# Hot Springs Island Bestiary

> ## Astral Spinner
>*Tiny beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12
> - **Hit Points** 10 (4d4)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
>|4 (-3)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|2 (-4)|12 (+1)|4 (-3)|
> - **Skills** Stealth +4
> - **Senses** darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> **Spider Climb.** The astral spinner can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

> **Web Sense.** While in contact with a web, the astral spinner knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

> **Web Walker.** The astral spinner ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.***  *Melee Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10 Constitution save, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

> ***Web (Recharge 3-4).*** *Ranged Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, range 10/30 ft., one creature. *Hit*: The target is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).

> ***Encase.*** The astral spinner further wraps a target in their webbing. One target that is restrained by astral spinner webbing within 5 ft. is fully wrapped if they fail a DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the webbing bursts.

> ***Astral Shift.*** The astral spinner can choose a target that is fully wrapped by astral spinner webbing within 5 ft. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution save or be transported with the astral spinner to the astral plane and further encased in webbing. At the beginning of their turn, they take 6 (2d6) poison damage and can make a DC 12 Strength check to escape the webbing. If the target escapes the webbing, they return to the material plane.

This section covers the creatures found in the bestiary section of the field guide. Elementals, faction creatures, etc. will be included in a future update. Send a message to /u/vaynor on reddit if you find any mistakes, or have any comments/criticisms.
> ## Giant Bat
>*Large beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 26 (4d10 + 4)
> - **Speed** 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
>|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|2 (-4)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|
> - **Senses** blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> **Echolocation.** The bat can’t use its blindsight while deafened.

> **Swoop.** In dim light or darkness, opportunity attacks triggered when the giant bat flies out of an enemy’s reach are made with disadvantage. 

> **Keen Hearing.** The bat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
> ### Actions
***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. *Hit*: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.

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> ## Blindfire Carpet
>*Huge plant, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 152 (16d12 + 36)
> - **Speed** 15 ft.
>|17 (+3)|8 (-1)|16 (+3)|1 (-4)|10 (+0)|1 (-4)|
> - **Skills** Stealth +2
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning
> - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire
> - **Condition Immunities** blinded, deafened, exhaustion, grappled, prone, restrained
> - **Senses** blindsight 40 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 4 (1,100 XP)
> ___
> ***Part of the Scenery.*** While the blindfire carpet remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from normal vines and flowers.

> ***Sensitive Maw.*** A creature can choose to target the carpet's maw (AC 17) with any effect that targets a single creature. All damage dealt to the carpet's maw is doubled.

> ***Slow Growth.*** At the end of its turn, the blindfire carpet regains 5 (1d10) hit points.

> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The blindfire carpet makes two attacks with its tentacles. If both attacks hit a Large or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 13), and the blindfire carpet uses its Consume on it.

> ***Tentacles.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. *Hit*: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. 

> ***Consume.*** The blindfire carpet begins to eat a Large or smaller creature grappled by it. The consumed target is blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must succceed on a DC 13 Constitution save at the start of each of the blindfire carpet's turns or take 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the carpet moves, the consumed target moves with it. The carpet can only consume one creature at a time. 

> ## Blindfire Vine
>*Medium plant, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 58 (9d8 + 18)
> - **Speed** 10 ft.
>|13 (+1)|8 (-1)|14 (+2)|1 (-4)|10 (+0)|1 (-4)|
> - **Skills** Stealth +1
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning
> - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire
> - **Condition Immunities** blinded, deafened, exhaustion, grappled, prone, restrained
> - **Senses** blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1 (200 XP)
> ___
> ***Part of the Scenery.*** While the blindfire vine remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from normal vines and flowers.

> ***Sensitive Maw.*** A creature can choose to target the vine's maw (AC 15) with any effect that targets a single creature. All damage dealt to the vine's maw is doubled.

> ***Slow Growth.*** At the end of its turn, the blindfire vine regains 3 (1d6) hit points.

> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The blindfire vine makes two attacks with its tentacles. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 11).

> ***Tentacles.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +6 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. *Hit*: 12 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. 

### Boar
Use the boar statistics from the Monster Manual (pg. 319).

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> ## Giant Boar
>*Huge beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (natural armor) 
> - **Hit Points** 171 (18d12 + 54)
> - **Speed** 50 ft.
>|19 (+4)|12 (+1)|17 (+3)|2 (-4)|8 (-1)|5 (-3)|
> - **Saving Throws** Con +6
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons
> - **Condition Immunities** frightened
> - **Senses** passive Perception 9
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 6 (2,300 XP)
> ___
> **Charge.** If the boar moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
target and then hits it with a tusk or hoof attack on the same turn, the
target takes an extra 9 (2d8) slashing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be pushed back 5 feet and knocked prone.

> **Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).** If the boar
takes damage that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it
is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
> ### Actions
> **Multiattack.** The giant boar makes one attack with its tusks, and an additional attack with its bite or hooves. 

> **Bite.** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. 

> **Hooves.** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

> **Tusk.** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.

> ## Boltforager
>*Medium beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12
> - **Hit Points** 11 (2d8 + 2)
> - **Speed** 10 ft., fly 40 ft.
>|13 (+1)|15 (+2)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|12 (+1)|7 (-2)|
> - **Skills** Perception +3
> - **Senses** passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> **Dust Cloud.** Whenever the boltforager makes an attack, it produces a cloud of orange dust with the flapping of its wings. The cloud is a 10 ft. radius sphere centered on the boltforager and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts until the end of the round or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
> Any creature in the sphere who inhales the dust must make a DC 11 Constitution save or be infected with parasites. After 1d4+1 days, the target must make another DC 11 Constitution save or be afflicted by the parasites' disease, reducing its maximum hit points by 2 (1d4) every hour.

> **Keen Sight and Smell.** The boltforager has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

> **Pack Tactics.** The boltforager has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the boltforager's allies is within
5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
> ### Actions
> ***Horn.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

> ***Talons.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

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> ## Broadback
>*Huge beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 150 (12d12 + 72)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
>|19 (+4)|12 (+1)|22 (+6)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|7 (-2)|
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical weapons
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 5 (1,800 XP)
> ___

> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 23 (3d12 + 4) piercing damage.

> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 23 (3d12 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

> ## Giant Centipede
>*Small beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 9 (2d6 + 2)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
>|5 (-3)|15 (+2)|12 (+1)|1 (-5)|7 (-2)|3 (-4)|
> - **Senses** blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 8
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (50 XP)
> ___

> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. *Hit*: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 6 (2d6) poison damage and be subjected to the centipede's poison (see below).
>*Red*: The target's skin itches and burns. The target is poisoned for 1 hour. At the end of the target's next turn, they must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious. After 1 hour, blisters on the target's skin pop and release a contact poison that deals 10 (3d6) poison damage.
>*Yellow*: The target loses control of its senses and becomes confused. It has disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks and must roll on the following table at the beginning of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.

> | d10 | Behavior |
> |:----:|:-------------|
> | 1  | The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn't take an action this turn.|
> | 2-6  | The creature doesn't move or take actions this turn. |
> | 7-8 | The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.|
> | 9-10 | The creature can act and move normally. |
> At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make another DC 11 Constitution save to end this effect.
> *Black*: The target's limbs become heavy and numb. Its movement speed is halved and it is poisoned for 1 hour.

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> ## Copperback
>*Small beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 13 (3d6 + 3)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
>|8 (-1)|18 (+4)|12 (+1)|2 (-4)|10 (+0)|3 (-4)|
> - **Skills** Perception +2
> - **Senses** blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> ***Escape.*** The copperback does not provoke opportunity attacks from a creature it has bitten this turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the target fails its save, it must make another DC 11 Constitution saving throw at the end of its next turn or fall unconscious for 4 hours.

> ## Coppermane Prowler
>*Large monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 102 (12d10 + 36)
> - **Speed** 40 ft.
>|18 (+4)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|3 (-3)|13 (+1)|9 (-1)|
> - **Skills** Perception +5, Stealth +7
> - **Damage Immunities** lightning
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 4 (1,100 XP)
> ___
> ***Lightfooted.*** The coppermane prowler is not affected by difficult terrain.

> ***Lightningrod.*** If the coppermane would be subjected to lightning damage, it instantly recharges its blink ability and may use it now as a reaction. 
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit*: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage and 6 (2d6) lightning damage. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.

> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

> ***Blink (Recharge 3-4).*** As an action, the coppermane prowler can teleport anywhere it can see within 50 ft. This ability creates a line of electricity 5 ft. wide from the point of origin to the destination. Each creature in the line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 14 (4d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The line dissipates at the beginning of the coppermane prowler's next turn.

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> ## Coralkin Angler
>*Medium monstrosity, neutral*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 78 (12d8 + 24)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., swim 60 ft.
>|18 (+4)|13 (+1)|14 (+2)|8 (-1)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|
> - **Skills** Perception +3
> - **Senses** darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** Unknown
> - **Challenge** 3 (700 XP)
> ___
> ***Amphibious.*** The coralkin angler can breathe air and water.

> ***Leap.*** The coralkin angler's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start. The coralkin angler's jumps do not count towards their movement.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The coralkin angler makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.

> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 6 (2d6) poison damage.

> ***Tail.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

> ***Tail Sweep.*** If the coralkin angler jumps at least 10 feet as part of its movement, it can then use this action to land on a space with one or more other creatures and lash out with its tail. All creatures within 5 ft. of the coralkin angler must succeed on a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone and take 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

> ***Launch.*** The coralkin angler can use this action to launch a Medium or smaller creature within 5 ft. of it while underwater and within 15 feet of the surface. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be launched into the air. The target travels 15 feet upwards, and takes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage if it strikes a hard surface as part of this movement. The target lands in the same space it exited the water. The coralkin angler must move with the target as part of its underwater movement.

> ## Coralkin Spawn
>*Tiny monstrosity, neutral*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12
> - **Hit Points** 7 (2d4 + 2)
> - **Speed** Swim 30 ft.
>|5 (-3)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|3 (-4)|10 (+0)|2 (-4)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** Unknown
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___

> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack*: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit*: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage.

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> ## Crystal Frog
>*Tiny construct, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 11
> - **Hit Points** 2 (1d4)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
>|1 (-5)|13 (+1)|11 (+0)|3 (-4)|8 (-1)|5 (-3)|
> - **Skills** Perception +1, Stealth +3
> - **Damage Immunities** acid, poison, psychic
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
> - **Senses** darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 0 (0 XP)
> ___
> ***Standing Leap.*** The frog's long jump is up to 10 feet and its
high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start.

> ***False Appearance.*** While the frog remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an inanimate object.
> ### Actions
> A crystal frog has no effective attacks . 

> ***Healing Song (Recharges on a Long Rest).*** The crystal frog can use this action to cure one creature within 5 feet of a single disease, curse, poison, or other harmful magical effect.


> ##### Variant: Crystal Frog Familiar
> Some crystal frogs are willing to serve creatures as a familiar if they are treated well. Such crystal frogs have the following trait. 

> **Familiar.** The crystal frog can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a magic, telepathic bond with that willing companion. While the two are bonded, the companion can sense what the crystal frog senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. At any time and for any reason, the crystal frog can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.

> ## Duecadre
>*Large beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 37 (5d10 + 10)
> - **Speed** 60 ft.
>|19 (+4)|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|7 (-2)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1 (200 XP)
> ___
> ***Sturdy Build.*** The duecadre's carrying capacity is doubled, and it can be used as a mount by Large or smaller creatures.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The duecadre makes two attacks with its claw or beak.
> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage.
> ***Beak.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage.

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> ## Flayfiend
>*Large monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 114 (12d10 + 48)
> - **Speed** 40 ft.
>|17 (+3)|14 (+2)|19 (+4)|4 (-3)|15 (+2)|5 (-3)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 4 (700 XP)
> ___

> ***Carve A Trail.*** The flayfiend ignores difficult terrain while in a forested area. The flayfiend can move through the space of a hostile creature; if it does so, the creature takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage from its spines. A creature can only be damaged by this ability once per round.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The flayfiend makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its slam or tusks.

> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.

> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage and target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

> ***Tusks.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 9 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage and the target is flung into the air. The target is pushed back 15 feet and hits the ground or any other object in its path, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

> ## Kujibird
>*Small beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 21 (6d6)
> - **Speed** 60 ft.
>|6 (-2)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|2 (-4)|14 (+2)|7 (-2)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1 (200 XP)
> ___
> ***Burst of Speed.*** The kujibird can take the Dash action as a bonus action on its turn. When it takes the Dash action, it is not affected by difficult terrain until the end of its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage and, at the end of its next turn, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute.

> ***Kuji Song (Recharge 3-4).*** The kujibird's song can affect nearby creatures within 60 feet. A creature who succeeds on a saving throw against the kujibird's song cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. Kuji song does not affect other kujibirds. When the kujibird sings its song, it can choose one of the following effects:

> *Fear.* All creatures within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom save or become frightened for 1 minute. 

> *Sleep.* The kujibird sends creatures within 60 feet into a slumber. This ability affects creatures with a total number of hit points equal to 22 (5d8). Creatures are affected in ascending order. 

>Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this ability falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each creature's hit points fram the total before moving on to the creature with the next
lowest hit points. A creature's hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected.

> *Madness.* All creatures within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom save or become temporarily insane. Upon failing a save, the target must use its next action to make a melee attack against the creature closest to it.

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> ## Muttering Serpent
>*Large monstrosity, neutral evil*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 97 (15d10 + 15)
> - **Speed** 30 ft.
>|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|11 (+0)|14 (+2)|19 (+4)|
> - **Skills** Deception +7, Perception +5, Stealth +8
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 5 (1,800 XP)
> ___
> ***Reflected Visage.*** A muttering serpent's face is always an exact copy of its viewer's, except that its mouth has fangs and a serpent tongue. Any creature who sees the muttering serpent when they are within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom save or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature that succeeds on their save cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours.

> ***Natural Camouflage.*** When the muttering serpent doesn't move on its turn, its scales shift to match its surroundings, and it can attempt to Hide even while being observed. 

> ***Telepathy.*** The muttering serpent can communicate telepathically with any creature it can see. It can communicate with a creature as long as it can speak at least one language, and its target hears their own voice in their head when the muttering serpent speaks. The muttering serpent can communicate with up to eight creatures simultaneously.
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

> ***Muttered Lies.*** As an action, the muttering serpent can feed lies to all creatures it is currently communicating with using its telepathy ability. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be controlled by the muttering serpent until the end of its next turn. While controlling a target, the muttering serpent chooses what the target does, including actions, movement, speech, etc. If a target succeeds on the saving throw, it has advantage on all subsequent saving throws against this ability for the next 24 hours.

> ## Obsidian Digger
>*Small elemental, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 67 (9d6 + 36)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.
>|17 (+3)|8 (-1)|18 (+4)|5 (-3)|10 (+0)|5 (-3)|
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
> - **Damage Immunities** poison
> - **Condition Immunities** exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, unconscious
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 2 (450 XP)
> ___
> ***Obsidian Vortex.*** An obsidian digger's body is constantly forming and reforming itself in a swirl of jagged obsidian shards. Any creature that attacks the obsidian digger with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it, or touches the obsidian digger, takes 3 (1d6) slashing damage. Additionally, at the end of each of its turns, the obsidian digger regains 9 (2d8) hit points.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The obsidian digger makes two attacks with its slam or obsidian shard.
> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d10 + 3) 
> ***Obsidian Shard.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, range 60/120 ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d8 + 3) 

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> ## Orange Sludge
>*Medium ooze, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 8
> - **Hit Points** 60 (8d8 + 24)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
>|15 (+2)|6 (-2)|16 (+3)|1 (-5)|6 (-2)|1 (-5)|
> - **Damage Immunities** acid, lightning, slashing
> - **Condition Immunities** blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
> - **Senses** blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 2 (450 XP)
> ___
> ***Amorphous.*** The orange sludge can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

> ***Corrosive Form.*** A creature that touches the orange sludge or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits the sludge corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits the sludge is destroyed after dealing damage.
>The sludge can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or metal in 1 round.

> ***Spider Climb.*** The sludge can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

> ***Elf Consumption.*** After consuming an elf, the orange sludge becomes hyperactive. Its speed doubles, and it can attack with its pseudopod twice per turn. At the end of each of its turns, the sludge regains 4 (1d8) hit points. The hyperactivity lasts for 1d4 hours.
> ### Actions
> ***Pseudopod.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage. In addition, nonmagical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.

> ## Poison Dart Frog
>*Tiny beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 11
> - **Hit Points** 1 (1d4 - 1)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
>|1 (-5)|13 (+1)|8 (-1)|1 (-5)|8 (-1)|3 (-4)|
> - **Skills** Perception +1, Stealth +3
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Amphibious.*** The frog can breathe air and water.
> ***Standing Leap. *** The frog's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start.
> ***Secreted Toxin.*** A poison dart frog secretes a toxin on its back that has an effect depending on the frog's color. If the frog jumps into a creature's space, and it has a contact toxin, there is a chance that toxin will affect that creature. Make a melee attack roll with a +3 bonus against the creature to determine if the creature is touched by the toxin. If touched, the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be affected by the toxin. Only the green, yellow, violet, and black varieties affect creatures on contact, and are the only ones detailed here. Roll 1d4 to determine color randomly.
> *Green.* Black fungus begins to grow on and eat the victim's flesh. At the end of each long rest after becoming infected, the target's maximum hit points are reduced by 6 (2d6). Any spell or effect that removes a poison will cure this effect.
> *Yellow.* The victim enters a stupor lasting for 2d6 hours. During this time, they have disadvantage on Charisma-based ability checks, and must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw if they are ordered to do something by a creature whose language they can comprehend. If they fail the saving throw, they must carry out the command to the best of their ability.
> *Violet.* The victim astrally projects behind their body for 2d6 hours. During this time, the victim has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. Additionally, the victim has advantage on ability checks that use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. At the end of this period, the victim suffers two levels of exhaustion.
> *Black.* The victim loses all memories from the last hour.

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## Giant Rat
Use the stastistics for giant rats found in the Monster Manual (pg. 327).

> ## Shadow
>*Medium undead, chaotic evil*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 44 (8d8 + 8)
> - **Speed** 40 ft.
>|6 (-2)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|13 (+1)|10 (+0)|8 (-1)|
> - **Skills** Stealth +5 (+7 in dim light or darkness)
> - **Damage Resistances** acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; blugeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
> - **Damage Immunities** necrotic, poison
> - **Condition Immunities** exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
> - **Senses** darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 2 (450 XP)
> ___
> ***Magical Invigoration.*** Every time a spell fifth level or lower affects the shadow, it gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls (maximum +5), as well as a 10 foot bonus to its speed (maximum +50 ft.).
> ***Magic Sense.*** Shadows can detect any creature that is able to cast spells from up to 1 mile away. They do not know the exact location, but do know the distance and general direction. 
> ***Shadow Stealth.*** While in dim light or darkness, the shadow can take the Hide action as a bonus action. 
> ***Sunlight Sensitivity.*** Shadows turns completely incorporeal and unable to touch or attack anything physically while in sunlight (including magical sunlight). Likewise, physical effects are unable to touch them.
> ***Turning Immunity.*** The shadow is immune to any effect that turns undead.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The shadow makes two claw attacks and one bite attack.
> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

## Spine Dragon
Spine dragons are completely immune to damage and cannot be killed by any known means. They are not known to ever attack anyone or anything. Thus, there is no reason to bother giving them combat statistics. Give them a bite attack with a +8 attack mod and does 1d10 + 4 damage, or something, if one of your PCs is stupid enough to stick their arm in the mouth of a spine dragon.

> ## Tabibari
>*Medium beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 11
> - **Hit Points** 11 (2d8 + 2)
> - **Speed** 40 ft.
>|14 (+2)|13 (+1)|12 (+1)|2 (-4)|12 (+1)|7 (-2)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Pack Tactics.*** The tabibari has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the tabibari's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. 
> ***Hive Mind.*** When within 100 feet of at least one other tabibari, the tabibari connects with the others and forms a hive mind. The tabibari's Intelligence increases by 1 for every 5 tabibari (including itself) within range, to a maximum of 12 Intelligence. Additionally, while within 30 feet of another tabibari, the tabibari has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
> ### Actions
> ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

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# Vyderac Matron

### A Vyderac Matron's Lair
The lair of a vyderac matron is usually a cliff side, massive tree, or other area with good vantage points on a high elevation. A vyderac matron is, in essence, her own lair, so she is always found within her lair and always has access to her lair action.

#### Lair Actions
When fighting inside her lair, a vyderac matron can use lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), a vyderac matron can take one lair action to cause one of the following effects; the vyderac matron can't use the same lair action two rounds in a row. 

* The vyderac matron sprays a cloud of pheromones at a targer or location within 50 feet. If aimed at a creature, the target must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or be covered in the substance. If the pheromones miss, they still land at the space the creature is occupying. 1d4 vyderac within 100 feet will use their next turn to swarm and attack the creature covered in pheromones, or any non-vyderac creatures within 20 feet of the pheromones. Additionally, all vyderac within 1 mile will be notified of the matron's distress and rush to her aid, targeting the creature or location covered in pheromones as a priority.
* The vyderac matron spawns and mutates new vyderac. Choose one of the following to spawn at a space within 5 feet of the vyderac matron: one vyderac feeder, 1d4 vyderac seekers, or 1d6 vyderac swarmers. The newly spawned vyderac can take their turn(s) immediately. 
* In an effort to deter attackers that get too close, the vyderac matron will exude a new batch of non-mutated maggots. 1d10 vyderac maggots spawn in random spaces within 5 feet of the matron. 
* The vyderac matron chooses to immediately activate her destructive gestation ability.
> ## Vyderac Matron
>*Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 20 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 277 (15d20 + 120)
> - **Speed** 0 ft.
>|22 (+6)|5 (-3)|26 (+8)|8 (-1)|12 (+1)|7 (-2)|
> - **Saving Throws** Con +13, Wis +6
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
> - **Damage Immunities** acid, poison
> - **Condition Immunities** charmed, exhaustion, poisoned, prone, restrained
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 15 (13,000 XP)
> ___
> ***Destructive Gestation.*** When the vyderac matron is reduced to 0 hit points (or when she chooses to activate this ability using her lair action), she immediately gestates a new matron larva and self-destructs, killing herself. The self-destruct causes a massive explosion of acid that affects all creatures within 100 feet. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) acid damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one.
> ***Area Control.*** Because of the vast swarms of vyderac in the 1 to 5 mile-radius area surrounding the matron, she is keenly aware of who and what is in her territory. A matron is aware, within 30 minutes, of any creature that enters her territory, how many creatures there are, and their general location. 
> ***Legendary Resistance.*** These guys work together. Like super well, you don't even know.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The vyderac matron makes two attacks with her claws.
> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. *Hit:* 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked backwards 20 feet and fall prone.
> ***Acid Spit.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, reach 40/80 ft., one target. *Hit:* 27 (5d10) acid damage and an additional 11 (2d10) acid damage at the start of the target's next turn. Additionally, vyderac within 50 feet will choose the target to attack if they are able to.
> ### Legendary Actions
> The vyderac matron can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. She can only take one legendary action at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The vyderac matron regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
> **Claw.** The vyderac matron makes a claw attack.
> **Acid Spit (2 actions).** The vyderac matron makes an acid spit attack.
> **Consume Blood.** If a vyderac feeder is within 20 feet of the matron, she can consume the blood stored within it to regain 13 (3d8) hit points.
> **Spawn Maggots (2 actions).** The vyderac matron spawns 1d6 vyderac maggots in random spaces within 5 feet of the matron.

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> ## Vyderac Maggot
>*Tiny monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 10 (2d6 + 3)
> - **Speed** 20 ft., climb 15 ft.
>|5 (-3)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|1 (-5)|7 (-2)|3 (-4)|
> - **Senses** blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___
> ***Corrosive Drool.*** The maggot can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or stone in 1 round.
> ### Actions
> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
> ***Acid Spit.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 10/20 ft., one target. *Hit:* 7 (2d6) acid damage.

> ## Vyderac Swarmer
>*Tiny monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12
> - **Hit Points** 1 (1d4 - 1)
> - **Speed** 30 ft., climb 10 ft.
>|2 (-4)|15 (+2)|9 (-1)|1 (-5)|8 (-1)|2 (-4)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 9
> - **Languages** None
> - **Challenge** 1/8 (25 XP)
> ___
> ***Standing Leap.*** The swarmer's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start. 
> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 1 piercing damage and the swarmer latches onto the target. The target or another creature within 5 feet must use their action and succeed on a DC 12 Strength check to remove the swarmer. 
> ***Inject.*** After latching onto a target, the swarmer can use its next action to impale its target with a small spike and inject it with venom, dealing 3 (1d6) poison damage.

> ## Vyderac Seeker
>*Tiny monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12
> - **Hit Points** 9 (2d8)
> - **Speed** 10ft., fly 80 ft.
>|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|1 (-5)|10 (+0)|3 (-4)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 10
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/2 (100 XP)
> ___
> ***Flyby.*** The seeker doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an opponent's reach.
> ### Actions
> ***Powder (Recharge 4-5).*** The seeker spits a cloud of fine powder at a target within 10 feet. The target must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be coated in the powder, which causes extreme itching. At the start of their next turn, the target must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or spend their action itching their skin. If the target fails this save and itches themselves (or itches themselves for any other reason) two times in a 1 minute period, they take 3 (1d6) slashing damage as the powder mixes with their blood. Once this happens, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. In addition, a pheromone signal is sent out to all vyderac swarmers and feeders within 300 feet, who will come to attack the target. The powder lasts for 2d6 hours or until washed off. 

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> ## Vyderac Feeder
>*Small monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 13 (3d6 + 3)
> - **Speed** 10 ft., fly 15 ft.
>|7 (-2)|14 (+2)|2 (+1)|1 (-5)|8 (-1)|4 (-3)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 9
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___
> ***Sac Capacity.*** The feeder can only drain so much blood before becoming full and going back to its matron. After inflicting feed damage 5 times, the feeder's sac is full of blood and it can't use the ability again until it deposits the blood with its matron.
> ### Actions
> ***Hooks.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage and the feeder attaches to the target, grappling it (escape DC 12).
> ***Feed.*** Once attached to a creature, the feeder drains its blood, dealing 7 (2d6) damage on the first turn after it attaches, and again every minute (up to a maximum of the feeder's sac capacity, see above).

> ## Boneback Wydarr
>*Small monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 52 (8d6 + 24)
> - **Speed** 50 ft.
>|17 (+3)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|5 (-3)|13 (+1)|8 (-1)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 2 (450 XP)
> ___
> ***Pack Tactics.*** The wydarr has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wydarr's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
> ***Pounce.***  If the wydarr moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a hook attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The wydarr makes two attacks with its hooks, or one attack with its hooks and one attack with its bite. 
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
> ***Hook.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

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> ## Crystalback Wydarr
>*Small monstrosity, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 17 (natural armor)
> - **Hit Points** 82 (11d6 + 44)
> - **Speed** 50 ft.
>|18 (+4)|10 (+1)|19 (+4)|5 (-3)|13 (+1)|8 (-1)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 11
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 3 (700 XP)
> ___
> ***Pack Tactics.*** The wydarr has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wydarr's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The wydarr makes two attacks with its hooks, or one attack with its hooks and one attack with its bite. 
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.
> ***Hook.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
> ***Leapfrog.*** As an action, the wydarr can leap off the back of another wydarr within 5 feet. It leaps at a creature within 30 feet and attempts to impale it with its spikes. The creature must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be impaled, taking 16 (3d10) piercing damage. 

> ## Zip Bird
>*Small beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 36 (8d6 + 8)
> - **Speed** 60 ft.
>|13 (+1)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|3 (-4)|14 (+2)|7 (-2)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** —
> - **Challenge** 1 (200 XP)
> ___
> ***Charge.*** If the zip bird moves at least 30 feet straight toward a target, it may immediately make a beak attack without using an action.
> ***Standing Leap.*** The zip bird's long jump is up to 30 feet and its high jump is 10 feet, with or without a running start.

> ### Actions
> ***Beak.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
> ***Talons.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.

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