Circle of the Blossom

A Druid Archetype

The druids of the Circle of the Blossom are herbalists and shamans who focus their understanding more on the flora of the world, and less on the fauna. They are often the sole protectors of the remaining forests and jungles of the world, and abhor anyone who mistreats plant life. They consider plants to be as sentient and alive as animals, and many even commune more with plants than with fellow humanoids. The circle’s members take on animal forms to better tend to the plants they so carefully guard. These druids often live solitary lifestyles, wandering through nature, protecting against lumbering and fires, and have trouble connecting empathetically with other creatures. As a berserker-typist, you gain the following class features

Floran Fluency

The floran language is only a language in that it is a means of communicating. It is rarely auditory, and is instead a means of harnessing pheromones and small changes in air pressure which only plants can detect. The language is silent, but require intense focus, and it takes five times longer to “speak” than it would if speaking common.

Starting at 2nd level, you have learned to communicate with plants to an extent after connecting to them spiritually. When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn a limited and simple form of the floran language. Plants can understand you when you "speak" to them.

At 6th level, you have become more attuned to the subtle ways plants communicate and you can understand when plants try to "speak" to you. You gain proficiency in the floran language and can "speak" it fluently.

Plant Form

In addition to changing into beasts when you use your wild shape, you can turn into plants and creatures in the plant category, such as blights and treants. These transformations follow the same rules as beast shapes, in addition to the following:

  • When you take the form of a nonambulatory plant which requires roots to survive, you can only remain in plant form for a number of hours equal to a quarter of your druid level rounded down if your roots are out of soil or water.
  • When taking the form of a nonambulatory plant, your hit dice, AC, and HP are determined by the table found at the end of the Circle description. The number of hit dice you have is equal to your druid level.
  • When in plant form, you may only communicate using languages known by the plant you have taken the shape of, but you can understand all languages you normally know.
  • Certain plants, at the discretion of your GM, may have additional properties, such as invigorating any who smell their flower, or perhaps giving disadvantage on saving throws to resist sleep or charms.

Herbal Immunity

Beginning at 6th level, you have immunity to poison damage inflicted by plants and substances derived from plants. You also have immunity to disease.

Shambling Wild Shape

At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time to transform into a shambling mound. You may choose the appearance this form takes, to an extent. For example, you could be a rotting mass of thorny vines, or a small shrub covered in sweet smelling flowers.

Shepherd of the Trees

Beginning at 14th level, you can expend two uses of Wild shape at the same time to transform into a treant. This exhausts your Wild Shape ability, and you must take two long rests before you are able to use Wild Shape again. You may choose one of the following types of treants, which grants you a boon or ability in addition to the base treant’s abilities:

Ash. While in treant form, you can cast detect evil and good, using one of your druid spell slots.

Aspen. While in treant form and for one turn after, you have immunity to fear and being charmed.

Cedar. While in treant form, you can cast cure wounds on a creature you are touching, using one of your druid spell slots.

Elm. While in treant form and for one turn after, you have advantage on Intelligence saving throws.

Oak. While in treant form, if both of your treant multiattacks hit, you may make an additional slam attack as a bonus action.

Palm. While in treant form and for one turn after, your speed increases by 10 ft.

Redwood. When your transformation ends, you gain temporary HP equal to your druid level.

Rowan. While in treant form, you can cast bless on creatures you are touching, using one of your druid spell slots.

Willow. While in treant form, you can cast sleep on creatures you are touching, using one of your druid spell slots.

Yew. While in treant form, you are immune to necrotic damage.

Nonambulatory Plant Table
Plant Size Example Hit Die Average HP per Die AC
Tiny Seedling d2 1 ½ 4
Small Potato Plant d4 2 ½ 6
Medium Lilac Bush d8 4 ½ 10
Large Japanese Maple d10 5 ½ 14
Huge Weeping Willow d12 6 ½ 16
Gargantuan Ancient Redwood d20 10 ½ 18

Special Thanks

Thanks to K.G., my player who made a character who fit under no existing class archetypes.

Thanks to the Homebrewery for providing this lovely format for free so I can share my designs with the world.

Thanks to Reddit and GitP for providing some advice and help making sure it's balanced and functional.

And Thanks to myself, Liran Sterling, for putting in the time to make this.