# Cat Sith
>*"On the eve of the battle some men nervously sharpened their weapons, others uttered prayers to whatever dietys they thought could protect them, and the rest sat quietly in their camps gazing thoughtfully into the flames.*
>*The Cat Sith mercenary force on the other hand played joyful tunes on their lutes, singing and dancing into the small hours of the night. Sleeping where they lay after gourging themselves on fine food and wine.*
>*In the morning the men were tired from their lack of sleep and trembling with the thought of the upcomming battle. Whilst the cats jovially lept around the war camp, bright eyed as they donned their armour and weapons.*
>-Sir Galus of Bitterwood.
The Cat Sith are a rare race of small feline creatures. Although they present themselves in a jovial and carefree manner, the Cat Sith are cunning tricksters and will use their agility and wits to gain an advantage on the other larger races.
Nomads by nature the Cat Sith can be found all over the world with no discernable homeland to call their own. They are fairly distrusting of other races and are known to stick with their kind when they can to form a *clowder*.
### Wandering Nomads
Cat Sith do not often settle in one place for long. They prefer to work as travelling merchants, mercenaries or petty thieves. Often traveling as small clowders, watching eachother's backs as they navigate the dangerous world with their samll size.
In the rare event that Cat Sith do settle, they tend to live peaceful and laidback lives of simple work or retirement. Focusing instead on the finer points in life such as luxurious food and long daytime naps.
### Silent and Agile
The Cat Sith possess light agile bodies. They can move silently and quickly around terrain that would prove difficult to navigate for other races. This, combined with their natural ability to see in the dark, makes them excellent thieves and assassins as they are able to squeeze through small openings and easily remain unheard and unseen to potential threats.
### Charismatic Tricksters
Due to their natural disadvantage in physical combat situations, the Cat Sith are fast talkers and cunning thinkers. They know how to persuade and influence others, and will prefer to talk their way out of a potentially dangerous situation than fight.
Their unasuming friendly look leads to others letting their guard down around them and allows them to make friends easily with strangers.
> **Clowders**
>A clowder is the name for a group of Cat Sith that have decided to stick together to increase their survivability.
>Clowders range in size from small trading caravans, to roaming bandit gangs and large organised mercenary armies.
>They usually consist of a leader who guides and manages the group, who is usually the oldest or most experianced member of the clowder.
### Cat Sith Names
Cat Sith do not care much for the notion of family and as such tend to choose their own names, or names that fit their personality or physical characteristics. A Cat Sith's second name is normally that of it's clowder, if it has one.
**Male Names:** *Scar, Asta, Ginger, Rex, Felix, Claw, Whisker, Blinky, Leo, Stumpy. *
**Female Names:** *Moggie, Magilou, Rouge, Roxy, Tutty, Grey, Felicia, Vix.*
**Clowder Names** *The Alleycats, The Blackclaws, The Goldenpaws, The Poisonfangs, The Divines, The Lucky Hats, The Wonderboys. *