```metadata title: '1st constellation: Lovebirds' description: '1' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## the 1st constellation: Lovebirds Unique --- Weapon (Dagger) --- This pair of daggers, represented by the lovebirds constellation, was the first Stellar Armament created for the mortal followers of the goddess Lirianyx during the Chaos Age. This was when material realms were constantly ravaged by extraplanar factions and entities vying for dominance. The daggers were bestowed upon a human couple, Ishraq and Leyla, who had been forced to flee their homeland after a horde of fiends from the Abyss destroyed it. Lost and desperate to survive in the deadly night of that chaotic era, they prayed for help. Lirianyx, who until that day had remained aloof from the conflict in the material realm, answered their prayer. --- The Phantasmagorical Planetaria and the Lovebird's Daggers were originally intended to help Ishraq and Leyla survive and navigate the night to find safety. With these tools, they became the first Stellar Watchers, learning and spreading the teachings and knowledge they gained from Lirianyx. ### This pair of daggers is considered one magic item. It has 3 charges and regains 1d4 expended charge daily at dawn. Your ranged attacks with this weapon ignore half cover and three-quarters cover. Additionally, this weapon returns to your hand immediately after you make a ranged attack with it. ### Winged Star. When you make a ranged attack with this dagger, as part of the attack, you can spend 1 charge to give the dagger a flying speed of 60 feet and allow it to fly independently in any direction. If the dagger passes through a creature's space during its flight, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 force damage, and its movement speed is decreased by 10 feet until the end of its next turn. You then teleport to the space where the dagger ends its movement at. ### Stellar Guide. You can spend 1 charge as an action to transform the dagger into a bird familiar as if you were casting the Find Familiar spell. The familiar lasts 1 hour, and you can spend an additional charge to extend its duration by another hour per charge. At the end of the duration, it teleported back to you. The familiar uses the statistics of an owl, but it has the additional ability to see magic and spells within 30 feet of it that are not behind a total cover. Additionally, during the night, the familiar is invisible to creatures that rely on darkvision to see. \column ### 13 Stellar Armament. As long as someone is attuned to the Phantasmagorical Planetaria, they or any creature of their choice that touches this item become attuned to it without taking up their attunement slot. The DC for this item’s ability equals 13 + the number of Stellar Armaments that are being worn or carried. This item's charges are also increased by half the number of Stellar Armaments that are worn or carried, rounded down. Lastly, the normal and long range, as well as Winged Star ability’s flying speed, is increased by 10 feet for every other Stellar Armament that is being worn or carried. ![cat warrior](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008058908943851612/1144973508183601162/Item-202302-Planetaria-01.png) {width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} {{artist,position:relative,top:-230px,left:10px,margin-bottom:-30px ##### Lovebirds [Sinlaire](https://www.patreon.com/sinlaire/posts?filters[tag]=Stellar%20Armament) }}