```metadata title: 'Weapon: Aralyn''s Moonblade' description: '' tags: '' systems: - 5e renderer: legacy theme: 5ePHB ``` # Aralyn's Moonblade The hereditary blade once wielded by Arilyn of Evermeet, having been passed to her by her mother, Princess Amnestria of Evermeet. The sword and its hilt appear antique. The blade is inscribed with nine runes written in an ancient Elven script known as Espruar, as well as protection runes which prevent the runes from being translated by magical means. It emits a small light radius (15ft) when in direct moonlight. > ##### Espruar Runes > A runic alphabet favored by the **Silver Elves**, Espruar runes, when spoken aloud and by a person with elven lineage, were often used to invoke deep, ancient magics. > ##### Effects > - Every moonblade chooses its wielder. Once chosen, you are considered proficient in weilding the moonblade. > - On your turn, you may use a bos action to activate one of nine runes etched into the blade itself. (see rules under Deeper Magics) > - +3 to attack > - 2d10+10 piercing damage. > - Attacks from this weapon are considered magical for the purpose of magic resistance. ### Deep Magic On one side of the blade are etched seven, very worn runes, which glow with a soft, blue light. If you speak Espruar, you can tell this is a spell of protection. What or who it protects, you do not know. ``` ``` ### Deeper Magics On the other side of the blade are nine smaller runes of varying degrees of wear. It looks as if the ones nearest the hilt of the blade are much older than the ones further down its length. If you speak Espruar, you know the names of these runes. They are an ancient system of numeration. In order: enna, aia, khoe, pye, deshu, deshenna, desh'aia, desh'khov, and des'pyah. By speaking one of these words using your bonus action, you can summon the spirit of an elven ancestor to help you in certain ways. Each Ancestral Spirit is attuned to a particular alignment, and will not allow itself to be summoned by a wielder of the sword with an incorrect alignment. Speaking an incorrect word, or speaking a word with the wrong alignment will have no effect, and the bonus action will be wasted. Only one Ancestral Spirit may be summoned at a time. Invoking a second word of power while another effect is currently active will cause the old Spirit to dissipate, and the new Spirit to apparate, if possible.
##### Ancestral Spirit Effects | Rune | Effect | Alignment Requirement| |:---:|:---|:---:| | enna | Bladesong | any | | aia | Blazing Soul| any non-evil | | khoe | Ward | any non-chaotic | | pye | Dreamwalk | any non-neutral | | deshu | Kingsblade | any lawful | | deshenna | Elfshadow | any chaotic | | desh'aia | Atonement | any good or lawful | | desha'khov | Elfgate | lawful good only | | des'pyah | Absolution | any good |
\page #### Enna: Bladesong You summon the spirit of Josidiah Starym, a noble-born bladesinger born in the elven empire of Cormanthyr, and first wielder of the moonblade. Josidiah imbues you and your allies with additional speed and dexterity. While active, you may take two attacks any time you take the Attack action. Additionally, you and your allies in a 60ft radius around you have double movement speed. #### Aia: Blazing Soul You summon the spirit of Menzoberranzan. At some point after Josidiah, the moonblade fell into the hands of this denizen of the lower planes. It is unknown how this being managed to wield the blade, as it is supposed to be impossible for any but an Elven swordmaster. While active, Menzoberranzan imbues you and your allies in a 60ft radius with resistance to fire damage, and advantage to saving throws relating to the "burning" effect. #### Khoe: Ward You summon the spirit of an unknown owner of the blade. Though this person's true name is lost to the sands of time, their eyes inexplicably seem kind and trustworthy. While active, this Spirit will warn the wielder of any approaching danger. You may choose for the warning to be one of three effects: * *Glowing:* the blade will glow with a bright green light when danger is near. * *Singing:* the blade will emit a low, soft humming tone when danger is near * *Dreaming* the unknown spirit will approach you in your dreams while you sleep if danger is near #### Pye: Dreamwalk You invoke the spirit of Giullio Moonflower, the older brother of Amlauruil Moonflower (sometimes known as the Sad Queen). Though gifted the moonblade very young by an unknown benefactor, Guillio proved uninterested in mastering its use in combat, much preferring his solitary studies and books. When activated, you may use the *Scry* spell once per day, after which Guillio may not be invoked again until the next dawn. #### Deshu: Kingsblade You invoke the spirit of Zaor Moonflower, the husband of Queen Amlaruil Moonflower and king of Evermeet. Known as a strong and skilled fighter, Zaor imbues your attacks with additional ferocity. You and any allies within a 60ft radius around you gain +2 to all damage and attack rolls. #### Deshenna: Elfshadow You invoke the spirit of Amlaruil Moonflower (sometimes known as the Sad Queen of Evermeet). After her husband Zaor was assassinated, Amlaruil became obsessed with seeking revenge for his death. While active, you have a familiar who you can command with simple phrases, and who will fight beside you in combat. ``` ``` #### Desh'aia: Atonement You invoke the spirit of Thasitalia Moonflower, mother of Zaor Moonflower, and grand-aunt of Amnestria. Though only wielding the blade for a short time, Thasitalia proved well-suited to it, able to bend the blade to her will easily and quickly. When activated, you may attempt to influence the alignment of any creature in a 60ft radius around you. The DC for this action will be 4+D20+Level against the creature's CHA saving throw. The DM will determine the result of a successful atonement. A willing creature may choose to fail the saving throw. A creature who has succeeded on the saving throw may not be influenced again for 24 hours using this spirit. #### Desha'khov: Elfgate You invoke the spirit of Amnestria Moonflower (later known as Z'beryl), the daughter of Amlaruil, and grand-neice of Thasitalia. While active, a stable gate appears between any point in the prime material plane and the elven city of Evermeet. #### Des'pyah: Absolution You invoke the spirit of Aralyn herself, daughter of Amnestria, and the last Queen of Evermeet. Also the most recent wielder of the moonblade you hold in your hands. While active, you and anyone you choose in a 60ft circle around you gain the benefit of the *Bless* spell. Additionally, any healing spells, effects, or items heal at their maximum possible value. ### Deepest Magic You sense that, in addition to the nine Runes of Power currently etched into the blade, this object may hold even more secrets that may yet be unlocked by truly mastering the blade.