## Inner Plane Economies
The inner planes are planes that make up the energy of the material plane. These include the elemental planes of Water, Air, Fire and Earth, which closer to the material plane are survivable for many material plane creatures but become alien further out until only elementals can live. Between the elemental planes are the para-elemental planes, which are a little less friendly with any permanent settlements, which include the plane of Ice, Ash (Smoke), Magma and Ooze.
Surrounding these planes is the Elemental Chaos, where all the elements chaotically mix. Elementals are created and destroyed at random and is hostile to all life. In addition, there are also the quasi-elemental planes, which are also less hospitable, and become more so as they connect to the positive and negative energy planes. The positive quasi planes are Steam, Lightning, Radiance and Minerals, while the negative quasi planes are Salt, Vacuum, Ash and Dust.
### Elementals
The term elemental is a sort of loose term for many Creatures of the elemental planes. The type that most are familiar of that are give the names of Air, Earth, Water, or Wind Elemental, are a barely conscious spirits of the plane that are a part of the plane and don’t have body until magic concentrates them, or form further out. These elementals are little more than beasts, able to speak the planar dialect of primordial of their plane, but not anything with a society or economics to it.
Although the base elemental has little interest of things of value, they can be quite valuable to those who can use magic, able to bind them to the material plane. The summoner must exert a strong will or the elemental is uncontrollable and acts out against the environment it finds uncomfortable. With more work and expenses, an elemental can be bound to magic plate armour to create Elemental Myrmidons, which makes them follow orders much more obediently. And the spirits of the elementals are also required in the creation of golems.
There are also additional stronger versions that can have intelligence, created either by magic or another force.
### Genie
The genie is a type of elemental, that seem to be created by some strange means, where a soul outside of the gods control, where they form an identity. Their characteristics vary wildly by the type of genie they are to their particular plane element, so specifics will be given within the plane listing.
The genies can naturally connect to a power of creation, the elder ones able to do the mythic Wish ability, often sought after for the wealth such an ability can give. Very powerful magic users often have the aim to bind genies to object, to get wishes from them. Such genies cannot overuse their wish ability, due to being aware of the likes of cosmic forces that may counterbalance.
### Genasi
The genasi are rather rare humanoids, who were born under the influence of elemental energy, possibly from parentage of a genie, or by some other surge of elemental energy. A great deal of them likely live in the material plane, that they can live like any humanoid, but also have adaptions that make them also quite at home in the elemental plane of their origin. A greater percentage of them can be found in the elemental plane compared to that of other humanoids, and be a good example of what one may deal with.
Generally their adaptions make them much more suited to the environments, so will often look down on other humanoids that are not so much. And can read the elemental energy as a sense, able to read the currents, understand the differences in air, combustible nature of an object, or the nature of the earth.
### Mephit
The mephitis are generally lowly elementals, that despite this fact have strong personalities, said to have been created as messengers and messages. Often a mix of two elements, they often go through the elemental chaos, or found in the planes of elements they are made of.
By themselves, they generally like to cause mischief, especially to those not native to the inner planes. But Mephits are also strongly drawn to powerful individuals and seem to have a desire to be dominated and become henchmen to masters. Although don’t tend to be very effective workers, most interested in gaining favour to lord its status against its own kind. Despite that, they are not offensive to each other, and despite having big ideas of status, they can generally be pleased with rather trifle yet unique tokens of such.
## Plane of Water
The Elemental plane of water is an infinite ocean, with the majority of the plane is underwater. It is varied with waterscape of different kinds of water, from boil to freezing, salty, to pure, and dirty. And has rocks, corals and structures that are made buoyant from special elemental magic. Everything can slightly move with variable currents that without much notice can change locations. And one can find portals to other water places on the material plane.
It does have a surface, which includes some islands, such as the isle of dread, although these are far from hospitable, with land hotly fought over and very common storms that batter the surface. These storms often connect to the material plane, occasionally accidentally bring ships in, that can crash, leaving their cargo. Some individuals may be knowledgeable enough to take advantage of these temporary portals to travel.
#### Travel Through Elemental Plane of Water
Especially in regards to traveling the plane to meet with the civilizations, the ability to breath in water is incredibly important. Most who live there can do so, and magical means to breath for those not naturally able to is incredibly important. Aquan, the water dialect of primordial, is one especially able to travel through water, so language may also be a problem for outsiders.
There are however some places surface humanoids can live, like a Marrid’s palace. Or one of the few trade places, such as the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, or City of Glass.
### Aquatic Races
Many creatures that live in the sea, can be found in the elemental plane of water. This can include the humanoids mentioned in sea race; Merfolk, Sea Elves, Sahuagin, Merrow, and especially the Tritons which have had war against evils like Krakens and Aboleth, as well as Dragon Turtles and Storm giants. Some other semi-aquatic races that can hold their breath like Tortles may also be found, but are rarer. In addition to some water elemental like water genie, Marid, that hold most dominion over the plane.
### Marid
The Marids can probably be among the strangest looking genie, having varied appearances of marine animals. Despite that, the water genies may be among the easiest of experienced traders to deal with, unless you get one’s attention enough as a skilled artisan and entertainers, of which may force one to be a slave in their underwater home.
#### Marid Houses
Although just their general homes, all Marid treat their homes as their palaces, and really they may be worthy of such a word. A Marid’s homes are a place of splendour, with likely air pockets that make it habitual to land folk, and although likely to have slaves, the Marid do not mistreat such people, and care little about controlling them most of the time, giving the people a lot of freedom in a very comfortable place. Probably should be understood that despite keeping slaves, Marid hate restrictions, and actually responsibilities.
#### Appealing to Marid
Something usually quickly evident upon meeting one, is that Marid are egotistical, but this can make getting on their good side rather straight forward. Some well placed flattery, or even some bribery can, could earn you enough to be a guest, although something that fails to meet its expectations could leave it cold. Apart from their homes, their greatest treasures are titles, of which they make for themselves, but finding a way to gift it to them while it appearing as genuine as possible can earn its good graces. A warning to never belittle or try to make yourself appear more important to them.
### Water Genasi
The Water Genasi are quite adapt at the water environment as they are at land, and always feel the pull of the ocean, so are at home in the elemental plane of water. And thus can be good traders for within the plane. The water genasi can be quite patient, and like the marid, hate to be tied down by responsibility. It makes them fiercely independent, and unlikely to ask for help with what they consider their problem.
#### Aquatic Arrogance
Also, like their marid, they can have a very high opinion of themselves, and may feel the wish to be recognised for their greatness. Not exactly having the magnificence of the marid, water genasi can have insecurities and thus can act brash and arrogantly. They especially want to lord over their natural ability with breathing water, over land folk, which in turn makes them often not get along with others. Many can also have a hard time predicting the emotions of a water genasi, that can shift under the surface.
### Water Weird
The elemental water weird, are a particularly rare elemental to appear naturally, especially in the plane of water. They are generally bound to a single body of water, and thus often done to protect a location by a magic user. The nature of the water weird is influenced by the nature of the water it is in.
### Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls
The grandest of society in the elemental plane of water, would be the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, with the nobility of Marid Nobility, rubbing shoulders. There the Marids are the richest and all trying to show how amazing they are, which can make it a good spot for trade, it being the centre of trade for the Marid. Humanoids though are generally likely to be seen as a very low cast, possibly as little more than rodents. Humanoids very strong in magic may even find themselves able to earn some respect, granted many Marid there can use wish. But many Marid can also be weary against threat many wizards are known to imprison genies into magical items.
### City of Glass
The City of Glass a centre of commerce in the plane, which can be much more open, and a centre of commerce within the plane, for even other planes. Said to be half filled with water and half air, air breathers may not easily by themselves see the whole market without magical help, but within the plane it is welcoming. And once reached, can be one of the least harsh places of trade within the inner realms. One can also expect a plentiful supply of items to help with water breathing.
## Plane of Air
The Plane of Air is an endless sky, made of various air tunnels that move around different qualities of air. And the air tunnels can connect to similar air tunnels in the material plane.
There are a range of different surfaces, with floating earth motes, or even cloud banks that are strong enough to hold castles. Djinni especially hold this practice of cloud castles but is also the principle behind the ones that cloud and storm giants can create. Earth motes are generally cover in very lush vegetation, making it mostly pleasant.
### Travel Through Elemental Plane of Air
Although there are places to stand, the vast majority of the plane is open space, that is heavily reliant on third dimensional movement of flight. The ability to fly, or reliable methods to travel in third dimensions can be very important for moving in here. Possible methods have included the likes of Giant Eagles and Owls that that are native, and reasonably common magic can help communicate with.
It is otherwise one of the less harmful places to live for standard humanoids. The exceptions can be if a storm comes raging in, for which knowledge of locals may be a requirement to avoid.
### Aarakocra
The aarakocra fly the skies of the plane, although they are also found in the material plane, often out of the way and near a portal between the planes. Tend to be reasonably low economic level, having a very short lifespan, and their homes tend to be very open to allow their broad wings and able to take flight at any time. Within their tribes, the Aarakocra do have some level of economy. Where males often act as hunters and guards of the area, females especially with young will spend their time weaving simple grass baskets and other things that they can carry. Any equipment they carry must be light, and so they do often trade with air elementals if they need armours and weapons, which are much lighter than other make.
#### Values
In general the Aarakocra have a difficult time understanding the idea of property ownership, on the material plane they have a tendency to simply take a farmer’s livestock. There are thing that they do like for themselves other than food, in particular are shiny things such as gold and gems.
Although their tribes don’t usually trade in coins like other races, gems are actually a rather common commodity, although the Aarakocra don’t mine for such things. Often gems are something that they gain from defeating earth elementals, especially gargoyles that can stage attacks on the elemental plane of air. Gems are not only pretty, but have a value of defeating evil.
### Djinni
The Djinn are generally considered the good genie. They are less likely to take slaves, and the ones they do, they treat instead as servants, put under their care and deserving protection. And have a greater history at accepting some short time servitude themselves to a mortal, to grant wishes without trying to turn it back. Especially if a djinni is gifted with fine gifts.
#### Djinni Dwelling
The djinni have their dwellings in magnificent floating castles within the elemental plane of air.
They have a love of creature comforts, with beautiful food that comes from their gardens, nice smells, and beautiful treasures. Many floating earths in the plane of air that have lush fruits and vegetables growing, are likely a djinni’s garden, where taking a little may be allowed, but a djinni could become upset. Cloud giants in comparison are practically imitators.
#### Appealing to a Djinni
Djinni though are mischievous, so while not malicious, they may play pranks on the serious. So, having a sense of humour can be important when dealing with them, and can be sympathetic from being good natured and fun. In addition, they are also proud, but dislike trying to laud things over others, so humility is also important to appeal. Getting on a djinni’s best side, perhaps with the hope to get something in return, requires a generous showing of ability and assets without sounding too proud, or being manipulative. They can appreciate rare treasures, and thus may be a quite successful trade partner if you can find any particular one’s castle.
### Air Genasi
While the Djinn are often considered a good folk, the clash with humanoid nature often does not extend to the air genasi. The air genasi often focus on the Djinni love of treasures of the material, and thus they have a reputation of being material and untrustworthy. In addition to haughtiness of self-importance and a wish for an audience, their emotions can change unexpectedly. They may suddenly rage, but it may not even last long.
#### Noble Nature
Despite their often less savoury aspect, there can be some truth to their noble heritage and often well respect in the elemental plane of air. Some say the wind dukes themselves may be air genasi, and even cloud giants can giants may treat them as treasured guests. Although the air genasi do not themselves have the natural ability to fly, they can have an instinctive understanding of magics for flight, useful for flying brooms, to flying carpets, to air ships and cloud castles. And can understand the air channels and weather through their elemental sense.
### Invisible Stalker
Invisible stalkers are elementals of air that are summoned and altered by magic. They are designed to be invisible, unseen as air itself, and act as assassins that can track down a target and draw its last breath.
### Aaqa
Aaqa is a highly regarded area within the elemental plane of air, important in defence of plane against attacks from the elemental plane of earth and elemental evil or chaos. Aarakocra in particular receive direction here, and the floating land is considered fertile. Despite this, it is not a very good location to go for trade, not much is produced here with purpose to trade, and the most that may be taken could be spoils against Elemental Earths. So while you might be able to find a good amount of precious gems, it is not worth the difficult path getting there rather than trade elsewhere.
### Citadel of Ice and Steel
If trying to trade between the separate castles of djinni is was not enough, there is also the location of the Citadel of Ice and Steel that has the palace of the Djinni leader, Great Caliph. The great Caliph watches over order of the citadel, able to control the winds within, and has tax collected for activity within. This is the centre of trade for the Djinni, where one may bring things it wishes to exchange for something it might like more. Humanoids also can set up shot here for some trade, as long as they do not disrupt the rest of trade. Although, movement within the citadel can be very difficult for anyone who does not have the ability to fly or hover, with reports of feeling like the surface is in a freefall. It is said that the grandest flying carpets in the multiverse can be found here
## Plane of Fire
The majority of the Elemental Plane of Fire is known as the cinder wastes, a great expanse black cinder and lava, dotted by smaller outposts of elementals. This surrounded by the Fountains of Creation that Feed into the Sea of Fire. But of most note is the bastion of society that is the City of Brass.
### Travel Through Elemental Plane of Fire
It should not need to be said, but the plane is very hot, dangerously so to anything that does not even an resistance to fire can quickly be in trouble. Most that could even hope to find it comfortable may need a full immunity to fire. Without some protection, a traveller is at risk of being set on fire themselves, let alone any items they bring with them.
### Firenewt
The Firenewts have an immunity of fire and love of heat that makes them quite at home within the elemental plane of fire. That is except that Firenewts require to be submerged in hot water at least once a week, and the elemental plane of fire has almost no water, with rivers of lava instead. Apart from baths within the City of Brass, the fire newts stay on the material plane which are hot but moist and hot, yet may be near entrances to the elemental plane of fire.
#### Firenewt Commerce
In particular the firenewts Worship Imix, the Prince of Elemental Evil, a fire primordial. This influence makes the, very aggressive, where they make raids to get treasure and captives, that they keep as slaves or sacrifice. Firenewts can be a common sight in taking their prizes to trade in the City of Brass, with careful management over needing to hydrate. The firenewts are also very skilled in alchemical arts, of which they stay pretty tight lipped on secrets. Unlike many other races, despite being aggressive to other races, they can be even more aggressive to other tribes of firenewts, and rarely trade among each other.
### Efreeti
The efreet have a very negative reputation, of being cruel creatures that happily take slaves and be even crueller to them. Despite this, an efreet can’t understand this as wrong, seeing the truth of reality being the strong showing their power, and reward slaves that show this truth. Most fire elementals are very afraid of the efreeti, and will do everything they can to avoid their slavery. Regardless, Salamanders are a constant slave to the efreeti, and often what can look like automated doors and the like, are not magic but the power of captured fire elemental slaves.
#### Efreeti Trade
The Eefreeti often feel little interest in raw materials, to them items are of little value until they are forged into something of real value. Despite being such oppressive beings, the fire genies actually have an inbuilt obsession with trade, and openly enjoy mortals entering the City of Brass to trade with them. And an efreeti takes great pride in something easily made with value to a mortal, that it shows a sort of power over them. They have particular fondness of legendary artefacts, that many rare items up on elemental plane of fire, and known to happily trade them for a fair fee with no regard to consequences.
#### Efreeti Honour
As mentioned before, efreet have pride from easily creating something that a mortal may value, and this makes up the pride of an efreet, which they prize above all else. The ability to lord over lesser beings is their largest self-worth, and slighting one can earn constant wrath. The efreeti are also enthusiastic gamblers, with the idea of winning over a mortal, another notch on their belt for honour, especially for large amounts. The efreeti will strongly enforce the terms of winning a bet, and will also honour having lost one, but this is a hit to their honour, and an efreeti will try to twist the terms. An efreeti can be forced into servitude, but being forced to do a lesser beings’ bidding is their greatest dishonour, and will twist the wishes or go after revenge.
### Fire Genasi
While the efreet are easily infamous for their evil nature, this does not actually influence the fire genasi. Although most humanoids can have automatic suspicions of them, which gives fire genasi an expectation of paranoia. Their nature can show through in their temper, where they can get very angry for slights, and do not easily forgive. Although among close friends or family they may end up screaming and storming off, and the emotion can transform into other passions.
Like the other genasi, they can often feel a sense of superiority over others, being proud in their heritage. But they also enjoy others sharing in their energy, and have others also share the same high opinions in themselves. Within trade, they may want to keep a strong image of their image and establishment, but others also improve theirs.
### Azer
Things of the Elemental plane of fire can look like nothing but destruction, but this is where the Azer can be a surprizing addition. With the appearance of dwarves made out of metal with fire coming from within, the Azer can put the dwarves to shame in terms of forging. By their very nature an Azer is forged by another Azer, and their life is consumed by making ever better creations from their volcanic homes within the fountains of creation. Occasionally they will travel to other planes to look for materials, although they can be called upon by magic to help in the forging of something. Rare metals and precious gems are what they are most after, and a surplus of ingredients can earn their cooperation.
### Magmin
The magmin are another elemental that don’t tend to appear in the elemental plane, being confined to a shell made out of magma. This makes their destructive nature somewhat able to be channelled rather than setting everything around it on fire, and able to give directions. Despite this the fire elemental can now feel the desire to purposely start fires, which makes them quite able for the purpose of spreading chaos.
### City of Brass
The City of Brass was an amazing city that was built by the azer, before the efreeti tried to enslave them. Now it is the centre of trade within the elemental plane of fire, and perhaps the greatest within the Inner Planes. It is a bastion against the harsh environment of the plane, but often entrance is not free, expect to barter for entrance into the city for a fee. Within the city you can find not only efreeti, but devils, fire giants, firenewts, to any manner of humanoids like fire genasi that feel that they can stand the heat and morally questionable elements of things like slave trade. Trade is usually stopped at midday, where the day is the hottest, and those without an immunity of fire can have trouble.
The city holds a number of markets, that may have devils eying out interesting slaves. Masterworks of weaponry, especially made out of black iron, although do not be surprised for almost any make. There can be many taverns, most of which of impressive size to small humanoids, that allow the efreeti and fire giants to also partake, and many efreeti out looking for possible challengers of games of luck. Baths that hold rare amounts of water within the plane, although even these can often be like sauna, but prized by firenewts.
## Plane of Earth
Just hearing the makeup of this plane just being made of earth, one may think that this plane could sound welcoming compared to being an endless ocean, a sky without a ground, or a land of fire. This can be a grave mistake, as the plane of earth is far from safe. Although it can be thought as rather stationary as the nature of earth, the plane is actually in a constant slow motion, with the different earths all moving and often colliding each other, which can cause massive earthquakes, that can cause collapse.
### Travel Through the Plane of Earth
Just entering the plane can be a difficult task of going through labyrinths under the ground, that one may not realize they have entered the plane until one has thought they have exited outside until they notice the sky is a cavern ceiling. Going further into the plane can have the difficulty in obscuring of direction, and keeping any common tunnels have to either be a difficulty in keep going, or the danger of coming face to a purple worm. Interestingly, despite the plane being subterranean, there is often a constant light that can seep through glowing crystals. In the furthest reaches, it is mostly only open to Earth Elementals, that can move through the earth itself.
### Earth Resources
Dwarves have been known to have particular interesting in the bounties of this plane for rare minerals. Although Svirfneblin are often much more successful at navigation in the plane, knowing terran, which allows talking with the elementals much easier.
### Yikaria
Also known as Yakfolk, many consider them simply bogieman, being the size of ogres but as intelligent as many other humanoids. They look animalistic, but still humanoid and able to build civilization, that one may let their guard down. They are very into taking slaves, and their only weakness seems to be often overextending themselves that other humanoids may group up to take them down, so they stay in far our places.
Their presence in the elemental plane of earth has part of the history that they once managed to control all of the dao. Dao even now mostly keep a healthy distance from the yakfolk, but one can expect to see them in the City of Jewels with the slave trade, out collecting slaves, or at the very least pressuring tolls out for moving in ‘their tunnels’.
### Dao
The Dao are just one more addition of dangers of this plane, often outdoing efreet in greed and a search for slaves to help in expanding their domain. While efreet might have an interest in human desire, the dao have absolutely no interest in the morals of lesser beings. Comparatively to the other genies, the dao can have the aims of empires to dominate humanoid lands.
#### Dao Trade
The Dao have exceptional interest in treasure of gold and jewels, that they all want to objects of envy to each other. They can often find the raw materials, although they themselves are not as good craft as others. The dao actually often trade with the efreet, to help craft greater treasures, doing so at the Iron Crucible, a vortex between the plane of earth and fire near the Sevenfold Mazework, that efreet rode on magma on ships. Dao have little to no interest to help humanoids, that is unless they can see a direct value to themselves. Can be the least accommodating in forced servitude, although have a history with the Yakmen, that they have kept a healthy respect out of fear of.
#### Appealing to Dao
There is little more to be said in trying to appeal to a dao. Expect to pay a deep price for anything, and may think little of taking away one’s freedom, especially if they see them as particularly valuable. Some sort of threat may need to be considered to not yourself be seen as an easy target.
### Earth Genasi
Like the fire genasi, the earth genasi do not neceserilly share the same evil nature with their particular genie, the cruel dao. The earth genasi can be very patient, and patience can be important when dealing with them because they can spend a lot of time thinking something through. Going through a hopeful transaction with them can take a long time as they think it through. But once they have made a decision, it can take a lot of effort to change it.
Genasi in general tend to have a high opinion of themselves and arrogant, but their ponderous nature can make an earth genasi less arrogant and willing to listen before forming a full opinion. Their dual sides can have a genasi interested in seeing new lands, or wishing to take a land for their own, making them a possible soldier that may travel, or protectors of a land. Making earth genasi being useful as guides and keepers of safehouses in the elemental plane of earth. They also tend to be rightfully wary of the dao, who rarely show them any respect. Only the most evil earth genasi are likely to go near their settlements for their own reasons.
### Galeb Duhr
Galeb Duhr are another elemental created by magic, and are particularly intelligent and quite able guards of areas, especially areas of natural earth. Galeb Duhr also have a particular love of collecting items of value in the area they are stages in, also making them good for collecting anything that may have been missed for its master, although some give and take may be encouraged. Despite the greater intelligence galeb duhr can also hold a sleight risk of not knowing to hold back.
### Gargoyle
Mephits can act as toadies for those who show some strength, but can be a little ineffectual, unlike the gargoyle that can be more effective with a glee for causing pain and damage. In the plane of earth, gargoyles are often directed in attacks against the plane of air, to bring down some of the order within the inner planes. Gargoyles also often find their way into the material plane, where they enjoy causing some chaos, but also can be inspired by particularly cunning individuals, who they can be happy to act as guards for their dwellings.
### Xorn
The xorn are mostly harmless to a humanoid, being more interest in precious gems and metals in the earth that is food to them. Trouble can come where they may accidentally end up on the material plane, where their food is rare. A xorn on the material plane can end up starved, and beg mortals for precious gems or metals like gold, not exactly understanding the full cost these can have for their scarcity. A hungry xorn may first beg the organic humanoids for precious metals and gems, organic things being like poison to them, and then in desperation try to steal or attack. They are not especially mean, but their appetites can be expensive.
### The Sevenfold Mazework
Most dao in the elemental plane of earth stay near the Sevenfold Mazework, a giant maze that leads to the Great Khan, the leader of the dao. Entrance to the layers beyond the first is restricted only to noble dao, but first layer is considered an open market. This place is also called the City of Jewels, known for the being covered entirely in precious gems that the dao have gathered. The greatest warning must be given to those with an interest of wealth, that all the dao will know immediately if any of the jewels are taken, and be met with a swift execution. The city a large array of items traded, that the dao do so with outsiders, the most common being gems and slaves. It might even beat the City of Brass in volume of slaves, and for the right price could quickly secure a large number of precious gems.
## Para-Elemental Planes
Between the four elemental planes, there are the para-elemental planes that connect the two. These planes are less habitable than the other planes, but not entirely empty.
### Plane of Ice
The plane of ice connects the plane of water and the plane of air, being a land filled with freezing water where it is not frozen solid. But those who do are very hardy, and come across as harsh, if not monstrous like ice salamanders, or frost giants, taking part in combat. A few exceptions may be Ice Genasi. It otherwise acts as a trade route between the two planes, that Marid and Djinni can generally be on good terms. Flight is much sailing, so one may see quite interesting looking air ships, that can enter the inner planes through a storm to travel the Elemental plane of Air.
### Plane of Ash (Smoke)
This land has often been called the plane of ash, although the name has historically been used with another plane. It is often known by the name of the Great Conflagration, or the plane of smoke, except most generally it as an area where the air itself is on fire, few have the tools to both avoid the heat and fly. It is thought that most he come here, wish to avoid pursers, hiding in land masses made of ash. Although its edges on the plane of air often have earth elementals staging assaults.
### Plane of Magma
To most, the idea of a plane made entirely out of molten rock, is completely terrifying, and most certainly unliveable anywhere near. For the likes of the Azer, what they can get in before being submerged can hold good rewards of minerals. And efreet use a vortex to travel to the earth plane.
### Plane of Ooze
The plane of Ooze is a land of muck, where no permanent shelters can be placed into the earth, les it sinks. Some do have floating surfaces, for whoever wants to go somewhere that does not have the freedom that allows life of water, or the sturdiness that can do the same of earth. There is rumours though that things cast into the muck can be lost for many ages, and be the place for those who wish to keep something out the hands of others that cannot be destroyed. In turn there are some that try and comb some of the muck for the chance of such discarded objects.
### Para-elemental Genasi
Rarer still than the rare genasi of the four elements, are genasi that are a mix between the elements, an incredibly rare sight, that they are almost not worth mentioning for races that may be interacted with. Although, like the other genasi, they can also be found within the inner planes, and be one of the few things that are suited for the para elemental planes.
#### Ice Genasi
Ice Genasi
The ice genasi are a hardy people, that emotionally can seem very cold and unfriendly, but can be important parts of settlements within the plane of ice that can be friendly to travellers. Despite often choosing harsh and cold environments, they crave life and stories, and be involved in trade between the elemental plane of water, and the plane of air.
#### Smoke Genasi
Although the elemental plane of ash (smoke) is pretty inhospitable, these genasi are quite able to handle the smogs and, and feel quite at home there. Few are likely to travel through it, but coming across a smoke genasi is likely to have you meet an individual who crude lazy, sarcastic and self-serving. Not tending to be very productive, they can earn a bad reputation, including that they enjoy upsetting others.
#### Magma Genasi
The magma genasi can have the pondering and deliberatness of earth, but the passion and the temper of fire. From watching the them they can appear slow, although often far from stupid. They are one of the few rare creatures that can handle the plane of magma, and may able to find treasured ore within it. Magma genasi do well themselves at meticulous work of smithing, that may seem mundane, but they do with a passion.
#### Ooze Genasi
The plane of Ooze is an unpleasant place in its own right, and the ooze genasi are often similarly unpleasant. Gross, ugly and repulsive, their nature and experience often means they can be hostile to other, cleaner people. Taking joy in soiling things.
#### Steam Genasi
Not really a home in a para-elemental plane, although possibly found in the quasi-elemental plane of steam. They are usually otherwise originated from elemental energy of water and fire. Really the defining traits of the steam genasi is that are far more egotistical than all other genasi, with egos up to eleven and bossy. If there is any genasi to force themselves into the position of leader and importance, a steam genasi would do such.
#### Dust Genasi
Similarly, to the steam genasi, the dust genasi don’t find a home in a para-elemental plane, but may occasionally be found hanging out int the plane of dust. They are sarcastic, morbid, quirky, weird and fascinated with death. Like genasi goths, they do have an interest in sombre clothing and items, and thus can be a niche customer, that is if you can stand their relaying of disturbing facts and invasion of personal space.
## Quasi-Elemental Planes
Within the inner planes, there are the extremely powerful but hazardous positive and negative energy planes. These planes are connected to the four main elemental planes by quasi-elemental planes. With the positive plane connected to the planes of steam, storms, radiance and mineral. While the negative plane is connected to the plane of salt, vacuum, ash and dust.
### Plane of Steam
Towards the freshest waters of the elemental plane of water, one can find the temperature increasing, before it turns entirely into steam. Regarding the nature of the inner planes, exact locations can be rather difficult to understand, and the locations these places are can change. Not really much to it, the elemental plane of steam is really just steam, about the most thing of interest one can find might be some steam mephits, which tend to be bossy.
### Plane of Salt
Certain areas of the Elemental Plane of Water can have more salt than others, and the strongest leads to the Plane of Salt, which is a plane made entirely of salt. It’s name does not properly convey the danger within this plane, as very little life can survive here for long, as dehydration happens much faster just being in this plane. A humanoid can be lethally dehydrated from just touch the salt. Despite this danger, the salt here can be worth a very high price, so mining for salt may happen here despite the dangers.
### Plane of Storm
Storms can be a common occurrence in the plane of air, they can come and go, but there is also a storm that does not end. Going further into that storm can lead to the plane of storm, where the wind becomes ever stronger, and lightning becomes ever constant. Entering this plane can be certain suicide, although some individuals have been said to try and harness its electrical power.
### Plane of Vacuum
Warnings are given within the plane of air, for places where the air starts to feel thinner, for it can lead to the plane of vacuum. It can be an almost invisible trap to the unwary, where those who fly through air lift can plummet as they enter a plane without air, before gravity itself can leave as one loses a sense of direction.
### Plane of Radiance
Within the Plane of Fire, one may see an extremely beautiful light. Although beautiful, it is so bright that few may last long before suffering blinding effects. If problems with sensitivity to the light can be overcome, one may approach the light where they may be drawn into the plane of radiance, a spell like darkness even becomes a light shade. Not only can unprotected items burst into fire like the elemental plane of fire, weaker magical items can be at risk.
### Plane of Ash
Occasionally one may find a location in the plane of fire that may feel like a sanctuary from the heat, where the sun loses some of its power, and flecks of ash can be seen in the air. To those at danger to the heat this can look like a good find, but staying here for a long period of time is ill advised, as one can be drawn into the real plane of ash, where the temperature can continue to decrease as the air feels with ash an, where one can easily lose their way.
### Plane of Mineral
All that probably needs to be heard is that this is a plane made entirely precious gems and metals, and many can have plans to mine within this plane. Despite the bounty of this plane, as it is incredibly dangerous. Even Earth Elementals can have a very difficult time with the crushing pressure exerted here that it can offset benefits. Even those who have managed to gain experience and success mining on this plane, can be taken by surprise and lose their lives.
### Plane of Dust
Traveling through the plane of earth, one may eventually come across an increasing amount of looser dirt, until it becomes looser sand. This may in ways sound pleasant to the crushing rocks, but one wrong move may send one sinking into the plane of dust, a plane with a constant dust storm, with otherwise nothing else of interesting.
## Positive and Negatives Energy Planes
The positive and negative energy planes are extremely dangerous to mortal live, and exposure can mean death in a very short time. The negative energy plane can be easier to understand in this way as one will find themselves in a plane without air or gravity, and have their lifeforce drained from them as they come but husks. The positive elemental plane as the opposite may even sound safer as the mortal will be bombarded by life energy, that will heal the damage from burns and suffocation one will receive from the searing void. But even as the body is healed and supercharged with positive energy, mortal bodies will soon reach their limit, as they explode from more energy than they can handle.
Some still try to explore the plane more with protections, as the energies could provide a lot of use for power. Where the negative plane is said to have incredibly powerful undead, and all manner of objects of the gods are said to be within the positive plane, that even much of the higher planes cannot match. Those entering for such purposes, usually do so from the material plane, where resources for the exhibition can be gathered. Most of those entering the negative plane, tend to have their bodies replaced by a Nightwalker, a very dangerous undead, that will be needed to return to the location the plane shift was attempted. Nightwalkers are very difficult to try to influence such, and will destroy everything and everyone of the person it swapped with. The positive plane has odder aspects, where life is not only given to the plane shifter, but can be given to all their equipment. The disruption of any and all equipment coming to life, and often turning on the plane shifter, including those needed to survive the plane, often sabotage the already carefully planned exhibitions.