# Flowfolk What happens to the phlogiston when it gains sentience? Strong emotions will be latched onto by the flow and slowly create a mind. Flowfolk are emotionally driven creatures with a head that resembles a natural space object. ## Flowfolk Traits Your Flowfolk character has the following traits. ***Ability Score Improvement:*** Your Constitution score increases by 2, and an ability score of your choice increases by 1. ***Age:*** No known Flowfolk has ever died of old age but they must enter the phlogiston at least once a year. ***Alignment:*** There is not a specific alignment that Flowfolk tend to be but it is very rare to find a nuetral aligned Flowfolk. ***Size:*** Flowfolk choose their humanoid body size and appearance but tend to choose more stable sizes that are easier to maintain. Usually choosing to be between 4 to 8 feet tall and weigh between 150 to 340 pounds. Your size is Medium. ***Speed:*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet. ***Out of Body:*** Your body is not an actual part of you. As a bonus action, you can detach your head from your body and move them independently. You split your remaining hit points between your two parts Each part moves at the same time but you do not gain additional actions. As part of your movement you can reattach your head. Your head has the following traits when seperated: * It has a 40 foot fly (hover) speed. * You can cast *Mage Hand* without verbal or somatic components. * You cannot cast spells that require somatic and held material components from your head. * If your head loses all its hit points you fall unconscious just as you would normally. Your body does not defend it's self while you are unconscious. Your body has the following traits when seperated: * Your body has a base walking speed of 15 feet. * You can dismiss your body as an action. Any equipment that you are holding or wearing falls to the ground. You can create a new body during a long rest. * If your body loses all its hit points it is forcibly dismissed. * If your head enters a different plane while seperated your body is dismissed.
***Heavely Form:*** You are made of pure phlogiston which gives you the following benefits: * You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. * You are immune to disease. * You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. * You don't needs sleep and don't suffer the effects of exhaustion due to lack of rest, and magic can’t put you to sleep. ***Volatile:*** Since you are made of pure phlogiston you are vulnerable to fire damage and when you take fire damage anything within five feet of you that is flammable catches fire as well. ***Languages:*** You can understand, read, and write Common, and a language of your choice. You cannot speak and can produce sounds similar to cosmic noise that produce the verbal components for spells. You can also telepathically speak to any creature within 60 feet that knows a language but the creature can not reply telepathically.