```metadata title: The picknic basket of Friendship description: its a very cool picnic basket tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## The picknic basket of Friendship ### 1-15 #### Friendship Bracelets as a 1 hour ritual cram can mark any number of creatures within 30 ft as "Friend" they will gain a bracelet of friendship. --- a creature with the friendship bracelet gains these bonuses. - they will always know the location of another wielder of a friendship bracelet(including Cram herself) - their AC, HP, DC and To hit gains a bonus equal to crams wisdomMod - When another creature with a friendship bracelet gets attacked within 30 ft of they can use a reaction to call up the power of friendship and impose disadvantage on all of their attacks for the entire turn #### summoning.... necromancy.... whats the difference? feats that has affects undead you raise now works on creatures you summon as well! why? **Whats the difference?** ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #### dont mess with my friends! as a reaction to one of cram's allies getting hurt she can have a number of summons equals to half her wisdomMod make oppurtunity attacks against them(they need to be able to attack them (within reach n all of that).) #### friend of fairytales cram has a special connection to cryptids and other fantastical beasts. any cryptids, shapeshifters or were-creatures that she summons gain a bonus to ac, to hit, and skill checks equals to twice crams wisdomMod. --- also cram gains a bonus to her AC and saves equals to the number of creatures effected by this ability limited to half cram's level ### 16-30 #### sunshine and Lollipops all of cram's summons gains a layer of Temp hp equals to half crams wisdom*Level at the end of a long rest #### group huddle cram gain a bonus to her ac and saves based on X. X being creatures summoned by cram within 30 ft to a limit of 2 times crams proficiencyBonus #### shared conscience Cram gains an aditional amount of reactions equals to the ammount of her own summons in the initiative. she can aditionally share this pool of reactions with said summons though it costs two reactions for each reaction. ### 31-40 #### Bird up! as an action cram can do a cool one liner recharging one single ability. she can only do this once per long rest. #### Bubblegum K.K. Cram can force a creature who tries to attack her or a creature with the friendship bracelet within 30 ft to dance. forcing them to roll a charisma save against a dc of 10 + wisdomMod + (proficiencyBonus*2) if they fail the action is wasted if they pass nothing happens #### a biiiiiig huuuuuug as an action cram can hug someone within 5ft. they will regain a number of HP equals to Xd6+wismod*Level X being how many sizes cram is smaller than the one she hugs