```metadata title: 6th Constellation - Wyvern description: '6' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## 6th Constellation - Wyvern Unique --- Wondrous Item (Cloak) --- This cloak, represented by the Wyvern constellation, was the last stellar armament to appear before the 2nd Arcane Rewrite catastrophe. It was bestowed upon the 6th Stellar Watcher, Zhamsir Idran, an acolyte of Lirianyx and citizen of Cyrca, a major city within the Lahanagis Grand Empire's territory. At the time, the city was engulfed in a massive civil war that was becoming increasingly rampant. Zhamsir used the cloak's power to evacuate as many people as possible from the city, leading them to the safety of the observatory. --- Zhamsir bore witness to the day the 2nd Arcane Rewrite occurred, when the laws of arcana changed, resulting in a worldwide catastrophe. In the aftermath, he became an important leader who dedicated his life to helping people rebuild their civilization, while protecting them from those who sought revenge on the survivors of the Grand Empire, whom they blamed for the tragedy. ### While wearing the cloak, your movement speed increases by 10 feet. This item has 3 charges and regains 1d4 expended charge daily at dawn. ### Mirror Wings. While wearing the cloak, you can use an action to spend 1 charge and cast mirror image. When one of your duplicates is destroyed, you can use your reaction to teleport yourself up to half your walking speed to an unoccupied space within your line of sight. Additionally, you can choose to spend 1 extra charge to cause a bright explosion at the location where the duplicate was destroyed. The attacker must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker takes 2d8 force damage and is blinded until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the attacker takes half damage and is not blinded. ### Cloud of Nebula. You can spend 1 charge to cast gaseous form on yourself and up to 2 willing creatures within 10 feet of you. When cast in this way, you and the transformed creatures merge into a single swarm of nebula gas. While in this form, the swarm counts as one creature, using your hit points, ability scores, and saving throws. The swarm has a flying speed equal to your normal movement speed and must move as one unit, with you controlling its movements. The swarm can communicate telepathically with each other. When the spell ends, you and the creatures in the swarm return to your normal forms, each appearing in an unoccupied space adjacent to the swarm's location. ### 13 Stellar Armament. As long as someone is attuned to the Phantasmagorical Planetaria, they or any creature of their choice that touches this item become attuned to it without taking up their attunement slot. The DC for this item’s ability equals 13 + the number of Stellar Armaments that are being worn or carried. This item's charges are also increased by half the number of Stellar Armaments that are worn or carried, rounded down. Lastly, for each Stellar Armament worn or carried other than the cloak, the damage caused by Mirror Wings increases by 1d8, and the number of willing creatures that can be affected by Cloud of Nebula increases by 1. ![World Serpent](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008058908943851612/1144979398047571978/Item-202302-Planetaria-06.png) {width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} {{artist,position:relative,top:-230px,left:10px,margin-bottom:-30px ##### Wyvern [Sinlaire](https://www.patreon.com/sinlaire/posts?filters[tag]=Stellar%20Armament) }}