# Essence RP Lore Book
Welcome traveler from an antique land. Please sit and tell us of what you have seen. The unheard stories of monsters who slither and bite. Tell us of the wondrous items and and artifacts you have found, their mysteries yet to be unlocked. Of the vexing vocations and surprising skills you have seen.

### A Fantasy RP Experience
With a deep lore filling our mythical continent, alongside interesting characters, dedicated writers and a fleshed out story, we aim to provide a great backdrop for your own personal ideas and stories.

### This Handbook
This Handbook is here to assist new writers in creating their character and joining our world, aswell as provide a reference point for existing writers and even staff members to check certain points of lore.

## Helping out
We are taking suggestions for the site. If there is anything you think should be included in our lore, ranks, or systems then say so!

>##### Suggesting
> You can easily make suggestions by posting in our Suggestions forum. Your suggestions can be, but are not limited to, the following;
* Race/Species Lore
* Location Lore
* Universe Lore
* Misc. Lore


## Big things coming
Once the site is open for business we hope to have all of our Lore ready for you!

## New Things All The Time!
We will always be updating the site with new features and of course fixing any bugs or problems you may come across.

### Bugs, Issues, Suggestions?
After the site launches we will accept bug and issue reports in a section of the forum, aswell as continuing to accept suggestions on new lore or features.

### When?
We aim to have the site up and ready in some form (possibly an open Beta) within the next few weeks. All of your support and suggestions greatly help us.

### Donations
Donations are a massive help aswell, since we will need to pay for our Domain Name (essencerp.net), ad-free license and copyright. 
All Beta donators for this new site will recieve Founder status and the usual rewards.

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<div class='footnote'>Introduction</div>

# The World of Erris
Erris is the original name of the world, encompassing every continent that may lie beyond what cartographers have currently charted. Forged as the result of two Gods wagering who could create a better species. That legend however has long since passed, leaving a world inhabited by more than just the original Dwarves and Elves. Kingdoms, Economies and Alliances have risen to shape the world as it is today.

## Vallos
Vallos is the main continent of Erris, being the only one that the remaining civilisations are sure about the location of. It is home to Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, and Orcs. All but the latter of these races live in relative peace, respecting each other's borders and alliances. Orcs however are shunned due to the pillaging behaviour of some of their kin, leaving them relegated to the southern desert regions of the land. 

### The Arcadian Kingdom
### The Kingdom of Evantis
### The Southrock Tribes
### The Free Lands
## Forgotten Continent

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<div class='footnote'>The World</div>

# Timeline
Work in Progress
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<div class='footnote'>Timeline</div>


# Races
In the Continent of Vallos there are four civilised races; Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. Whilst the latter is rarely seen as civilised, they hold more societal structure than, say, the stone drakes of the north who become domesticated by Arcadian Riders.

## Choosing your Race
The Race you choose affects your starting trait points. For example , Orcs are inherently stronger than Men, and so will start with a higher Strength value. Elves however are much more agile than their neighbouring species, granting them a higher Dexterity value. Some Races are restricted to what Class they can be too. For example, Dwarves are cut off from the forces of magic, and so can not be Mages. It is worth keeping these points in mind when making your choice.

## Humans
Humans are the most free-roaming and power-hungry of the civilised races. They are easily swayed by words and lures of greed, yet they can also be shining examples of bravery and honour. This makes them an unpredictable and widely varied species in both activity and personality. In comparison to the other races they are the youngest and most short-lived, which may explain why they strive to achieve so much in their lifetime. Whether or not they fight for good and evil, Humans are the pioneers of the free world.

### appearance
There is no typical human appearance. They can range from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall, sporting skin from very pale to almost black, and hair that can be black to blond in shade. Humans are also the most compatible race for interbreeding, meaning a human with some Elven or Orcish blood is more likely to show such features; maybe a pointed ear or a greener complexion. 

### Names
Human naming conventions differ widely depending on upbringing or geography. Many lower class Humans think little of their last name, favouring short words named after objects or professions  like 'Smith' or 'Wood'. Upper class Humans tend to combined two words into a family House name, using more elegant words that may relate to their family's business such as 'Battersea' for a House known for sailors, or  'Grandberry' for a House that profits from Wine.
First names are the most varied and can not be listed entirely, for Humans enjoy individuality in their naming conventions.

### Human Traits
Humans are hard to generalise, but most have the following.

**Age** Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.

**Alignment** Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.

**Languages** Humans speak Common, the most popular language in Vallos. 

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<div class='footnote'>Humans</div>


## Dwarves
Dwarves are the greatest miners and smiths in Vallos, able to forge weapons and armour that might lack the graceful design of the Elves but makes up for it in sheer strength and durability. Whilst they mostly make armour for themselves they are no stranger to selling their goods to outsiders, making them a reliable source of equipment for the various Kingdoms. Despite their wealth in Vallos they hold only one city, Ironhelm, settled by their kins explorers from the west.

### Appearance
Dwarves stand just under 5 feet, but they are so broad and stocky that they can weigh more than a Human standing 2 feet taller. Their skin ranges from deep brown to a paler hue tinged with red. Hair colours can vary widely but are mainly brown or red, with older Dwarves going grey. Male Dwarves grow long beards and care for them greatly.

### Names
Dwarves bare their clan name as a surname, whilst choosing cultural first names commonly found among their kin.

**Male Names:** Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor,
Bruenor, Dain, Darrak, Delg, Eberk, Einkil, Fargrim,
Flint, Gardain, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik,
Oskar, Rangrim, Rurik, Taklinn, Thoradin, Thorin,
Tordek, Traubon, Travok, Ulfgar, Veit, Vondal.

**Female Names:** Amber, Artin, Audhild, Bardryn,
Dagnal, Diesa, Eldeth, Falkrunn, Finellen, Gunnloda,
Gurdis, Helja, Hlin, Kathra, Kristryd, Ilde, Liftrasa,
Mardred, Riswynn, Sannl, Torbera, Torgga, Vistra.

**Clan Names:** Balderk, Battlehammer, Brawnanvil,
Dankil, Fireforge, Frostbeard, Gorunn, Holderhek,
Ironfist, Loderr, Lutgehr, Rumnaheim, Strakeln,
Torunn, Ungart.

### Dwarf Traits
Dwarves come with an assortment of inborn abilities, passed down through clan bloodlines.

**Age** Dwarves mature at the same rate as Humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

**Alignment** Most Dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society.

**Languages** Dwarves speak Common and Dwarvish, allowing them to communicate with other races and also privately between their kin.

**Darkvision** Accustomed to life underground, Dwarves can see in dark and dim conditions as if it were light.

**Resilience** Dwarves are resistant to poison.

**Earthborn** Dwarves are cut off from the forces of Magic, meaning they can not be Mages.

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<div class='footnote'>Dwarves</div>

## Elves
The Elves of Vallos are split into various subraces due to their long existence in the world causing them to form over centuries. Whilst there are many more in faraway continents, the prominent ones which inhabit Vallos are Sun Elves, Shadow Elves, Wood Elves, and Water Elves.

### Sun Elves
The Syiin Illith or Sun Elves from the sunset isles are the smallest elven species in Evantis. They are renowned for their charming faces, cute eyes and their ability to regenerate wounds faster than any other race as well as their high agility and extreme movement speed.

**Alignment** Most Sun Elves lean towards Good alignments, part of their charming nature.

**Sun Blessed** Sun Elves can heal their wounds by resting in direct sunlight.

### Shadow Elves
The Sombrul Illith or Shadow Elves of Evantis are the race that are most skilled at stealth of all races in the kingdom. They are so good at stealth actually that their so called native kingdom cant even be found and due to this alot of people in Evantis debate whether it really exists or not. They have a dark greyish skin tone and typically red or purple eyes with black or white hair. A shadow elf has the natural ability to turn invisible in the shadows. Despite that they are very frail and easy to kill. But only if one would see them coming...

**Alignment** Shadow Elves are a more mysterious subrace, meaning they are usually Neutral and may be more likely to align to Evil.

**Shadow Kin** Shadow Elves can cloak themselves in shaded or dark areas, but are unable to move without breaking the cloak.

### Wood Elves
Chai Illith, better known as Wood Elves, are renowned for their extreme accuracy with bows and their natural ability to charm animals for their advantage. Chai'illith are usually tribal looking. Due to their culture they wear excessive facial paint. Most of the wood elves have a hispanic sort of skin tone usually combined with a very bright eye color and dark hair colors, typically brown or black. All wood elves have runic markings over their body that light up when they use a magic ability.

**Alignment** Wood Elves are likely to align Good or Neutral, mainly in the interests of nature.

**Hawk Eyes** Wood Elves are naturally skilled marksmen, making them much more skilled with a bow.

### Water Elves
The Aqui Illith or Water Elves of Evantis are well known for their healing capabilities using both druidic and water based spells. Also, unlike the other elven species the Water Elves possess gills and fins between their fingers which both allow them to reside underwater as well as swim faster than other races. They are common around the traveling elven kingdom. They typically have dark hair colors and bright eye colors along with a light blue skin tone.

**Alignment** Water Elves tend to lean towards Good, but may sometimes remain Neutral.

**Water Kin** Water Elves can breathe underwater, and are also resistant to water-based damage.

### Elven Traits
Alongside each subraces specific traits, they all usually follow these traits.

**Age** Although Elves reach physical maturity around the same age as Humans, their understanding of adulthood is based off worldly experience rather than growth. An Elf typically claims adulthood at around 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
**Fae Ancestry** Elves are resistant against attempts to charm them.

**Languages** All Elves can speak Common and Elvish, whilst Elven Mages can choose one other language to learn.

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## Orcs
Orcs are ferocious and brutish creatures who reside in the southern desertlands of Vallos. To the other races they seem completely uncivilised and barbaric, yet in reality they hold some semblance of society. Tribal settlements and camps dot the desertlands, making the stronghold of Krulbrammud their only real 'city'. In nature most Orcs are impulsive and have a thirst for violence, although a peaceful or atleast tame Orc is not impossible. 

### Appearance
Orcs green pigmentation, sloping foreheads,jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and towering builds make their ferocity plain for all to see. They stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and usually weigh between 180 and 250 pounds.
Orcs regard battle scars as tokens of pride and ornamental scars as things of beauty, displaying them proudly between their armour and tribal painting.

### Names
Orcs tend to have gutteral and single word names, only adopting titles (such as 'The Conqueror') after achieving great deeds recognised by their tribe.

**Male Orc Names:** Dench, Feng, Gell, Henk, Holg, Imsh,
Keth, Krusk, Mhurren, Ront, Shump, Thokk.

**Female Orc Names:** Baggi, Emen, Engong, Kansif,
Myev, Neega, Ovak, Ownka, Shautha, Sutha, Vola,
Volen, Yevelda.

### Tribes
There a many small tribes of Orcs across Southern Vallos, but the main three are the Bloodborn, the Southseer, and the Citadel tribes.

##### Bloodborn
The Bloodborn tribe are the most violent and barbaric of the main tribes, breeding Uruks and Orcs solely for battle. Led by the infamous Dust Walker, an Orcish veteran of the old war sustained by unknown powers, they perform regular raids on the civilised species and wait for the day that the Elves will be destroyed.

##### Southseer
Whilst Primal and Shamanic magics are rare, those that do practice it tend to dwell in the Southseer tribes. The majority of its people are normal warriors and workers, but they follow the words of Shamans and Seers who impart wisdom and advice to the rest of the tribe. They are led by a Council of Shamans.

##### Citadel Orcs
The Orcs who dwell in the stronghold of Krulbrammud are much more civilised and peaceful than their counterparts to the west. Their Chieftain, Groll, hopes to broker peace between the Orcs and the Free Races. However this proves impossible without agreement from all the Orc Tribes, and so even the Citadel Orcs remain outcasts in Vallos.
### Orcs and Uruks
Uruks are a bigger and more muscular breed of Orcs, making them much better frontline warriors and fierce barbarians. Whilst not every Orc is part of the Bloodborn tribe, almost every Uruk does except for rare exceptions, since they were bred by the Dust Walker specifically for his armies.

### Orc traits
Regular Orcs are very similar to each other, all sharing the same traits.

**Age** Orcs mature a little faster than Humans, reaching adulthood around age 14. They rarely live longer than 75 years.

**Alignment** Orcs that serve the Bruthradh Kingdom are likely to be Evil, whilst even those outside would barely classify as Chaotic Neutral.

**Languages** All Orcs can speak Orcish, but some might not speak fluent Common depending on how they were raised.

### Uruk Traits
Uruks are bred for war and combat, making them larger and also clumsier.

**Age** Uruks age slightly faster than regular Orcs, rarely living beyond 60 years.

**Alignment** Since almost every Uruk serves the Bloodborn Tribe they tend to align towards Evil.

**Languages** Uruks speak Orcish, but are less likely to speak Common very well.

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## Half-Breeds
Humans are remarkably compatible with the other races of Vallos, most commonly but not restricted to the Elves. These Half-Breeds tend to be looked down upon slightly by the general population, with Half-Orcs even being criminalised in some cities. Most Half-Breeds tend to choose one side of their family and try to blend in with that side of their heritage, minimising the attention drawn to them.

### Half-Elves
Half-Elves are, of course, the product of Human and Elven parents. They tend to be outgoing and show the best of both species qualities, despite only living the same age as Humans in every case. Their appearance tends to lean more towards the Humans side, with a slightly thinner build and more pointed ears.

### Half-Dwarves
Half-Dwarves, sometimes referred to among Humans as 'Imps', tend to be ridiculed for their short size and deformed body proportions. They pretty much look the same as a Human who has Dwarfism, meaning many people confuse the two. 

### Half-Orcs
Half-Orcs tend to stand somewhere between the height of Humans and Orcs, inheriting more of the build and weight of the latter. Their skin becomes a mixture of green and pink, and their hair grows longer naturally. Half-Orcs hold much less of a bloodlust, yet are often shunned by Humans so much that they join Orcs in battle anyway.

**Traits** Half-Orcs have the same traits as normal Orcs, except they live slightly longer and are more likely to speak Common.

### Half-Dragons (NPC)
Half-Dragons are a product of ancient breeding between the Dragons of Old and the ancient Kingdoms of Men. Back then there were many more peaceful Dragons outside of hiding who could take the form of Humans and mate with them to secure the uncertain future of their bloodline. Now though most of them have died out, meaning the few that remain are long down the ancestral chain and most likely unaware of their heritage.

**Rare** This Species is reserved for Staff Events.
## Half-Bloods
Half-Bloods are those afflicted (or some would say gifted) with transmutational diseases of the blood, such as Vampirism or Lycanthropy. These diseases are curable but only by extremely advanced Alchemical or Holy methods. Both Vampires and Lycans tend to keep to themselves, rarely gathering together in groups lest they be hunted to extinction.

### Vampirism
Vampirism is transferred through the bite of a Vampire. Dwarves and Orcs are immune to it's curse, but Humans and Elves typically turn within a day. During the process the victim will 'die', then be reborn 'undead'.

**Age** Vampires are immortal, meaning they cannot die of old age.

**Vampiric Bonuses** Vampires are extremely agile and have a higher affinity for magic. They can also move silently and stalk their prey with ease. Physical wounds also heal at an accelerated rate.

**Thirst** Vampires thirst for blood, and must consume living blood every two days or risk starving. Blood from any race or animal will satisfy them.

**Night Beings** Vampires can not show bare skin in sunlight or else they will burn and die. Covering skin thickly will allow them to move around in the day, but it will still be uncomfortable.

### Lycanthropy
Lycanthropy is transferred through the mixing of bodily fluids (eg. saliva, blood), making it much more common to be transferred via a transfusion ritual. This also means the bites are easier to heal before a transformation takes place.

**Age** Werewolves are immortal, meaning they cannot die of old age.

**Lycan Form** Untrained Lycans will turn to their form at every full moon, as well as during intense stress or anger. Their form resembles a wolf-like humanoid, making them much stronger and faster.

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# Magic
Magic encompasses many forms of energy manipulation employed by the most gifted and learned of Erris. Even among the Elves are magic-user is a rare sight, since learning such arts takes up the majority of one's life. Those who are trained to control magic though are a force to be reckoned with, as long as they can contain what they wield.

## Mages (Wizards)
Mages are the blanket term for wielders of Arcane power. A cosmic energy from the Arcane Realm, Arcane energy manifests usually as light blue or white light. It is sharp and refined, giving it a wide variety of uses such as channeling shields or launching bolts.

##### Training
Becoming a Mage requires life-long training either from rare tomes or a willing teacher. If one trains from a young age they can gain some intermediate skill at magic around their thirties, only gaining a true grasp on the art after around sixty years. 

##### Elves
The time it takes alone gives the Elves an advantage due to their long life span. However they are also more naturally inclined to pick up the skill faster and have a much stronger connection to the Arcane Realm.

##### Humans
Humans take longer to grasp the Arcane arts, and also don't have as long enough a life span to gain the true mastery Elves do. Because of this the best Human Mages are usually at the end of their years and rarely last long.

##### Dwarves & Orcs
Dwarves and Orcs are cut off from the Arcane Realm, meaning they can not become Mages.

## Warlocks (Necromancers)
Warlocks are even more rare than Mages, simply because the process involves a physical pact between Wielder and a Demon. Usually the demon approaches a mortal, offering them their power and dark magic in return for service. Most of the time this does not end well for the mortal, least of all leaving a sign of corruption upon them physically. 

##### Training
Whilst the powers granted by a demon, which are usually necromatic or hellish in manifestiation, take some training to adjust to, a Warlock can achieve power greater than a Mage much quicker. However because of the dark and corrupting nature of the magic, it is not always the best path. 

##### Races
All Races can become Warlocks, as Demons can offer their power to any mortal.

## Shamans (Seers)
Shamans are channelers of energy from the Primal Realm. This constitutes Earthern and Soul related magic, allowing them to shape rock in battle and heal wounds with spirit-binding energy. They can also communicate with the dead and embark on spiritual journeys to gain knowledge.

##### Training
Shamanism is easier to learn than Wizardry, but still takes a considerable time to master. The Soul related aspects are easier to pick up on for the beginner, since shaping the earth is a power reserved for only the most complete Shaman Elders.

##### Races
Elves are the only race who cannot tap into Shaman powers, since they are cut off from the Primal Realm. Dwarves and Orcs are much better Shamans than Humans due to their closer connection to the realm.

## Clerics (Priests)
Clerics channel Holy energy from the Angelic Realm, allowing them to smite evil or cure wounds. They gain their power from their deity by praying and devoting their deeds to them, in return being granted the power to channel Light.

##### Training
Once a Cleric has sworn devotion to their deity, they can quickly pick up on channeling Holy light. If they disgrace or lose faith in their deity however, they will lose all their power.

##### Races
All Races can in theory channel the Light, however Orcs and Dwarves tend to have little interest in doing so.

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