```metadata title: 9th Constellation - Horned King description: '9' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## 9th Constellation - Horned King Unique --- Wondrous Item --- The crown represented by the horned king constellation was bestowed upon the 9th Stellar Watcher, Astrea Omen. Astrea was not only a revered figure but also a founding member of the Trial Celestica Holy Council, which eventually laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Rustana Theocracy. Following the 1st Chaos Insurgency, the entire continent was left reeling from extensive damage. For the first time in several centuries, the Cerulean Observatory and Starlight Monastery chose to delve directly into political affairs, intent on restoring order around the Platinum Mountain Range. Unlike the other Stellar Watchers and their Stellar Armaments, whose primary purpose was survival and protection of Lirianyx's followers, the 9th Stellar Watcher and the Horned King had a distinct purpose. They aimed to assist High Watcher Astrea in rallying her followers and the refugees returning to their ravaged homeland. --- Astrea's astute political maneuvering eventually led the Cerulean Observatory to form a coalition with the Sun Dome and Silver Sanctuary. Together, they established a makeshift organization, bolstering the fragile Rustana Kingdom in a time of need. ### While wearing this crown, you have an advantage on Charisma checks. This crown has 3 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at midnight. ### Commanding Presence. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to emit an aura of authority that inspires and commands allies. For 1 minute, all allied creatures within 20 feet of you can use their reaction to add your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) to their attack rolls or saving throws. This effect requires concentration as if concentrating on a spell. While Commanding Presence is active, you can spend 1 additional charge to cast the Command spell. When casting Command this way, you may choose to use the item's spell save DC or your own spell save DC. If the targeted creature is within the radius of your aura, it has a disadvantage on the saving throw. ### Blessing of The Monarch. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to grant a creature within 30 feet of you the effects of the Bless spell. This effect requires concentration as if concentrating on a spell and the effect lasts for 1 minute or until you use this ability again. The affected creature gains additional benefits based on your choice of a celestial aspect: - Aspect of the Warrior. The creature also gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls with weapon attacks. - Aspect of the Guardian. The creature can use a bonus action on their turn to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6. These temporary hit points last for the duration of the effect. - Aspect of the Hunter. The creature can use a bonus action to dash or disengage. ### 13 Stellar Armament. As long as someone is attuned to the Phantasmagorical Planetaria, they or any creature of their choice that touches this item become attuned to it without taking up their attunement slot. The DC for this item’s ability equals 13 + the number of Stellar Armaments that are being worn or carried. This item's charges are increased by half the number of Stellar Armaments that are worn or carried, rounded down. Lastly, the number of creatures that you can target when you use the command spell and the bless spell are increased by half the number of Stellar Armaments that are worn or carried other than this item, rounded down ![World Serpent](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008058908943851612/1144979402988453969/Item-202305-Planetaria-09.png) {width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} {{artist,position:relative,top:-230px,left:10px,margin-bottom:-30px ##### Horned King [Sinlaire](https://www.patreon.com/sinlaire/posts?filters[tag]=Stellar%20Armament) }}