duration: 1 hour

You touch an unlit torch or lantern. The object bursts into magical blue flames, giving off bright light in a 15 foot radius and dim light for another 15 feet beyond. Any undead entering the range must make a Wisdom saving throw or have their movement speed halved. The blue flames give off a soft, yet unearthly, wailing sound that seems to come from inside the viewer's own head.

Spirit Touch

Second Level Necromancy

Casting Time: One Reaction

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

As a reaction, you may touch a creature within 5 feet of you that is attacking you or an ally. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn as you channel the memories of the life of a lost soul into the mind of the creature. A successful save negates the stun.