Way of the Monster

Across the civilized world and the lair-studded wastelands, tales abound of heroes who engage their enemies unarmed, superhuman brawlers who tear the arms from man-eating ogres and shatter bared fangs with a punch. But if such heroes train to defeat monsters, why should others not train to become them?

Such practitioners discard the noble arts of refined martial artists, and instead draw deep on the core of brutish resentment that lurks in every heart. They find transcendence in savage fury and enlightenment in the process of humbling would-be heroes, reducing their enemies to crimson jelly and ivory shards with casual, cathartic cruelty.

Immortality is the aim of these martial artists, a brutal, unkillable legend that will last for an eternity, until every spear in the cosmos has shattered on their bloodied skin.

This is the Way of the Monster.

Killing Intent

Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action and spend 1 ki to enter a perfect fury, eyes burning and hair bristling. This state ends after 1 minute. It ends early if you end your turn further away from a hostile creature than you started, unless you killed a hostile creature that turn.

While your fury lasts, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of your turns.

Fist Meets Fist

Also at 3rd level, you can spend 1 ki point and use your reaction to deflect a melee attack, reducing its damage by your Martial Arts die + your Dexterity modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can make an immediate unarmed attack against your attacker.

In addition, lost temporary hit points do not count when determining whether an attack dealt damage to you for the purposes of Deflect Missiles or Fist Meets Fist.

Foe Or Flail

Starting at 6th level, you can heft creatures with casual cruelty. Once per round, if you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you may grapple them instead of rolling damage. You may use Dexterity in place of Strength to maintain a grapple.

In addition, you can take a bonus action to use a creature you are grappling as a monk weapon until the start of your next turn. You are proficient with this weapon, which has a damage die equal to the hit die for that creature's size. The weapon is two-handed if the creature is larger than you, and has the thrown property (20/20 feet) if it is smaller.

An attack with this weapon suffers disadvantage, which cannot be negated, thanks to the struggles of the unfortunate cudgel. However, it targets both the grappled creature and its actual target. The lower attack roll is applied to the target, and the higher roll to the grappled creature.

If you are wielding this weapon, you may add its damage die to the roll for Fist Meets Fist and Deflect Missile. Any reduced damage is instead applied to the creature.

God Hand Fury

Starting at 11th level, you can spend an additional 3 ki points when you enter a fury to warp your body into an avatar of anger, coming under the effects of the enlarge spell for the remainder of your fury.

To Heaven From Hell

Beginning at 17th level, once per turn, when you make a Stunning Strike you can spend 2 or more ki points to fling the target in a direction of your choice. They are thrown 100 feet, plus 100 feet for every ki point spent over 2. This distance is halved if they succeed on their initial saving throw.

When the creature completes their journey, or hits an object deeply rooted enough to halt it, they and any surface they struck suffer the usual falling damage for the full distance they traveled. Flying creatures can avoid this damage entirely, provided they were not stunned.