```metadata title: Way of Gun-fu description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Way of Gun-fu Way of the Gun-fu monks are those who have adapted or abandoned their traditions in order to learn how to operate firearms, using their training and martial focus to channel their ki into their weapons. Many use a mix of martial arts and gunplay to defeat their opponents. ## Path of Gun-fu Beginning at 3rd level, you learn the ways of Gun-fu. You gain the following benefits: ### Gun-fu. You gain proficiency in all firearms that lack the heavy and special qualities. These weapons are considered monk weapons for you. ### Close-Quarters Shooter. Being within 5-feet of an enemy no longer imposes disadvantage on ranged attacks with your monk weapons. In addition, if you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, your next attack with a firearm against that creature has advantage. ### Rapid-Shot. Immediately after you take the attack action, you can spend 1 ki point as a bonus action to make an attack with a firearm you are holding. ## One With the Gun At 6th level, you extend your ki into the firearms you wield. You gain the following benefits. ### Ki-Infused Gun. Your attacks with firearms are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks. ### Flanking Shot. You can spend 1 ki point to ignore the 3/4th and half-cover on ranged attack until the end of your turn. ## Improved Rapid Shot. At 11th level, whenever you use your Rapid-Shot feature, you can spend 2 ki points to instead make two attacks with a firearm you are holding and proficient in. ## Flurry of Shots At 17th level, as an action, you can target each creature you can see within your weapons first range increment. Spend a number of ki points equal to the number of creatures you target, up to a maximum of 10. You can make a single ranged weapon attack with a firearm you are holding against each target.