Silent Knife, Holey Knife

in all eras, the assassin's craft has depended as much on silence and stealth as on lethal capability. Necessity has led to invention, often seen in the form of deadly weapons crafted with enchantments frowned upon by agents of authority. This blade embodies the most useful and obvious of these enhancements...

Powers and capabilities

At first glance, the dagger seems unremarkable save any adornments it may possess, however, a few moments are all it requires to ascertain its arcane nature.


  • The weapon never makes a sound, no matter how hard it is struck against a creature or object, both when wielded in hand or thrown.
  • When attuned, the dagger grants the wielder a +1 bonus to hit and damage.
  • When attuned, the wielder may invoke Silence once per long rest as a bonus action, initially centered on the dagger (10' radius), lasting 1 minute. On first successful strike (melee or ranged), the effect transfers to the target.
  • The knife carries its own pocket dimension of both space and time. When placed in any receptacle or enclosed space large enough to hold it (a deep pocket, a pouch, a bag or chest, etc) by the wielder, it slips into that hole in space/time and can only be retrieved by the one attuned to it. Breaking attunement will cause the item to be ejected from the area in which it is held. When in this way hidden, the dagger itself is undetectable, but the area in which it is stored may emanate some slight magic.
  • While suspended in the pocket of space/time, the dagger exists in a form of stasis: applied poisons do not degrade, magical effects do not expire. Even blood on such a blade will remain wet while it remains hidden.