```metadata title: Salva's 2nd rebirth item ring of a lost lover description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Salva's 2nd rebirth item ring of a lost lover ### Passive #### heart broken Salva's to hit increases by 2x her rebirth count #### creature of legends every 2 rebirths salva gains 1 additional needed death save to die #### with age comes wisdom for every rebirth salva gains a +4 to her wisdom based checks ### 1-15 #### Grand stand the additional action provided by the "Last Gasp" feature from the flaggelant class can now do anything that requires an action except casting a spell and she can still do only 1 attack with said action **(Salva needs to be able to do it with a regular action to be able to do it with this action!!)** #### Arcane rage whilst raging salva can cast and consentrate on spells bellow 5th lvl #### sleepless effects and abilities that targets a hit point threshold are ineffective against salva ### 16-30 #### curse of restraint any creatures that becomes under the effect of the straw doll becomes grappled by savla, requiring a contested athletics check to break the grapple, they remain grappled until either they die or they are moved out of the reach of straw doll. #### blood manipulation Salva has complete control over the bloodflow in her own blood, so much in fact that if she manages to get some of her blood circulating in the body of an enemy she may slow them down : if salva manages to deal piercing or slashing damage to an enemy she can cause them to be under a nonmagical version of the slow spell until the start of her next turn #### true resilience salva gains a bonus to her saves equals to 2 times her total failed death saves needed to die \column ### 31-40 #### deny magic its purpose once per long rest salva can inately cast a non consentration version of anti magic field #### keen eyes salva is always aware of the presence and location of creatures within the range of her straw doll #### snipp the string off a puppet once per turn as a reaction, when hit by an attack salva may move her cursed straw in the path of the attack, causing the one currently under the curse of the straw doll to take the damage in stead of salva, but the curse is then instantly broken. ![cat warrior](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7f/82/eb/7f82eb17d355bbe1a4f6a06be70e651c.jpg) {width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply}