A Nice Floral Table

Have you ever had a Druid character who always wants to know what kind of flowers are growing in the forest? I started work on this table so that I would have a quick answer when I was asked this question.

Flower Sizes
d8 Flower size
1-3 The size of a human fingernail
4-6 The size of a coin
7 The size of a human hand
8 The size of a human head
Petal Colours
d20 Petal Colour
1-2 Red
3 Pink
4-6 Orange
7-9 Yellow
10-12 Green

d20 Petal Colour
13-15 Dark blue
16 Purple
17-18 White
19 Grey
20 Black
Leaf Shapes
d6 Shape
1 Round with a slightly pointed tip
2 Long and thin
3 Rippled edges

d6 Shape
4 Star-shaped
5 Long and thin with a razor-sharp edge
6 Shaped like a spear-head
Additional Qualities
d10 Quality
1-4 No additional qualities
5-6 Roll on the vegetable table to see what part is edible
7 Roll on the magic table to determine magical qualities
8 Roll on the poison table to determine poison effects
9 Roll on the medicine table to determine medicinal qualities
10 Roll on the psychotropic table to find out how the plant affects brain function
d6 Edible Part
1 Tuberous roots can be baked or roasted
2 Seeds can be ground and baked into cakes
3 Seeds can be ground into a paste and eaten
4 Leaves can be eaten, but taste bitter
5 Leaves can be dried out and brewed as tea
6 Petals can be added to a salad - if you don't mind your party making fun of you
d4 Magical Quality
1 Eating the leaves has the same effect as protection from poison
2 Using the leaves to cover the eyes of a creature that has died within the last minute has the same effect as revivify
3 If a leaf is dried out it can be crushed in order to create the same effect as misty step. If a dried leaf is crushed accidentally, the person who crushes the leaf is transported to a random location within 30 feet.
4 Any creature that comes within 10 feet of the plant triggers the same effect as circle of death, emanating from the point where the plant is located
d4 Poison Effect
1 Creatures that eat any part of the plant must take 1d4 poison damage and must succeed on a DC12 Constitution save or become poisoned.
2 Creatures that eat the leaves of the plant must succeed on a DC10 Constitution save or become poisoned. If a handful of leaves are dropped into still water such as a lake or a pond, 1d6-2 small fish float to the surface after 30 minutes. Anyone who eats the fish or drinks the water must make a DC10 Constitution save or be poisoned.
3 Any creature whose skin touches the leaves must take 1d4 poison damage.
4 The plant releases poisonous pollen. Creatures within 20 feet of the plant must take 1d4 poison damage and must succeed on a DC12 Constitution save or become poisoned.