Priviledged Human

As a Dungeon Master, I've found that my players don't tend to be that interested in playing as human characters. My sense is that as the default race in Dungeons and Dragons, they seem like a pretty uninteresting option. Most of the other options seem like humans with extra benefits - resilient, underground humans (dwarves); agile, forest-dwelling humans (elves); short, sneaky humans (halflings).

My sense is that humans need something to make them more distinct. I've been reflecting a bit about how to achieve that, as well as asking other players and dms for suggestions.

A few people have suggested things like boosting all their abilities more or allowing them to accumulate power more quickly. I've been thinking more about how to make humans attractive from a roleplaying and narrative perspective.

What I've settled with is making a character background which I think reflects the dominance of humans in Dungeons and Dragons and particualry in forgotten realms.

This background content presumes that the character grew up in a city, town or agricultural community where most people are human. this character is used to thinking of humanity as default and is used to living in a society that is centred around humans. they will be accustomed to items like chairs, tables, toilets and ladders being built for their size. they will expect to be able to communicate with others in the common tongue.

Humans with this background may be explicitly or unconsciously prejudiced against other species. they may believe that it is the right of humans to rule over other species. they may believe they have a responsibility as the dominant species to rule for the good of everyone. they may be crippled by a sense of embarassment about their priviledge.

Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.

— Immanuel Kant

Skill proficiencies: Intimidation, Persuasion

Tool proficiencies: Calligrapher's supplies

Languages: Common

Equpment: A set of either common or fine clothes, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Human Kinship

Other humans are open to giving you a favor or allowing you the benefit of the doubt. As they do so they might give a wink and say, 'We humans need to look out for each other.' Fellow humans also expect you to do the same for them.

d8 Personality Trait
1. I get frustrated by smaller party-members who slow down our travelling pace.
2. I believe things have always been this way. Why should they change now?
3. I'm constantly trying to demonstrate that I'm unique and special.
4. I amuse myself by mastering impersonations of my friends and adversaries.
5. I learned the same trade as my parents, which they learned from their parents, et cetera.
6. I never set foot out of my home town until i became an adventurer.
7. My mama used to say, 'Stupid is as stupid does.'
8. I have a tattoo that my parents don't know about yet.
d6 Ideal
1. Leadership. It is the responsibility of humans to provide a just society for everyone. (Lawful)
2. Equity. It is unfair if a gnome or halfling is paid less for her labour but has to pay the same for her meals. (Good)
3. Empire. Humans are destined to rule over other races. (Evil)
4. Opportunity. Each one of us comes into the world and leaves the world in the same way. We choose what we'll do with the time in between. (Neutral)
5. Freedom. Each one of us is a wild creature at heart. (Chaotic)
6. Resilience. We must be ready to weather any kind of crisis. (Any)


Priviledged Human | D&D 5E Background

d6 Bond
1. All of my cousins are part of the nobility, if not royalty.
2. One of my great-grandparents is famous for leading a war against the elves.
3. I address all fellow humans like family. (eg. sister, brother, auntie, uncle, et cetera)
4. We humans must build strong relationships with non-humans in order to avoid conflict with them.
5. I subscribe to a blasphemous theory about human origins.
6. I have a half-orc sibling who I don't like to acknowledge.
d6 Flaw
1. I'm unhappy paying a non-human the same price I'd pay a human.
2. I'm constantly rambling on about how things were better when humans were in charge and non-humans knew their place.
3. I follow elaborate and obsessive morning and evening routines.
4. I'm constantly researching my family history, hoping to find find a non-human ancestor.
5. I'm constntly researching my family history, hoping not to find find a non-human ancestor.
6. I'm keen to learn from non-human societies, but I can't help talking down to non-humans.

Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

— Mahatma Gandhi

If you give this background a go as a player or as a DM, I'd be keen to hear how it goes and any feedback you have.

— Chris Booth


Priviledged Human | D&D 5E Background