# Gritty Fantasy

This game lets you play a grounded, [Stone Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Age) or early [Bronze Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Age) fantasy adventure game using rules compatible with those in *Dungeons & Dragons*<sup>TM</sup> 5<sup>th</sup> Edition.

## What Makes This Different

### Gritty Play

The characters are above-average but not legendary individuals in their world. A single hit from an enemy can take down a player-character. Greater experience will make a character tougher, but powerful creatures will still be a great challenge.

The game is set in an era of very basic tools. Even such mundane equipment as swords and greataxes are scarce and unavailable to starting characters, though they may find such things as they explore their world.

### No Magic For You

Magic is uncommon and strange.

While every tribe has a shaman, shamans stay with the tribe, so players will not play shamans. And while there are rumors of witches and wizards who cast powerful spells, they are very rare. Magic is a dangerous, eldritch path only trod by those with some sort of evil plan in their hearts.

### Slow Progression

Player-characters will grow stronger with play, but will not naturally grow into demigods able to warp reality to their whims or destroy a dozen enemies with one blow. They will become Conan, not Kratos.

## Character Creation

### 1. Roll Ability Scores

A strong, muscled warrior. A dexterous thief. An alert tracker. This game represents the various aspects of a character with **ability scores**, each of which also has a **modifier** that's used in play.

Take four six-sided dice, roll them all, ignore the lowest , and add the remaining dice together. Write that down. For example, if you rolled a 5, 4, 2, and 1, ignore the 1 and add the rest to get a total of 11. This is one of your ability scores.

Repeat this process five times for a total of six numbers. Assign these numbers to the following ability scores, in whatever order you wish:

* **Strength** &mdash; Your ability to apply brute force and muscles to problems
* **Dexterity** &mdash; Your reflexes, light-footedness, and general physical reaction time
* **Constitution** &mdash; Your hardiness and ability to withstand physical punishment
* **Intelligence** &mdash; Your raw brainpower and analytical thinking
* **Wisdom** &mdash; Your natural ability to grasp knowledge; quick-wittedness and street smarts
* **Charisma** &mdash; Your ability to negotiate with and influence other people

For each score, calculate its modifier as follows:

##### Ability Modifiers
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| Score | Modifier |
| 2-3   | -4       |
| 4-5   | -3       |
| 6-7   | -2       |
| 8-9   | -1       |
| 10-11 | 0        |


| Score | Modifier |
| 12-13 | +1       |
| 14-15 | +2       |
| 16-17 | +3       |
| 18-19 | +4       |
| 20-21 | +5       |


### 2. Your Proficiency Bonus

Write down your Proficiency Bonus, which is +1. This is added to certain activities you're good at, like combat. This will improve if your character survives!

Note that the proficiency bonus can only be applied to the same roll once, so if multiple rules would add your proficiency bonus to the same roll, only add it once.

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*<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Каменный_век_(1).jpg">Source</a>*

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### 3. Choose Proficient Saving Throw

When your character reacts to a situation, you may roll a die to determine how well he or she reacts. This is called a **saving throw**, and you'll add the most relevant ability modifier to the roll.

However! Your character also begins the game particularly experienced in two savings throws: one involving Dexterity, Consitution, or Wisdom (your choice), and another involving Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma (also your choice). Make a mark next to that ability score. When you roll a saving throw with that ability, you will add your proficiency bonus to the ability's modifier.

### 4. Hit Points And Your Hit Die

An ape swings a fist at a warrior, who twists so that the blow glances off his shoulder. A sword bites into hide armor but doesn't penetrate to the flesh below.

Characters in combat will trade blows without immediate injury or death. Hit Points represent your character's ability to withstand physical combat, either absorbing wounds or avoiding them.

You begin the game with one Hit Die, an eight-sided die (d8). Roll it and add 4. These are your starting Hit Points.

Write down both your Hit Point maximum, and your current number of Hit Points, which for now are the same value (whatever you rolled). As you adventure, you may lose and regain Hit Points, but you may never have more current Hit Points than your Hit Point total.

You will be able to use your Hit Die to recover Hit Points, which is explained in the *Healing* section later.

### 5. Calculate Passive Perception

Some enemies may be able to surprise your character. You will not get a saving throw for this, because you're not able to react to the enemy. Instead, the GM will rely on your Passive Perception score.

Calculate your Passive Perception score as 10 + your Wisdom modifier.

### 6. Roll for Starting Copper

All wealth is measured in **copper pieces** (which are also equivalent to bones, small shells, *etc*.).

Roll 4d10 and multiply the result by 10. These are your starting copper pieces.

### 7. Purchase Your Weapons

Purchase weapons using your starting copper.

### 8. Calculate your Armor Class

You begin the game with padded armor. Claculate your **Armor Class (AC)**: 11 + your Dexterity modifier. If your Dexterity modifier is more than 2, only add 2 to the base Armor Class.

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##### Weapons
| Name | Cost | | Damage | Weight | | Properties
| *Simple Melee Weapons * |||||||
| &nbsp; Club | 10 cp | &nbsp;&nbsp; | 1d4 bludgeoning | 2 lb. | &nbsp;&nbsp; | Light |
| &nbsp; Dagger | 200 cp | | 1d4 piercing | 1 lb. | | Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) |
| &nbsp; Greatclub | 20 cp | | 1d8 bludgeoning | 10 lb. | | Two-handed |
| &nbsp; Handaxe | 500 cp | | 1d6 slashing | 2 lb. | | Light, thrown (range 20/60) |
| &nbsp; Javelin | 50 cp | | 1d6 piercing | 2 lb. | | Thrown (range 30/120) |
| &nbsp; Light hammer | 200 cp | | 1d4 bludgeoning | 2 lb. | | Light, thrown (range 20/60) |
| &nbsp; Mace | 500 cp | | 1d6 bludgeoning | 4 lb. | | &mdash; |
| &nbsp; Quarterstaff | 20 cp | | 1d6 bludgeoning | 4 lb. | | Versatile (1d8) |
| &nbsp; Sickle | 100 cp | | 1d4 slashing | 2 lb. | | Light |
| &nbsp; Spear | 100 cp | | 1d6 piercing | 3 lb. | | Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) |
| &nbsp; Unarmed strike | &mdash; | | 1 bludgeoning | &mdash; | | &mdash; |
| *Simple Ranged Weapons * |||||||
| &nbsp; Dart | 5 cp | | 1d4 piercing | &mdash; | | Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) |
| &nbsp; Shortbow | 2,500 cp | | 1d6 piercing | 2 lb. | | Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed |
| &nbsp; Sling | 10 cp | | 1d4 bludgeoning | &mdash; | | Ammunition (range 30/120) |

##### Armor
| Armor | Cost | | Armor Class | Stealth | Weight
| Hide | 1,000 cp | &nbsp;&nbsp;| 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) | &mdash; | 12 lb. |
| Leather | 1,000 cp | | 11 + Dex modifier | &mdash; | 10 lb. |
| Padded | 500 cp | | 11 + Dex modifier | Disadvantage | 8 lb. |
| Studded leather | 4,500 cp | | 12 + Dex modifier | &mdash; | 13 lb. |

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<div style="text-align:center">*Gritty Fantasy Character Sheet*</div>

| |
| Player Name: | | | | | |
| Character Name: | | | | | |
| Strength: | | Dexterity: | | Constitution: | |
| Intelligence: | | Wisdom: | | Charisma: | | 
| Armor Class: | | Proficiency: | | | |
| HP Total:| | HP Current: | | Hit Dice: | |
| Passive Perception: | | Copper: | | | |
| *Weapons:* | | Attack: | | Damage: | |
| | | Attack: | | Damage: | | |

[Image source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistory_of_France#/media/File:Le_Moustier.jpg)

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## Adventuring

### Ability Checks

A warrior pushes a boulder down a cliff towards his foes. A hunter tracks a dangerous creature through the wilderness.

When your character actively uses his or her skills to achieve something in-game, your GM may call for a skill check.

To make an ability check, roll 1d20 and add the relevant ability modifier. If you roll greater than or equal to the target difficulty number, you succeed; otherwise, you fail.

> ___
> ##### Hiding
> You can attempt to make yourself difficult to detect by some creatures.

> To hide, make a Dexterity check. If the target is not searching for you, compare to the target's Passive Perception; otherwise compare to a Wisdom check by the target. If you roll equal to or higher than the target, you are hidden from that creature.

> When hidden from a creature, the creature cannot see you, hear you, or smell you.

> You are no longer hidden if you make a noise, or you create a visible sign of your presence (such as shaking a bush).

> You cannot hide from a creature that can already see, smell, or hear you, or from a creature that's in the same combat as you. Hiding from one creature does not hide you from others.

### Saving Throws

When your character reacts to a (usually dangerous) situation in-game, your GM may ask you to roll a saving throw.

To make a saving throw, roll 1d20 and add the relevant ability modifier (plus your proficiency bonus if you marked that ability).

### Advantage and Disadvantage

Sometimes, a character is in a particularly positive or negative situation. This puts the character at advantage or disadvantage when making attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws.

If your character makes a roll with advantage, roll two d20s and only use the highest number rolled.

If your character makes a roll with disadvantage, roll two d20s and only use the lowest of the two numbers.

Advantage and disadvantage do not stack and cancel each other out. So, if two abilties give you advantage, you still only roll two d20s. If you have both advantage and disadvantage, only roll one d20.

Advantage and disadvantage never apply to damage rolls.


### Combat

Combat takes place in a series of *rounds*. Each combatant gets one *turn* in each round.

#### Roll Initiative

For each creature in the combat, roll 1d20 and add the character's Dexterity modifier. This is the creature's initiative for this combat; the creature with the highest initiative takes its turn first, followed by the creature with the next highest initiative, *etc*.

If two creatures have the same initiative, they can choose which goes first, or roll for it. In the latter case, the roll only determines which goes before the other; it is not a new initiative roll.

#### The Surprise Round

If one group attacks an enemy group that is unaware of the first group's presence, the first group gets a **surprise round**. Begin combat as usual, rolling initiative and proceeding through combat, but for the first round, the surprised creatures can do nothing on their turns except make reactions. After the surprise round, combat continues as normal.

#### Actions in Combat

Each creature in combat can do the following during its turn:

* One primary **action**
 * **Attack** &mdash; Make one melee or ranged attack
 * **Dash** &mdash; Move up to 30 feet (in addition to your regular movement below)
 * **Disengage** &mdash; Your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of your turn
 * **Dodge** &mdash; Until the start of your next turn, any attack against you is made with disadvantage (if you can see the attacker) and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage
 * **Heal** &mdash; Touch one dying creature; it is now stabilized (see *Dying and Death* below)
 * **Help** &mdash; Choose one creature you can see; it gains advantage on its next ability check before the start of your next turn
 * **Hide** &mdash; Make a Dexterity check to hide
 * **Ready** &mdash; Choose an action (such as an attack), and a trigger for that action. Until the start of your next turn, when that trigger occurs, you can take that action
 * **Recall Lore** &mdash; Make an Intelligence check to recall useful information about a creature or environment
 * **Search** &mdash; Investigate your environment for clues and/or hidden items
 * **Use an Object** &mdash; Interact with an object that requires some attention, such as opening a chest or disarming a trap
* One **movement**, in which you can move up to your speed (see *Movement During Combat*, below)
* One **bonus action**, only if made available by a rule (as in two-weapon fighting)
* One **reaction**, only if made available by a rule (as in opportunity attacks)
* One **minor activity**, such as opening an unlocked door, picking up a rock, or calling out a brief order

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The creature can perform these actions in any order it chooses. Movement is the only activity that can be split up, so you could choose to move 10 feet, perform an attack action, then move another 20 feet.

#### Making an Attack

You can make a melee attack against any creature within 5 feet of your character. To do so, roll a d20 and add your melee attack modifier (Strength modifier + Proficiency bonus). Apply advantage or disadvantage if necessary.

You can make a ranged attack against any creature within the range of your ranged weapon. Each ranged weapon has two ranges: the first is the number of feet within which you can make a normal ranged attack; you have disadvantage if attacking within the second range. You cannot attack outside of the second range.

To make a ranged attack, roll a d20 and add your ranged attack modifier (Dexterity modifier + Proficency bonus). Apply advantage or disadvantage if necessary.

If the result is equal to or greater than the enemy's Armor Class, the attack hits.

##### Critical Hits And Fails

When making an attack, if the die rolls 20, you score a *critical hit*. In this case, the attack automatically hits (no matter the target's Armor Class), and roll twice as many damage dice as you normally would. So, if you score a critical hit with a handaxe, instead of rolling 1d6, roll 2d6.

When making an attack, if the die rolls 1, you score a *critical failure* and the attack automatically misses.

#### Taking Damage

If an attack hits, roll the weapon's damage die, and add your Strength modifier if attacking at melee, or add your Dexterity modifier if attacking at range. Reduce the target creature's Hit Points by the amount of damage. If the creature falls to 0 Hit Points or fewer, it is dying. (However, most GMs kill non-PCs outright at 0 or fewer Hit Points.)

#### Dying and Death

A creature reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points is dying. A creature reduced to as many Hit Points below 0 as the character's Hit Point maximum dies outright.

A dying creature can only make a death saving throw on its turn; no other action, movement, or activity. There are no modifiers to this roll.

| Roll  | Result               |
| :---: | :----                |
| 20    | Creature stabilizes. |
| 10-19 | Mark 1 success.      |
| 2-9   | Mark 1 failure.      |
| 1     | Mark 2 failures.     |

On the 3<sup>rd</sup> failure, the creature dies. On the 3<sup>rd</sup> success, the creature stabilizes.

A stabilized creature is unconscious, has 0 Hit Points, and does not roll death saving throws.

Successes and failures reset as soon as a dying creature regains consciousness.


Any creature can make a Wisdom ability check to touch a dying creature and stabilize it, and succeeds if they roll more than the amount of the creature's negative Hit Points (maximum 15). So, if a creature is at -7 HP, another creature must make a Wisdom check of 7 or higher. For a creature at -15 HP or below, the target is always 15.

#### Movement During Combat

You can move up to 30 feet during your turn. You can split up your movement in 5-foot increments, so you can (for example) move 5 feet, attack a creature, move 25 feet, and pick up an object.

#### Opportunity Attacks

An opportunity attack is made when one creature attempts to escape or act in such a way that opens itself up to attack by a nearby enemy.

Opportunity attacks are provoked if two creatures are within 5 feet of each other and one of them either moves away from the other creature or makes a ranged attack against any creature.

The creature not acting can use its reaction to make one free melee attack against the acting creature. Because it's using its reaction, a creature can make only one opportunity attack per round.

#### Two-Weapon Fighting

If you hold a light melee weapon in each hand, you can attack with them both. Choose which weapon you're using as your primary weapon, and which as your secondary weapon. You can attack with your secondary weapon by using your bonus action, and you don't add your Strength ability modifier to the damage on that attack.

### Healing

If your character spends at least one hour performing no strenuous activity&mdash;this means no fighting, no bargaining, and otherwise no activity that would invoke a die roll&mdash;the character has just completed a **Short Rest**. If your character sleeps for at least 8 hours, he or she has just completed a **Long Rest**.

After a Short Rest, the character can use Hit Dice to regain lost Hit Points. You can roll as many Hit Dice as you want during one Short Rest, but each die you roll is no longer available to you until your character completes a Long Rest. When you roll Hit Dice, regain a number of Hit Points equal to the total rolled on all the Hit Dice you rolled.

When you complete a Long Rest, you regain all your lost Hit Points, and you regain up to half your total number of rolled Hit Dice. So, if you have 2 Hit Dice and roll both, after a Long Rest you regain 1 Hit Die.

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## Leveling Up

At the end of each adventure, your character's abilities improve. Increase the character's level by 1, and improve your character as described in the chart below.

Level | Effect
1 | Character creation
2 | Add 1 Hit Die
3 | Increase 1 ability score by +1
4 | Add 1 Hit Die
5 | Increase proficiency bonus by +1
6 | Add 1 Hit Die
7 | Increase 1 ability score by +1
8 | Add 1 Hit Die
9 | Increase proficiency bonus by +1
... | ...

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### Conditions

A creature can be affected by any of the following conditions, possibly even several conditions at once.

* A **blinded** creature can't see, and fails any ability check involving sight. A blinded creature has disadvantage on its attack rolls, and attacks against it are made with advantage.
* A **charmed** creature won't attempt to harm the creature that charmed it. The creature that charmed it has advantage on any social ability check involving the charmed creature.
* A **defeaned** creature can't hear, and fails any ability check involving hearing.
* A **frightened** creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks while it can see the source of its fear. The frightened creature won't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.
* A **grappled** creature has a movement of 0. The grapple ends if the grappled creature falls unconscious, or if the grappled creature makes a successful Strength or Dexterity check against the grappling creature's Strength check. The grappling creature can drag its grappled creature at half speed.
* An **incapacitated** creature can't take actions (it can move, though).
* An **invisible** creature cannot be seen (but can be heard, smelled, *etc*.). An invisible creature has advantage on its attack rolls, and attacks against it are made with disadvantage.
* A **paralyzed** creature is incapacitated and can neither move nor speak. The paralyzed creature fails Dexterity- and Strength-based saving throws, attacks against it have advantage, and any melee attack against it is an automatic critical hit.
* A **poisoned** creature takes disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls.
* A **prone** creature can crawl at half speed, or use half its speed to stand up. A prone creature takes disadvantage on attack rolls; melee attacks against it have advantage, and ranged attacks against it have disadvantage.
* A **restrained** creature has a movement of 0. The creature attacks and makes Dexterity checks with disadvantage, and attacks against it are made with advantage.
* A **stunned** creature is incapacitated, can't move, and can barely speak. It fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and attacks against it are made with advantage.
* An **unconscious** creature is incapacitated, can't move, can't speak, and is not aware of its surroundings. It drops whatever it's holding, falls prone, and fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Attacks against it have advantage, and any melee attack against it is an automatic critical hit.

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## Sample Monsters

Following are a few sample monsters. Many more are [available online](http://www.orcpub.com/dungeons-and-dragons/5th-edition/monsters) and in the *Dungeons & Dragons*<sup>TM</sup> 5<sup>th</sup> Edition *Monster Manual*.

> ## Caveman
>*Medium humanoid, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 11
> - **Hit Points** 15 (2d10 + 5)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)|5 (-3)|7 (-2)|9 (-1)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** none
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___
> ***Pained Frenzy.*** If the caveman has less than 5 Hit Points and is hit by a melee attack, it takes a free attack against the creature that hit it as its reaction.

> ### Actions
> ***Club.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. 

> ***Stone.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +2 to hit, ranged 40/120, one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

> ## Leopard
>*Medium beast, unaligned*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 13
> - **Hit Points** 10 (1d10 + 5)
> - **Speed** 40ft.
>|12 (+1)|15 (+3)|6 (-2)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|4 (-3)|
> - **Senses** passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** none
> - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP)
> ___

> ### Actions
> ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. 

> ***Claw.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 


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## Stone Age Culture

You're free to come up with your own culture, of course, but here are a few ideas for the structure of a stone age culture. To be clear, these are not *accurate* representations of any stone age culture; they're just ideas to get you started.

### Organization

Intelligent beings organize themselves into tribes. Some tribes are large enough to build a full settlement that functions as a simple village. These settlements will have up to a dozen mud or wood buildings, possibly surrounded by a stick fence. Other large tribes live in temporary housing that they move from one hunting ground to the next. Smaller tribes live in caves or other natural shelter.

Some tribes have conquered others and established (tiny) empires spanning a dozen or more settlements.

Many settlements and "empires" have established trade between them, with (for example) coastal villages trading fish and salt for meat and fruit from inland tribes.

### Religion

Each tribe has its own religious rites and worships gods that vary from region to region. Neighboring tribes might worship similar gods, but the farther you travel, the more different the gods become.

There are three common theologies:

1. Worship of a pantheon of named, distinct gods, each with power over a certain domain
2. Worship of a large variety of gods, some named and some unknown
3. Worship of a vast variety of natural spirits and gods; each tree might have its own


Most tribes mark out a sacred space within their settlement, often with a circle of unusually-colored stones. This sacred space might contain offerings, an altar, sacred objects, or some combination thereof.

In the wild, hunters and some tribes mark off remarkable natural phenomena as sacred, either with stones or by tying ropes to nearby trees to "rope off" the sacred area. Special ceremonies are sometimes performed at these places to worship, placate, or offer sacrifices to the god(s) who live there.

Few tribes practice regular human sacrifices; there aren't enough people to support it (though a human sacrifice may be called for in rare circumstances). Animal sacrifices are common and crop sacrifices ubiquitous.

Nearly all tribes of more than a dozen or so contain one shaman-like member. This individual is often more scientist than cleric, observing natural phenomena for patterns and reacting with an appropriate ritual or offering.

To build a tribe's religious practices, define the following:

* 3 popular gods or spirits
* How the gods or spirits are prayed to (falling to knees, clapping hands, swaying, bowing, whispered prayers, loud requests, drawing on the ground, *etc.*)
* The most common rite of worship (nightly prayer, morning ritual, weekly burnt offering, dance, *etc.*)
* A major festival and what makes it special

### Petitioning the Gods or Spirits

An individual may, very rarely, go through a public rite to petition a god or spirit for a favor, such as insight into a major crisis or a cure from a crippling disease.

As part of the rite, the god or spirit will take something very precious from the petitioning character. The character might consciously sacrifice a particular item or person, or may let the god or spirit choose. If the character has nothing precious, the god or spirit will simply not respond. 

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<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Anonymous_artists_of_the_Stone_Age_-_Panel_of_Hands_%28detail%29.jpg" width="100%" />
*<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anonymous_artists_of_the_Stone_Age_-_Panel_of_Hands_(detail).jpg">Source</a>*

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# Gritty 5E: The Short List

If you're already familiar with *Dungeons & Dragons* 5<sup>th</sup> Edition, this page is a "cheat sheet" for adapting 5E for gritty fantasy.

## Character Creation

1. Roll for the six standard ability scores (4d6, drop lowest) or do point-buy, and calculate modifiers.
2. Give the character a proficiency modifier of +1.
3. Choose one saving throw for which the character adds his/her proficiency bonus.
5. Every character starts with a 1d8 Hit Die. Roll for Hit Points, adding 4 (so, 1d8+4 starting HP).
6. Calculate passive Perception (10 + Wisdom modifier).
7. Choose one simple melee or ranged weapon and calculate attack and damage as in standard 5E.
8. Choose any one armor that costs less than 50 gold and calculate AC as in standard 5E.

Every character has a speed of 30 and proficiency with simple weapons and light armor. There are no classes, races, skills, feats, or spells. This is all that makes up a character.

## Running the Game

You should be able to use the rest of the 5E rules as they are: advantage/disadvantage, short rest healing with Hit Dice, cover, grappling, *etc*. They won't be particularly gritty, but they'll work.

## Leveling Up

"Level up" at the end of each adventure, as follows:

Level | Effect
1 | Character creation
2 | Add 1 Hit Die
3 | Increase 1 ability score by +1
4 | Add 1 Hit Die
5 | Increase proficiency bonus by +1
6 | Add 1 Hit Die
7 | Increase 1 ability score by +1
8 | Add 1 Hit Die
9 | Increase proficiency bonus by +1
... | ...

Hit Points will increase at roughly half the rate of standard 5E, to reflect the grittiness of the setting.


## Equipment

For a Stone Age setting, the only equipment available is as follows. Bronze Age settings have all equipment available.

#### Stone Age Adventuring Gear
| Item         | Cost | Weight |
| *Ammunition*              |      |             |
| &nbsp; Arrows (20)        | 1 gp | 1 lb.       |
| &nbsp; Sling bullets (20) | 4 cp | 1&half; lb. |
| Bedroll         | 100 cp | 7 lb.   |
| Blanket         | 50 cp | 3 lb.   |
| Fishing tackle  | 100 cp | 4 lb.   |
| Grappling hook  | 200 cp | 4 lb.   |
| Hammer          | 100 cp | 3 lb.   |
| Hunting trap    | 500 cp | 25 lb.  |
| Pole (10-foot)  | 1 cp | 7 lb.   |
| Pot, iron       | 200 cp | 10 lb.  |
| Pouch           | 50 cp | 1 lb.   |
| Quiver          | 100 cp | 1 lb.   |
| Rations (1 day) | 50 cp | 2 lb.   |
| Rope (50 feet)  | 100 cp | 10 lb.  |
| Sack            | 1 cp | 1/2 lb. |
| Torch           | 1 cp | 1 lb.   |
| Waterskin       | 20 cp | 5 lb. (full) |
| Whetstone       | 1 cp | 1 lb.   |

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## Monsters

This game completely throws off 5E monster math, naturally, but then you're not going to be using the same kinds of monsters anyway. After first level, keep monsters at about half the standard difficulty.

Following is a list of monsters appropriate to a bronze age setting. "Real creatures" are actual, real-world animals or people, like wolves and pantehrs. "Grounded Monsters" are just different enough than real animals that they *could* have existed in our world, like dire wolves and giant rats. "Fantastic monsters" are pulled from classic myth, and thus could be just around the bend; creatures you might meet once in a lifetime in a fairy tale, like hags and harpies.

#### Real Creatures
| Monster      | CR       | Reference      |
| Ape          | 1/2      | *MM* p317      |
| Archer       | 3        | *Volo's* p210  |
| Auroch            | 2   | *Volo's* p207 |
| Axe Beak          | 1/4 | *MM* p317 |
| Baboon       | 0        | *MM* p318      |
| Bat          | 0        | *MM* p318      |
| Bear         | 1/2 to 1 | *MM* pp318-319 |
| Boar         | 1/4      | *MM* p319      |
| Camel        | 1/8 | *MM* p320 |
| Champion     | 9   | *Volo's* p212 |
| Constrictor  | 1/4 | *MM* p320 |
| Crocodile    | 1/2 | *MM* p320 |
| Deer         | 0   | *MM* p321 |
| Dinosaur     | 1/4 to 8 | *MM* p79  |
| Draft Horse  | 1/4 | *MM* p321 |
| Eagle        | 0   | *MM* p322 |
| Elephant     | 4   | *MM* p322 |
| Elk          | 1/4 | *MM* p322 |
| Hawk         | 1/4 | *MM* p330 |
| Hyena        | 0   | *MM* p331 |
| Jackal       | 0   | *MM* p331 |
| Killer Whale | 3   | *MM* p331 |
| Lion         | 1   | *MM* p331 |
| Mammoth      | 6   | *MM* p332 |
| Mule         | 1/8 | *MM* p333 |
| Octopus      | 0   | *MM* p333 |
| Owl          | 0   | *MM* p333 |
| Panther      | 1/4 | *MM* p333 |
| Poisonous Snake    | 1/8 | *MM* p334 |
| Polar Bear          | 2   | *MM* p334 |
| Pony                | 1/8 | *MM* p335 |


#### Real Creatures, continued
| Monster | CR | Reference |
| Reef Shark          | 1/2 | *MM* p336 |
| Rhinoceros          | 2   | *MM* p336 |
| Riding Horse        | 1/4 | *MM* p336 |
| Sabre-Toothed Tiger | 2 | *MM* p336 |
| Scorpion            | 0   | *MM* p337 |
| Spider              | 0   | *MM* p337 |
| Swarm of Bats       | 1/4 | *MM* p337 |
| Tiger               | 1   | *MM* p339 |
| Vulture             | 0   | *MM* p339 |
| Warlord             | 12  | *Volo's* p220 |
| Wolf                | 1/4 | *MM* p341 |

#### Grounded Monsters
| Monster      | CR  | Reference |
| Blood Hawk   | 1/8      | *MM* p319      |
| Death Dog    | 1   | *MM* p321 |
| Dire Wolf    | 1   | *MM* p321 |
| Fungi        | 0 to 1/2 | *MM* p137 |
| Giant Badger      | 1/4 | *MM* p323 |
| Giant Bat         | 1/4 | *MM* p323 |
| Giant Boar        | 2   | *MM* p323 |
| Giant Centipede   | 1/4 | *MM* p323 |
| Giant Constrictor | 2   | *MM* p324 |
| Giant Crab        | 1/8 | *MM* p324 |
| Giant Crocodile   | 5   | *MM* p324 |
| Giant Eagle       | 1   | *MM* p324 |
| Giant Elk         | 2   | *MM* p325 |
| Giant Fire Beetle | 0   | *MM* p325 |
| Giant Frog        | 1/4 | *MM* p325 |
| Giant Hyena       | 1   | *MM* p326 |
| Giant Lizard      | 1/4 | *MM* p326 |
| Giant Octopus     | 1   | *MM* p326 |
| Giant Owl         | 1/4 | *MM* p327 |
| Giant Snake       | 1/4 | *MM* p327 |
| Giant Rat         | 1/8 | *MM* p327 |
| Giant Scorpion    | 3   | *MM* p327 |
| Giant Sea Horse   | 1/2 | *MM* p328 |
| Giant Shark       | 5   | *MM* p328 |
| Giant Spider      | 1   | *MM* p328 |
| Giant Vulture     | 1   | *MM* p329 |
| Giant Wasp        | 1/2 | *MM* p329 |
| Giant Wolf Spider | 1/4 | *MM* p330 |
| Hunter Shark | 2   | *MM* p330 |

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#### Grounded Monsters, continued
| Monster      | CR  | Reference |
| Swarm of Rot Grubs  | 1/2 | *Volo's* p208 |
| Winter Wolf         | 3   | *MM* p340 |
| Yeti                | 3   | *MM* p305 |

#### Fantastic Monsters

| Monster      | CR  | Reference |
| Centaur           | 2   | *MM* p38  |
| Cyclops           | 6   | *MM* p45  |
| Dryad             | 1   | *MM* p121 |
| Flying Snake      | 1/8 | *MM* p322 |
| Fomorian          | 8   | *MM* p136 |
| Ghost             | 4   | *MM* p147 |
| Ghoul             | 1   | *MM* p148 |
| Giant             | 5 to 13 | *MM* p149 |
| Hag               | 2 to 5 | *MM* p176 |
| Harpy             | 1  | *MM* p181 |
| Hydra             | 8  | *MM* p190 |
| Medusa            | 6  | *MM* p214 |
| Minotaur          | 3  | *MM* p223 |
| Ogre              | 2  | *MM* p237 |
| Roc               | 11 | *MM* p260 |
| Satyr        | 1/2 | *MM* p267 |
| Shadow       | 1/2 | *MM* p269 |
| Stirge       | 1/8 | *MM* p284 |
| Treant       | 9   | *MM* p289 |
| Troll        | 5   | *MM* p291 |
| Vampire      | 13  | *MM* p295 |
| Will-o'-wisp | 2   | *MM* p301 |
| Worg         | 1/2 | *MM* p341 |
| Wraith       | 5   | *MM* p302 |
| Zombie       | 1/4 | *MM* p315 |

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# Appendices

## License

This material is being released using the Open 
Gaming License Version 1.0a and you should read 
and understand the terms of that license before 
using this material.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the 
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1.&nbsp;Definitions: (a) "Contributors" means the 
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15.&nbsp;COPYRIGHT NOTICE<br />
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards 
of the Coast, LLC. 

*Gritty Fantasy* Copyright 2017, Brent P. Newhall.


## Changelog

This is version 1.1 of these rules.

* Version 1.1 added rules for petitioning gods or spirits, and added the Open Gaming License.
* Version 1.0 was the first release of these rules.


## Coda

This game adaptation was written by [Brent P. Newhall](http://brentnewhall.com/games) in [Homebrewery](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com). Email Brent with feedback at [brent@brentnewhall.com](mailto:brent@brentnewhall.com).

<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carl_Gustav_Carus_Stone_Age_Mound.jpg">Image source.</a>

<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Carl_Gustav_Carus_Stone_Age_Mound.jpg/982px-Carl_Gustav_Carus_Stone_Age_Mound.jpg" width="100%" style="position:absolute;left:0px;bottom:60px" />

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