# Constructed Heart When someone wishes to extend their life without the need of greater powers they may seek to move into an inorganic shell. Along with exnted life, these bodies also grant greater abilities. These are the equivalent for each class that can be gained after level 20. ## Mechanical Vessel When you reach 20th level, you can commission or build a new constuct that you can move your consciousness into. To create the first vessel would be up to your DM but one idea for what is nessecary may be 2,500 gp worth of materials and a cubic inch of your flesh. Once constuction is complete, you will gain the following traits: ***Material:*** When you commission or build your new body you can choose from four material types with different traits: * Clay: You gain a +2 bonus to your AC and you are immune to acid damage, instead any acid damage you would have taken instead heals you. * Flesh: You gain a +1 bonus to your AC and you are immune to lightning damage, instead any lightning damage you would have taken instead heals you. * Iron: You gain a +3 bonus to your AC and you are immune to fire damage, instead any fire damage you would have taken instead heals you. * Stone: You gain a +6 bonus to your AC ***Reboot:*** When you die, your consciousness moves to new body in 1d10 days as long as you have build an additional body. If you are slain without an additional body available, you will permanently die. ***Inorganic:*** You are considered construct instead of a humanoid. You also no longer require air, food, or sleep. ***Immutable Form:*** You are immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form. ***Magic Resistance:*** You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ***False Appearance:*** If you stand motionless, you become indistinguisable from a statue made of your material. ***Breath Weapon:*** You can choose one breath weapon when you commission or build your new body: * Paralyzing: You expel a 15-foot cone of paralyzing gas and each creature in the cone and must make a DC 19 Constitution saving, or become paralyzed for one minute. * Poison: You expel a 15-foot cone of poison gas and each creature in the cone and must make a DC 19 Constitution saving, dealing 10d8 poison damage. * Lightning: You expel a 30-foot line of electricity and each creature in the line and must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving, dealing 10d8 lightning damage. * Fire: You expel a 30-foot line of fire and each creature in the line and must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving, dealing 10d8 fire damage. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. ***Inorganic Healing:*** You can only receive healing from resting or from healing spells if the caster knows the *mending* cantrip. ***Level 21:*** Your hit point increase similar to how it would upon a level up normally. Additionally, you gain a new class feature listed below. ### Automaton Construct artificers gain the following trait. ***Constuct Army:*** You can cast the *tiny servant* spell without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to 3 x your Intelligence modifier. Once you use all uses of this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. ### Terminator Construct barbarians gain the following trait. ***Unstopable Force:*** If you are going to go unconscious, you can instead lose a limb and continue fighting: * Leg: The first leg lost lowers your speed by half and the second leg lost lowers your speed to 5 feet. (Charater's with more than 2 just lose half of their legs instead of just one.) * Arm: The first arm lost removes one of your attacks and the second arm lost means you can only make one unarmed attack. (Charater's with more than 2 just lose half of their arms instead of just one.) You can reattach one limb during a long rest. \page
### Transistor Construct bards gain the following trait. ***Amplifier:*** You can target two creatures with your bardic inspiration as an action but this action only uses one use of your bardic inspiration. ### Varakhut Construct clerics gain the following trait. ***Reflection:*** When you succeed a saving throw against a spell or other magic effect that is single target, you can choose to reflect the spell or effect back at the caster. You can only do this if you can see the caster. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.
### Droid Construct druids gain the following trait. ***Artificial Beast:*** When you use your wild shape feature, the beast also gains the traits of the material and breath weapon you chose. ### Sentinel Construct fighters gain the following traits. ***Repitition:*** When you take the attack action, if you land a hit with all 4 attacks you can take a 5th attack. ### Marut Construct monks gain the following trait. ***Immovable Object:*** Patient defense no long cost ki to use. ***Shocking Strike:*** If a creature succeeds on the saving throw against your stunning strike they can't take reactions until the start of their next turn. ### Kolyarut Construct paladin gain the following trait. ***Magnetic Pull:*** As an bonus action, You can choose one creature you can see within 30 feet that has less than 100 hit points. The creature must make a Strength saving throw or be magically pulled to be within 5 feet of you. ### Zelekhut Construct rangers gain the following traits. ***Restless Hunter:*** You gain the *hunter's mark* spell and it doesn't count against your number of spells known. If you already have the spell you can choose a different ranger spell instead. When you cast *hunter's mark* the duration becomes infinite but if the creature drops to 0 hit points after the first hour, you can't move it to another creature. ### Glitch Construct rogue gain the following traits. ***Sensors:*** Your blindsense extends to 60 feet. ### Converter Construct sorcerers gain the following traits. ***Meta Minion:*** When you cast a spell and use meta magic on it, you can cast *tiny servent* as part of the same action or bonus action. ### Puppet Construct warlock gain the following traits. ***Duplicate:*** You gain second version of your pact boon. ### Quarut Construct wizards gain the following traits. ***Extra Storage:*** You can prepare an additional number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier.