# The Endless Hunger
Your patron is a predatorial entity of immense size and force. It might come from the Far Realm, the layers of the Abyss, or the far reaches of the cosmos. There is only one thing that this entity desires: to consume everything. Its motivation for doing so are often born out of a primal urge or gluttony; however, sometimes its motivations are more benevolent, seeking to absorb and assimilate all of sentient beings and rid them of the pain of existence and isolation. Followers of this entity will typically perform strange, cannibalistic rituals to appease their master. They view the relationship between predator and prey as a benign fusion between two entities, with the prey adding to its predator's strength and the predator assimilating the prey into its superior forme. You have made a pact with the Endless Hunger because you fear and admire its preternatural power. In return for your patron’s gifts and promises, you have been tasked with wandering the world to spread the good news. Entities of this type include Turaglas the Ebon Maw, Dendar the Night Serpent, Alduin the World Eater, Ityak-Ortheel the Elf-Eater, and Holashner the Hunger Below.

### Expanded Spell List
The Endless Hunger lets you choose form an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells, all of which are sourced exclusively from the Player's Handbook, are added to the warlock spell list for you. 

##### Endless Hunger Spells
 | Spell Level | Spells |
 | 1st | *absorb elements, grease* |
 | 2nd | *enlarge/reduce, web* |
 | 3rd | *life transference, stinking cloud* |
 | 4th | *Evard's black tentacles, vitriolic sphere* |
 | 5th | *dominate person, enervation* |


#### Acquired Taste
Starting at 1st level, you can taste the thoughts and feelings of others through their biology. When you make direct contact with a living creature’s bodily fluids (blood, saliva, sweat, etc.), you know that creature's current emotional state. If you taste the fluids directly from the creature’s body (blood from a wound, saliva from the mouth, sweat from the pores, etc.), that creature must make a Charisma saving throw. If the creature fails, you learn the creature's alignment and gain advantage on all Wisdom (Insight) and Wisdom (Perception) checks made against that creature, as well as all Wisdom (Survival) checks to track them. This feature does not work on undead or constructs.

#### Peptic Influence
Starting at 6th level, you can control a creature from inside of its body. Whenever you find yourself inside of creature, you can use your action to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you take on its consciousness for the next 24 hours, or until it either dies or regurgitates you. While a creature is under your control, you gain the creature's physical traits, senses, and attacks, and its Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, known languages, alignment, and personality are replaced with your own. Your body cannot be digested by a creature under your control. A creature is immune to this effect if it is unconscious, incapacitated, or if its challenge rating is equal to or greater than your warlock level.

#### Humorous Rejuvenation
Starting at 10th level, you gain resistance to acid and poison damage and are immune to being poisoned. Additionally, you can breathe any fluid as if it were fresh air, including the bodies of liquid creatures, such as oozes and water elementals.

#### Gastric Plunge
Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can instantly transport the target into your stomach. The creature disappears and plunges through your digestive tract, taking 5d10 acid damage and 5d10 bludgeoning damage as you break them down, and you gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier. It is impossible for a creature to escape while inside your stomach in this way. At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the creature is larger than you by one size category, your movement speed is halved and you have disadvantage on any Dexterity saving throws. If the creature is larger than you by more than one size category, your speed is reduced to 0 and you automatically fail all Dexterity saving throws.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

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### Alternate Expanded Spell List
The following is a list of replacement spells sourced exclusively from the Player’s Handbook. This is meant for players in campaigns that resticts the spell compendium to the PHB.

##### Alt. Endless Hunger Spells
 | Spell Level | Spells |
 | 1st | *entangle, grease* |
 | 2nd | *enlarge/reduce, web* |
 | 3rd | *aura of vitality, stinking cloud* |
 | 4th | *Evard's black tentacles, freedom of movement* |
 | 5th | *dominate person, enervation* |


### Spell Flavor (Pun Barely Intended)
A number of the selected spells have to be given a slight reflavoring to fit the subclass's theme of consumption, but were chosen because they were chosen because they give the warlock better control over the battlefield. For instance: 
* *Entangle* is best imagined as a cluster of slender tendrils or long, muscular tongues instead of grasping weeds.
* *Grease* can be visualized as drool, or even a condiment or sauce.

Feel free to reflavor any of the spells as you see fit. After all, this is *your* character.

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