```metadata title: 'GENERIC CLASSES ' description: '' tags: '' systems: [] renderer: legacy ``` ```css /*=======--- Example CSS styling ---=======*/ /* Any CSS here will apply to your document! */ .myExampleClass { color: black; } ``` # PLANESWALKER CLASSES # Modular 5e
# Planeswalker Generic 5e Classes ## What this is Planeswalker Classes is an UNOFFICIAL kit for playing any of the settings in Magic: the Gathering's various worlds. The first section is how to use it, with a brief word on races. Next comes the three "generic classes" - the Warrior, the Rogue, and the Magic-User. There are some basic abilities they keep, but they then have lots of Bonus Feats that are meant to be spent on what would be Class options for the character. The options include pre-requisites - like proficiency with weapons before being able to use a fighting style - and limits to how often they can be taken. The total number is meant to account for the options a standard D&D character of a given level would have, taking into account hit dice size, skills, purchase of spellcasting levels, extra attacks, sneak attack, and so forth. It's not precise, but it should work out. Then comes the section with all the feat and feat path options for characters - those available to all characters, and those that require Paths to access. I've tried to keep to the core 5e classes, but in a way that the themes are divided by generic classes instead - Warrior, Rogue, Mage. For the most part this chapter is the abilities of the core classes, organized by the level they're gained at, and split up as needed - lots of references to the PHB, and NOT reprinting their words. In other areas I've redesigned them to fit with the MtG colours & casting system used here, so that's my original stuff, in that it's not reprinting WotC content - that's where you'll find paragraphs, not just references to pages. Next comes the magic system, reorganizing the spells and abilities from the different classes into the five colours of magic - Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White. As written it treats these colours as alignments - replacing the D&D alignment chart for certain effects. This works for magic, and creatures can focus on "nature" rather than "morality"; but note that personality types for player characters is not the same as morality types, so use with good judgement. Game Mastering is the second half of the booklet. It includes material on magical items and monsters, but the point of the information packet is not strictly as a GM aide, but for players and NPCs. Beyond Planeswalker Classes is a topic for another document. \page Appendix A includes my general method on how I opted to deconstruct your favourite classes, abilities, and so forth, and put them into the three generic classes presented here. ## What this is not First, obviously, it's not official. This is entirely intended for my own use, and posted for free as fanmade content. This is where I emphasize that it's not intended to infringe upon the copyrights or ownership of WOTC for either D&D or Magic: the Gathering. I'm trying to NOT reprint the official material - only the altered rules text as needed, when an ability is altered so it doesn't have spell slots, or some other significant re-write. Because, hey, if you already own the proper version, this is all you'll need from me. Second, it's not complete. I'll try to add more as time goes on, and I hope others find it useful as a template for adding their own options. I'm not going for perfect - well, *I* am, but incomplete means not finished, and that's one aspect of "perfect". Anyway, I'm open to suggestions and feedback. ## Why do this at all? Great question! It has a bunch of answers. First, and most importantly, when I sit down to play D&D set in the multiverse of Magic: the Gathering, I want it to *feel* like it. Without a proper reorganization, it's just D&D with rules that don't fit the fiction. Once I did the Magic-User for the spells, I realized that class abilities like a Paladin's Smite or a Barbarian's Rage couldn't be ignored either. A proper template for all of it was needed - or it would just bug me, okay? That bit of grit turned into this pearl - a weird, lopsided pearl, sure, but that's life. Another is more general, because sometimes I just want to play a game without worrying about some pre-defined class and build made for me. I like my Conan the Barbarian, my Fafhrd and Mouser, none of whom fit neatly into a single D&D class - in any edition, whether official or clone - but their personalities shaped the genre to suit themselves. I like that. It makes sense to me that epic heroes might forge themselves into something new, instead of aligning themselves with a pre-made archetype's checklist of features. Moreso in a setting as broad as Magic: the Gathering. A third reason is because classes, while necessary, can have lots of options after a few years that - because they're locked away behind several levels of an optional class - don't get used. Maybe they're in a subclass that isn't as optimal as another build. D&D is wonderful, and classes help streamline play - very helpful in a busy real world. Roleplayers need the tool of a good conceptual guide or it's easy to lose focus - or risk having characters who aren't able to contribute to the adventure. It's better to have them than not, or players can be paralyzed by too many options. That said, after a few years there are a lot of classes, subclasses, and every official and unofficial product seems to add a new magic system - each with their own source of magic, such as arcane, divine, plus pacts, sorcerous powers, ki points, paladin spells (different from clerics), and subclasses with weird spell lists that aren't available to dedicated casters. I love my fighter-mages, but I prefer casting spells like a wizard to having "spells known" like the Eldritch Knight. Or, if my Eldritch Knight devotes more time to his spells, why do his spell slots go up but he has to start at 1st level for wizardry? This is my solution. I wanted to see if cutting it down to just five general spell lists would help.
\page # CHARACTER CREATION Creating a Planeswalker character is essentially the same process as in regular 5e D&D. 1) Pick a Race 2) Determine Ability Scores 3) Choose your class - Warrior, Rogue, or Magic-User 4) Pick your Colour Alignment 5) Select all the options from your class, race, and colour alignment: this means your bonus feats, your skill, tool, weapon, and armour proficiencies, and any spells you might know. 6) Pick a Background, with your bonds, ideals, and any skill or tool proficiencies you can choose. 7) Pick any equipment such as weapons and armour, from your class and background. 8) Note your hit points, armour class, and various modifiers - but NOW you note the mana points total from your class level. 9) If you have them, note your character's appearance, height and weight, and any other in-world information that might come up. If you like to draw your character, or write backgrounds, this is where you do that. 10) Just kidding - you're done! Now start playing. See? Easy! The big difference is (a) colours have been added, replacing alignments and classes, and (b) the classes and magic system have been adjusted to accomodate that. ``` ``` ## ALIGNMENT All characters start with a colour alignment instead of the standard D&D alignments. Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White. Each grants access to a list of spells for spellcasters so aligned, and the character may opt to take Feats or Feat paths restricted to characters of those alignments. Additionally there are some effects that may affect characters of a given alignment, such as magical items that can only be used by characters of a certain colour or even colour combination. Colour alignments can also determine setting details, such as which guild in Ravnica the character can join, or which culture in Innistrahd a character might be from. There are some planes where members of a given race start with a given alignment, such as Vedalken characters starting with Blue. Check with your group regarding setting details such as this. D&D Alignments are NOT part of this system, though there are still people who could be seen as "good" and villains who are certainly "evil", at least as far as being antagonists in the campaign.
\page # RACES Races are largely unaffected by this rules module, though your group may feel that some have required starting colour alignments - wood elves being Green or Dragonborn being Red is one way to go. The planes of Magic: the Gathering are filled with different races than standard D&D. Even those featured in multiple planes can have a different write-up or racial traits from plane to plane. The elves of Kaladesh would be different from the elves of Ravnica, and both are different from the elves of the Forgotten Realms. Luckily for players, many official 5e writeups of the races of Magic: the Gathering have been released already, and more are on their way. Some planes have been featured in the Planeshift articles, such as Innistrahd, Kaladesh, and Amonkhet. Others have their own setting books, including Mythic Odysseys of Theros, and Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica. Check with your group during character creation for which of the races best fit the campaign - whether they are planeswalkers or merely heroic residents. ##### Known Races of the Planes | Race | Starting Colour | Plane | |:----:|:-----:|:----:| | Human| Any |Varies| | Elf (wood) | Green | Varies| | Vedalken | Blue | Ravnica| | Centaur | Green | Theros| | Goblin | Red |Zendikar, Alarra| |Leonin|White, Green|Theros, Naya| |Kor|White|Zendikar| |Vampire|Black|Zendikar| |Aven|White|Dominaria, Amonkhet| |Minotaur|Red|Theros, Amonkhet, Ravnica|
\page ## D&D Races in Magic? If your group is inspired to send characters from a D&D setting to the planes of MtG, the following are some suggested pairings of the D&D races with the colour alignments of Magic. These are only suggestions, and it is reasonable to treat the races as "colour neutral", choosing them like they would for moral alignments. Yet, as MtG colours are more "magical essence" than morality, it's less inhibiting than, say, all elves being "chaotic" (even those with noble titles, which implies a legal system) and all dwarves being lawful (even authority-bucking berserkers). Wood elves being tree-adjacent is already assumed, so having all Wood elves be "green-aligned" to start works with their nature, even if individual Wood Elves change somehow.
## D&D Races by colour | Race | Starting Colour | Plane | |:----:|:-----:|:----:| |Elf (high)|blue|| |Elf (drow)|Black|| |Dwarf|Red, White|| |Halfling|Green|| |Dragonborn|Red|| |Half-elf|Any|| |Half-orc|Red, Black|| |Gnome|Blue (rock), Green (forest)|| |Tiefling|Red, Black|| |Aasimar|White|| |Genasi|Red (fire, air), Blue (water, air), Green (earth)|| |Warforged|Any*|| |Changleling|Black, Blue|| |Githyanki|Red, Black|| |Githzerai|White, Blue||
Credit: Todd Lockwood
\page # CLASSES \page # CLASSES Because of the Colour Alignments of Magic: the Gathering, the magic system needed reorganization - and that means adjusting the classes that use magic. The easiest way to do this was to create three generic classes that fulfill the general types of heroes in a fantasy RPG, and allow them to access any class features from 5th edition D&D that would be appropriate for them based on their colour alignment. Each of the classes has basic abilities included in their class, such as the Warrior's "Combat Style". They also gain "Bonus Feats" as they gain levels, allowing them choices from the list of feats, which include features from the different classes.
##### Unearthed Arcana of Old The 3e Unearthed Arcana had a neat generic classes system. I was a fan, but saw that it needed more love than it got. 5e is a great system for it, thus this PDF.
` ` ` ` ``` ``` ## First: Pick your class Pick the type of character you wish to play from the three broad class types: - Warriors are focused on combat, especially melee. - Rogues are any of the more agile, skill-oriented characters, being Jacks-of-all-trades. - Magic-Users are defined by their use of magic. ## Second: Pick Bonus Feats Next, select your Bonus Feat from the Feats from the general, class, and feat paths lists the character can access. This defines what your character can do, and includes most class features a character would get from a class in standard D&D. For example, instead of a Paladin class, players can make a Warrior who is White aligned, then choose a Combat Style, and for their Bonus Feat they choose Channel Rune for "Lay on Hands". Later they can add "Channel Rune: Turn Undead" to fight undead on Innistrahd. Or, if their warrior met a swordmaster on Kamigawa, and they wanted to study weapons and combat maneuvers first, they can choose from the Battle Master feats. Or perhaps they wish to take on an additional colour alignment, because they joined the Boros Legion in Ravnica and an item only allows White-Red characters to wield it. Whatever they choose, when they gain another Bonus Feat, they can choose the other options available to them. Because this is choosing any feats they qualify for, this eliminates much of the need for most multiclassing, as there isn't such thing as a "level dip" for characters of the same basic class. \page ## MAGE The Mage is the dedicated spellcaster, focused entirely on spells and magic. While most Planeswalkers have some magic ability, Mages are the undisputed masters of the ways of mana. If the five colours were sources of magic, mages focused on them might describe their styles as Wizardry (Blue), Warlocks or Necromancy (Black), Clerics or Paladins (White), Druids (Green), and Dragon Sorcerers or Pyromancers (Red). Mages gain spellcasting and Cantrips automatically, and can learn more features as they study. Some add to their spell lists by taking on additional colours. Others focus on their colour exclusively, mastering its features faster at the cost of versatility. ## Class Features As a Mage, you gain the following class features - **Hit Dice:** 1d6 per Mage level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 6 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d6 (or 3) + your Constitution modifier per Magic-User level after 1st #### Proficiencies - **Armor:** None - **Weapons:** Simple weapons - **Tools:** None - **Saving Throws:** Choose two from Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom - **Skills:** Arcana, plus two from History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger - *(a)* a component pouch or *(b)* an arcane focus - *(a)* a scholar's pack or *(b)* an explorer's pack. - a spellbook with your known spells
##### The Mage | Level|Proficiency Bonus | Features | Cantrips Known| Mana Points | |:-:|:-:|:-|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| | 1st | +2 | Spellcaster I, Spellbooks, Bonus Feat | 3 |4| | 2nd | +2 | Bonus Feat | 3 | 8| | 3rd | +2 | Spellcaster II, Bonus Feat | 3 | 10 | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 15 | | 5th | +3 | Spellcaster III, Bonus Feat | 3 |20| | 6th | +3 | Bonus Feat | 4 | 25 | | 7th | +3 | Spellcaster IV, Bonus Feat | 4 | 30 | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 4 |35| | 9th | +4 | Spellcaster V, Bonus Feat | 4 | 40| | 10th | +4 | Bonus Feat | 5 | 45 | | 11th | +4 | Spellcaster VI, Bonus Feat | 5 |50 | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 5 |55| | 13th | +5 | Spellcaster VII, Bonus Feat | 5 | 60 | | 14th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 6 |65| | 15th | +5 | Spellcaster VIII, Bonus Feat | 6 | 70| | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 6 |75| | 17th | +6 | Spellcaster IX, Bonus Feat | 6 | 80| | 18th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 6 |85| | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 6 |90| | 20th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 7 |100|
\page #### Cantrips At 1st level, Mages gain 3 cantrips of their choice from the spell lists of their Colour, and learn more as they gain levels, according to the Mage table. They can learn additional Cantrips with the Cantrip feat, but are limited to only their colour's spell list. #### Spellcasting Mages cast spells, choosing either Intelligence or Charisma as their Mages start with the feat Spellcaster 1, and learn the other feats automatically as they gain levels. Note that Spellcaster determines the maximum level of spells the Mage can learn, prepare, and cast. Mana points are based on character level. The abilities Spellcaster VI and higher are only available through this class. Those spells are so powerful they can only be cast a few times each day. #### Mana Points Every level the Mage gains Mana to cast their spells. For more information, see the section on Magic (below). #### Spells Known Spells known are those the character can use to cast spells. They start with 4 known spells of 1st level from Colour spell lists they have access to, and they learn one new spell per level of any spell level they can cast automatically. These spells are always prepared, imprinted upon the character's mind so they are always available provided there is enough mana to cast the spell. Additionally, because they are dedicated spellcasters, Mages who find spell books can learn them automatically when studied without requiring a check; other characters must make an intelligence check after studying the instructions to have learned them. Spellbooks take many forms, from literal books like thick grimoires with spells scrawled on their pages, to crystal balls that show the spells when looked into them, and still others might have religious symbols or beads with designs upon them. ``` ``` \page # ROGUE ## Class Features As a Rogue, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d8 per Rogue level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 8 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d8 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Rogue level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Light Armor - **Weapons:** Simple weapons, hand-crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, longbows, short bows - **Tools:** either Thieves Tools or one musical instrument ___ - **Saving Throws:** Dexterity, Charisma - **Skills:** Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuation, Sleight of Hand, Survival, or Stealth. #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a rapier or *(b)* a short sword - *(a)* a shortbow and a quiver with 20 arrows, or *(b)* a short sword - Leather armour, two daggers - *(a)* one set of thieves' tools, or *(b)* one musical instrument. \page
##### The Rogue | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features |Mana Points| Sneak Attack | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | 1st | +2 | Expertise, Sneak Attack, Bonus Feat |3| +1d6 | | 2nd | +2 | Bonus Feat |6| +1d6| | 3rd | +2 | Bonus Feat |9| +2d6| | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat |12 | +2d6| | 5th | +3 | Uncanny Dodge, Bonus Feat |15| +3d6| | 6th | +3 | Expertise, Bonus Feat | 18| +3d6| | 7th | +3 | Evasion, Bonus Feat | 21| +4d6| | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 24| +4d6| | 9th | +4 | Bonus Feat | 27| +5d6| | 10th | +4 | Expertise, Bonus Feat | 30| +5d6| | 11th | +4 | Bonus Feat |33| +6d6| | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat |36| +6d6| | 13th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 39| +7d6| | 14th | +5 | Expertise, Bonus Feat |42| +7d6| | 15th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 45| +8d6| | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat |48| +8d6| | 17th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 51| +9d6| | 18th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 54| +9d6| | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 57| +10d6| | 20th | +6 | Bonus Feat |60| +10d6|
#### Expertise At 1st Level, choose two of your skill Proficiencies, or one of your skill Proficiencies and your proficiency with Thieves' Tools. Your Proficiency Bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen Proficiencies. At 6th, 10th, and 14th Level, you can choose two more of your Proficiencies (in Skills or with thieves' tools) to gain this benefit. #### Sneak Attack Beginning at 1st Level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an Attack if you have advantage on the Attack roll. The Attack must use a Finesse or a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the Attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't Incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the Attack roll. The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table. #### Cunning Action Starting at 2nd Level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a Bonus Action on each of your turns in Combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. #### Uncanny Dodge Starting at 5th Level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an Attack, you can use your Reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. #### Evasion Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When you are subjected to an Effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. \page # WARRIOR ## Class Features As a Warrior, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d10 per Warrior level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 10 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per warrior level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Medium armor, Shields - **Weapons:** Simple weapons, martial weapons - **Tools:** None ___ - **Saving Throws:** Constitution, Strength - **Skills:** Choose two from Acrobatics , Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a martial weapon and a shield or *(b)* two martial weapons - *(a)* five javelins or *(b)* any simple melee weapon - *(a)* a dungeoneer's pack or *(b)* an explorer's pack
##### The Warrior | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features |Mana Points | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:| | 1st | +2 | Combat Style, Bonus Feat | 3| | 2nd | +2 | Action Surge, Bonus Feat | 6| | 3rd | +2 | Bonus Feat | 9| | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 12| | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Bonus Feat | 15| | 6th | +3 | Bonus Feat | 18| | 7th | +3 | Bonus Feat | 21| | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 24| | 9th | +4 | Bonus Feat | 27| | 10th | +4 | Bonus Feat | 30| | 11th | +4 | Extra Attack II, Bonus Feat | 33 | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat |36 | | 13th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 39| | 14th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 42| | 15th | +5 | Bonus Feat | 45 | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 48 | | 17th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 51 | | 18th | +6 | Bonus Feat | 54| | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Bonus Feat | 57| | 20th | +6 | Extra Attack III, Bonus Feat | 60|
\page ### COMBAT STYLE *Requirement: Warrior. Proficiency in associated weapons or armour. You are a weapon master in a given style of combat, from large weapons to archery, choosing one each time you gain this Feat. The following are the PHB options, but whatever combat style options are allowed can also be chosen. Additional combat styles can be added every five levels: 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, by taking this feat additional times. - Archery - Defense - Duelling - Great weapon fighting - Protection - Two-weapon fighting Credit: Ryan Pancoast ``` ``` ### SECOND WIND On your turn, use a bonus action to regain 1HD+level hit points, determined by whatever your Hit Die type may be. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this ability again. ### ACTION SURGE You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. \page
\page ## GENERAL FEATS General feats are available to anyone, no matter their class or colour alignment, provided they meet the pre-requisites. This includes the feats in the PHB, and those in other sources. Make sure they would not involve magic, or class elements, or any other features that would require a given colour alignment. ### HIGHER HIT DICE You have a higher Hit Dice type, raising the die type one step. If you use d6 hit dice, increase it to d8. You can take this feat multiple times, increasing the hit dice you use by an additional step, to a maximum of d12. Immediately reroll all hit dice, or merely give yourself +1 hit points per level. You can only take this feat once. ### MULTIPLE COLOUR ALIGNMENT You have an additional spark of power associated with one of the colors of magic. Benefit: you gain a secondary color association, chosen when you take this Feat, adding to the one you get for free at character creation. If you are a spellcaster, you can learn up to 5th level spells from your secondary alignment lists; this does not include 6th or higher level spells, even if you are high enough level to cast spells of that power level. Choose Blue, Black, White, Green, or Red. You can learn Cantrips and take Feats associated with those colors, and can Draw Runes to gain mana, up to 1/proficiency bonus (minimum 1). You can use magical items as someone of your alignment, and you are affected by effects as someone of that alignment. Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, granting color association with an additional color each time the feat is taken. You can gain all the colours this way. ``` ```
##### Friendly advice on Feats As much fun as it can be to organize every single feat or option according to colour and class, this author recommends not overdoing it. Too much of it will ruin the fun, and stagnate creative use in play. Try to only limit use where appropriate, as different colours might approach different feats or class abilities in different ways. Most of the time, Feat selection should not be too limited for general feats. All colours should have access to armour, weapons, and skill proficiencies, for example, because there are warriors, rogues, and magic-users in all colour alignments. Even feats like Keen Mind, which seems like a tempting Blue-aligned feat, doesn't need to be held back from general use - there are clever characters from all colour alignments! Most settings have color aligned civilizations, so not everyone can have color that affects their personality or they'd get nothing done.
\page # WARRIOR BONUS FEATS The following feats are only accessible to Warriors. ### HEAVY ARMOUR PROFICIENCY You gain proficiency with Heavy Armour and shields. ### COMBAT STYLE *Requirement: Warrior. Proficiency in associated weapons or armour. You are a weapon master in a given style of combat, from large weapons to archery, choosing one each time you gain this Feat. The following are the PHB options, but whatever combat style options are allowed can also be chosen. Additional combat styles can be added every five levels: 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, by taking this feat additional times. - Archery - Defense - Duelling - Great weapon fighting - Protection - Two-weapon fighting ### SECOND WIND You gain the Second Wind feature. ### ACTION SURGE *requires: You gain the Action Surge feature. ### EXTRA ATTACK *requires: 5th level You can attack twice whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You can take this feat again at 11thlevel, and again at 20th level. ### IMPROVED CRITICAL *Requirement: 3rd level+, Martial weapon proficiency, Combat Style feat. You gain the Improved Critical feature. Special: You can take this feat a second time at 15th level, for a total critical range of 18-20. \page # ROGUE BONUS FEATS ### FAST HANDS *Requirement: Dexterity 16+, Cunning Action You gain the Fast Hands feature. ### SECOND STORY WORK *Requirement: Dexterity 16+, Fast Hands. You gain the Second Story Work feature. ### UNARMORED DEFENSE *Requires: Dexterity and Wisdom 13+ You gain Unarmoured Defense. This does not stack with similar features, such as Brute Resiliance. ``` ``` ### JACK OF ALL TRADES *Requirement: 2nd level You gain the Jack of All Trades feature. \page # MAGIC-USER BONUS FEATS ### CANTRIP STUDY *Requires: color alignment, Spellcaster 1 feat. Non-Magic-Users must be 2nd level or higher.* Benefit: You learn any three Cantrips from spell lists for any alignments you have. Special: You can take this feat multiple times, learning new Cantrips each time. ### META MAGIC *Requires: Spellcaster II, 10th level or higher* Benefit: Choose one Meta Magic feat from the Sorcerer list in the PHB each time you take this Feat. You may transform one spell slot into spell points as a bonus action on your turn, to activate this Meta Magic feat, the cost being 1 spell point per feat used on a spell unless noted in brackets. #### Available Meta Magic Feats You may choose from the following Meta-Magic feats list. - Careful Spell - Distant Spell - Empowered Spell - Extended Spell - Heightened Spell - Quickened Spell - Subtle Spell - Twinned Spell Other feats may be included at GM's discretion, from other sources than the PHB. \page # PATHS AND FEATS The following are paths of feats that are available to any character who meets the prerequisites, including alignment colour, class, or more specific things like feats or races or what have you. Feat Paths must be taken in the order listed here, though if a feat can be taken multiple times they only need take it once before moving on down the list. In a way they are like the classes and subclasses already present in the game. They include Berserkers using barbarian rages, the Mystic with the cleric's Domains, and the Champion using features similar to a paladin's smite. The abilities are broken down into feat-sized chunks, yes, but they're sitll there. For example, Domains are essentially the subclasses of the Cleric class in the PHB. Here they are broken down into the Domain spell list, and the various Channel abilities. The difference is that a character doesn't need to multiclass for several levels before getting features they have the feats to buy and the prerequisites to qualify. Multiclassing isn't necessary to gain features that would make sense for a character to have - if someone is primarily a warrior, so long as they spend the feats they can advance their spellcasting and magical abilities however they are able during the campaign. Level-dipping for this or that feature always bothered me, as characters should stay in the class they spent years training for, save for major life changes! Another benefit, characters from different base classes can take the same path, using their feats however they choose. This allows both healing mages and warriors to use turn undead, which is essentially what clerics and paladins were designed to do. Finally, it keeps the flavour and function of classes and subclasses. In the setting there are some abilities that rightly should be limited to those who put in the work - a path only for those or the right alignment, or for those who fulfill a certain quest. \page ## PATH OF THE MYSTIC ### CHANNEL RUNE *Requires: Colour Alignment, or else access to a Domain that would access a particular Channel Rune option. Channel Rune allows a character to channel color energy into a special ability rather than a spell. Taking any of the Channel Rune options give a character access to that Channel Rune ability. Channel Rune attack modifiers and saving throws are based on Charisma. A character can Channel Rune with a cost of 3 mana each attempt. They can do this once per day per Charisma modifier. The DC for saving throws against a Channel ability is DC10+Charisma modifier. Each of the Colours has their own Channel Rune abilities, each drawing on the alignment of the user. Some of the Domains share access to a Rune, so while the Red Alignment is needed to learn "Destructive Wrath", any non-Red aligned character with the Storm domain could also take this Channel Rune feature. ### WHITE CHANNEL RUNE OPTIONS #### Turn Undead *Requires: White alignment* Benefit: Use Turn Undead. At 5th level this becomes Destroy Undead. #### LAY ON HANDS *Requires: White alignment* Benefit: You have a pool of healing power that you create with Channel Rune. Your touch can restore your character level x5 in hit points, by touch. You can spend 5 hit points of this pool of healing to cure a target of one disease, or neutralize one poison affecting it. ### BLUE CHANNEL RUNE OPTIONS #### Knowledge of the Ages *Requires: 2nd level, Knowledge Domain, Blue Alignment* You can use your Channel Divinity to tap into a divine well of knowledge. As an action, you choose one skill or tool. For 10 minutes, you have proficiency with the chosen skill or tool. #### Read Thoughts *Requires: 6th level, Knowledge of the Ages * You can use your Channel Divinity to read a creature's thoughts. You can then use your access to the creature's mind to command it. As an action, choose one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, you can't use this feature on it again until you finish a long rest. If the creature fails its save, you can read its surface thoughts (those foremost in its mind, reflecting its current emotions and what it is actively thinking about) when it is within 60 feet of you. This effect lasts for 1 minute. During that time, you can use your action to end this effect and cast the Suggestion spell on the creature without expending a spell slot. The target automatically fails its saving throw against the spell. #### Guided Strike *Requires: 2nd level, White or Red aligned, War Domain.* You can use your Channel Divinity to strike with supernatural accuracy. When you make an attack roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses. ### RED CHANNEL RUNE #### Destructive Wrath *Requires: 2nd level, Red Alignment or Tempest Domain.* You can use your Channel Divinity to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity. When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling. ### GREEN CHANNEL RUNE #### Charm Animals and Plants *Requies: 2nd level, Green alignment, Nature Domain.* You can use your Channel Divinity to charm animals and plants. Each beast or plant creature that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While it is charmed by you, it is friendly to you and other creatures you designate. \page ### MYSTIC DOMAIN *Requires: Color Alignment, Spellcaster 1+* Benefit: You gain one Domain associated with your Alignment. This feats grants you a domain spell list, and the first of the Domain features for that domain. You must have Spellcaster of sufficient level to use the spells of the domain list. Domain Spell Lists are deeply associated with the alignment. You are always considered to have them prepared, and they do not count against your prepared spells for the day. Domain spells cannot be lost; some circumstances may cause them to be “muted” until your character rests or studies, but they are ingrained upon the character’s mind. Special: Each time you take this feat you gain a different Domain, but must choose only from those associated with your alignments or colors. BLACK: Death, Trickery BLUE: Knowledge, Trickery GREEN: Nature RED: Tempest, War WHITE: Life, Devotion, War ### LIFE DOMAIN #### Disciple of Life *Requires: White Alignment.* You gain the Disciple of Life feature, and may take the other Life Domain features as you qualify for them. #### Preserve Life *Requires: 2nd level* You gain the Preserve Life feature. #### Blessed Healer *Requires: 6th level* You gain the Blessed Healer feature. #### Supreme Healing *Requires: 17th level* You gain the Supreme Healing feature. ``` ``` \page ## PATH OF THE BATTLE MASTER ### COMBAT SUPERIORITY 1 *Requires: Warrior* You learn three maneuvers from the list below, and you gain four Superiority Dice, which are d8s. See the list of maneuvres in the Battle Master entry in the PHB. ### KNOW YOUR ENEMY You gain the "know your enemy" battlemaster feature. ### MANEUVER MASTERY *Requires: Each time you take this path feat, you gain two additional combat maneuvers. You may also replace one maneuver you already know with a different one. You may take this feat multiple times, starting once at 7th level, a second time starting at 10th, and a third time once you reach 15th level. At 18th level you may take this feat as many additional times as you wish. ### COMBAT SUPERIORITY 2 *Requires: You now have five superiority dice, and all your superiority dice are now d10s ### COMBAT SUPERIORITY 3 *Requires: You now have six superiority dice, and all your superiority dice are now d12s ``` ``` \page ## MONSTER SLAYER *Requires: Rogue, Warrior* ### MONSTER SLAYER TACTICS You have learned tactics that aide you in combat against any foes, but especially when battling monstrous foes. Each time you take this feat, you learn one of these features. You may take this feat as often as you wish, selecting additional Monster Slayer features each time. 3rd Level - Colossus Slayer. - Giant Killer. - Horde Breaker. 7th level - Escape the Horde. - Multiattack Defense. - Steel Will. 11th level - Volley. - Whirlwind Attack. 15th level - Evasion. - Stand Against the Tide. - Uncanny Dodge. ``` ``` \page ## MAGE INITIATE *Requires: Non-magic-user; Int 13, and Cha or Wis 13. 2nd level or higher. * ### SPELLCASTER I You are a trained mage, able to learn, prepare, and cast spells. *Requires: Colour Alignment.* Benefit: You gain the Ritual Casting ability, and the ability to learn, prepare, and cast spells of your color up to 1st level. You choose one ability score to be your casting ability score, either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The saving throws against your spells have a DC of 8+ability score. You learn spells from either being taught them, or from instructions in a spell book; adding them to your spellbook costs 50gp per spell level. You may prepare up to your Intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus spells each day, so long as you have your spell book. Special: Magic-Users gain Spellcaster 1-9 for free as they gain levels. ### SPELLCASTER II, III, IV, and V *Requires: Spellcaster I, plus all others preceding the desired level of spells.* Benefit: You gain access to casting higher level spells. You can take this Feat only after reaching character levels 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th level, meaning you can learn, prepare, and cast those levels of spells. Non-Magic-Users can never learn spells of 6th level or higher. You cannot have a higher Caster level than your total character level, and you can only take this Feat once per level. For example, Vance is a 4th level warrior with the Spellcaster Training feat. He chooses to take Spellcaster II, increasing his highest level of spells he can access by one, meaning he can now learn 2ndlevel spells. He cannot take this feat again until 5th level or higher, however, at which point he will be able to cast 3rd level spells. \page ## WARLOCK PACT OF THE FIEND *Requires: Charisma 13+* You have made a pact with a fiendish creature, being granted power in exchange for services. As a sign of your pact, you gain a cube of blackened iron on a chain that fastens itself to your waist or wrist, which you find each time you throw it away - toss it into an inferno, or the breath of a dragon, or smash a mountain atop it, or grind the metal into dust, and the box reappears without a sign of the damage done to it! The creature you made a pact with is not necessarily powerful, with some being merely ambitous imps - but the pact has unlocked magic for you, and now you are bound to them.
##### Fiends in Magic: the Gathering Fiends are (in)famous monsters in Magic: the Gathering, and include a range of creatures seemingly formed of black mana. One example is the cult of Rakdos on the plane of Ravnica, which has black and red alignment.
### Dark Patron Your pact with an otherworldly power grants you dark gifts. You gain the Black alignment, if you do not have it already, so long as you have the pact in place. This does not count an additional feat, but one can hardly describe it as "without cost". You gain the Eldritch Blast cantrip, and access to the Fiend Expanded Spells list. You do not need to have the Spellcaster 1-5 feats or Magic-user levels to cast them - but only these spells. You learn the 1st level spells when you are at least 1st level, the 2nd level spells at 3rd level, the 3rd level spells when you are at least 5th level, the 4th level spells when you are at least 8th level, and the 5th level spells starting at 10th level. These spells are always prepared, and do not require a spellbook for them. ### Eldritch Invocations Each time you take this feat, you gain two Eldritch Invocations of your choice. ### Dark One's Blessing You gain the Dark One's Blessing Warlock feature. ### Pact Boon *Requires: 3rd+ level* You gain one of the Warlock pact boons - Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Blade, and Pact of the Tome. You can take this feature more than once. Each time you gain a different pact boon. ### Dark One's Own Luck *Requires: 6th level or higher.* ### Fiendish Resiliance *Requires: 10th level.* ### Hurl Through Hell *Requires: 14th level.*
##### Break the Pact? Warlocks often want out of their deals, as they don't like their chains or, sometimes, they have a change of heart that the horrible things the fiend wants from them are against their morals. Whatever quest the Dungeon Master sets for breaking the pact, the character will have a bunch of feats gone. for their level. In this case, consider letting them train over time to apply the feats elsewhere - taking in-game time but not needing experience points to go up in level.
\page ## WARLOCK PACTS OF THE OLD ONES *Requires: Charisma and Intelligence 13+ You have bonded with the mind of creatures from beyond time and space, of madness. This involved chanting words from an insane tome, and when you found the star that fell from the sky soon after, you completed the pact by allowing its passenger - a parasitic brain-worm - implant itself in your brain! The entity you are now in contact with may not even be aware of you, but you have strange dreams, and you are certainly touched by madness. Still, the power you've acquired is real.
##### The Eldrazai Magic: The Gathering has its own "Great Old Ones", entities known as the Eldrazai. There are some on Zendikar and Innistrad, but there's no reason minor versions couldn't be elsewhere. Similar to the Lovecraftian horrors, they fulfil a similar role in the fiction. While they are not manifestations of black mana the way fiends are, the Eldrazai are certainly not "good" creatures.
### Old Ones Patron Your pact with an otherworldly power grants you eldritch gifts gifts. You gain the Eldritch Blast cantrip, and access to the Old Ones Expanded Spells list. You do not need to have the Spellcaster 1-5 feats or Magic-user levels to cast them - but only these spells. You learn the 1st level spells when you are at least 1st level, the 2nd level spells at 3rd level, the 3rd level spells when you are at least 5th level, the 4th level spells when you are at least 8th level, and the 5th level spells starting at 10th level. These spells are always prepared, and do not require a spellbook for them. ### Eldritch Invocations Each time you take this feat, you gain two Eldritch Invocations of your choice. ### Awakened Mind *Requires:1st level* You gain the Awakened Mind Warlock feature. ### Pact Boon *Requires: 3rd+ level* You gain one of the Warlock pact boons - Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Blade, and Pact of the Tome. You can take this feature more than once. Each time you gain a different pact boon. ### Entropic Ward *Requires: 6th level or higher.* You gain the Entropic Ward Warlock feature. ### Thought Shield *Requires:* You gain the Thought Shield warlock feature. ### Create Thrall *Requires:14th level.* You gain the Create Thrall warlock feature. \page ## BERSERKERS *Requires: Red or Green alignment, Strength and Constitution 13+* ### Rage In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action. While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor: You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging. Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. You may Rage once per day per feat in the Barbarian feat path. Once you have raged that many times, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again. ### DANGER SENSE You gain the Danger Sense feature. Reckless Attack Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn. ### BRUTE RESILIANCE *Requires Strength and Constitution 13+* You gain the Brute Resiliance feature. This does not stack with other feats like Unarmored Defense. ### UNARMORED MOVEMENT *Requires: Dex 10+* You gain +10ft movement speed. You can take this feat a second time after reaching 9th level, for +20ft movement speed total. This does not stack with bonus movement gained from Monastic Orders. ### Feral Instinct *Requires 7th level* You gain the Feral Instinct feature. ### INDOMITABLE *Requirement: 9th level* You gain the Indomitable feature. You can use take this feature a second time at 13th level, and three times before a long rest starting at 17th level. ### Brutal Critical *Requires: 9th level* You gain the Brutal Critical feature. This increases to two additional dice at 13th level and three additional dice at 17th level. ### Relentless Rage *Requires: 11th level* You gain the Relentless Rage feature. ### Persistent Rage *Requires 15th level* Persistent Rage ### Indomitable Might *18th level* You gain Indomitable Might \page ## Path of the Berserker *Requires: 3rd level, plus the Rage Barbarian feature* ### Frenzy You gain the Frenzy feature ### Mindless Rage *requires: 6th level* You gain the Mindless Rage feature. ### Intimidating Presence *Requires: 10th level* You gain the Intimidating Presence feature. ### Retaliation *Requires: 14th level* You gain the retaliation feature. \page ## RANGER OF THE WILDS *Requires: Green alignment; Warrior or Rogue class. ### Primeval Awareness *Requires 3rd level* You gain Primeval Awareness. Spend 1 mana to activate this ability. ### NATURAL EXPLORER *3rd level* You gain the Natural Explorer feature. ### MONSTER HUNTER You gain the Monster Hunter feature. You may take this feature multiple times, each time choosing a different target creature type. ### Land's Stride *8th level* You gain Land's Stride ### Hide in Plain Sight *10th level* You Gain Hide in Plain Sight. ### Vanish *14th level* You Gain Vanish. ### Feral Senses *18th level* You Gain Feral Senses ### Foe Slayer *20th level* You Gain Foe Slayer \page ## MONASTIC FIGHTING TRAINING Monks are unarmed fighters who use martical arts to train their bodies and minds with incredible discipline. ### Martial Arts *Warrior or Rogue * You gain the Martial Arts Monk ability, as in the PHB, save that You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes according to the number of Monk feats you have learned. ##### Martial Arts | Monk Feats Known| Movement | Unarmed Strike | |:----:|:----:|:----:| | 1 | - | d4 | |2 |+5ft|d4 | |3 | +5ft|d6| | 5|+10ft |d6| | 7| +10ft|d8| | 9|+15ft |d8| | 10| +15ft|d10| | 12|+20ft |d10| | 13|+20ft |d12| ### Ki features *2nd level* You gain the Ki features ability. Instead of having Ki points, you spend Mana points to fuel various Ki features. This does not require the character to be a spellcaster. "Ki Features" are special combat moves that you have learned to use, that you spend Mana to activate. The initial moves known are: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. You can learn more Ki Features with Monk Path feats. ### Unarmored Movement *2nd level* Your speed increases when you are not wearing armour and you are unencumbered. You gain bonus speed based upon how many Monk path feats you know. ### Up the Walls *9th level; Unarmored Movement* You gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move. ### Deflect Missiles *3rd level* You gain Deflect Missiles. Spend 1 Mana to throw a caught missile. ### Slow Fall *4th level* You gain Slow Fall. Spend 1 Mana to reduce damage by 5x the number of Monastic feats you have. \page ### Stunning Strike *5th level* You gain Stunning Strike. You spend Mana to activate the ability. ### Ki-Empowered Strikes *6th level* Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You must have at least 1 Mana remaining for this ability to function. ### Evasion *7th level* You gain Evasion. ### Stillness of Mind *7th level* You gain Stillness of mind ### Purity of Body *10th level* You gain Purity of Body. ### Tongue of the Sun and Moon *13th level* You gain Tongue of the Sun and Moon. ### Diamond Soul *14th level* You gain Diamond Soul. You spend Mana to activate this ability. ### Timeless Body *15th level* You gain Timeless Body. ### Empty Body *18th level* You gain Empty body. You spend 4 Mana to activate the invisibility. You spend 8 Mana to activate Astral Projection. ## MONASTIC TRADITIONS After 3rd level, a character who has trained in ## Way of the Open Hand ### Open Hand Technique *3rd level* You gain Open Hand Technique. ### Wholeness of Body *6th level* You regain hit points equal to three times the number of monk feats you know. ### Tranquility *11th level* You gain the Tranquility ability. ### Quivering Palm *17th level* You gain Quivering Palm. You must spend Mana instead of Ki points. ## Way of Shadow *Requires Black Alignment* The Way of Shadow is the path of Assassins and stealth. ### Shadow Arts *3rd level* You gain Shadow Arts, and can spend Mana to activate the ability. ### Shadow Step *6th level* You gain Shadow Step. ### Cloak of Shadows *11th level* You gain Cloak of Shadows. \page ## DRAGONBORN *Requires: Red Alignment; Draconic ancestry in your family history. ### Dragon Ancestor At 1st level, you choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with each dragon is used by features you gain later. Draconic Ancestry Dragon Color Damage Type Black Acid Blue Lightning Brass Fire Bronze Lightning Copper Acid Gold Fire Green Poison Red Fire Silver Cold White Cold You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check. ### Damage Resistance. You have resistance to the damage type associated with your ancestry. ### Draconic Resilience As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. At 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. ### Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. It deals damage in an area according to your ancestry. When you use your breath weapon, all creatures in the area must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your ancestry. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increase to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th, and 5d6 at 16th level. After using your breath weapon, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. ### Elemental Affinity Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour. ### Dragon Wings At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn. You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them. ### Draconic Presence Beginning at 18th level, you can channel the dread presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this power and exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were casting a concentration spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose fear) until the aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your aura for 24 hours. \page ## WILD SHAPER *Requires: 2nd level. Either Mage class, or Spellcaster I feat. * Wildshapers are mages who have learned to transform themselves into other creatures. While the most well-known of these are Green-aligned, all alignments include those who have some shape-shifting ability, especially Blue mages aligned with the Fey. In short, while most who take the forms of animals are in tune with nature, the ability to shapeshift is much more widespread and varied. ### Wildshape You gain the Wildshape ability, which functions as the Druid ability of the same name except with the following changes. You may use Wildshape once per day per Wildshaper feat you have taken. With this feat you can take on the form of Beasts of size Small and Tiny. You may choose from any form you qualify for according to the table, but can never take a form that is higher CR than half your character level. Wild Shaper assumes characters can choose from only Beast forms they are familiar with, having encountered and studied the creature in person. You cannot take on unique forms, such as individuals, only the general form of that creature type. For example, if you can transform into a wolf, you cannot take the form of a specific wolf, or a unique specially bred wolf, nor can you impersonate someone's pet so perfectly they think you're them. Forms other than Beasts require the applicable feats (see below), and individual forms might have additional alignment restrictions. The GM is the final arbiter on what works for their campaigns, but in general creatures will have a type (ie: beast, monstrosity, giant, etc.) and if a specific creature fits in more than one category they add that alignment to requirements to take that form. For example, Giants are generally available to anyone, but a fiendish giant might require Black alignment to take on that form. ### Swimming Speed You may take forms with a swimming speed. ### Flying Speed You may take forms with a flying speed. ### Wildshape Sizes You gain the ability to take the forms of creatures of the applicable size each time you take this feat. You must take each feat in order to learn a given size, and cannot skip a size. The first time you learn to take Medium size shapes, then Large size shapes, then size Huge, and then you can learn size Gargantuan. Size Medium 4th level Size Large 8th level Size Huge 12th level Size Gargantuan 16th level ### Beast Speech *2nd level* You gain the ability to speak the language of any creatures whose forms you are in, as if using the Speak with Animals or similar spells. ### Combat Wildshape *2nd level* You gain the Combat Wildshape ability. ### Primal Strike *6th level* You gain the Primal Strike ability. ### Thousand Forms *14th level* You gain the Thousand Forms ability. ### Signature Form: *6th level* You have a unique shape that you have mastered, that does not count against your uses of Wildshape per day. This must be a mundane or otherwise simple creature of no more than Medium size, and up to CR1. A Raven or Stag would be fine; a dragon or ogre would not. You can always speak the language of that type of creature. Unlike regular Wildshape, you use your personal hit points for this form, so it does not grant unlimited bonus hit points. ### Advanced Wildshapes *Five or more Wildshaper Feats. 8th or higher level. * You can take on forms beyond those of Beasts. Choose one of the Wildshape types on the list below. You must still have the other requirements, such as size, and be high enough level that you can take the shape of a creature of that CR. You can take this feat as many times as you wish, choosing an additional creature type each time. You must qualify for the different forms of each type, and must learn the individual forms through interaction and study, just as you would beast forms. It should be noted that some forms are able to do more than become creatures. Those who can transform into Constructs can also become inanimate objects - they cannot move nor take any actions, though they can lock or unlock themselves if they have a lock on them, as in the case of a door or chest. Those who can become plant creatures can become simple plants. This does not allow them to produce rare ingredients, but they can become a fruit-bearing plant, for example, and produce fruit by spending 1 mana - as if casting Goodberry. Naturally if they are eaten, such as a Wildshaper who became a flower that was eaten or infested with locusts, they take damage and may even die. Those who can take the form of Undead can become inanimate corpses - though only of themselves, if the don't yet have the Thousand Forms ability. While decomposition won't cause them damage right away, they can be devoured over time, and animated by other magic - and must save against the caster to regain control of themselves before they can end their transformation! All those listed are aware of their surroundings, and can end their transformation on their turn, as usual. FORM NAME : RECOMMENDED ALIGNMENT - Draconic Forms: Red - Fey Forms: blue or green - Celestial Forms: white - Fiendish Forms: black - Plant Forms: Green - Undead Form: black - Giant Forms: red or green - Elemental Forms: any - Construct Forms: red, blue - Monstrosity Forms: any - Abberation Forms: black or blue \page ## ELDRITCH KNIGHT *Requires: Mage Initiate. Spellcaster 1 or higher. Warrior class.* ### Weapon Bond You gain Weapon Bond. ### You gain War Magic. ### You gain Eldritch Strike. ### You gain Arcane Charge. ### You gain Improved War Magic. \page ## THE TOWERS OF WIZARDRY *Requires: Magic-User class. The Towers of Wizardry represent areas of training that mages undergo to master the mystic arts - called in some worlds "arcane traditions". One can learn the features from a teacher without going to a physical tower, but the original techniques were developed in actual towers in ancient times, such that the title was synonymous with the subject. Mages of old would travel to different towers, each focused on one style of magic, with a teacher given the title of "archmage" - having taught under an archway in the tower. Current Mages who learn more than one tower's arts are rare, but there are no limits to what one can do with enough study and experience. ## TOWER OF WARDS ### Arcane Ward *Requires: 2nd level* You gain the Arcane Ward feature. ### Projected Ward *Requires: 6th level* You gain the Projected Ward feature. ### Improved Abjuration *Requires: 10th level* You gain Improved Abjuration. ### Archmage Capstone: Spell Resistance *Requires: 14th level* You gain the Spell Resistance feature. ## TOWER OF CONJURATION ### Minor Conjuration *Requires: 2nd level* You gain the Minor Conjuration Feature. ### Benign Transportation *requires: 6th level* You gain Benign Transportation. ### Focused Conjuration *Requires: 10th level* You gain the Focused Conjuration feature. ### Archmage Capstone: Durable Summons *requires: 14th level You gain the Durable Summons feature. ## TOWER OF DIVINATION ### Portent You gain the Portent Feature. ### The Third Eye *requires: 10th level* You gain the Third Eye feature. ### Archmage Capstone: Greater Portent *requires: 14th level* You gain the Greater Portent feature. ## TOWER OF ENCHANTMENTS ### Hypnotic Gaze You gain the Hypnotic Gaze feature. ### Instinctive Charm *requires: 6th level* You gain the Instinctive Charm feature. ### Split Enchantment *Requires: 10th level* You gain the Split Enchantment feature. ### Archmage Capstone: Alter Memories *Requires: 14th level* You gain the Alter Memories feature. \page ## TOWER OF EVOCATIONS ### Sculpt Spells You gain the Sculpt Spells feature. ### Potent Cantrip *Requires: 6th level* You gain the Potent Cantrip feature. ### Empowered Evocation *Requires: 10th level* You gain the Empowered Evocation feature. ### Archmage Capstone: Overchannel *Requires: 14th level* You gain the Overchannel feature. ## TOWER OF ILLUSIONS ### Improved Minor Illusion You gain Improved Minor Illusion. If you don't already have Minor Illusion, you gain it for free with this feature. If you already have it, you don't gain another cantrip in its place. ### Malleable Illusions *requires: 6th level.* You gain Malleable Illusions feature. ### Illusory Self *requires: 10th level* You gain Illusory Self feature. ### Illusory Reality *requires: 14th level* You gain the Illusory Reality feature. ## TOWER OF NECROMANCY *requires: black alignment.* ### Grim Harvest You gain the Grim Harvest feature. ### Undead Thralls *requires: 6th level* You gain the Undead Thralls feature. You add the Animate Dead spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. ### Inured to Undeath *Requires: 10th level* You gain the Inured to Undeath feature. ### Command Undead *requires: 14th level* You gain the Command Undead feature. ## TOWER OF TRANSMUTATION ### Minor Alchemy You gain the Minor Alchemy feature. ### Transmuter's Stone *requires: 6th level* You gain the Transmuter's Stone feature. ### Shapechanger *requires: 10th level* You gain the Shapeshifter feature. ### Master Transmuter *requires: 14th level* You gain the Master Transmuter feature. \page ## COLLEGES OF LORE *Requires: Rogue Class; skill proficiency in Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, Insight, and Musical Instruments.* Bardic Lore is mastery of the skills of oration, logic, and performance. Unlike other Feat Paths, this path needs only one feat each from 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels before being able to take the 20th level capstone ability. ### Bardic Inspiration You gain the Bardic Inspiration feature. ### Empowered Inspiration *Requires: 5th, 10th, and 15th level* The power behind your words increases each time you take this feat. The die for your bardic inspiration becomes a d8, then a d10 the third time, and a d12 after you take it a fourth time. ### Song of Rest *Requires: 2nd level* You gain the Song of Rest feature. ## 3rd level Lore features ### Expertise *requires: 3rd level* You gain the expertise feature. You must be 10th level before you take it a second time for two different skill proficiencies. ### Silver Tongue *requires: 3rd level* You gain the Silver Tongue feature. ### Unsettling Words *requires: 3rd level* You gain the Unsettling Words feature. ### Cutting Words *requires: 3rd level* You gain the Cutting Words feature. ### Combat Inspiration *requires: 3rd level* You gain the Combat Inspiration feature. ## 6th level Lore features ### Font of Inspiration *requires: 6th level* You gain the Font of Inspiration feature. ### Countercharm *Requires: 6th level* You gain the Countercharm feature. ### Unfailing Inspiration *requires: 6th level* You gain the Unfailing Inspiration feature. ### Magical Inspiration *requires: 6th level* You gain the Magical Inspiration feature. ### Universal Speech *requires: 10th level* You gain the Universal Speech feature. ## 14th level lore features ### Peerless Skill *requires: 14th level* You gain the Peerless Skill feature. ### Battle Magic *requires: 14th level* You gain the Battle Magic feature. ### Infectious Inspiration *requires: 14th level* You gain the Infectious Inspiration feature. ## Loremaster Capstone ### Superior Inspiration *Requires: 20th level* You gain the Superior Inspiration feature. \page ## CIRCLE OF THE LAND *Green Alignment. Magic-User class. Wisdom 13+ * ### Natural Recovery You gain Natural Recovery. While resting in nature, during a Short rest you regain an additional reserve of Mana equal to your level plus the number of Circle of the Land feats you've taken. This is in addition to the number of Mana you normally gain during a Short Rest. ### Circle Spells *3rd level* You gain bonus spells depending upon the type of terrain you are in. Unlike the Druid ability, if you are in a given type of terrain the bonus spells you gain are the ones from that terrain. If you leave and move to another, your bonus spells change to the available bonus spells. ### Land's Stride *6th level* You gain Land's Stride. ### Nature's Ward *10th level* You gain Nature's Ward. ### Nature's Sanctuary *14th level* You gain Nature's Sanctuary. ### Spirit of the Land \page \page
Credit: wotc
# MAGIC\page ## THE COLORS OF MAGIC Having a color means having some spark of magic, allowing them to take feats/abilities that require a colour, including those not involved in spellcasting. Additional color associations can be taken as a Feat, granting them access to the options of a character with that color association. GMs and players are encouraged to roleplay the additional colours, from a quest to simply spending a good deal of time with a mentor of a given colour. Spells and Cantrips must be chosen from the color list the character has access to, as must special abilities. For example, only Red characters can learn Fireball, or take abilities from the Berserker Rage options; while only White or Blue characters can take the Monk options. Some feats or class options don't need a colour, such as weapon or skill proficiencies. ## SPELLCASTING In general, spells and spellcasting function like in normal D&D, with characters who have the Spellcaster feats preparing spells and casting them as normal. Any character can learn spells of their colour alignment(s), so long as they are of a level they can cast. Important to note that only Mages can cast spells of 6th or higher level, and only from their original alignment. While a Warrior or Rogue can take Spellcaster feats, they can only take up to 5th level spells. The main difference in this game is that mana points have replaced spell slots. ``` ``` ## MANA Mana is the magical energy of the universe, found in creatures as well as the environment. It comes in different colors, recognized as the alignments of the colour wheel, with each colour tied to certain concepts or manifestations of the universe. All creatures have some tie to one or more colours of magic, and so their mana is expressed with different colours of energy. Mana points are the mechanism that describes this magical energy. Virtually all characters have some level of mana, with at least 1 mana per level or hit die for even the simplest creatures - with player characters, and especially magic-users, having more per level. All characters have mana of some description, but not all characters can access their mana. Those characters with abilities such as spellcasters, or those with the Channel Rune feat, can spend Mana to activate abilities or cast spells.
##### Mana Points vs Spell Points Mana points are based on the Spell Points optional rules system found in the DMG, but with slight changes. One change was how many points of Mana characters of a given class get at each level - with Magic-Users getting 5 per level, and other classes gaining 3 per level. This is easier than spell slots, and allows all characters to have some kind of mana energy even if they're not actually casters. Magic: the Gathering needs Mana points, not spell slots; and it needs a simple system, even more simple than the card game.
``` ``` \page ### Spending Mana All magical or special actions cost mana to activate. Characters spend the mana to activate the effect, special ability, magical item power, or cast a spell. This is similar to how magic items like wands or staves have various abilities, with a pool of charges that are spent to power the items; a staff might have three powers, minor ones costing 1 charge while major ones might cost 3 or more. Mana works the same way: a character may have special abilities, or a list of prepared spells, and they choose which ones to spend Mana to activate. Spells cost 1 mana per spell level to activate. Other powers, such as Channel Rune or Mage Smite, have different costs listed in their entries. A caster can spend mana on any of their prepared spells each day, as many times a day as they wish, provided they have enough mana to cast them. The exception is for spells of 6th level and higher, which can only be cast once per day. Major spells or abilities of this kind are exhausting for the caster, and asking to cast more than one 6th or higher level spell per day is like asking someone to lift their maximum weight many times, or run more than one triathelon in a day. No matter how much the cost of the spell is reduced, the complexity of the spell is so great that it is a legendary feat just to approach that kind of power. Powerful Magic-Users get around this with special items or locations, which can grant an additional high magic casting once or twice per day. This is usually colour-specific, like a powerful staff that grants an additional high magic Red spell. Legendary creatures, such as powerful angels, sphinxes, or dragons, don't have this limitation - being creatures of magic has its perks, after all. ### Regaining Mana Once spent, a character can regain their mana points in the following ways: #### A Long Rest A character regains their full personal mana with a full rest. This must include sleep and food, or whatever sustenance a creature prefers. Without those things, it only counts as a short rest. #### A short rest Characters regain a few mana, based upon their level plus their class. - Mages regain 4 + level mana - Warriors and Rogues regain 2 + level mana - Low powered characters - such as commoner npcs or minions - regain 1 mana per hit die. - High powered creatures - such as dragons, sphyinxes, Angels, and so forth - regain 10+ hit dice mana per short rest; or they may have additional methods of regaining mana points. \page ### Mana Resources Certain items, creatures, and locations can recharge or grant mana to characters. This can be in the form of granting access to additional mana, recharging a characters personal mana, or reducing the cost of spells or abilities for a specific colour by an amount. #### CONSUMABLES Some consumable items, such as mana potions, grant mana points in a way similar to healing potions. Drink the potion, regain a number of mana points. #### MANA FONTS Locations in the world can also provide mana points for characters to draw from. These might be a pool of mana for characters to access other than their own. Such Fonts of Mana will have a small amount of mana that can be accessed each day, then recharge before a character can access more. #### MANA EMPOWERMENT Mana Empowerment refers to Mana Cost-Reducing items and locations instead have an effect that lowers the cost of spells or abilities of a given colour while in the area, or while equipped or attuned to an item. This can only reduce the cost of 1st level spells to 0, with all other abilities and spells costing at least 1 mana to use, no matter how many such items or effects are in place. Of course, the specific details are always in the item or location descriptions, and there are unique exceptions. A Mana cost-reducing location could be an ancient ruin that has an obelisk attuned to White, built as a temple of healing. The obelisk would reduce the cost of White spells by 1, or even specifically healing spells by as much as 9! Wearable cost-reducing items might be a ring or a piece of armour, reducing one color of magic's costs by 1 per item for the wearer. \page # Spell Lists The following are the lists of spells available to characters who have the associated colour. Spell lists include cantrips and spells of levels 1-9. Only characters who have “Spellcaster 1” or higher can learn, prepare, and cast spells, though characters may take the Cantrips feat to learn several Cantrips without Mage Training. ## Cantrips ##### BLACK - Acid Splash - Chill Touch - Friendship - Infestation - Shocking Grasp - Thaumaturgy - Toll the Dead - Vicious Mockery ##### WHITE - Booming Blade - Blade Ward - Gust - Light - Mending - Resistance - Spare the Dying - Thunderclap - True Strike - Virtue (UA) - Word of Radiance ##### RED - Control Flames - Create Bonfire - Dancing Lights - Fire Bolt - Frostbite - Green Flame Blade - Light - Lightning Lure - Sacred Flame - Primal Savagery - Produce Flame - Shocking Grasp - Thaumaturgy - Thunderclap ##### GREEN - Druidcraft - Green Flame Blade - Magic Stone - Mold Earth - Poison Spray - Primal Savagery - Produce Flame - Shillelagh - Thorn Whip ### BLUE - Encode Thoughts - Friends - Guidance - Mage Hand - Minor Illusion - Message - Prestidigitation - Ray of frost - Resistance - Shape Water - Vicious Mockery \page ## LEVEL ONE SPELLS ### BLACK - Armor of Agathys - Arms of Hadar - Bane - Cause Fear - Chaos Bolt - False Life - Find Familiar - Hellish Rebuke - Hex - Inflict Wounds - Protection from Good - Puppet - Ray of Sickness - Silent Image - Sleep - Tasha's Hideous Laughter - Unearthly Chorus (UA) - Unseen Servant ### BLUE - Absorb Elements - Alarm - Catapult - Cause Fear - Charm Person - Color Spray - Command - Comprehend Languages - Create or Destroy Water - Detect Evil and Good - Detect Magic - Detect Poison and Disease - Disguise Self - Dissonant Whispers - Entangle - Find Familiar - Fog Cloud - Grease - Ice Knife - Identify - Illusory Script - Jump - Longstrider - Mage Armor - Magic Missile - Puppet - Sense Emotion (UA) - Silent Image - Speak with Animals - Sleep - Tasha's Hideous Laughter - Unearthly Chorus (UA) - Unseen Servant ### GREEN - Animal Friendship - Beast Bond - Cure Wounds - Ensnaring Strike - Entangle - Earth Tremor - Expeditious Retreat - Feather Fall - Find Familiar - Goodberry - Hail of Thorns - Hunter's Mark - Grease - Jump - Longstrider - Purify Food and Drink - Snare - Speak with Animals - Sleep - Wild Cunning (UA) - Zephyr Strike ### RED - Burning Hands - Chromatic Orb - Find Familiar - Faerie Fire - Grease - Hellish Rebuke - Jump - Longstrider - Searing Smite - Witch Bolt ### WHITE - Bless - Catapult - Ceremony - Command - Compelled Duel - Cure Wounds - Divine Favor - Feather Fall - Find Familiar - Guiding Bolt - Guiding Hand (UA) - Healing Elixir (UA) - Healing Word - Heroism - Mage Armor - Magic Missile - Protection from Evil and Good - Sanctuary - Shield - Shield of Faith - Thunderous Smite - Thunderwave ### NO IDEA WHAT COLOR: • Tenser's Floating Disk • Expeditious Retreat \page ## 2ND LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Blindness/Deafness - Cloud of Daggers - Crown of Madness - Darkness - Darkvision - Enthrall - Gentle Repose - Hold Person - Invisibility - Melf's Acid Arrow - Misty Step - Nystul's Magic Aura - Pass Without Trace - Phantasmal Force - Ray of Enfeeblement - Shadow Blade - Shatter - Silence - Spider Climb - Web ### BLUE - Alter Self - Augury - Blindness/Deafness - Blur - Calm Emotions - Detect Thoughts - Enthrall - Find Traps - Hold Person - Invisibility - Levitate - Locate Object - Locate Animals or Plants - Magic Mouth - Magic Weapon - Mind Spike - Mirror Image - Misty Step - Nystul's Magic Aura - Pass Without Trace - Phantasmal Force - Rope Trick - See Invisibility - Snilloc's Snowball Storm - Suggestion - Zone of Truth- ### GREEN - Animal Messenger - Barkskin - Beast Sense - Cordon of Arrows - Earthbind - Enlarge/Reduce - Find Steed - Flock of Familiars - Healing Spirit - Lesser Restoration - Locate Animals or Plants - Maximillian's Earthen Grasp - Prayer of Healing - Protection from Poison - Spider Climb - Spike Growth - Web ### RED - Aganazzar's Scorcher - Branding Smite - Continual Flame - Dust Devil - Dragon's Breath - Flame Blade - Flaming Sphere - Gust of Wind - Heat Metal - Pyrotechnics - Scorching Ray ### WHITE - Aid - Arcane Lock - Healing Spirit - Knock - Lesser Restoration - Prayer of Healing - Protection from Poison - Moonbeam - See Invisibility - Spiritual Weapon - Warding Bond - Warding Wind - Zone of Truth ### UNKNOWN - Enhance Ability - Skywrite \page ## LEVEL 3 SPELLS ### BLACK - Animate Dead - Bestow Curse - Enemies Abound - Fear - Feign Death - Fly - Hunger of Hadar - Hypnotic Pattern - Life Transference - Revivify - Speak with Dead - Summon Lesser Demons - Slow - Stinking Cloud - Vampiric Touch ### BLUE - Blink - Clairvoyance - Counterspell - Dispel Magic - Fly - Hypnotic Pattern - Major Image - Nondetection - Phantom Steed - Remove Curse - Sending - Slow - Wall of Water - Water Breathing - Water Walk - Tidal Wave - Tongues ### GREEN - Catnap - Conjure Animals - Create Food and Water - Erupting Earth - Mass Healing Word - Meld into Stone - Plant Growth - Speak with Plants - Spirit Guardians - Tongues - Wall of Sand ### RED - Call Lightning - Elemental Weapon - Fireball - Flame Arrows - Fly - Haste - Lightning Arrow - Lightning Bolt - Melf's Minute Meteors ### WHITE - Aura of Vitality - Beacon of Hope - Blinding Smite - Crusader's Mantle - Daylight - Dispel Magic - Fly - Gaseous Form - Glyph of Warding - Magic Circle - Mass Healing Word - Protection from Energy - Remove Curse - Revivify - Spirit Guardians - Thunder Step - Tongues - Wind Wall \page ## 4TH LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Blight - Conjure Barlgura (UA) - Conjure Shadow Demon (UA) - Conjure Minor Elementals - Death Ward - Dominate Beast - Elemental Bane - Evard's Black Tentacles - Phantasmal Killer - Shadow of Moil - Sickening Radiance - Summon Greater Demon - Vitriolic Sphere ### BLUE - Arcane Eye - Banishment - Charm Monster - Compulsion - Confusion - Conjure Minor Elementals - Control Water - Dimension Door - Divination - Evard's Black Tentacles - Greater Invisibility - Hallucinatory Terrain - Ice Storm - Leomund's Secret Chest - Locate Creature - Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound - Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum - Otiluke's Resilient Sphere - Polymorph - Watery Sphere ### GREEN - Conjure Minor Elementals - Conjure Woodland Beings - Dominate Beast - Giant Insect - Guardian of Nature - Grasping Vine - Polymorph - Stone Shape - Stoneskin - Vitriolic Sphere - Watery Sphere ### RED - Conjure Minor Elementals - Fire Shield - Freedom of Movement - Ice Storm - Staggering Smite - Storm Sphere - Wall of Fire ### WHITE - Aura of Life - Aura of Purity - Banishment - Charm Monster - Compulsion - Conjure Minor Elementals - Fabricate - Galder's Speedy Courier - Guardian of Faith - Staggering Smite \page ## 5th LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Antilife Shell - Cloudkill - Conjure Elemental - Contagion - Danse Macabre - Destructive Wave - Dominate Person - Cone of Cold - Conjure Vrock (UA) - Enervation - Infernal Calling - Insect Plague - Negative Energy Flood - Raise Dead ### BLUE - Animate Objects - Conjure Elemental - Dream - Hold Monster - Legend Lore - Mislead - Modify Memory - Rary's Telepathic Bond - Scrying - Seeming - Synaptic Static - Telekinesis - Teleportation Circle - Far Step - Passwall - Planar Binding ### GREEN - Awaken - Commune with Nature - Conjure Elemental - Insect Plague - Mass Cure Wounds - Swift Quiver - Transmute Rock - Tree Stride - Wall of Stone - Wrath of Nature - Reincarnate ### RED - Conjure Elemental - Flame Strike - Immolation - Maelstrom ### WHITE - Banishing Smite - Bigby's Hand - Circle of Power - Conjure Elemental - Control Winds - Creation - Commune - Dawn - Dispel Evil and Good - Mass Cure Wounds - Conjure Volley - Geas - Greater Restoration - Hallow - Holy Weapon - Raise Dead - Steel Wind Strike - Wall of Force - Wall of Light • Skill Empowerment \page ## 6TH LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Circle of Death - Create Homunculus - Create Undead - Disintegrate - Eyebite - Harm - Investiture of Ice - Magic Jar - Otiluke's Freezing Sphere - Soul Cage - Wall of Ice ### BLUE - Arcane Gate - Contingency - Drawmij's Instant Summons - Find the Path - Mass Suggestion - Mental Prison - Otto's Irresistible Dance - Programmed Illusion - Scatter - True Seeing ### GREEN - Bones of the Earth - Conjure Fey - Druid Grove - Flesh to Stone - Investiture of Stone - Move Earth - Transport via Plants - Wall of Thorns - Tenser's Transformation ### RED - Chain Lightning - Investiture of Flame ### WHITE - Blade Barrier - Forbiddance - Globe of Invulnerability - Guards and Wards - Heal - Heroes' Feast - Investiture of Wind - Primordial Ward - Sunbeam - Wind Walk \page ## 7TH LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Conjure Hezrou (UA) - Finger of Death - Power Word: Pain - Regenerate - Simulacrum - Symbol ### BLUE - Etherealness - Mirage Arcane - Project Image - Symbol - Teleport ### GREEN - Symbol - Reverse Gravity ### RED - Delayed Blast Fireball - Fire Storm - Prismatic Spray - Symbol - Whirlwind ### WHITE - Conjure Celestial - Crown of Stars - Divine Word - Forcecage - Resurrection - Sequester - Symbol - Reverse Gravity - Whirlwind • Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion • Mordenkainen's Sword • Plane Shift • Temple of the Gods ## 8TH LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting - Antimagic Field - Antipathy/Sympathy - Clone - Dominate Monster - Feeblemind ### BLUE - Glibness - Illusory Dragon - Maddening Daze - Maze - Mind Blank - Power Word: Stun - Telepathy - Tsunami ### GREEN - Animal Shapes - Control Weather - Earthquake - Mighty Fortress ### RED - Incendiary Cloud ### WHITE - Holy Aura - Sunburst - Mighty Fortress ## 9TH LEVEL SPELLS ### BLACK - Power Word: Kill ### BLUE - Astral Projection - Foresight - Psychic Scream - Time Stop - Weird ### GREEN - Mass Polymorph - Shapechange - True Polymorph ### RED - Meteor Swarm - Prismatic Wall ### WHITE - Gate - Imprisonment - Invulnerability - Mass Heal - Power Word: Heal - True Resurrection \page # DUNGEON-MASTERING THE PLANES \page ## RULES FOR MONSTERS AND NPCS \page ## MAGIC ITEMS \page # APPENDIX A: CONVERSION RULES My method was to break the classes down into the core elements of what classes do. Warriors fight and have a d10 hit die, Mages look magical with a d6 hit die, and Rogues move about being clever or lucky or whatever and use a d8 hit die. Everything else is assumed to be bumped up and down to fit between those three ideas - maybe even just two, the Warrior and Mage. Clerics and Paladins have always been somewhere between a fighter and a healing-mage, just with more or less hit dice and caster levels per character level. The Warlock is something of a spellcasting Rogue, while the bard is a smack-talking rogue/mage. Boost hit points and armour proficiency, or magic options, and you have basically every other class. That's the trick: look at what you like in a class, then break classes down into feat-sized chunks. For example, as mentioned earlier, Domains are essentially the subclasses of the Cleric class in the PHB. Here they are broken down into the Domain spell list, and the various Channel abilities by Domain and Colour. Turn Undead is a very White option. Knowledge is very Blue. So long as a character has the correct Colour and Domain, they can take a Feat to add a new Channel ability. ### WHAT'S IN A FEAT? My assumption is that a Feat can be broken down into roughly six "feat points" worth of material. Fair warning, it's tinfoil hat time - but while I might not be 100% WOTC method accurate, it works well enough as a rule of thumb for design. First, consider that some Feats give you +1 to an ability score, and then some other option. The Ability Score Boost (if you're not going for a Feat) gives you +1 to any two ability scores of your choice. That means that any Feat is worth about two +1s to an ability score. Skill Proficiency in the PHB gives you any three Skill or Tool proficiencies you want. Okay, so a skill or tool proficiency is worth 1/3 a Feat, or 2 feat points out of six. Lightly Armoured gives you an ability score point and proficiency in Light Armour, so armour proficiency is worth 3 feat points. Heavily Armoured gives the same benefit, with heavy Armour Master doing the same thing but with 3 points damage reduction. Keep going from there and there's a trend of about six "points" per feat. Other factors in the PHB, like the design of the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster subclasses - or 1/3rd casters - compared to full casters, leads me to believe that a level of spell slots is worth one feat. Third casters pay 2 "feat points" per level until they get their first full caster level, then get access to the ability; Full casters get a new caster level every level, but have lower hit dice or other features. That's what influenced the Spellcaster 1-9 feats, though I settled on default mana-by-level for quality of life reasons. Races are also built along these lines. Standard humans gain three feats worth of ability score boosts (18 feat points), while Varient humans gain +1 to two ability scores of their choic (6fp) plus one skill of their choice, plus one feat - while that would be 14fp, if versatility has a cost, that's 4 choices - two ability scores, one skill, one feat - keeping the total at 18fp. I will note that most of this system was NOT done with a strict minimum number of "points" for each feature. There's no charge for choice, either, but that's because it assumes that everyone gets the benefit of choice - with no forced choices in a class framework, no one is losing out with customization. Not the players, not the NPCs. Don't forget, the entire gameworld has the same change, so whatever the players do can be done to them, too. ### OKAY, NOW WHAT?: USING THE FEAT METHOD Most of the Paths are broken down PHB classes or abilities. If a feature is bigger in one lump than you'd get from a Feat, break it down. - a list of prepared spells - a group of weapon proficiencies - a single Channel Rune ability, which costs Mana - other abilities that cost mana - anything that gives a benefit, or that gives two benefits and one complication (I hesitate to say drawback, as those aren't fun; complications can add fun) - a basic class ability, with additional features granted by other feats in a path. #### THE COST OF POWER Cost to use any ability is going to be Mana, because this is Magic: The Gathering, and that's why we showed up! So, if there's a "per day" or spell slot cost, make it a Mana point cost. Based on a 1 mana = one 1st level spell slot exchange rate, it gives an idea of appropriate mana costs. Channel Rune (replacing Channel Divinity) currently has a flat 3 mana cost per use - heftier than you might expect, as it now takes from the resource used to cast spells. In theory, hit points can be a secondary place to draw "cost". Life-draining NPC vampires might gain health and mana from those whose blood they drink. Still, aside from my personal feelings of how unhygienic blood mage classes sound, all characters already gain Mana - making accessing hit points potentially too powerful, at least without something to balance it. Hit Points and Mana don't increase at the same rate, so cost in HP would need to be two or three times that of Mana.