## Oath of the Crusade The Oath of the Crusade is one of utter devotion to a cause, faith, or quest. Driven by unknowable conviction, a Paladin of the Crusade is one who lives to see their purpose completed. Called zealots, conquerors, or, by their foes, devils, paladins of this oath are known and feared by those who might be in their way. Scorning decorative armour or weaponry, a paladin of this oath is obsessed with pure functionality, and often finds themselves frustrated when not taking action that directly furthers the progress on their quest. Utilising the power of holy fury, a paladin of this oath is a force to be reckoned with. #### Oath Spells You gain oath spells at the levels listed. ##### Oath of the Crusade Expanded Spells | Paladin Level | Spells | |:----:|:-------------| | 3rd | *shield, hellish rebuke* | | 5th | *flame blade, hold person* | | 9th | *crusader's mantle, spirit guardians* | | 13th | *wall of fire, guardian of faith* | | 17th | *hold monster, immolation* | ``` ``` #### Tenets Although the exact wording or subject of these vows may differ, the nature of those uttered by paladins of this Oath are the same. ***Endure.*** You have outlasted the faithless for this long. Do not wither. ***Overcome.*** You will defeat all obstacles that stand in the way of your quest. Do not fail. ***Dedicate.*** You have pledged your blood, sweat, and tears to your faith. Do not forsake it. ***Pilgrimage.*** Your quest is taking you on the ultimate journey. Do not turn away. #### Channel Divinity When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. **Holy March.** As an action, you radiate with glory, moving faster towards your goal. You and two creatures of your choice within 15 feet have your speeds increased by 10 for 1 minute. **Guided Purpose.** You can shrug away your mortal doubts. You can end one magical charm, fear, poisoned, stunned, or incapacitated condition on yourself. #### Resolve Starting at 7th level, you exude grit and barely contained anger. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you cannot be magically moved against your will, and you have advantage on saving throws made against fear effects. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. #### True Faith At 15th level, your zeal imbues you with the authority to guide others. When you use your Guided Purpose Channel Divinity, you can end an effect on up to 2 extra creatures, or end up to 2 extra conditions on yourself. Additionally, Holy March's movement bonus increases to 15 feet. #### Grand Crusader At 20th level, you can call on the divine storm within you to enforce you with it's fury, taking on the appearance of a celestial warrior. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: * When you activate this ability, choose a number of creatures within 30 feet equal to your Charisma modifier. They are under the effects of the *compelled duel* spell, but you do not need to maintain concentration. * Once a turn, you can add 10 fire damage to the total damage of a weapon attack you make. * When you make an attack on your turn, you can make another attack using your bonus action.
##### Credits Design and layout by u/blaertes, knight by Edmund Blaire Leighton.