The Tangible Gods

The gods that built the world.

To some the gods are merely something that exist in the mind of the superstitous. To true believers see these beings as powerful entities that not only govern life and death, but everything in between, everything before and everything after. The following is an account of the gods, such as mortals can understand. These gods are considered tangible because they have avatars and lesser deities that walk the material world as envoys of their power, they are also directly worshiped by clerics and served by paladins that receive power for their worship.

Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for all life.

Thlig : Master of Seasons

Thlig : Master of Seasons : Light, Sun, and Stars : Hissho

Thlig is one of the eight tangible gods and is known as the Master of Seasons. He is responsible for the bringing the seasons, for causing the sun to rise and the night sky to be illuminated. Thlig is viewed as a youthful man made of golden light. This god is consider Good or Chaotic Good on the alignment spectrum. He is considered a member of the Sacred Eight and one of the three gods of the Church the Trinity. Clerics who worship this god will choose the Light Domain. Thlig is the deity whose life seed was left on the southern coast and gave rise to the Hissho.

Ethad : The Dark Lover

Ethad : The Dark Lover : Death and Darkness : Jotus

Ethad is known as the Dark Lover within the pantheon. Her domain is that of death and darkness and mystery. She is characterized as an attractive woman wearing a black robe. She calls all mortals to death eventually and guides them to the realms beyond. She also seduces Thlig once per day and dims his great light. This goddess is she is viewed a Lawful Evil or Neutral. She is considered a member of the Sacred Eight and she is worshiped by members of the Equilos. Clerics of this god will choose the death domain (DMG pg 96). Ethads, life seed was placed in the south western lands and gave rise to the Jotus.

Irstef : The Red Blade

Irstef : Red Blade : War and Conquest : Ongwir

The Red Blade or Irstef is the god of war and conquest. Seen as a scarred and bleeding warrior, this gods domain is that of conflict. A horde raiding across the land or a kingdom defending and claiming victory are all under the purview of Irstef. This god is viewed as Chaotic Neutral. This god is considered a member of the Sacred Eight. Clerics of this god will choose the War Domain. Irstef's life seed gave rise to the Ongwir in the fiery mountains in the center of the continent.

Taurne : The Great Tree

Taurne : The Great Tree : Growth and Nature : Elda

Taurne is the known as the great tree and viewed as such and is also depicted as a great stag. He is the god of growth and nature. All trees and plants, all the fruit bearing things grow at his command. All the creature that slither and run upon the world are his to care for. This god is viewed as Chaotic Good. Taurne is worshiped by both the Sacred Eight and the Chruch of the Trinity. Clerics who serve this god will use the Nature Domain. Taurne's life seed gave rise to the Elda.

Orle : The Wise One

Orle : The Wise One : Knowledge and Wisdom : Phuru

Orle, the god of knowledge, wisdom, writing and law. This god is often enshrined as old man with a long beard. Reading, Arcane arts, mathematics, stories that inspire. All these sources of knowledge and wisdom flow from the unending mind of Orle. This god is worshiped by both the Sacred Eight and the Chruch of the Trinity. This god is Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good on the alignment spectrum. Clerics of this god will choose the Knowledge Domain. This god's life seed gave rise to the Phuru.

Mrost : The Dark Cloud

Mrost : The Dark Cloud : Tempest and Natural Catastrophe : Drakken

Mrost, the dark cloud is the bringer of storms and natural catastrophe. This god is general viewed as a dark cloud full of lightning or a wave of the ocean tossing left and right. When waves crash against the rocks and when a sand storm darkens the brightest day and even when a tornado or blizzard ravages the countryside. All these flow from Mrost. This god Neutral in alignment. Clerics of this god will choose the Tempest Domain. The life seed of Mrost was left in the south west jungle and gave rise to the Drakken.

Ilfe : The Wild One

Ilfe : The Wild One : Chaos, Luck and Life : Firya

This god is seen as a youthful maiden and is the goddess of Chaos, Luck, and Life. The die land in your favor, or perhaps they dont, this is the work of Ilfe. When a mother brings new life into the world she is there. This god is Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral in aligment. Clerics of this god will choose the Life Domain. The life seed of Ilfe was plunged into the oceans and gave rise to the Firya.

Ilse : The Whisperer

Ilse : The Whisperer : Trickery and Lies : Guruthos

Ilse, the Whisperer is a goddess of trickery, deception and lies. This god is viewed as an old crone casting fate bones. This goddes is Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Good. Clerics who serve this god will chose the Trickery Domain. This gods life seed was left in the barrens of the south and gave rise to the Guruthos.

The Religions of Mythopoeia

The Sacred Eight

The Sacred Eight is a religion that acknowledges and worships the entire pantheon. They believe that each member of the Eight has a role to play in all our lives and will call on whichever deity they are in need of. This faith is widely practiced across the lands and is a part of most major cities and kingdoms.

Motto : "May the Eight Bless" responded with "Eight Blessings"

Beliefs : The Eight created the world and all life. The Eight govern all aspects of life and must each be worshiped for what they provide. Proper worship of the Eight will insure acceptance into a peaceful afterlife. The Eight each dwell in a realm of their own making awaiting followers who pass from life to join them in eternity.

Goals : Spread the news of the Eight to as many souls as possible so that all may know the gods and be able to enter the after life appropriately. In addition to this they want as many worshipers as possible in order to boost their own power and influence by being able to call on the gods and receive favor and miracles.

Symbol: A white 8 pointed star on a black field

The Church of the Trinity

The Church of the Trinity is a group that worships Taurne, Thlig and Orle. They view this gods as holy and good and the rest of the 8 as evil or wild and not worthy of worship. The pratitioners of this faith are very zealous and often clash with non-believers or people who practice other faiths, they are known for their good deeds and as being an beacon for hope and light, but they also have a reputation for being to aggressive in their interaction with outsiders.

Motto : "May the Light guide thee." They also use a challenge phrase of "do you walk the path?" the correct response is "yes, all three."

Beliefs : Of the 8 gods only 3 are holy. Taunre guides nature, Thlig the light of the heavens, and Orle guides man. Proper worship of the trinity involves sacrifices and ritual of plant, light and knowledge. Worshipers believe the after life consists of 3 realms, a heaven or paradise, a wild chaos and a hellish torment. Only by worshiping the Trinity can one be granted access into heaven.

Goals : Convert as many as possible to the proper paths. Heal the damage and lies done by none believers and members of other faiths.

Symbol : 3 Triangles in a tight grouping, one green, one gold, one black. (Think trifocre from zelda)


Equilos is a religion based on balance. Its worshipers believe that all of life is a balance between good and evil, light and dark, life and death. By recognizing this fact one can live in harmony with those around them, with nature and with the gods. They worship Ilfe and Ethad.

Motto : "Balance is inevitable"

Beliefs : For every event there is an opposite. Accepting that you are live means knowing you will die. By worshiping one of the 2 balancing gods you help to bring the cosmos into alignment. Once fully balanced the gods will descend and rule the world in harmony.

Goals : Create balance in every aspect of life. Seek to create balance on a global scale through influencing those in power in order to bring about the great balancing in which the gods will descend and create a perfect world.

Symbol : Circle with a straight line drawn through it.