```metadata title: 8th Constellation - Dragon Turtle description: '8' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## 8th Constellation - Dragon Turtle Unique --- Armor (Half-plate or Plate) --- The armor that represented by the Dragon Turtle constellation was bestowed to the 8th Stellar Watcher, Lady Miira Argenti. Both her and her husband, Lord Magnus Argenti, was choosen as the Stellar Watcher at the same time during the rise of The Children of One that started The Chaos Insurgency. Lady Miira fought alongside her husband while also wielding the 3rd and 4th Constellation from the Stellar Armaments. Her appearance and ability gave her the monicker, The Orbital Queen. --- Unfortunately, She died in a siege battle while protecting Milgram Fortress from the endless wave of undead giants that march through the Whitespine mountain range. Her sacrifice gave enough time for the civilian from the fort and surrounding settlements to evacuate and for the reinforcement to arrive. After her death, the armor was worn by Lord Magnus until his final moment. ### While wearing this armor, you gain advantage on saving throws or ability check against effects that would forcibly move or teleport you. Additionally, if you fail a saving throw or ability check against such an effect, the distance you are moved or teleported is reduced by half. The gravitational force surrounding the armor anchors you in place, enhancing your resistance to these effects. --- This item has 3 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. ### Gravitational Crush. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to create a localized gravitational field within a 10-foot cube centered on a point within 60 feet of you. Each creature in the area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is restrained as it is pulled towards the ground. At the start of each of its turns, a restrained creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage due to the intense gravitational force. A creature can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a success. The gravitational field lasts for 1 minute. ### Gravity's Embrace. While wearing this armor, you can cast the Feather Fall spell at will without expending any charges. Additionally, as an action, you can expend 1 charges to grant yourself and up to five creatures of your choice within 30 feet the ability to traverse vertical surfaces and ceilings as if they were horizontal for 1 hour. Affected creatures must end their movement on a surface capable of supporting their weight, or they fall. \column ### 13 Stellar Armament. As long as someone is attuned to the Phantasmagorical Planetaria, they or any creature of their choice that touches this item become attuned to it without taking up their attunement slot. The DC for this item’s ability equals 13 + the number of Stellar Armaments that are being worn or carried. This item's charges are also increased by half the number of Stellar Armaments that are worn or carried, rounded down. Lastly, the damage inflicted by Gravitational Crush ability is increased by 1d6 for each Stellar Armament that is being worn or carried other than the armor. ![World Serpent](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008058908943851612/1144979400970993747/Item-202304-Planetaria-08.png) {width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} {{artist,position:relative,top:-270px,left:10px,margin-bottom:-30px ##### Dragon turtle [Sinlaire](https://www.patreon.com/sinlaire/posts?filters[tag]=Stellar%20Armament) }}