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# Chapter 1: Crafting <br>Combat Poison
This document is introduces a combat focused poison system which can be included in your **D&D 5e** world to give some depth and excitement to the creation and use of poisons. It includes a crafting system to create poisons and a list of poisons that is similar to the spell list in Chapter 11 of the *player's handbook*. Like spellcasting, characters access poison crafting through class features and feats.
The poison system introduced here uses the abstract idea of extracting poisonous essences, the building blocks of poisons. Any character can start making poisons with the Poison Training feat, but only characters specialized in poisons through a poison focused subclass can use them to their fullest extent.
##### Table of Contents
<div style='line-height:55%;'>
| | |
| **Crafting Combat Poison** | [Page 01]() |
| **Poison Crafter's Features** | [Page 04](#p4) |
| **Combat Poisons** | [Page 05](#p5) |
| **Character Options** | [Page 09](#p9) |
| **Appendix - Tables and Terminology** | [Page 12](#p12) |</div>
## Basic Crafting Steps
The basic steps for crafting a combat poison are as follows:
- **First.** Find *poisonous materials* in the environment or harvest them from monsters. These are the raw material that you will refine into *poisonous essences*.
- **Second.** Extract *poisonous essences* from the *poisonous material* during a long rest.
- **Third.** Craft *poisons* by combining *poisonous essences* following a *recipe* after a short or long rest.
- **Last.** Expose your target to the poison by applying it a weapon or utilizing other pathways to exposure.
### The Five Poisonous Essences
Poisonous essences are the main ingredient in making a poison. They are extracted from poisonous materials.
Each poisonous essence has a color and grade. There are five essence colors (purple, green, white, yellow, and black) and three grades (simple, superior, and pure). The five colors of poisonous essence each have a particular range of effects, described in the table below:
| Essence Color | Effect |
| Purple | A purple essence can affect the psychology of a creature, inducing erratic behavior or strong emotion. |
| Green | A green essence is toxic to bodily functions, attacking or disrupting the processes which keep a body running. |
| White | A white essence affects the senses of a creature, dampening or amplifying their ability to perceive the world around them. |
| Yellow | A yellow essence corrupts the bond between the spirit and the body, causing harm to the astral self and impeding magical ability |
| Black | A black essence exploits malignant external forces on a creature, inducing rot and decay. |
> ##### Changes Happening!
> As of 12/1/18, I'm working on new poisons so the poisons section is in flux.
> Please comment on this [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/9gv5kz/homebrew_the_poison_manual_a_new_system_for/) with feedback.
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### Poisonous Materials
Poisonous materials are found in the environment or collected from poisonous monsters and creatures. Poisonous materials come in four rarities (common, uncommon, rare, very rare) and each produce a specific number, grade, and color or colors of poisonous essences.
The **Dungeon Master** should add poisonous materials to the loot dropped by monsters or found in the environment, also deciding the rarity and color(s) produced by the material as the players collect it. The player can also forage for poisonous materials in the environment if they do not find any during the adventure.
Poison crafters have access to the *Forage Poisonous Material* feature, detailed in Chapter 2, to search for poisonous materials in the environment. A poisonous material loot table is provided in the Appendix for DMs wishing to randomize their poisonous material loot drops.
### Extracting Poisonous Essences
Extraction is an alchemical process which reduces a poisonous material to its essence, which you store in your poisoner's kit. Essence extraction is time consuming, requiring a long rest to perform.
A poison crafter can initially extract simple essences using a simple extraction. Later, a poison crafter can learn superior and pure extractions to extract superior and pure essences. Each poisonous material is suited to produce a particular essense color or colors. Attempting to extract an essence color not present in a material is far less productive, so identification of essence color is important.
Poison crafters gain the features *Extract Poisonous Essence* and *Identify Color Essence*. Both features are detailed in Chapter 2.
### Essence Management
Once an essence is extracted, a poison crafter stores it in a poisoner's kit, and uses the essences in their kit to make combat poisons.
#### Essence Storage
Storing poisonous essences in a useful state is very difficult. A poison crafter can sustain storage of no more than ten poisonous essences. At the start of a long rest, if a poison crafter has more than ten essences, they must choose ten and get rid of the rest.
#### Dilution
A poisonous essence can be diluted at any time to create two essences of the same color but one grade lower. However, this process is irreversible.
### Combat Poisons
A poison crafter can make the poisons described in <br>the "List of Combat Poisons" section of this docu-<br>ment. Each poison description begins with a <br>block of information, including the poison's<br> name, type, recipe, doses, duration, and save<br> DC. The rest of a poison's entry describes<br> the poison's effect.
This document explores only combat <br>poisons, which are fast-acting short <br>lifespan poisons intended to be <br>used in combat situations. This <br>system could be modified to <br>include other types of poison.
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#### Types of Poison
There are three types of combat poisons; contact, injury, and inhaled. A creature exposed to a contact poison in any way suffers its effects, while an injury poison must be applied to a wound (typically using a weapon) and an inhaled poison is a special type of contact poison that cannot be applied to weapons.
#### Recipe
All poisons have a recipe which describe the number, color, and grade of essences needed to make the poison. Some recipes can scale to make additional doses. Recipes cannot scale unless indicated in the recipe. If the grade is not specified, then the effect scales with grade in some way.
#### Doses
Once made, a poison has a set number of doses. Often, the number of doses will scale with the recipe.
#### Duration
A poison's duration refers to the duration of the poison's effect. Follow the same rules as spell durations from Chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook.
#### Poison Expiration
Once created, all poisons have a brief window in which they are effective. At the start of a long or short rest, each dose of an unused poison becomes a single essence of the same grade and color used to create the poison.
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### Making a Poison
A poison crafter can make any poison for which they know the recipe and have the poisonous essences. They know a set number of recipes, indicated by Recipes Known. Creating a poison consumes the poisonous essences listed in the recipe.
A combat poison is crafted over a short or long rest. A poison crafter can make a set number of combat poisons during the rest, called the Crafting Limit, however, scaling up a recipe does not count against the limit.
The Recipes Known and Crafting Limit are both listed in the poison crafter's Class or Sub-Class description. Poison crafters gain the *Make a Poison* feature, described in Chapter 2.
### Using a Poison
A creature that is exposed to a poison suffers its effects, making a save as appropriate based on the poison's description. There are many ways to expose a creature to a poison: striking it with a poisoned weapon, splashing it with the poison, making it consume the poison, and some class features allow special ways of poisoning.
#### Applying Poison to a Weapon
With the Use an Object action, a poison crafter can apply a contact or injury poison to a weapon. Application of a poison consumes a number of doses of the poison based on the weapon's damage, as specified in the Weapon Dosing table.
##### Weapon Dosing
| Weapon Damage | Number of Doses Used |
| 1, 1d4 | 1 Dose |
| 1d6, 2d4, 1d8, 1d10 | 2 Doses |
| 1d12, 2d6 | 3 Doses |
A poisoned weapon exposes the first creature it hits to the poison's effects. The poison must be re-applied after the weapon hits a creature.
#### Thrown Vial of Poison
A dose of a contact or inhaled poison can be stored in a small vial and thrown at a creature. As an Attack action, you can throw a poison vial (range 20/60). Make a Dexterity attack roll against a single target. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the creature is exposed to the poison.
#### Other Pathways to Exposure
The poisons introduced in this document are all short-term combat poisons. As such, they aren't as efficient for use in covert applications, such as dosing food or an object with which someone may come into contact. Regardless of the pathway to exposure, once exposed to a poison a creature needs to make saves or suffer the poison's effect.
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> ##### Check Poison Types
> Carefully read the poison descriptions for their poison type. Only a *contact* poison can be both applied to a weapon and thrown in a vial. An injury poison must be applied to a weapon, and an inhaled poison must be thrown in a vial.
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# <a id="ch2"></a> Chapter 2: Poison Crafter's Features
Crafting a poison is a skilled task that rewards an intelligent mind. When you take a level in a poison crafting sub-class or take the Poison Training feat, you gain access to the following features which are used in the process of creating and using poisons. Most of these features require use of a Poisoner's Kit (with which you will have proficiency) and an Intelligence check.
### Forage Poisonous Materials
You can forage for poisonous materials if you do not find enough during your adventure. To forage for poisonous materials, you must spend at least 1 hour foraging, then make an Intelligence (Nature) check and compare your result to the Foraged Material Check Result table. You cannot forage the same area twice in 24 hours.
##### Foraged Material Check Result
<div style='line-height:90%'>
| Check Result: |1-9 |10-15 | 16-20 | 21-25 | 26+ |
| **Material Rarity:** |No Material |Common | Un-common | Rare | Very Rare |
### Identify Color Essence
Extracting an essence is more effective when you properly identify which essence color(s) can be extracted from a particular material.
As an action, you can attempt to identify which color essences can be extracted from a poisonous material. Make an Intelligence check using the poisoner's kit against the DC listed in the Color Identification table, identifying the color on a success, and learning nothing on a failure. You cannot repeat this check for the same poisonous material.
##### Color Identification
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Material Rarity: | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Very Rare |
| **Difficulty Class:** | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
### Extract Poisonous Essence
Extracting essences is a time consuming process. Over a long rest, you can attempt one extraction on a poisonous material, destroying the material in the process.
To do so, choose a poisonous material, an essence color to attempt to extract, and an extraction process which you know: simple, superior, or pure. At the end of the long rest, you make an Intelligence check using the poisoner's kit against the extraction DC in the Essence Extraction table.
On a success, you extract the indicated number of essences for the chosen extraction level. On a failure, you extract the number of essences in the failure column.
The color of essence extracted is always the chosen color. If the color chosen isn't one normally found in the material, the essences you extract are one grade lower than listed. If those essences would have been simple, instead you extract two fewer essences (minimum of one).
##### Essence Extraction
| Material Rarity | Failure | DC 10 (Simple) | DC 15 (Superior)|DC 20 (Pure)|
| Common | 1d4 simple essences | 2d4+1 simple essences | 2d4+1 superior essences | 2d4+1 pure essences |
| Uncommon | 1d6 simple essences | 2d6+2 simple essences | 2d6+2 superior essences | 2d6+2 pure essences |
| Rare | 1d8 simple essences | 2d8+3 simple essences | 2d8+3 superior essences | 2d8+3 pure essences |
| Very Rare | 1d10 simple essences | 2d10+4 simple essences | 2d10+4 superior essences | 2d10+4 pure essences |
### Make a Poison
At the end of short or long rest, you can make a number of poison recipes equal to your Crafting Limit. To craft the poison, you can use your stored essences, as well as any new essences you may have extracted during the rest. All essences used to craft a poison are consumed.
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# <a id="ch3"></a> Chapter 3: Combat Poisons
This chapter describes the most common combat poisons in the worlds of **Dungeons & Dragons**. The poison descriptions are grouped by lowest grade required and then in alphabetical order within those sections. All colors have a basic poison which can be created with essences of any grade, as well as some more specialized poisons, and some poisons require essences of multiple colors to craft.
### How to Read Poison Recipes
The recipe of a poison lists the required number, color, and grade of essence(s) to make the poison. The number of essences required can scale, changing the number of doses created. A recipe which requires multiple colors always requires equal portions of each color.
The effect or difficulty class of poison sometimes scales with the grade of essence used to create it. If no grade is specified in the recipe, any grade can be used. If a grade is specified, the poison can only be created at the listed grades.
Some poisons have Stages. Poisons with stages always check at teh end fo the poisoned creature's turn. They move up a stage if they fail, and move down a stage if they pass. If they are at the highest stage and they fail, they just reamin at the highest stage.
### Simple Poisons
Simple poisons can be made with simple, superior, or pure essences. They have the most basic effect of all the poisons.
#### Empathogen
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 / 5 purple essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 3 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 10 (simple), 13 (superior), 17 (pure)
This poison causes the exposed creature to feel empathy for other livings things. The exposed creature makes a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, it gains disadvantage on attacks for that turn. After three successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Gravitational Distortion Poison
*contact poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 / 5 yellow essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 2 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 10 (simple), 13 (superior), 17 (pure)
This poison causes the forces of gravity to double on a creature. It makes a Strength saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it fails, it becomes prone at the end of the turn. After two successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Mysterious Concoction
*injury poison* [<span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;"><span style="color:purple;">♦</span><span style="color:green;">♦</span><span style="color:white;">♦</span><span style="color:yellow;">♦</span><span style="color:black;">♦</span></span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 5 essences; at least two different colors
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Varies
- **Save DC:** 12 (simple), 14 (superior), 18 (pure)
The exposed creature is exposed to the effect of a random poison. Use this poison's save DC. Roll on the following table. The dice you roll depends on the grade of essence used to craft this poison. Roll a d6 for simple, a
d10 for superior, and a d12 for pure. On a roll of 1, re-roll using two dice and choose one result.
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Roll | Combat Poison Exposed |
| 2 | Empathogen |
| 3 | Noxious Oil |
| 4 | Numbing Agent |
| 5 | Gravitational Distortion Poison |
| 6 | Vile Serum |
| 7 | Insatiable Fury Toxin |
| 8 | Bella Donna |
| 9 | Equilibrium Bane |
| 10 | Pain Blossom Poison |
| 11 | Touch of the Gorgon |
| 12 | Icy Specter's Breath |
#### Noxious Oil
*injury poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 / 5 green essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 3 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 11 (simple), 15 (superior), 19 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, the creature takes 1d6 poison damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Numbing Agent
*contact poison* [<span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 / 5 white essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 3 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 10 (simple), 13 (superior), 17 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, the creature drops one rank in initiative instead of taking its turn (it goes after the next creature). After three successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Vile Serum
*injury poison* [<span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 / 5 black essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 2 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 10 (simple), 13 (superior), 17 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, the creature takes 1d10 poison damage. After two successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Vulnerability Exposer
*contact poison* [<span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;"><span style="color:purple;">♦</span><span style="color:green;">♦</span><span style="color:white;">♦</span><span style="color:yellow;">♦</span><span style="color:black;">♦</span></span>]
- **Recipe:** Up to 1 essence of each color
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** 1 round
- **Save DC:** 12 (simple), 14 (superior), 18 (pure)
The exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, until the end of your next turn, the exposed creature gets disadvantage on certain types of saving
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throws. The save types affected depend on the essence color(s) used to create this poison, as follows:
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Color | Ability Save Type |
| Green | Strength |
| Black | Dexterity |
| Yellow | Intelligence |
| White | Wisdom |
| Purple | Charisma |
### Superior Poisons
Superior poisons can only be made from superior or pure essences. Their effects are far more varied than simple poisons.
#### Astral Schism Poison
*injury poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 yellow essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** 1 successful save
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
This poison causes an exposed creature to disconnect from its astral self, causing the body to lag behind the mind. The exposed creature makes a Charisma saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it must take the same action as the previous turn to the extent possible, including continuing to move in the same direction, casting the same spell at the same area, or attacking the same space. The poison ends on a success.
#### Bella Donna
*injury poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 5 green essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, its body becomes overwhelmed as its metabolic rate doubles. For its next 3 rounds, the creature takes 2d10 poison damage at the end of any turn in which it moves and attacks, attacks more than once, or uses a bonus action. It also takes 2d10 poison damage if it uses a reaction.
#### Blinding Powder
*inhaled poison* [<span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 white essences; both superior or pure
- **Doses:** 3
- **Duration:** 1 successful save
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
A creature exposed to this poison must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become Blinded. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
#### Death Spore Mutation
*contact poison* [<span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 5 black essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Up to 1 minute
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
This poison causes pods of necrotic spores to sprout from wounds. The exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it takes 1d4 poison damage and is
poisoned (the conditon). At the end of each of its turns, it makes another saving throw against this effect. Each time a creature fails the saving throw, it takes 1d4 damage and remains poisoned. This effect ends on a success.
If the creature dies while under the effect of this poison, all creatures within 5 feet of it are exposed to the same poison and must make a save against this effect.
#### Equilibrium Bane
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 purple essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** Up to 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
A creature exposed to this poison makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the creature perceives the ground as waving terrain. At the end of its next 3 rounds, if the creature used any of its movement speed that round, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become prone.
#### Fear Inducer
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 5 purple essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Up to 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
A creature exposed to this poison makes a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, the creature becomes frightened of the closest foe at the start of each of its turns for its next 3 turns.
#### Fragrant Dissociator
*inhaled poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 6 essence; equal parts white and purple; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 12 (superior), 15 (pure)
This poison causes dissociation, halucination, and increased anxiety. For the next three rounds, the exposed creature makes a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it is incapacitated until the start of its next turn. The DC increases by 3 the second round and 5 the third round.
#### Insatiable Fury Toxin
*inhaled poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 1 / 3 purple essence; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
The exposed creature is overcome with mindless rage. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or it makes a single reckless attack against a random creature within 5 feet of it with its primary weapon. The attack has advantage, and attack rolls against the creature have advantage until its next turn.
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#### Orator's Curse
*injury poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 green essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** 2 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, it cannot speak intelligibly until its next turn. After two successful saves, the poison ends.
#### Pain Blossom Poison
*injury poison* [<span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 5 / 8 black essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2 / 3
- **Duration:** 1 successful save or 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
This poison takes a few moments to set, then causes immense pain. A creature exposed to this poison makes a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it succeeds, this poison ends. On the third failure, it takes 6d6 poison damage, is paralyzed until the start of its next turn, and the poison ends.
#### Pyrosensitivity Stimulant
*contact poison* [<span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 white essences; superior or pure
- **Doses:** 2
- **Duration:** 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it becomes extremely sensitive to heat. Any fire damage it takes in the next three rounds causes it to be frightened until the end its next turn. Additionally, it is vulnerable to the first instance of fire damage it takes during this time.
#### Sensory Overload Toxin
*contact poison* [<span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 white essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** Up to 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 15 (superior), 18 (pure)
A creature exposed to this poison makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the creature becomes hyper- sensitive to pain. For the next 3 rounds, the first time it takes damage in that round
, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or become stunned until the end of its next turn.
#### Slumber's Kiss
*contact poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 5 yellow essences; all superior or pure
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Up to 1 minute
- **Save DC:** none
An exposed creature is drawn into a magical slumber. Roll a number of d8s based on the grade of the poison; 5d8 for simple, 9d8 for superior, or 13d8 for pure. If the exposed creature has fewer hit points than the total rolled, it falls unconscious until the poison ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Roll twice as many dice if the exposed creature has one or more levels of exhaustion.
### Pure Poisons
Poisons which can only be made with pure esseences have the strongest and most varied of effects.
#### Icy Specter's Breath
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 9 pure essences; equal parts purple, white and yellow
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Up to 2 consecutive successful saves
- **Save DC:** 19
An exposed creature's blood runs cold. It makes a Wisdom saving throw. A creature that fails the save feels hallucinates a cold mist around it. While the creature sees the mist, the creature's speed is reduced to 10 feet, and everything beyond 10 feet around the creature is heavily obscured. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature sees an illusory specter attack it from mist, taking 4d6 cold damage.
At the end of each turn, the creature repeats the Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature sees the specter rise from the mist and attack it, dealing 4d6 cold damage. On a success, the specter is banished if the creature can see it, and the effect ends if the creature cannot see it.
#### Green Fatigue Poison
*contact poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 7 pure green essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 17
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it gains one level of exhaustion.
#### Pufferfish Toxin
*contact poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 7 pure green essences
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 17
This poison disables the target's nerves. The exposed creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it begins in Stage 1. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature begins in Stage 2 instead. The creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, moving to a lower stage with a success or a higher stage with a failure.
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Stage | Effect |
| **Stage 0** | Cured |
| **Stage 1** | Poisoned |
| **Stage 2** | Poisoned, Incapacitated |
| **Stage 3** | Poisoned, Incapacitated, 6d6 poison damage |
#### Open Mind Poison
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 4 / 10 pure essences; equal parts white and purple
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 16
The exposed creature makes an Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes open to a suggested course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. The creature will
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not stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act, but it can be persu-aded to hurt its friends if it has reason to be suspicious.
It pursues the course of action you described to the best of its ability until they complete the suggested action or a
minute has passed. If the suggested activity can be finished in a shorter time, the poison's effect ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do.
Great pain can jolt the creature back to focus. Whenever the creature takes damage, it makes a Constitution saving throw as if making a concentration check. On a failure, the poison's effect ends.
#### Reality Acid
*contact poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 pure yellow essences
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** 2 successful saves
- **Save DC:** 17
An exposed creature makes a Charisma saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it is transported to a dimensional pocket until the start of its next turn. The poison ends on two successful saves.
#### Sentient Spores
*contact poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 pure black essences
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 16
This poison is made up of a fungus which infects its host's brain, causing them to seek out the highest altitude they can.
At the beginning of its next three turns, the exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the target takes 2d6 poison and uses its action to move as high off the ground as possible through any means. A creature that fails all three consecutive saves makes a final Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is killed and all other creatures below the exposed creature within a 10 ft radius are exposed to this poison.
#### Shallow Grave Blight
*injury poison* [<span style="color:purple;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 6 pure essences; equal parts purple and black
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 17
An exposed creature makes a Constitution saving throw. On a success, this poison ends. It continues to make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the poison on a success.
If a creature dies under the effect of this poison, it returns as a **ghoul** (superior essences) or a **ghast** (pure essences). After a minute, the creature returns to a state of death.
#### Shriveling Eye Powder
*inhaled poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:white;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 9 pure essences; equal parts green and white
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** 3 successful saves or 3 failed saves
- **Save DC:** 16 (superior), 19 (pure)
An exposed creature eyes begin to dry out. They must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each failed save, the creature takes 1d8 poison damage and is blinded until its next turn. After three successful saves, the poison ends. After three failures, the poison ends and the creature is permanently blinded until magic such as the lesser restoration spell removes the blindness.
#### Spatial Anchor
*contact poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 pure yellow essences
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** Up to 3 rounds
- **Save DC:** 18
This poison anchors a creature to a space. For its next 3 rounds, an exposed creature makes a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it fails, it teleports
back to the exact location (and plane) where it was exposed to the poison.
#### Touch of the Gorgon
*contact poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 4 pure essences, equal parts green and yellow
- **Doses:** 1
- **Duration:** Up to 2 consecutive successful saves
- **Save DC:** 19
The exposed creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save is restrained. The creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a failure, the creature becomes or remains petrified. On a success, the creature becomes restrained if it was petrified, and the effect ends if it was restrained.
The petrification caused by this poison doesn't effect this poison.
#### Vampiric Virus
*injury poison* [<span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 2 / 6 pure essences; equal parts yellow and black, a drop of your own blood
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 18
An exposed creature must make a Charisma saving throw at the start of each of its turns. This poison ends on a successful save. Whenever a creature affected by this poison takes damage, you can roll a 1d8 and then choose to gain that many temporary hit points.
#### Writhing Scarab Curse
*contact poison* [<span style="color:green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:yellow;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span><span style="color:black;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;">♦</span>]
- **Recipe:** 3 / 9 pure essences; equal parts green, yellow, and black
- **Doses:** 1 / 2
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
- **Save DC:** 14
An exposed creature experiences writhing flesh, as if a few insects are crawling just beneath its skin. At the end of each of its turns, it makes a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the number of insects seems to double, and the creature takes *X*d6 damage, where *X* is the number of failed saving throws for this dose of poison. On two consecutive successes, the poison ends.
The creature can also attempt to touch another creature to rid itself of the curse. To do so, it makes an unarmed melee attack against another creature. If the attack hits, the attacked creature makes a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the effect of Writing Scarab Curse transfers to them (the failure adds to the failure count). If it succeeds, the effect does not transfer.
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# <a id="ch4"></a> Chapter 4: Character Options
This chapter provides a small variety of new options for players who want to use poisons in combat, including two new subclasses and a feat that gives any character access to poisons. Each subclass and the Poison Training feat gives access to the poison crafting features described in Chapter 2, and the subclasses give the Rogue and the Sorcerer unique ways to craft and apply poisons.
## Roguish Archetype
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature. In addition to those in the *Player's Handbook*, the following Roguish Archetype is available to a rogue: the Poisoner.
### Poisoner
#### Poison Crafting
At 3rd level, you learn to create poisons. You gain proficiency in the poisoner's kit, and you have all of the Poison Crafter's Features. See Chapter 1 for the general rules of poison crafting, Chapter 2 for a list of the poison crafter's features, and Chapter 3 for the list of combat poisons.
**Recipes Known.** You know the recipe for four combat poisons of your choice from the combat poison list in Chapter 3. The Recipes Known column of the Poisoner Poison Crafting table shows when you learn more combat poison recipes.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
replace one of the combat poison recipes you know with another recipe of your choice.
**Crafting Limit.** The Poisoner Poison Crafting table shows how many combat poisons you can make at the end of a short or long rest. You can use the same recipe multiple times if desired.
At the start of a long or short rest, each dose of any unused poison becomes a single simple essence of a color used to create that poison.
**Extractions Types.** At 3rd level, you can attempt a simple extraction. At 9th level, you can attempt a superior
extraction, and at 13th level you can attempt a pure extraction.
##### Poisoner Poison Crafting
<div style='line-height:84%'>
| Rogue Level | Recipes Known | Crafting Limit |
| 3rd-4th | 4 | 2 |
| 5th-8th | 5 | 3 |
| 9th-10th | 6 | 3 |
| 11th-12th | 7 | 4 |
| 13th-14th | 8 | 4 |
| 15th-16th | 9 | 4 |
| 17th-20th | All | 5 |
#### Poisoner's Hands
Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to take apply poison to a weapon.
#### Deep Wound Exposure
At 9th level, whenever you expose a creature to a poison with a sneak attack, it has disadvantage on the first saving throw against that poison.
#### Improvisational Poisoncraft
At 13th level, as you make a poison or poisons at the end of a short rest, you can use up to three poisonous essences as if they were an essence of any color.
#### Master of Poisons
At 17th level, you have mastered poisons. The Difficulty Class of poisons you create are increased by 1.
Additionally, you know all combat poison recipes.
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## Sorcerous Origin
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin <br>feature. The following option is available to a sorcerer, <br>in addition to those in the *Player's Handbook*: Calypso's Chosen.
### Calypso's Chosen
Your bloodline has ties to the sea goddess Calypso. A tempestuous divinity, Calypso has sway over tides and storms, as well as the crustaceans and plants which<br> live on the sea bottom. She dwells in brackish swamps at the edge of seas, where an occasional mortal will the risk poisonous swamp creatures and toxic reefs to make her acquaintance. Legends tell that Calypso would have dalliances with mortals she found worthy, and her blood has entered mortal lines.
You are one of Calypso's Chosen, the few in her bloodline for which her blood manifests as arcane power. The sea goddess's touch bestows not just a stormy demeanor, but also a gift for magic and a knack for poisons.
#### Brackish Affinity
You find yourself at home in Calypso's favorite habitat. At 1st level, you gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed, can open your eyes and see underwater even in salt water, and you can hold your breath for up to 5 minutes.
#### Poison Crafting
At 1st level, you have learned Calypso's favorite art of creating poisons. You gain proficiency in the poisoner's kit, and you have all of the Poison Crafter's Features. See Chapter 1 for the general rules of poison crafting, Chapter 2 for a list of the poison crafter's features, and Chapter 3 for the list of combat poisons.
**Recipes Known.** You know the recipe for two combat poisons of your choice from the combat poison list.
The Recipes Known column of the Calypso's Chosen Poison Crafting table shows when you learn more combat poison recipes.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
replace one of the combat poison recipes you know with another recipe of your choice.
**Crafting Limit.** The Calypso's Chosen Poison Crafting table shows how many combat poisons you can make at the end of a short or long rest. You can use the same recipe multiple times if desired.
At the start of a long or short rest, each dose of an unused poison becomes a single simple essence of a color used to create that poison.
**Extractions Types.** At 1st level, you can attempt a simple extraction. At 6th level, you can attempt a superior extrac-tion, and at 14th level you can attempt a pure extraction.
##### Calypso's Chosen Poison Crafting
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Sorcerer Level | Recipes Known | Crafting Limit |
| 1st-2nd | 2 | 1 |
| 3rd-5th | 3 | 2 |
| 6th-8th | 4 | 2 |
| 9th-11th | 5 | 3 |
| 12th-13th | 6 | 3 |
| 16th-17th | 7 | 3 |
| 18th-20th | 7 | 4 |
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<img src='https://i.imgur.com/jVOP0GP.png' style='position:absolute; top:340px; right:-20px; width:250px; transform: rotate(190deg)scaleX(1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/jVOP0GP.png' style='position:absolute; bottom:-27px; right:508px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:127px; left:58px; width:450px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:-27px; left:88px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:107px; left:168px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:107px; left:8px; width:350px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:247px; left:249px; width:350px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:-87px; left:65px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:37px; left:152px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:357px; left:575px; width:250px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/IQENPZX.png' style='position:absolute; top:377px; left:670px; width:150px; transform: rotate(285deg)scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/Y1CPeui.png' style='position:absolute; bottom:217px; right:-205px; width:580px; transform: rotate(260deg)scaleX(1)scaleY(0.9); filter:opacity(100%)hue-rotate(0deg)saturate(300%)brightness(80%);' />
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<img src='https://i.imgur.com/Y1CPeui.png' style='position:absolute; bottom:-30px; right:-285px; width:580px; transform: rotate(110deg)scaleX(1)scaleY(0.9); filter:blur(20px)opacity(100%)hue-rotate(0deg)saturate(300%)brightness(30%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/8QVIOam.png' style='position:absolute; bottom:-1px; right:-50px; width:465px; filter:saturate(100%)contrast(100%)brightness(100%);transform:scaleX(-1)' />
<div class='footnote'>Chapter 4: Character Options</div>
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#### Exposing Poison Spray
At 1st level, you learn the *poison spray* cantrip. It doesn't count against your number of cantrips known. When a creature fails to save against your poison spray, you can choose to expose the creature to one poison for which you have a dose. If you do so, roll d6s instead of d12 for damage. This expends the dose.
#### Poisonous Spell
At 6th level, when one or more creatures fails a saving throw for a spell you cast, you can spend 1 sorcery point to add combat poisons to the spell. To do so, choose up to three creatures which rolled a saving throw for the spell. Each of those creatures is exposed to one poison for which you have a dose. This expends the doses.
At 14th level, up to four creatures can be exposed. At 18th level, up to five creatures can be exposed.
#### Crustaceous Swarm
At 14th level, you can become a swarm of crustaceans to escape bondage and harm. Whenever you suffer a critical hit, take damage that leaves you below a quarter of your maximum health, or spend 2 Sorcery Points as a bonus action, you can choose to explode into a swarm of crustaceans for up to a minute.
If you do so, you gain the benefit of the *freedom of movement* spell, and all attacks against you have disadvantage. While under this effect, you cannot cast other spells or attack. At any time, you can reform your body and end this effect early.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
#### Sorcerous Essence Creation
At 18th level, as you create a poison, you may use spell slots in place of poisonous essences. A spell slot used in this way can be any color of poisonous essence. The Flexible Poison Crafting table shows the number and quantity of essences produced depending on the spell slot(s) expended. You can expend any number of spell slots in this way, and these essences can be diluted as normal.
##### Flexible Poison Crafting
<div style='line-height:85%'>
| Spell Slot | Poisonous Essences Produced |
| 1st | 3 simple essences |
| 2nd | 4 simple essences |
| 3rd | 2 superior essences |
| 4th | 3 superior essences |
| 5th | 4 superior essences |
| 6th | 2 pure essences |
| 7th | 3 pure essences |
| 8th | 4 pure essences |
| 9th | 5 pure essences |
## Feat
The following feat allows characters of any class to use poisons.
### Poison Training
*Prerequisite: Intelligence 13*
You gain the poison crafters features listed in Chapter 2 and have proficiency with the *poisoner's kit*. You have three Poisons Known and your Crafting Limit is one. You can perform simple extractions.
Each time you take this feat after the first, you learn two poisonous recipes and your Crafting Limit increases by one. The second time you take this feat you can perform superior extractions, and the third time you can perform pure extractions.
<div class='footnote'>Chapter 4: Character Options</div>
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# Chapter 5: <a id="ch5"></a> Appendix
### DMing with Poisonous Materials
As a Dungeon Master, you should include poisonous materials in your loot drops and you should encourage players to have their characters try to harvest poisonous materials from monsters and the environment. Don't worry about giving too many materials, the player is limited to just one extraction per long rest.
When a character finds a poisonous material in the course of adventuring, you should decide its rarity and what color(s) it can produce. You can also roll on the Poisonous Material tables below. Tell the player the rarity. You can tell the player the color or let them use an Identify Color Essence check to determine the color(s) that can be extracted from their poisonous materials (see Chapter 2).
When a character tries to extract poisonous essences from a poisonous material, make sure to ask which color they are extracting and what type of extraction they are performing (see Essence Extraction table in Chapter 2). If they attempt to extract the wrong color, they will get lower grade or fewer essences, but they still get the color they attempt to extract.
### Typical Poisonous Materials
Here is a list of example sources of poisonous materials, in case a Dungeon Master needs a little creative motivating. This list should not be seen as a restriction, but instead a guide for those who might need it.
| Essence Color | Category| Source |
| Purple |(mental)| Mushrooms and mosses, exotic beasts or fey creatures. |
| Green |(bodily function)| Foliage and berries, poisonous non-magical beasts, some poisonous magical beasts. |
| White |(senses)| Flowering plants, geologic mineral formations, metals, oozes and fey creatures. |
| Yellow |(astral)| Elemental and aberration creatures, crystalline features in a magic cave, an old wizard's hat often exposed to magic. |
| Black |(rot or parasitic)| Mushrooms, mosses, fungi, venomous beasts, some undead creatures, oozes, materials exposed often to necrotic energy. |
### Poisonous Material Tables
As a Dungeon Master, you may want to randomize the rarity and color(s) of poisonous materials found by players while adventuring or foraging for poisonous materials. Use these tables to provide a random color and grade for poisonous material.
##### Poisonous Material Color
| Roll 1d6: |1 |2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| **Color(s):** | Purple | Green | White| Yellow | Black | Roll x2 |
##### Poisonous Material Rarity
| Roll 1d20: |1 - 12 | 13 - 17 | 18 - 19 | 20 |
| **Grade:** | Common | Uncommon | Rare| Very Rare |
### Terminology
- **Color:** a quality of *poisonous essences*, there are five colors. Each color covers a certain type of effect. A poisonous essence is always one of these five colors. A poisonous material contains essences of one or more colors, in a sense having one or more colors itself.
- **Crafting Limit:** the maximum number of combat poisons recipes a poison crafter can make at the same time (ie. at the end of a short rest). One recipe can create more than one dose. Combat poisons have a limited shelf life, so this number ends up limiting the number of doses of poison a character can have available to them.
- **Dose:** a dose is one unit of poison. When you make a poison, you create one or more doses, determined by the recipe. Doses are expended when poison is applied to a weapon, thrown in a vial, or used in another way. Some weapons require more doses to fully coat with poison.
- **Grade:** a quality of *poisonous essences*, the grade describes the purity of a poisonous essence. There are three grades: simple (lowest), superior, and pure (highest). Higher grades make more potent poisons.
- **Extraction:** the process by which poisonous material is turned into a poisonous essences. There are three difficulties of extractions, which correspond to the grade of essence they produce: simple, superior, and pure.
- **Poisonous Essence:** the building block of a poison, these are used in poison recipes to create poisons. Each poisonous essence has a grade and a color.
- **Poisonous Material:** the source of poisonous essences, these are found in the environment or harvested from monsters. They have a rarity and produce poisonous essences of a particular color.
- **Rarity:** a quality of *poisonous materials*, the rarity effects the number and grade of poisonous essences that can be extracted from the material. There are four rarities: common, uncommon, rare and very rare.
- **Recipe:** the number, grade and color of essences needed to create a poison. Note that most recipes create more doses if more essences are used, but this isn't linear. The recipes suffer from diminishing returns. A character would still want to create more doses with one recipe because they are limited in the number of recipes they can make by their Crafting Limit.
- **Recipes Known:** the number of different recipes a character knows.
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##### Artwork Credit (by appearance)
- JJcanvas - ["Swamp"](https://www.deviantart.com/jjcanvas/art/Swamp-177420337)
- Charlie O'Shields - ["A Magic Potion"](https://doodlewash.com/a-magic-potion/)
- Kev Walker - ["Cystbearer"](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=205477)
- Hyeon Gwan Nam - ["Desert Thief"](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3WlDg)
- Tyler Jacobson - ["Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons"](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hapatra%2C%20vizier%20of%20poisons)
- Randy Vargas - ["Necrotic Wound"](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=necrotic%20wound)
- Joe Slucher - ["Hired Poisoner"](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hired%20Poisoner)
- apfelgriebs - ["Swamp"](https://www.deviantart.com/apfelgriebs/art/Swamp-482039868)
- Matt Stewart - ["Hooded Assassin"](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=391855)
- Ze CarnevilCat - ["Pirate Voodoo queen Orma"](https://zecarnevilcat.artstation.com/projects/EbDOv)
<div class='footnote'>Chapter 5: Appendix</div>
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# Poison Crafting Visual Guide:
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/3MtDDf9.png' style='position:absolute; top:50px; left:20px; width:365px; filter:saturate(100%)contrast(100%)brightness(100%);transform:scaleX(-1)' />
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## Poisonous Materials
The source of poisonous essences, these are found in the environment or harvested from monsters. They have a rarity and produce poisonous essences of a particular color.
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## Extraction
The process by which poisonous material is turned into a poisonous essences, done over a long rest. There are three difficulties of extractions, which correspond to the grade of essence they produce: simple, superior, and pure.
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## Poisonous Esssences
The building block of a poison, these are used in poison recipes to create poisons. Each poisonous essence has a grade and a color.
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## Recipe
The number, grade and color of essences needed to create a poison. Poisons are made at the end of a short or long rest. Your Crafting Limit is the number of recipes that you can make at the same time.
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## Combat Poisons
Fast-acting, short lifespan poisons intended to be used in combat situations.
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##### Artwork
- 123RF - ["Poisonous Mushrooms"](https://www.123rf.com/photo_60596601_stock-vector-set-of-poisonous-mushrooms-color-stickers-with-different-fungi.html)
- Boneblogger - ["Eastern Coral Snake"](https://boneblogger.com/venomous-snakes-of-north-america/)
- Gelatinous Cubes Twitter - ["Gelatinous Cubes"](https://twitter.com/gelatinouscubes)
- Charlie O'Shields - ["A Magic Potion"](https://doodlewash.com/a-magic-potion/)
- IconFinder - ["Fantasy Alchemy"](https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/711546/alchemy_chemistry_fantasy_medical_molecule_research_test_tubes_icon)
<img src='https://i1.wp.com/doodlewash.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-31_A-Magic-Potion.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1' style='mix-blend-mode:multiply; position:absolute; width:325px; filter:hue-rotate(100deg); bottom:139px; left:30px;' />
<img src='https://i1.wp.com/doodlewash.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-31_A-Magic-Potion.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1' style='mix-blend-mode:multiply; position:absolute; width:225px; filter:hue-rotate(280deg); bottom:164px; left:-15px; transform:scaleX(-.7)scaleY(1.1)' />
<img src='https://i1.wp.com/doodlewash.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-31_A-Magic-Potion.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1' style='mix-blend-mode:multiply; position:absolute; width:155px; filter:hue-rotate(40deg); bottom:171px; left:200px; transform:scaleX(-1)scaleY(0.8)' />
<img src='https://static.thenounproject.com/png/76988-200.png' style='position:absolute; top:350px; left:130px; width:105px; filter:opacity(70%)saturate(100%)contrast(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://static.thenounproject.com/png/76988-200.png' style='position:absolute; top:630px; left:130px; width:105px; filter:opacity(70%)saturate(100%)contrast(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/E8rRK9g.png' style='position:absolute; top:460px; left:120px; width:165px; filter:opacity(100%)saturate(100%)contrast(100%)brightness(100%);' />
<div class='footnote'>Chapter 5: Appendix</div>
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## Changelog
### Version 1.3
- Updated the poison list. Improved visuals. Added new poisons. Modified some older poisons.
### Version 1.2
- Reworked Essence Extraction numbers. Expected value is 6 (common), 9 (uncommon), 12 (rare), 15 (very rare)
- Added new poisons: Mysteroius Concoction, Vampiric Virus, Reality Acid.
- Moved Equilibrium Bane to purple poison list
- Added seeing in salt water to Brackish Affinity (which I don't think has real rules implications).
### Version 1.1
- Rebalanced the Essence Extraction table which shows the number of essences extracted. The number of essences extracted was increased and the difficult class of extraction was decreased.
- If you guess the color wrong and are extracting simple essences, you now extract two fewer essences instead of extracting a single essence.
- Changed Foraging Poisonous Materials. Players now make a check, the result of which determines if any material is found and the rarity of the poisonos material foraged.
- Identify Color Essence is now an action instead of 10 minutes.
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### About Me & Additional Homebrews
I'm fascinated by ways that the flavor of playing a class or sub-class can express itself both in-game and out of game at the same time, bringing you closer to your character. I've brewed up an Artificer class that lets the player create inventions that cast spells, and the Gambler sub-class that allows the player to take risks on rolling dice, hoping to hit it big!
Other than that, I like to homebrew rules and whatever comes to mind. Brewing is a creative challenge - how to best fit cool ideas into the 5e System.
Reddit handle: [u/sonaplayer](https://www.reddit.com/user/sonaplayer/posts/)
### Content
##### -Classes-
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##### [The Artificer](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/ByT72gGOG)
**A Customizable Short-Rest Full Caster**
Build your own inventions as the Artificer. Quite different than Wizards of the Coast's version, this Artificer allows you to allocate resources into spells and class features to build a character with unique inventions and play styles.
##### -Sub-Classes-
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##### [The Gambler](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/S1-SRiz8zz)
**A Roguish Archetype**
Take risks and roll big with this sub-class for the Rogue which goes all-in for big payouts!
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##### [Path of the Brawler](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/ryKphU8qm)
**A Primal Path**
This Barbarian sub-class let's you get close and personal with new and improved ways to use grappling and shoves.
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##### [Path of the Fury Shaman](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyWavcycOz)
**A Primal Path**
Fuel magic by channeling your rage. By entering a unique rage called a trance, the Fury Shaman casts spells.
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##### [Arcane Descendant](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BkKd3kQbX)
**A Sorcerous Origin**
Your ancestor was a powerful wizard. Your blood was marked with an affinity for their school of magic.
> ##### Personal Credits
> Special thanks to:
- The [Homebrewery](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/), for making homebrewing fun, visually appealing, and professional.
- [r/UnearthedArcana](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/) for taking the time to read and review what I write.
- Anyone using my content! Thank you for making all this time even more worthwhile.
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##### -Rules-
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##### [Variant: Jumping Rules](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/Sk-D5r2Vbz)
**For Jumping Higher and Longer**
The Rules As Written let you jump a fixed distance based on your strength score and modifier. These rules let you jump a little further with a Strength (Athletics) check.
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##### [Combat Poison System](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/H1-MTDwlm7)
**For Crafting Poisons and Using Them in Combat**
These rules introduce a crafting system to create poisons from materials you find in the environmental, and a combat poison system that allows you to choose for a list of poisons and use them like spells.
<div class='footnote'>About Me</div>