# The SnewBeacon & Snewball Fights A mysterious artifact has been delivered to the Emporium by a fat red dwarf and a foul-mouthed gnome. It radiates transmutation magic that increases when near snow, and has been a great source of entertainment for our artificiers and scholars. ## The SnewBeacon The SnewBeacon is an ***icy white cylinder around 12 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter.*** It has 4 supporting legs made of emerald and sapphire, that magically secure the device onto any surface upon which it is placed. ### Operation The SnewBeacon takes roughly ***1 turn (6 seconds) to deploy*** and secure on the ground, or remove and stow away. If placed on a surface of snow, all snow in a ***100x100ft square*** of the device becomes ***SNEW (Snow that's Not Extremely Weak)*** for a duration of ***1 hour (100 turns).*** At the end of the duration, or if the SnewBeacon is removed from the surface, the Snew reverts to normal snow. The SnewBeacon can exhibit this behaviour ***once per day***. ## Uses and Properties of Snew Snew is much stronger than regular snow, and much easier to pack together. It is able to withstand roughly ***30HP*** of damage, being ***vulnerable to fire*** and ***resistant to slicing*** damage types. Anything constructed from Snew exhibits these characteristics. Adventurers can spend ***1 turn (6 seconds)*** to use the Snew around them to construct basic structures or weapons. ### Basic Structures Snew can be moulded into basic structures that can provide cover from ranged attacks. An adventurer can spend 1 turn shaping the Snew into a ***3x3x3ft cube or other simple shape***, that provides ***half cover***. A second turn can be spent to pack more Snew on top of the structure, to become ***6ft high, providing full cover.*** Snew used as cover has limited durability, and takes damage from attacks that it blocks. ### Snewballs An adventurer can spend a turn shaping the Snew into ***3 Snewballs***, rough spheres approximately 3 inches in diameter. Snewballs count as ***Simple Thrown Weapons*** and do ***1 bludgeoning damage*** (see Snewball Fights Section) on a successful hit. ``` ``` ### Snewclub Alternatively, a turn can be spent crafting a Snewclub, a ***Simple Melee Weapon***. The Snewclub also deals ***1 bludgeoning damage*** but is brittle, and will disentegrate after ***3 successful or parried hits***. ## Snewball Fights Crafted are Snew weapons are less than lethal, and are consequently little use on the battlefield. They can however provide entertainment to a large amount of people for an hour or so, especially during a festive holiday. ### Basic Rules In a friendly game, Snew weapons are generally not used with enough force to injure. They can however make someone a little soggy. All players have a ***WCP*** (Wet & Cold Points) equal to ***half their constitution, rounded down***. If a player drops to 0 WCP, they are well and truly soggy, and must resign from play. WCP is ***not regained from magical or potion based healing***, but fully recovers after a short rest. ### Traditional Rules These rules or variations on them have been commonly used in Snewball Fights for as long as we knew it existed: #### Team Dampmatch Two teams of equal number compete to make the other well and truly soggy. The team with the last teammate(s) left standing is victorious. #### Free-For-All Similar to ***Team Dampmatch***, but players are in it to win it, all by themselves. #### Siege Mode Able to be integrated into all gamemodes, both teams are given ***1 minute (10 rounds, out of initiative)*** to prepare Snew defenses and weapons, before the main game commences. #### Capture the Thingy The two teams both make use of siege mode to construct defenses around their ***Prized Thingy***. The first team to gain possession of the enemy team's Thingy and return it to their base is the victor. ## Enjoy If you are fortunate to come into possession of the SnewBeacon, we hope you have fun with it's powers! Regardless, have a merry (festive winter event)!