### Path of the Blood Fury
Faint yet still present, darkness is bound to you, simmering just beneath the surface. You may have been the offspring of a former Bloodhunter or perhaps the Hunters Bane ritual was tainted, leaving you with a fraction of your potential power and a scared mind always on edge. However it might've occurred, forbidden blood magic binds itself to you, drawing on your heightened vitality.
#### Scourge's Blood
Beginning at 3rd level, you can harness and control hemocraft magic to harm your foes and empower your body, using your own blood and life essence to fuel your abilities. These abilities utilizes a Hemocraft die, which is 1d4, and increases to 1d6 when you reach 14th level. Some of your features may require your target or targets to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Hemocraft save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.
#### Mutual Suffering
If a hostile creature you can see within 30ft of you hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to curse that creature to suffer the same as you. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. On a failed save, they suffer necrotic damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die + your rage damage bonus. On a successful save, they suffer half as much damage.
While you're raging, your can strengthen and amplify this curse at your own expense to weaken your enemy. If you amplify this curse you lose a number of hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die, and the target makes their next attack roll with disadvantage.
#### Red Reading
Your awareness and intuition can become as sharp as your blade, as reading the blood of your foes is as easy as drawing it from them. Starting at 3rd level, you have advantage on Wisdom ability checks made against creatures, other than constructs and undead, that don't have all their hit points.
#### Corrosive Rite
At 6th level, by drawing blood from yourself with a weapon, you can make it as corrosive as your dark magic. When you enter a rage, or as a bonus action while you're raging, you can invoke the Rite of the Ruin on your weapon at the cost of your own vitality. You can activate this rite on a single weapon that lasts until finish a short or long rest, or if you aren’t holding the weapon at the end of your turn. When you activate this rite, you lose a number of hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die. For the duration, attacks from this weapon deal additional acid damage equal to your hemocraft die, which is considered to be magical. A weapon can only hold a single active rite at a time.
#### Blood Bender
Your aptitude for both sustaining and causing mortal damage influences your control over the hemocraft magic you wield. At 10th level, whenever you roll your hemocraft die, you can roll it a second time and take either result.
#### Rend Life
At 14th level, as a bonus action while you're raging, you can tear the life essence from those around you and add it to your own. You can target up to a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier, within 30ft of you that you can see. Each creature must make a Constitution saving throw, suffering 5d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much a success. A creatures hit point maximum is reduced by half the necrotic damage they suffer, and you regain hit points equal to half of the damage dealt to all targets. This damage increases to 7d6 at 18th level.
Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.