```metadata title: College of Mentorship description: '' tags: - '' systems: [] renderer: legacy theme: 5ePHB ``` ### College of Mentorship Members of the College of Mentorship bolster those around them with words of advice and wisdom. Many mentors share stories of past adventurers, hoping to embolden their traveling companions to new and greater feats of heroism. The bards are full of annecdotes, quips, songs, and teachings from throughout history. #### Guiding Hand *3rd-level Mentor feature* An as action, you can expend on use of your Bardic Inspiration to instruct a willing creature to act. When you do so, the chosen creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration and gains one of the following effects (your choice). ***Attack.*** The creature makes one weapon attack. On a hit, the attack deals additional damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die. ***Rally.*** The creature moves up half its speed and gains temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die. The movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. ***Cast.*** The creature casts a spell of 2nd-level or lower with a casting time of 1 action. If the roll of the Bardic Inspiration die matches the level of the spell cast, the creature regains the expended spell slot. #### Insights of the Past *3rd-level Mentor feature* You gain proficiency in the History skill. Additionally, you adopt a Fighting Style of your choice from the fighter class, or you learn one cantrip of your choice from any class. ``` ``` If you choose to learn a cantrip in this way, it counts as bard cantrip for you but doesn't count against the number of cantrips you know. If you are using the optional Cantrip Versatility or Martial Versatilty class features, they apply to this ability as well. #### Virtue of Patience *6th-level Mentor feature* At the end of your turn during combat, if you did not attack or cast a spell, you gain the following ability until the start of your next turn ***Watchful Ally.*** When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you fails a saving throw or is hit by an attack, you can expend a use of bardic inspiration as reaction and add the result to the creature's saving throw or Armor Class, possibly turning the failure into a success or the hit into a miss. #### The Student becomes the Master *14th-level Mentor feature* When you finish a long rest, choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) that are within 60 feet of you and that can hear you. Each of those creature gains the Bardic Inspiration feature with the following changes: * An affected creature can use the feature once, and then it loses the Bardic Inspiration feature (unless it had the feature from another source). * The bardic inspiration die is a d10 regardless of the creature's level.
> ##### Credits >     **Homebrew** by u/kcon1528 > > **Artwork.** Gandalf and Bilbo, digital wallpaper, artist unknown > > **Inspiration.** Mentor class, u/StoryBeforeNumbers