```metadata title: Feudal Realms Players Guide description: '' tags: '' systems: - 5e renderer: V3 ``` ![feudalrealms](https://wurm.feudalrealms.org/rpg/images/titlebackground.jpg) {position:absolute,top:420px,left:0px,width:1200px} ![feudalrealms](https://i.imgur.com/Cdgf1LP.png) {position:absolute,top:-300px,left:0px,width:1200px} ![feudalrealms](https://i.imgur.com/Cdgf1LP.png) {position:absolute,top:-300px,left:-200px,width:1100px} ![feudalrealms](https://i.imgur.com/Cdgf1LP.png) {position:absolute,top:-300px,left:-200px,width:1100px} ![feudalrealms](https://i.imgur.com/Cdgf1LP.png) {position:absolute,top:-300px,left:-200px,width:1100px} ![dndlogo](http://i.imgur.com/hBdjwi6.png) {position:absolute;top:30px;left:350px;width:130px} ![dndlogo](http://i.imgur.com/hBdjwi6.png) {position:absolute;top:30px;left:350px;width:130px}
New World Campaign
\page # KalXen's Feudal Realms These are setting details and expanded rules for my campaign to help flesh out characters a bit more and figure out how to deal with certain scenarios. ## Credits Credits to KalXen over at roleplayers.org and the friday night game crew to help balance these: * Latia * Lunaga * Pringle * RudgerWolvram * SuperJedi * Whiskey * Malcolm * Tarisha * FemBoom * Sparhawk * Smitty * Huma * LadyNailo * Erudaki .. and a few random moments by NPC guests: * Hunter * Leathrnek * dustysom * Thaddios * Anonokitty * Decker [Join our Discord]( https://discord.gg/3HbDwFq)
New World Campaign
\page {{toc,wide # Table Of Contents - ### [{{ KalXen's Feudal Realms}}{{ 2}}](#p2) - #### [{{ Credits}}{{ 2}}](#p2) - ### [{{ House Rules}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - #### [{{ Combat}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Quick References}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Damage}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - #### [{{ Healing, & Rests}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Slow Natural Healing}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Gritty Realism}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - #### [{{ Skills}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Expanded Skill Proficencies}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Specific Skill List}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - #### [{{ Identify Magical Items}}{{ 7}}](#p7) - [{{ via Short Rests & Experiments}}{{ 7}}](#p7) - [{{ via Identify Spell}}{{ 7}}](#p7) - #### [{{ Starting Gear}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Gold}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Magic Items }}{{ 8}}](#p8) - ### [{{ Economy}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - #### [{{ Coin Conversion Chart}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - #### [{{ Buying & Selling}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Selling}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Haggling}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Buying & Availability of Item}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Economy per location size}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Mundane Item List}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ Magic Item Price List (1 of 4)}}{{ 9}}](#p9) - [{{ Magic Item Price List (2 of 4)}}{{ 10}}](#p10) - [{{ Magic Item Price List (3 of 4)}}{{ 11}}](#p11) - [{{ Magic Item Price List (4 of 4)}}{{ 12}}](#p12) - ### [{{ Crafting Items}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - #### [{{ Artifice Techniques}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - #### [{{ Gathering Materials}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - [{{ Mundane Items}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - [{{ Magic Items}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - #### [{{ Obtaining Ingredients}}{{ 15}}](#p15) - [{{ Purchasing Ingredients}}{{ 15}}](#p15) - [{{ Black Market}}{{ 15}}](#p15) - [{{ Harvesting Ingredients}}{{ 16}}](#p16) - #### [{{ The Crafting Process}}{{ 17}}](#p17) - [{{ The Right Tool for the Job}}{{ 17}}](#p17) - [{{ Determine Crafting Time}}{{ 17}}](#p17) - [{{ Spell Scrolls and Healing Potions}}{{ 19}}](#p19) - ### [{{ Blacksmithing Expanded}}{{ 20}}](#p20) - #### [{{ Smithing Items}}{{ 20}}](#p20) - [{{ Known Patterns}}{{ 20}}](#p20) - [{{ Careful Construction}}{{ 20}}](#p20) - [{{ New Traits on Existing Items}}{{ 21}}](#p21) - [{{ Material Details}}{{ 21}}](#p21) - [{{ Metallurgy}}{{ 23}}](#p23) - [{{ Crafting Reference}}{{ 25}}](#p25) - #### [{{ Crafting Materials}}{{ 26}}](#p26) - #### [{{ Weapon Crafted Traits}}{{ 27}}](#p27) - #### [{{ Armor & Shield Crafted Traits}}{{ 27}}](#p27) - ### [{{ Games of Skill & Chance}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - #### [{{ Dice Games}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Avandra’s Favor}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Crown and Anchor}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Portholes}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Tymora’s Spinner }}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Musical Dice}}{{ 28}}](#p28) - [{{ Ship, Captain, and Crew}}{{ 29}}](#p29) - #### [{{ Card Games}}{{ 29}}](#p29) - [{{ Gambit of Ord}}{{ 29}}](#p29) - [{{ Beat the Dealer}}{{ 29}}](#p29) - [{{ Twenty-One }}{{ 29}}](#p29) - [{{ Hand of Fate}}{{ 29}}](#p29) - #### [{{ Hand Games}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - [{{ Boulders, Parchment, Shears}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - #### [{{ Coin Games}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - [{{ Swords}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - #### [{{ Miscellaneous Games}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - [{{ Quon A Drensal, “Run of Luck”}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - [{{ Dragonchess}}{{ 30}}](#p30) - ### [{{ Character History}}{{ 31}}](#p31) - #### [{{ Current (alphabetical)}}{{ 31}}](#p31) - [{{ Agonis }}{{ 31}}](#p31) - [{{ Darius Woodville }}{{ 31}}](#p31) - [{{ Emie the Mighty }}{{ 32}}](#p32) - [{{ Edouart Dantes }}{{ 32}}](#p32) - [{{ Levi Stigen}}{{ 33}}](#p33) - [{{ Rolf }}{{ 34}}](#p34) - [{{ Zymar}}{{ 34}}](#p34) - #### [{{ Past Characters}}{{ 35}}](#p35) }}
New World Campaign
\page # House Rules ## Combat ### Quick References #### Actions/States https://crobi.github.io/dnd5e-quickref/preview/quickref.html #### 5E Modern Reference https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Byx44op3KqQ2flhIV1pKSzRIbFBtbjk4T0xOTlNzVi0yTEpRREV4ZnZCNjJWd25GOFR5VW8&usp=sharing #### 5E Naval Combat Rules https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U0C8QzJP0YNncLIYG6oBiHxqyA6qwtGK/view ## Healing, & Rests ### Slow Natural Healing Characters don't regain hit points at the end of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest. This optional rule prolongs the amount of time that characters need to recover from their wounds without the benefits of magical healing and works well for grittier, more realistic campaigns. ### Gritty Realism This variant uses a short rest of 8 hours and a long rest as 24 hours of rest.. (This puts the brakes on the campaign, requiring the players to carefully judge the benefits and drawbacks of combat. Characters can't afford to engage in too many battles in a row. and all adventuring requires careful planning. {{note ##### Short and Long Rests * A short rest is 8 hours of no activity. A good night sleep. * A long rest is a full day of no activity. A day of rest and sleep. }} This approach encourages the characters to spend time out of the dungeon. Its a good option for campaigns that emphasize intrigue. politics. and interactions among other PCs. and in which combat is rare or something to be avoided rather rhan rushed into. ### Damage #### Loss of a hand or arm * Ability to lift weight over head is reduced by 1/3 total max. * Disadvantage on any skill or dex based action requiring use of arms/hands. * Archery or Firearms are allowed, but requires 2 attack actions to prepare the arrow, and 2nd to fire. Preparing an arrow requires a Dex check DC 10 (w/ Disadvantage). Two handed swords can not be used. #### Loss of a leg * Ability to lift weight over head is reduced by 1/3 total max. * 50% movement; Disadvantage on any skill requiring use of legs ## Skills ### Expanded Skill Proficencies Expanded skill Proficincies allow us to delve into behaviors and make additional knowledges accessible and rewarding. These rules utilize a new layer system of specific sub-skills that apply on top of 5E abilities/proficiencies, representing a deeper knowledge, or highly tuned fine motor skill. #### Sub-Skills and Points * Proficiency in the main skill is not a pre-requisite to purchase a sub-skill. * Each point spent represents +1 to the specific sub-skill roll attempt. * Points do not count toward expertise doubling. * Class restricted sub-skills are not allowed unless multi-classing to a valid class is planned w/ DM. #### Gaining Points Each level a character will gain 2 points to spend on sub-skills. Example: a level 7 character will have 14 total add-on points to spend on specific sub-skills, and when he reaches the next level will have 2 more for a total of 16. #### Maximum Point Spend A character may not spend more add-on points into a specific sub-skill than their proficiency bonus -1. Example: a level 7 character with a +3 proficiency bonus, may not spend more than 2 points on a specific sub-skill. #### Requirements to learn new skills >**PHB Part 2 Adventuring p.187** *(New languages/proficiency) First, you must find an instructor willing to teach you. The DM determines how long it takes, and whether one or more ability checks are required. The training lasts for 250 days and costs 1 gp per day. After you spend the requisite amount of time and money, you learn the new language or gain proficiency with the new tool.* All new skills will require in-game background stories to support it - each player should share their plans of how they spend free time (travelling or at rest in town) to support their skill changes. If you do not have the required specific sub-skill, the GM may allow you to roll w/ the top level skill at disadvantage. Example: If "Physics" is required but missing, you would roll Investigation at disadvantage.
KalXen's Campaign
### Specific Skill List | Attribute | Main Skill | Sub-Skill | Comments | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Strength** | **Athletics** | Running / Jumping | | | | | Swimming | Distance and Holding breathe | | | | Lift, Push, Pull | True grit for heavy things| | | |Climbing | Gravity poisoning sucks| | | | Grappling / Gripping | Hold on!| | | | Throwing | Non-combat attempts for accuracy/distance | | **Dexterity** | **Acrobatics** | Ride | Ride a mount and special actions on mount (specify type) | | | | Contortionist / Escape Artist | Fitting into tight areas, slipping out of bonds | | | | Breakfall / Tumbling | Recover from awkward movement or falling | | | **Sleight of Hand** | Pickpocketing / Planting| Evidence? What evidence?| | | | Lockpicking | Opening chests, doors| | | | Disable/Set Traps | removing the damage before you pick the lock | | | | Forgery | Seals, letters of intent, etc| | | | Gambling Cheat | Ace up the sleeve| | | **Stealth** | Move silently | Get over there without noise| | | | Hiding perfectly still | Blend into the bushes | |**Intelligence**|**Arcana** |Magical Item Lore | | | | | Magical Creature/Plant Lore| Must specify creature category | | | | Magical Formula crafting | | | | Spellcrafting | | | | Magical Item crafting | | | | Mundane Crafting | Must specify the craft ex. carpentry, allows use of toolkit | | |**History** |Area Knowledge|Must specify the area ex. Limnean lakes| | | |City Knowldege|Must specify the city/town| | | |Organization Knowledge|Must specify the organization | | |**Investigation**|Forensics | | | | |Find Traps/Doors| | | | |Science Knowledge|Must specify the science ex. mechanics, alchemy | | |**Nature** |Non-Magical Creature Knowledge| Beast Creeature category| | | |Non-Magical Plant Knowledge|Must specify the plant type ex. mushrooms | | |**Religion** |God/Pantheon & Ritual Knowledge |Must specify the god ex. Manjigore| | | |Culture knowledge|Must specify the culture ex. Anterorian Elven rituals| |**Constitution**|**Concentration**|Hold Breath|Push holding breath longer than others | |**Fortitude**|Runner / Flyer|Burst running for longer; burst flapping wings for longer| | | ***Saves*** |Pain tolerance|Bonus to concentration check when taking physical damage | | |Iron Gut|Suffer food starvation/intolerance better| | | |Chemical tolerance|Per chemical, avoid affect of a chemical more than others
KalXen's Campaign
| Attribute | Main Skill | Sub-Skill | Comments | | --- | --- | --- | --- | |**Wisdom** |**Animal Handling**|Animal Training|Must specify creature type ex horses | |**Insight** |Tactics |Prepare for battle| | | |Piloting|Must specify machine type ex flying ship| | | |Detect Lie| vs Deception: Get a feeling if all is on the up and up| | |**Medicine** |First Aid|stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness.| | | |Herbalism|Make salves/poisons etc from herbs| | | |Surgery|Living flesh surgery; reattach limb or remove a bullet| | | |Necrografting|undead/corpse surgery| | |**Perception** |Keen Sense|Must specify the sense (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste)| | | |Eavesdropping | | | |Lip Reading|Mnomnlom| | |**Survival** |Hunting / Fishing / Trapping|| | | |Tracking / Skinning / Tanning|| | | |Foraging / Botanize / Gardening|| | | |Find/Create Shelter|In a pinch| | | |Navigation|By stars or ground to know direction| |**Charisma** |**Deception** |Disguises|| | | |Ventriloquism / Mimicry|| | |**Intimidation**|Seduction|| | | |Interrogation / Torture|| | |**Performance**|Singing|| | | |Acting|Butcher and the Baker will be in town all week| | | |Musical Instrument|Must specify a specific instrument| | |**Persuasion** |High Society|Opposite of Streetwise - upper class| | | |Oratory|Card carrying member of Toastmasters International| | | |Streetwise|Opposite of High Society - gutters| | | |Haggling|Price drops| | | |Bureaucracy|Cut through line - legal system| | | |Schmooze|Universal Body Language to impress|
|Task Difficulty | DC | |:-|:-| |Very easy |5| |Easy|10| |Medium|15| |Hard|20| |Very hard|25| |Nearly impossible|30|
KalXen's Campaign
\page ## Identify Magical Items ### via Short Rests & Experiments A short rest focusing on experimenting with the item will allow players to learn basic properties of the item with a successful skill roll, (Arcana, Insight, or appropriate to the experiement). This type of identification will provide no lore, only some kind of accessible knowledge to the item such as how to activate it. If there is no believable means by which to learn of the property available then nothing more is learned. Example: A a short rest with a +1 sword against werewolves will not lead to any knowledge of this property unless a werewolf was nearby and it could be determined they bleed easier. ### via Identify Spell Same as above, but an Arcana roll is made with their spell modifier included. The player can access learning of Basic, Lore, Requirements, and Additional Features.
|DC|Basic|Lore|Requirements|Additional Features|Curse| |--|--|--|--|--|--| |< 5 | PC gets wrong or opposite info (DM’s choice), maybe even thinking it isn’t magical at all |PC mistakes it for another item (DM’s choice). | PC gets wrong info regarding attunement and wrong command word. | None. | PC thinks it could be cursed. | | 5 | PC isn’t not sure if it is magical.| |–|–|–|–| |10| PC believes it is magical, but he can’t discern any more details. |–|–|–|–| |15| PC is able to guess the rough properties of the item. | PC doesn’t know how many charges it has (if any), and he can’t figure out the command word (if it has one). | PC knows what will happen when the command word is uttered. Experimenting required (short rest). | PC has an opinion on item’s origin. | PC knows whether it requires attunement and if it has a command word or not, but experimenting is still needed to discover the command word. | PC thinks it has additional abilities and features, but is not sure what they are. None.| | 20| PC discovers how to use it, how many charges it has (if any). | PC knows how to use it after short experimenting (3 minutes) | PC knows what the item really is, who created it, etc. PC knows the command word. | PC discovers all or almost all abilites and features, and whether the item is sentient or not, but not it’s personality or alignment. | PC thinks it is cursed (if really cursed).| | Natural 20 or >25 | PC recognises the item and can use its full powers immediately. No experimenting required. | PC knows everything about the item’s lore and history. | PC is familiar with it either from personal experience or from legends and books. |PC knows the command word. | PC discovers everything about the item’s personality and sentience (if any). | PC recognizes the item and knows if it is cursed and which curse is it.|
KalXen's Campaign
\page # Economy ## Coin Conversion Chart Gold is the standard tender. In Lateria, Platinum pieces are much more rare, and thus worth more (1000:1 vs the 10:1 conversion with other currencies). For Perdita Vulgus, standard 10:1 rtio applies.
| Type | Value in GP| |:-|:-| |Platinum|10 gp| |Gold|1 gp| |Silver|0.1 gp| |Copper|0.01 gp|
:: ## Buying & Selling ### Selling & Haggling Selling an item is at 50% of base/market cost. You can haggle with a chance to increase the offer, but might lose more. Xanathar's Guide pg 133. Persuasion Check. If anyone "helps" to gain advantage, the chance for complication is doubled. ### Buying & Availability of Item Xanathar's Guide pg 126. Persuasion Check to find items you are looking for. This check is adjusted against the location size table (see below), meaning that finding rare items is easier in a larger city. (GM may roll for complications in the buy/sell of an item, If anyone "helps" to gain advantage, the chance for complication is doubled)
| Item Rarity | DC | |:-|:-| |Common|10| |Uncommon|15| |Rare|20| |Very Rare|25 |Legendary|30|
: ### Economy per location size The size of the location visited will limit if magic items can be found there, what the maximum total currency is floating on average within the location limits, and what the typical item quality is available for buy/selling.
| Location Type | DC Mod|Magic?|Max $| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Hamlet| 0| No|1,000 gp| |Town|-4| ?|10,000 gp| |City|-6|Yes|100,000 gp| |World City|-8| Yes|1,000,000 gp|
: ### Mundane Item List Check here for prices: https://wurm.feudalrealms.org/rpg/AllShopsandItems.pdf :
KalXen's Campaign
### Buildings, Homes, and Businesses |Stronghold|Cost (gp)|Build Time (days)|Staff (Trained)|Staff (Untrained)|Base Monthly Maintenance (gp)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Single Bedroom Home/Cabin|1000|30|0|0|10| |Single Family Home|2500|45|0|0|25| |Guildhall, town or city|5000|60|1|2|410| |Trading post/small shop|5000|60|1|2|410| |5 acre Farm|7500|100|1|2|435| |Animal Farm/Breeding Center|7500|100|2|3|765| |Warehouse, Small|5000|30|1|1|380| |Warehouse, Large|10000|60|1|3|490| |Outpost or fort|15000|100|2|8|990| |Tower, fortified|15000|100|2|8|990| |Noble estate with manor|25000|150|4|10|1750| |Abbey|40000|350|10|3|3490| |Keep or small castle|100000|400|10|25|4750| |Temple|150000|400|20|30|8400| |Palace or large castle|500000|1200|20|50|12500| **Base Monthly maintenance costs:** 1gp/day for untrained staff + 10gp/day for trained staff + 1% of cost/month. #### Cost Multipliers: |Scenario|Multiplier| |:-|:-| |Disrepair / Ruin|x0.5 Cost to build/buy; maintenance x1.5| |Exquisite|2x Cost to build/buy| |Easy Access to Supplies (ex. large city)|x0.5 Build Time| |Supplies are Limited (ex. barren lands)|2x Build Time| |Location in demand|x1.5 cost to build/buy| |Location is in distress (war, crime)|x2 cost to build/buy; x2 cost build time|x2 maintenance| **Example:** Large Warehouse in disrepair (x0.5 build; 2x maintain) and in bad crime part of town (x2 cost; x2 build time; x2 maintenance) with easy access to supplies (x0.5 time) would only cost 2500, take full 60 days to construct,, but cost 1470gp a month to maintain due to crime and disrepair. If run as a business, it could make up to 735gp in a month profit, or lose 2205gp in a month. ### Running a Business Adventurers can end up chosing rooms that can be run as business like the smith and the tavern that has nothing to do with delving into dungeons or saving the world. If they hold on to the business, they might feel obliged to spend time between adventures maintaining the venture and making sure it runs smoothly. A character rolls percentile dice and adds the number of days spent on his downtime activity (maximun 30), the compares the total to the Running a Business table to determine what happens. If the character is required to pay a cost as a result of rolling on this table but fails to do so, the business begins to fail. For each unpaid debt incurred in this manner, the character takes a -10 penalty to subsequent rolls made on this table. **Running a Business** |d100+|Days Result| |:-|:-| |01-20|You must pay one and a halftimes the business's maintenance cost for each of the days.| |21-30|You must pay the business's full maintenance cost for each of the days.| |31-40|You must pay half the business's maintenance cost for each of the days. Profits cover the other half.| |41-60|The business covers its own maintenance cost for each of the days.| |61-80|The business covers its own maintenance cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 10% maintenance cost| |81-90|The business covers its own maintenance cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 25% maintenance cost| |91+| The business covers its own maintenance cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 50% maintenance cost|
KalXen's Campaign
### Boats Naval Code rules page 6: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U0C8QzJP0YNncLIYG6oBiHxqyA6qwtGK/view |Class|Base Price|Min/Max Crew|Available| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1st Rate|35k|40/70|City+| |2nd Rate|20k|15/40|City| |Unrated|10k|5/15|Town| Ships can be repaired and improved at most harbors. Repairs will take 1 day for every 50 hp missing and cost 2 gp per hp repaired (3 gp for a 2nd rate craft, 5 gp for a 1st rate) + 100g for every 40hp of rigging. (Base Prices, some areas could be more or less expensive). Other specifics will need be negotiated as needed. Enhancements and Upgrades may be ordered and installed during this same time period. Cost per crew
KalXen's Campaign
\page ## Starting Gear
Use the following table to set up new character gear, money, and equipment. Gold can be used to purchase additional item beyond this. :: |Level|Gear| |:-|:-| 1st and 2nd|Normal Starting Equipment & Gold| 3rd and 4th|250 gp, normal starting equipment | 5th and 6th|500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp, normal starting equipment| 7th and 8th|2000 plus 1d10 x 25 gp, normal starting equipment| 9th and 10th|4000 gp, one uncommon magic item, normal starting equipment| 11th and 12th|5,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment| 13th|6,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment| 14th|10,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment| 15th and 16th|15,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, three uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment| 17th|20,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment| 18th|30,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, two uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment| 19th|40,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, three uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment| 20th|50,000 gp plus 1d10 x 250 gp, three uncommon magic items, one rare item, one very rare item, normal starting equipment|
KalXen's Campaign
### Magic Item Price List (1 of 4)
|Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |+1 Armor|1500| |+1 Shield|1500| |+1 Weapon|1000| |+2 Armor|6000| |+2 Shield|6000| |+2 Weapon|4000| |+3 Armor|24000| |+3 Shield|24000| |+3 Weapon|16000| |Adamantine Armor|500| |Alchemy Jug|6000| |Ammunition +1(each)|25| |Ammunition +2(ea)|100| |Ammunition +3(ea)|400| |Amulet of Health|8000| |Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location|20000| |Amulet of the Planes|160000| |Animated Shield|6000| |Apparatus of Kwalish|10000| |Armor of Invulnerability|18000| |Armor of Resistance|6000| |Arrow of Slaying(ea)|600| |Arrow-Catching Shield|6000| |Bag of Holding|4000| |Bead of Force|960| |Belt of Dwarvenkind|6000| |Boots of Elvenkind|2500| |Boots of Levitation|4000| |Boots of Speed|4000| |Boots of Striding and Springing|5000| |Boots of the Winterlands|10000| |Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals|8000| |Bracers of Archery|1500| |Bracers of Defense|6000| |Brass Horn of Valhalla|8400| |Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals|8000| |Bronze Griffon|8000| |Bronze Horn of Valhalla|11200| |Brooch of Shielding|7500| |Broom of Flying|8000| |Cap of Water Breathing|1000| |Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Cape of the Mountebank|8000| |Carpet of Flying|12000| |Censer of Controlling Air Elementals|8000| |Chime of Opening|1500| |Circlet of Blasting|1500| |Cloak of Arachnida|5000| |Cloak of Displacement|60000| |Cloak of Elvenkind|5000| |Cloak of Invisibility|80000| |Cloak of Protection|3500| |Cloak of the Bat|6000| |Cloak of the Manta Ray|6000| |Crystal Ball|50000| |Cube of Force|16000| |Cubic Gate|40000| |Daern's Instant Fortress|75000| |Dagger of Venom|2500| |Dancing Sword|2000| |Decanter of Endless Water|135000| |Deck of Illusions|6120| |Defender|24000| |Dimensional Shackles|3000| |Dragon Scale Mail|4000| |Dragon Slayer|8000| |Driftglobe|750| |Dust of Disappearance|300| |Dust of Dryness(1 pellet)|120| |Dust of Sneezing and Choking|480| |Dwarven Plate|9000| |Dwarven Thrower|18000| |Ebony Fly|6000| |Efreeti Chain|20000| |Elemental Gem|960| |Elixir of Health|120| |Elven Chain|4000| |Eversmoking Bottle|1000| |Eyes of Charming|3000| |Eyes of Minute Seeing|2500| |Eyes of the Eagle|2500| |Flame Tongue|5000| |Folding Boat|10000|
KalXen's Campaign
### Magic Item Price List (2 of 4)
|Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Frost Brand|2200| |Gauntlets of Ogre Power|8000| |Gem of Brightness|5000| |Gem of Seeing|32000| |Giant Slayer|7000| |Glamoured Studded Leather|2000| |Gloves of Missile Snaring|3000| |Gloves of Swimming and Climbing|2000| |Gloves of Thievery|5000| |Goggles of Night|1500| |Golden Lion(ea)|600| |Hammer of Thunderbolts|16000| |Hat of Disguise|5000| |Headband of Intellect|8000| |Helm of Comprehend Languages|500| |Helm of Telepathy|12000| |Helm of Teleportation|64000| |Heward's Handy Haversack|2000| |Holy Avenger|165000| |Horn of Blasting|450| |Horseshoes of Speed|5000| |Horseshoes of the Zephyr|1500| |Immovable Rod|5000| |Instrument of the Bards - Anstruth Harp|109000| |Instrument of the Bards - Canaith Mandolin|30000| |Instrument of the Bards - Cli Lyre|35000| |Instrument of the Bards - Doss Lute|28500| |Instrument of the Bards - Fochulan Bandlore|26500| |Instrument of the Bards - Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern|27000| |Instrument of the Bards - Ollamh Harp|125000| |Ioun Stone Absorption|2400| |Ioun Stone Agility|3000| |Ioun Stone Awareness|12000| |Ioun Stone Fortitude|3000| |Ioun Stone Greater Absorption|31000| |Ioun Stone Insight|3000| |Ioun Stone Intellect|3000| |Ioun Stone Leadership|3000| |Ioun Stone Mastery|15000| |Ioun Stone Protection|1200| |Ioun Stone Regeneration|4000| |Ioun Stone Reserve|6000| |Ioun Stone Strength|3000| |Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Ioun Stone Sustenance|1000| |Iron Bands of Bilarro|4000| |Iron Horn of Valhalla|14000| |Ivory Goat(Terror)|20000| |Ivory Goat(Travail)|400| |Ivory Goat(Traveling)|1000| |Javelin of Lightning|1500| |Keoghtom's Ointment(Per dose)|120| |Lantern of Revealing|5000| |Luckstone|4200| |Mace of Disruption|8000| |Mace of Smiting|7000| |Mace of Terror|8000| |Mantle of Spell Resistance|30000| |Marble Elephant|6000| |Mariner's Armor|1500| |Medallion of Thoughts|3000| |Mirror of Life Trapping|18000| |Mithral Armor|800| |Necklace of Adaption|1500| |Necklace of Fireballs(Five beads)|3840| |Necklace of Fireballs(Four beads)|1600| |Necklace of Fireballs(One bead)|300| |Necklace of Fireballs(Six beads)|7680| |Necklace of Fireballs(Three beads)|960| |Necklace of Fireballs(Two beads)|480| |Nine Lives Stealer(Fully Charged)|8000| |Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments|200| |Oathbow|3500| |Obsidian Steed|128000| |Oil of Etherealness|1920| |Oil of Sharpness|3200| |Oil of Slipperiness|480| |Onyx Dog|3000| |Pearl of Power|6000| |Periapt of Health|5000| |Periapt of Proof Against Poison|5000| |Periapt of Wound Closure|5000| |Philter of Love|90| |Pipes of Haunting|6000| |Pipes of the Sewers|2000| |Plate Armor of Etherealness|48000| |Portable Hole|8000|
KalXen's Campaign
### Magic Item Price List (3 of 4)
|Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Potion of Animal Friendship|200| |Potion of Clairvoyance|960| |Potion of Climbing|180| |Potion of Diminution|270| |Potion of Fire Breath|150| |Potion of Flying|500| |Potion of Gaseous Form|300| |Potion of Greater Healing|150| |Potion of Growth|270| |Potion of Healing|50| |Potion of Heroism|180| |Potion of Invisibility|180| |Potion of Invulnerability|3840| |Potion of Longevity|9000| |Potion of Mind Reading|180| |Potion of Poison|100| |Potion of Resistance|300| |Potion of Speed|400| |Potion of Superior Healing|450| |Potion of Supreme Healing|1350| |Potion of Vitality|960| |Potion of Water Breathing|180| |Prayer Bead - Bless|2000| |Prayer Bead - Curing|4000| |Prayer Bead - Favor|32000| |Prayer Bead - Smiting|1500| |Prayer Bead - Summons|128000| |Prayer Bead - Wind Walking|96000| |Quaal's Feather Token Anchor|50| |Quaal's Feather Token Bird|3000| |Quaal's Feather Token Fan|250| |Quaal's Feather Token Swan Boat|3000| |Quaal's Feather Token Whip|250| |Quiver of Ehlonna|1000| |Ring of Air Elemental Command|35000| |Ring of Animal Influence|4000| |Ring of Earth Elemental Command|31000| |Ring of Evasion|5000| |Ring of Feather Falling|2000| |Ring of Fire Elemental Command|17000| |Ring of Free Action|20000| |Ring of Invisibility|10000| |Ring of Jumping|2500| |Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Ring of Mind Shielding|16000| |Ring of Protection|3500| |Ring of Regeneration|12000| |Ring of Resistance|6000| |Ring of Shooting Stars|14000| |Ring of Spell Storing|24000| |Ring of Spell Turning|30000| |Ring of Swimming|3000| |Ring of Telekinesis|80000| |Ring of the Ram|5000| |Ring of Warmth|1000| |Ring of Water Elemental Command|25000| |Ring of Water Walking|1500| |Ring of X-Ray Vision|6000| |Robe of Eyes|30000| |Robe of Scintillating Colors|6000| |Robe of Stars|60000| |Robe of the Archmagi|34000| |Rod of Absorption|50000| |Rod of Alertness|25000| |Rod of Lordly Might|28000| |Rod of Rulership|16000| |Rod of Security|90000| |Rod of the Pact Keeper +1|12000| |Rod of the Pact Keeper +2|16000| |Rod of the Pact Keeper +2|28000| |Rope of Climbing|2000| |Rope of Entanglement|4000| |Saddle of the Cavalier|2000| |Scarab of Protection|36000| |Scimitar of Speed|6000| |Scroll of Protection|180| |Sending Stones|2000| |Sentinel Shield|20000| |Serpentine Owl|8000| |Shield of Missile Attraction|6000| |Silver Horn of Valhalla|5600| |Silver Raven|5000| |Slippers of Spider Climbing|5000| |Sovereign Glue|400|
KalXen's Campaign
### Magic Item Price List (4 of 4)
|Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Spell Scroll Level 0|10| |Spell Scroll Level 1|60| |Spell Scroll Level 2|120| |Spell Scroll Level 3|200| |Spell Scroll Level 4|320| |Spell Scroll Level 5|640| |Spell Scroll Level 6|1280| |Spell Scroll Level 7|2560| |Spell Scroll Level 8|5120| |Spell Scroll Level 9|10240| |Spellguard Shield|50000| |Sphere of Annihilation|15000| |Staff of Charming|12000| |Staff of Fire|16000| |Staff of Frost|26000| |Staff of Healing|13000| |Staff of Power|95500| |Staff of Striking|21000| |Staff of Swarming Insects|16000| |Staff of the Adder|1800| |Staff of the Python|2000| |Staff of the Woodlands|44000| |Staff of Thunder and Lightning|10000| |Staff of Withering|3000| |Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals|8000| |Sunblade|12000| |Sword of Answering|36000| |Sword of Life-Stealing|1000| |Sword of Sharpness|1700| |Sword of Wounding|2000| |Talisman of Pure Good|71680| |Talisman of the Sphere|20000| |Talisman of Ultimate Evil|61440| |Tentacle Rod|5000| |Trident of Fish Command|800| |Universal Solvent|300| |Vicious Weapon|350| |Vorpal Sword|24000| |Item|Price(gp)| |--|--| |Wand of Binding|10000| |Wand of Enemy Detection|4000| |Wand of Fear|10000| |Wand of Fireballs|32000| |Wand of Lightning Bolts|32000| |Wand of Magic Detection|1500| |Wand of Magic Missiles|8000| |Wand of Paralysis|16000| |Wand of Polymorph|32000| |Wand of Secrets|1500| |Wand of the War Mage +1|1200| |Wand of the War Mage +2|4800| |Wand of the War Mage +3|19200| |Wand of Web|8000| |Weapon of Warning|60000| |Wind Fan|1500| |Winged Boots|8000| |Wings of Flying|5000|
KalXen's Campaign
\page # Crafting Items F antasy is such a rich genre full of unexpected concepts that remain, nontheless, familiar; the magic sword of flame, the cape of flight, the ring which grants invisibility. We love receiving these magic items, and many of us love even more to be able to make them ourselves. This guide exists to expand upon the newest rules for crafting items introduced in *Xanathar's Guide to Everything.* The rules outlined in this document are designed to work with those rules, not replace them entirely, and you will need a copy of *Xanathar's Guide* to fully understand everything here. In this guide you will find additional details for item creation such as exact methods of crafting, material components, and updated rules to speed up crafting times to more usable levels. Throughout this guide we will be following Bruenor, the dwarf fighter from the opening pages of Chapter 1 in the *Player's Handbook*, as he sets about crafting himself a set of *dwarven plate*. ## Artifice Techniques The practice of making a magic item is known as artifice, and individuals who specialize in crafting and inventing such items are artificers. And just as there are many different martial art forms, there exist more than one way to craft an item. Two techniques in particular are most common. The first is to construct the item from scratch, building and shaping the raw materials yourself and infusing them throughout the crafting process with the arcane energies needed for the magic to hold. Some magic items, such as *dragon scale mail*, must be made in this way; the materials involved in its creation are so integral to the final item that it has to be made from scratch. This is the technique most often used by smiths or other artisans with tool proficiencies, as they have the needed technical skill. The second technique is to enchant an existing item with magical energies, infusing an already finished product with magic in just the right way to grant it new properties. This is as simple as purchasing an already-made suit of armor or weapon and incorporating magic into it. Many wizards or sorcerers use this technique, as they do not have the knowledge necessary to create the item themselves but do have the arcane proficiency to properly infuse the item later. Both techniques have their advantages, and the exact methodology you employ will depend on your own knowledge and the kind of item you are trying to craft. ## Gathering Materials Crafting items is an artform, and no artist can create a masterpiece without the proper tools. ### Mundane Items *Xanathar's Guide* expresses item creation in a gold cost to help simplify the crafting process; it costs coin to procure the material necessary for making something. Mundane items (items which are not magical) require 1/2 their gold cost in ___ various materials in order to be crafted. A regular longsword, for example, normally costs 15 gp, and so to craft one would require 7 gp and 5 sp worth of materials. These materials include the metal which will form the blade, hilt, and guard, leather for the grip, oil to quench and temper the blade, and perhaps even the fuel for the heat needed to work the metal. For mundane items, most DMs will be happy to allow you to simply deduct the final cost from your coin purse after a trip to the nearest supply shop, provided of course that logically required materials aren't in short supply. Unlike with magic items, mundane items *must* be forged from scratch, and require the use of a tool. ### Magic Items Magic items are naturally complicated things, as you are attempting to bend the Weave around and within an object to create a magical effect. The rules concerning the material components for creating magic items in this document are nearly identical to the ones described in *Xanathar's Guide* (page 129). The differences lie in the use of residuum and the way formulas and exotic materials work. #### Residuum Existing in older editions of *Dungeons and Dragons*, residuum is quite literally magic dust; pure arcana crystallized into a physical form. It is most often traded as a sparkling, silvery powder. Residuum can be found naturally in some locations such as the Astral Plane, or it can be created by disenchanting (destroying) existing magical items. Residuum can be traded like any other currency, and is very valuable due to its use in artifice and its high cost-to-weight ratio (residuum is described in its gold cost, and even 10,000 gp worth of it weighs less than a gold coin while taking up just slightly more space). The gold cost of a magic item specifically describes the amount of residuum needed to craft it, rather than the cost of various other materials as described for mundane items. Disenchanting a magic item produces 20% of its crafting cost in residuum, and the process of disenchanting may require specific tools (such as a magical furnace) or a special ritual to complete. If you are constructing a magic item from scratch, you must provide both the gold cost of the mundane version of the item and the residuum needed for the magic item's rarity.
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\page ##### Gold as Residuum In my own setting, money and magic are mysteriously tied. Breaking down coinage results in the appropriate amount of residuum being created, and this can be done on the fly as part of the casting of a spell. Magic users can thus use gold directly to cast spells with a gold cost or craft magic items, as the gold provided simultaneously functions as the residuum needed. Your game may use a similar system. #### Formulas Because of their complexity, magic items require the artificer to have access to a formula, a recipe which details how the item can be created. A crafting formula can exist in many forms. One could be found as a blueprint in a book, while another could be passed on through a magical transferance of knowledge. Magic items which confer only a bonus to AC or attack and damage rolls, such as *+1 armor* or a *+3 arrow*, do not require a formula to craft; they are simple enough to create. If you wish to create a magic item you must have a formula of some kind to work from. If you do not, you can first make an Arcana check to try and determine if you can make the item from pure inginuity, before any materials are even collected. This check represents not only your knowledge of the item (such as if you even know it could exist), but how you believe it could function and what materials you may need to acquire for it. The DC of this check is determined by the item's rarity; 5 for a common item, 10 for uncommon, 15 for rare, 20 for very rare, and 25 for legendary. You have advantage on the check if you've already used or inspected the same kind of item in the past. If you are successful, you are considered to have a workable formula in your head to begin crafting, including knowing the residuum cost of the item, any exotic materials, the tools needed, and how long it will take to craft. Failure means the knowledge of the item is beyond you, and you must find a formula through research (see page 132 in *Xanathar's Guide*) or whatever other means your DM may see fit. If you attempt to research it, you must get a number of successes determined by the item's rarity to find a proper formula; 3 for a legendary item, 2 for a very rare or rare item , and 1 for an uncommon or common item. #### Exotic Materials Powerful magical items require the use of exotic materials, either collected from monsters or taken from areas charged with magical energy. Most minor common and minor uncommon magic items (see page 140-145 of *Xanathar's Guide*) do not require them, though there are exceptions (such as a *potion of hill giant strength*). As with formulas, magic items which confer a bonus do not require exotic components to craft. If your DM decides that the magic item you want to craft requires an exotic material, there are potentially ways to acquire it that do not require you to actually face the monster in question yourself. You can attempt to buy the material from a seller, exactly as if you were trying to find a seller of a magic item as described on page 126 of *Xanathar's Guide* (the cost of the exotic material can be determined from the Magic Item Price table on the same page, based on the target magic item's rarity; just divide the result by 10). Or you could potentially hire someone else to try and track the item down for you, though there is no guarantee they will be successful. If all else fails, you will need to hunt down the material yourself. Whatever you do to get it, the cost of acquiring this material is not included in the magic item's gold (residuum) cost. #### Crafting an Item that Casts Spells Some magic items can cast specific spells, such as a *medallion of thoughts*. When crafting such items, you (or at least one other person working on the item with you) must ___ know the spell or spells which the item will later cast, and must cast each spell into the item each day spent crafting it, expending a spell slot as normal. Potions are exempt from this rule, as their reagents and the exotic material which goes into them generally provides the magic for the one-time-use spell. #### Location Some items require special equipment which cannot be easily carried on the road. Smithing and glassblowing, for example, require a forge or furnace of some kind to create the necessary heat to work metal or glass. It is generally impossible to craft items in the back of a bumpy wagon or on a horse due to the fine nature of the work. At minimum, most crafting requires a solid surface to work on such as a bench or table, but your DM may decide that you need other equipment that is not included in your artisan's tool kit. #### Crafting Bruenor's Armor, Step 1 Bruenor decides he wants to craft a set of *dwarven plate*. He doesn't have a formula to work from, nor the arcana knowledge to figure it out himself. Instead, he spends a week researching the item and comes back with 2 successes, giving him access to a formula. He learns that he will need 20,000 gp worth of residuum, and essence from the elemental spirit of an iron golem to forge the armor. A few days later Bruenor returns home with the essence after visiting his wizard friend, who owns such a golem and owed Bruenor a favor.
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\page ## Obtaining Ingredients There are a number of different ways to obtain the ingredients that you will need in order to craft your substances, such as purchasing them within a civilised location or harvesting them yourself. ### Purchasing Ingredients Provided you have access to a town or city, as well as the coin to spare, you may be able to find somewhere to purchase the ingredients you're after. The safest option is generally to find a shop, although sometimes you might only be able to get to someone who is perhaps just a little less honest. Either way, the quality of the ingredients may vary - as will the price. A ***Natural*** ingredient is the state you would generally find the ingredient in if you were to harvest it yourself, whereas a ***Pure*** ingredient has been altered slightly to rid it of most of its harmful toxins, making it safer for consumption (and usually increasing the price of the ingredient, too). ##### Ingredient Prices |Quality|Standard Price Per Unit| |:--:|:--:| |Natural|5 *sp*| |Pure| 15 *sp*| Note that Herbalists' stores may vary slightly in price in accordance with the local economy. ##### Haggling Feeling frugal? Alright, here's an easy-to-use haggling guide to help you save some coin or make more coin when selling an item. The Haggling DC is equal to 10 + the seller's Charisma Modifier + any modifier to repsent the rarity of the item. (Xanathar's guide pg 129 otherwise DM's discretion). |Haggling Check|Result| |:--:|:--:| |Nat 1|Price moves against you by 50%, and Hmm... Best you leave now...| |Fail >5|Price moves against you by 20%, shopkeeper aggravated (One try left)| |Fail <5|Price moves against you by 10%| |Succeed <5|Price moves in your favour by 10%| |Succeed >5|Price moves in your favour by 20%, shopkeeper timid (One try left)| |Nat 20|Price moves in your favour by 50%, final deal or I can't feed kids!| #### Illegal Items From a Reputable Seller Due to the complications that arise from these substances being *not particularly legal*, you may need to make a Charisma (*Persuasion*) or Charisma (*Deception*) check in order to make your purchases. The DC for this check is dependent on the number of ingredients you're looking to purchase. A failed check will have you *politely* asked to leave the store, and you will have disadvantage on any checks made to purchase from this store again. Subsequent fails (or a Nat 1) may earn you attention from the law enforcement. Upon a successful check, however, you will then be permitted to purchase a number of ingredients up to the amount you based your check off of. You can choose for these ingredients to be *Pure* or *Natural*. ##### Deception / Persuasion Check |Units Requested|Check DC| |:--:|:--:| |1|10| |2-3|11| |4-5|12| |6-7|13| |8-9|14| |10-11|15| |12-13|16| |14-15|17| |16-17|18| |18-19|19| |20+|20| ### Black Market Maybe you don't have the Charisma to be testing your luck with legitimate stores, or maybe the town or city you're in just doesn't *have* one of those stores. Regardless, finding a shady seller is an alternative option for obtaining ingredients. ##### Finding a Dealer In order to find a dealer, you will need to be somewhat clever and stealthy about it. Make an **Intelligence (*Investigation*)** check (**DC 10**) to see if you can manage to find a local dealer. If you fail this check, your search is unsuccessful and you cannot try again within the next 24 hours. Next, make a **Dexterity (*Sleight of Hand*)** check (**DC 10**), regardless of whether or not your *Invesigation* check was successful. This check will determine how subtle you were able to be in your search, and failing it may mean that you managed to draw the attention of law enforcement. **If you have previously found a dealer in the area** before, you may forgo these checks and return to them, or do your checks with advantage to find a new dealer.
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\page ##### Pricing Each dealer will also have variable pricing for their products, from being cheaper than you'd find from an Herbalist to being twice the price. The DM rolls on the table below to determine the modifier to the price. | D% Roll | Price Per Unit | |:---:|:------------:| | 1-10 |10 *sp*| | 11-20 |8 *sp*| | 21-40 |6 *sp*| | 41-90 |5 *sp*| | 91-100 |3 *sp*| You will be unable to request for a particular quality of ingredient when purchasing through a dealer, as each dealer only has stock of a certain quality. These prices are not further modified by ingredient quality. ##### Dealer Quality The quality of the dealer and their produce is also subject to change. The DM can either choose the quality of the dealer or roll for it on the following table. **DM Note:** if the player failed their *Sleight of Hand* check but succeeded in their *Investigation* check, the DM may want to implement a Sting, roll with disadvantage for dealer quality, or impose disadvantage on any future rolls for dealer quality. |D% Roll|Dealer Quality| |:--:|:--:| | 1-10 | Sting | | 11-20 | Scam | | 21-40 | Poor | | 41-90 | Average | | 91-100 | Great | **STING -** Well, that wasn't a dealer at all! It seems you've walked into a set-up and gotten yourself into some trouble with the law! *Player will realise this upon completion of deal*. **SCAM -** The dealer is happy to take your money, but the products you buy from them are duds. *Player will realise this upon attempting to craft substance*. **POOR -** These ingredients would be turned down by an herbalist's store, although they're still useable - they're just of Poor quality. *Player will realise this upon consumption of crafted substance*. **AVERAGE -** Ingredients are of Natural quality. *Player will realise this upon consumption of crafted substance*. **GREAT -** Sweet find! Ingredients are of Pure quality. *Player will realise this upon consumption of crafted substance*. ::::::::: ### Harvesting Ingredients Now, your campaign might not keep you in civilised areas (if at all), or maybe you just don't want to waste your coin on these ingredients that you could find yourself, so you may wish to **Forage** for ingredients instead. To do so, make a Wisdom (*Survival*) or Intelligence (*Nature*) check, and apply any relevant penalties to the total depending on the time and dedication spent looking. ##### Difficulty to Find | Rarity | Ability Check Modifier | |:-----|:------:| |Common| 0 | |Uncommon|-2 | |Rare|-5 | |Very Rare| -8 | |Legendary| -11 | ##### Harvesting Method | Method | Ability Check Modifier | |:-----|:------:| | Dedicated Search | 0 | | Travelling at a Slow Pace | -2 | | Travelling at a Normal Pace | -5 | | Travelling at a Fast Pace | -8 | A ***Dedicated Search*** implies spending at least an hour doing nothing but looking for ingredients. This can be done during a short or long rest. Foraging takes 1 hour, and you can make up to 3 of these checks per day. ##### Harvesting Yield | Searching Check | Result | |:--:|:--:| | Below 10 | Nothing Found | | 10-14 | 1d4 units & | | 15-19 | 1d8 units & | | 20+ | 1d12 units & | | Nat 20 | 1d20 units & | (For & yields, continue re-rolling if you roll max die amount)
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\page ## The Crafting Process Once all materials are gathered and you have a proper location to do your work, the crafting process can begin. ### The Right Tool for the Job Your DM helps determine which tool will be used for the crafting process. Weapons and metal armor typically require one to use smithing tools, capes or clothing require weaver's tools, and leather armor requires leatherworker's tools. The following table expands on the one found on page 129 in *Xanathar's Guide* with suggestions for which tool to use for crafting specific items. | Tool | Item | |:-------:|:-------------| | Alchemist's supplies | Potions | Cobbler's tools | Boots | | Glassblower's tools | Glasswork | Herbilism kit | Antitoxin, *potions of healing* | | Jeweler's tools | Amulets, gemcutting, rings | Leatherworker's tools | Leather armor, bags, boots | | Poisoner's kit | Poison | | Potter's tools | Pottery, ceramics | | Smith's tools | Armor, weapons | | Tinker's tools | Wondrous items, clockwork | Weaver's tools | Cloaks, clothing, robes, bags | This table assumes that you are creating the item from scratch using raw materials. When enchanting an existing item you instead use the Arcana skill, as there is no longer a use for tools in the process as the item is already made. When crafting an item, a character must have proficiency in the appropriate tool. If you are enchanting an existing object, the character needs to have proficiency in the Arcana skill. Multiple characters can work together to make an item if the item is large or complex enough to allow it, but all characters involved must have the necessary proficiencies to contribute. When collaborating in this way, the time each individual contributes to the item is deducted from the remaining time before the item is complete. ##### More than one way to hammer a nail The table on the previous page is a rough guideline, and is not designed to be a exhaustive list nor a final word on tool use. *Goggles of night* could be crafted with tinker's tools, but it would make more sense to use leatherworker's tools to fashion a *bag of holding*, or smith's tools to forge *horseshoes of speed*, even though all of these are wondrous items. Your DM may even decide that multiple tools could be used for a particular item; *boots of levitation*, for example, could potentially be made by a leatherworker or a cobbler, and some rings can be forged by a smith. ::: #### Crafting Bruenor's Armor, Step 2 Bruenor knows how to use many kinds of tools, from smith's tools to woodcarvers tools. However, he does not have proficiency in the Arcana skill. Bruenor and his DM decide the dwarf will need to use his proficiency in smith's tools to make his armor from scratch; they make the most sense for a suit of heavy armor, and Bruenor does not have the arcane knowledge to enchant an existing suit. ### Determine Crafting Time All items have a base crafting time, represented by the rules found on page 128 and 129 in *Xanathar's Guide*. Follow the rules as described to determine the time necessary for your item, and then convert that time to days (this makes the process easier to calculate later), where one workweek is equal to 5 days. A rare magic item, for example, has a base crafting time of 50 days, while a longsword would have a base crafting time of 1.5 days. If you are attempting to create a magic item from scratch, the base time for the item is the longest of the two options (in this case for a rare magic longsword, 50 days). Enchanting an existing object with your Arcana skill always uses the time giving for a magic item. Once you and your DM have determined which skill or tool is used for the crafting process, divide the base crafting time by your proficiency bonus with that skill or tool. You do not include any ability modifiers; crafting an item often requires a complex combination of Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, and Wisdom depending on the item in question, and so we focus solely on your proficiency overall. The final number is the number of days needed to craft the item, rounded up to the nearest whole number.
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\page #### Overtime Hours Normally, you will only spend 8 hours per day crafting an item, leaving you time to sleep, eat, make camp if in the wilderness, and other necessities. However, you can choose to spend additional time crafting if you have the hours available. Crafting time is separated into 8-hour shifts, each of which represents a day of work toward the completion of the item; less time wouldn't allow you to get any proper work done. You can work multiple shifts a day to try and get work done faster, but you must make a Constitution saving throw after each extra shift, gaining a level of exhaustion if you fail. The DC starts at 10 after 2 shifts spent crafting, and increases by 5 for each additional shift without taking a long rest. The DC resets to 10 once you finish a long rest. Once you have a level of exhaustion it is recommended that you stop attempting to craft, as you are fighting to stay awake and could easily make a catastrophic mistake. If you continue anyway you must make a relevant skill or tool check (with no ability modifiers included) after every shift you continue to craft while exhausted. The DC is equal to the item's rarity; 5 for mundane items and common magic items, 10 for uncommon items, 15 for rare, 20 for very rare, and 25 for legendary, and increases by 5 for every additional shift after that. Note that, due to the effects of exhaustion, you make this check with disadvantage. If you pass the check then you've managed to continue work without any destructive results. Consult the Overworking Consequences table if you fail, suffering an outcome based on how much you failed the check by. You suffer the outcome of that level and all relevant previous levels (for example; if you fail the check by 5 you lose all the residuum needed for the item **and** the item is damaged). ##### Overworking Consequences | Failure Severity | Outcome | |:----:|:-------------| | < 5 | The item is cracked or damaged. Increase the time needed to craft it by 1/10 of its total (minimum one day), and its cost in materials by 1/10 to repair it | | 5 | If a mundane item, the item is completely destroyed, and you must start your work over. If a magic item, the residuum used to craft the item is completely wasted, and you must acquire the full amount again before continuing | | 10 | The exotic material is damaged or destroyed, and you must acquire it again before continuing | | 15 or more | The item explodes in an arcane backlash. It and all of its material components are completely destroyed. Each creature within 20 feet of the object must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the item would have dealt another kind of damage once completed, such as a *flame tongue* weapon dealing fire damage, your DM may decide that the damage is that type instead. #### Crafting in Batches It always takes a minimum of a day to finish crafting a single item, no matter what your proficiency bonus is. The exception is for consumable items, such as potions, ammunition (mundane ammunition is crafted in batches as described in the Equipment section of the *Players Handbook*), thrown weapons such as handaxes, and any other items which your DM decides wouldnt require a full days work to complete. For these, the number of items that can be made must be able to fit wholly within an 8-hour day, and you can make a maximum number of items per day equal to your proficiency bonus with the associated skill or tool. You must have the materials needed for each item as normal. #### Crafting Bruenors Armor, Step 3 Bruenor has his 20,000 gp of residuum, 750 gp worth of metal and other materials to forge the armor, and the essence of his iron golem. He spent the time to gather the knowledge needed to craft his armor, and is now ready to begin work. Bruenor has a +4 proficiency bonus with his smith tools. *Dwarven plate* is considered "very rare" for a magic item, and so has a base time of 25 workweeks, or 125 days. However, a set of mundane plate armor costs 1,500 gp. Divided by 50, it has a base time of 30 workweeks, or 150 days. This is the larger of the two, so we devide 150 by Bruenors proficiency bonus, and determine that Bruenor will need 38 days to craft his armor. Bruenor starts working, spending one leisurely shift (8 hours) each day crafting his armor. After 38 days of work he is the proud owner of a powerful, self-forged magic item.
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\page ### Spell Scrolls and Healing Potions Scribing a spell scroll and brewing a *potion of healing* do not follow the same rules for other magic items described in this guide. The only change from the rules found in *Xanathar's Guide* for these items alters the crafting time. As with other items, simply convert the number of workweeks into days, and then divide that by your Arcana proficiency (for a scroll) or herbalism kit proficiency (for a *potion of healing*). ##### Variant: Hourly Rates As a DM, you might decide that you don't want to limit crafting to full 8-hour shifts, instead opting to track crafting by the hour. Doing so gives characters more freedom with which to craft, as they no longer need to set aside full 8-hour shifts for the process. At the same time, tracking by the hour implies an extra amount of effort put into the work whenever the character is working. If you wish to use this variant, simply calculate the number of hours needed to craft an item rather than the number of days (multiply the number of workweeks by 40), and then divide that result by the character's proficiency bonus. Bruenor's armor, for example, would require 300 hours to forge through this system, and Bruenor could spend any amount of hours a day to reach that goal. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: However, 8 hours remains the normal workday for most people, and working beyond that can cause fatigue. For each additional hour of crafting beyond 8 hours, the character must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of the hour. The DC is 10 for the first hour, and increases by 1 for each hour beyond that. On a failed saving throw, as before, the character suffers one level of exhaustion, and must stop crafting or roll on the Overworking Consequences table as normal. The DC for this table increases by 1 for each extra hour the character crafts while exhausted. DCs for overworking reset once the character finishes a long rest. An item requires a minimum of 8 hours of work to be crafted using this variant, but you can still craft in batches. It takes a minimum of 8 hours to craft a batch of items, and the number of items you can craft per batch is still limited by your proficiency bonus. If, for example, a character could craft a single handaxe in 1.5 hours, then they could craft anywhere from 1-5 of them over 8 hours of crafting time (provided their proficiency bonus was high enough and they had enough materials for all of them). Over another 8 hours they could craft 1-5 more handaxes, and so on.
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\page # Blacksmithing Expanded This supplement grants players the ability to craft more interesting mondane items, giving them additional bonuses through careful craftsmanship and wonderous materials. Additionally, the Traits and Materials in this module may also be added to weapons available at shops with skilled blacksmiths. ## Smithing Items To craft an item, you need 60% of its gp value in a Material of your choice (including the Price mod of the chosen Material), and if it is a weapon/armor/shield, a Trait may be chosen from the respective Crafted Trait table. Most items will use your Strength modifier for the Smith's Tools checks to create them, but some items, Traits, and Materials are specifically marked with an alternate ability modifier. These will be marked as **(D)** for Dexterity or **(C)** for Constitution. The ability modifier for the chosen Material takes precedence over that of the Trait, and the ability modifier for the Trait takes precedence over that of the original item. Your Smith's Tools modifier is then as follows: {{descriptive **Smith's Tools Modifier** = the denoted ability modifier + your proficiency modifier (if proficient) }} Choose a number of hours you'd like to work on the item, rounding it down to the next lowest whole hour. Then, make a Smith's Tools check, adding the above modifier. The DC for the check is 13 + Material DC (if any) + Trait DC (if any). If you succeed, all the hours you spent crafting get subtracted from the Crafting Hours remaining to complete the item (including any added from Crafted Traits). If you fail, you only subtract 50% of the hours you spent, but if you fail by 10 or more, you make no progress. This may mean you are left with half of one hour left to complete an item, but since you round down the number of hours you may work towards an item, you will still need to work for one hour. Once the remaining number of Crafting Hours is 0 or less, the item is complete. You can work on any number of items in a day, but if you work for a number of hours greater than your Constitution modifier + 1 (minimum of 1), you succomb to 1 level of exhaustion (before rolling your Smith's Tools check). If you continue to work beyond this, for every multiple of your Constitution modifier +1 (minimum of 1) that you work, you gain another level of exhaustion. This accumulation of hours is reset at the end of a long rest (but only 1 level of exhaustion is removed). **Non-Metallic Components** At DM's discretion, you may also be required to acquire 10-20% of the item's gp value (*before* price mods) in wood and/or leather for handles, hafts, and other non-metal details. It is recommended that armor and two-handed weapons be closer to 20% ### Known Patterns If you are proficient with Smith's Tools, you know how to craft any weapons, armor, or items with which you are proficient, and you know how to add any Crafted Traits that can be applied to those weapons. At DM's discretion, you may know all of the Crafted Traits. Additionally, you know how to craft items with the Crafting Materials listed on the chart to the below, as determined by your proficiency modifier. If you wish to craft items or add Traits that you do not yet know, you can either gain proficiency in the item (and gain knowledge of all the Crafted Traits applicable to it), or you may create the item *without adding your proficiency modifier to your Smith's Tools check*. Once the item is successfully created, you now know that item (and it's Traits) and may add your proficiency to further Smith's Tools checks to make it. Materials will continue to not use your proficiency on Smith's Tools checks until your proficiency meets the requirement. ##### Known Materials by Proficiency | Proficiency Modifier | Known Crafting Materials | |:----:|:-------------| | +2 | Deepiron, Iron, Meteoric Iron, Steel | | +3 | Argentium, Erudite, Quixotium | | +4 | Finimagus, Mithral | | +5 | Adamantine, Skyrite | | +6 | Smelted Alloys | ### Careful Construction If you work a number of hours equal to your daily maximum or the remaining number of Crafting Hours for the item (whichver is lower), you may gain a bonus to your Smith's Tools check equal to 1/2 your Consitution modifier (rounded down) as long as you've worked at least two hours on that item. You may not gain this benefit if you are exhausted or if you have disadvantage on your Smith's Tools check.
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\page ### New Traits on Existing Items Crafted Traits may be added to items that have already been forged as long as they do not already have a Crafted Trait on them and you know how to craft items out of the Material of which it is made. The DC mods of the Trait and Material, the Price mod of the Material, and the needed Crafting Points for the item remain the same as per the normal rules. You will only need 10% of the item's gp value (including Price mod) in matching Material, but this does not count towards its final cost once the Trait is added. The DC mod of the item is increased by 2 if you did not craft the original item yourself and +5 if the item is magical (+7 if both). Furthermore, if the item is magical, the Crafting Hours required to complete the item is multiplied by 5, and the gp cost of the item is based on the item's rarity (**DMG p135**). When adding new Traits in this manner, if you failed your Smith's Tools check by 10 or more, the item is ruined, leaving 50% of its gp value in material if the item was mundane or 0% if it was magical. ### Material Details Listed below are the detailed rules for Crafting Materials. All benefits to characters only apply when the item is being worn or weilded. #### Adamantine Adamantine is said to be the strongest substance in the realm. Due to its incredible weight and durability, this barely-malleable metal requires Smith's Tools checks made to create items out of it to be made with Constitution. All items made of adamantine weigh 1.5x the normal amount, have twice the hit points, and are magical. Weapons made of adamantine lose the light property if they have it, otherwise they gain the heavy property. Additionally, such weapons (and hunting traps made of adamantine) have their damage die increased by one size. The item's versatile die is also increased, if it has one. Armors made of adamantine turn any critical hit against the wearer into a normal hit but gain a Strength requirement equal to the armor's base AC (before enchantment bonuses). Shields made of adamantine gain heavy when used as a weapon and small creatures do not gain their AC bonuses. They also grants resistance to damage from critical strikes as long as the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the attack. #### Argentium Also known as "Puresteel," argentium is a highly reflective metal with magical properties. Often used to craft holy symbols and regalia, argentium is commonly used by paladins and clerics. It makes for great armor, especially against spellcasters, as the metal itself draws in magical effects and converts their energy into a magical barrier. Weapons (and hunting traps) made of argentium count as silvered for the purposes of overcoming Resistance and Immunity. In addition, critical strikes from argentium weapons deal their damage as radiant damage. Armor made of argentium grants resistance to all damage from cretures vulnerable to silvered weapons. Shields made of argentium grant advantage on saving throws against effects from creatures vulnerable to silvered weapons as long as the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the effect. #### Deepiron Found fairly commonly within the depths of the Underdark, deepiron is found in drow and duergar societies. Ruddy brown when found in veins, deepiron turns fiery red when heated and is a dark copper color when cooled. For the most part, it functions much the same way iron or steel might (when forged properly), but the metal has a uniquely resistant property towards Fey and Celestial creatures. Weapons made of deepiron allow the wielder to reroll any damage rolls made against Fey or Celestial creatures, keeping either result. Armor made of deepiron imposes disadvantage on attacks made by Fey or Celestials against the wearer. Shields made of deepiron grant advantage on saving throws against effects from Fey and Celestials while the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the effect. #### Erudite Erudite crystal is unlike most other crystals in that when it is heated up to a high enough temperature, it becomes malleable and ductile without being brittle - much like metal. A careful craftsman can form the crystal into shape before it cools, it returns to its crystalline structure, holding its new shape. As it is not *actually* metal, this crystal is popular among druidic cultures (those that can find it, anyway), but the crystal's arcane properties also make it a favorite among wizards and other spellcasters. Due to the finesse required to craft items with Erudite, all items forged with this Material require Dexterity for any Smith's Tools checks. All items made of erudite may be used as arcane foci. Weapons made of erudite grant +1 to the wielder's Spell Attack modifier when used as an arcane focus for the spell. Armor made of erudite grant their wearer advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration for spells when used as an arcane focus. Shields made of erudite grant +1 to the wearer's Spell Save DC when used as an arcane focus for the spell.
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\page #### Finimagus Also known as "Voidstone" or "Magebane," finimagus can temporarily separate creatures from the weave. Finimagus has been used to make prisons for spellcasters. Simply touching the metal is not enough to trigger the effects, so a mount with barding made of finimagus won't affect the rider. Wielded or worn items made of finimagus render the user unable to cast or concentrate on spells. Any spell that is currently being maintained by a creature who draws such a weapon or dons such an armor ends immediately. The same also applies to creatures bound in (i.e. chain) or trapped by (i.e. hunting trap) items made of finimagus. Weapons made of finimagus impose disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration for spells from damage caused by them. Armor made of finimagus grant the wearer advantage to saving throws to avoid effects of spells. Shields made of finimagus cause spells that deal half damage to the wearer on a successful save to deal no damage to the wearer instead as long as the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the spell. #### Iron A sturdy metal overall, iron is inferior to steel in practical regards. Any item made with iron will cost less than a steel equivalent, but will be less effective. All items made of iron have 1/2 their expected hit points (see DMG p246 for details on objects and their hit points). Weapons (and hunters traps) made with iron gain -1 to their damage rolls (to a minimum of 1). Armor and shields made with iron gain -1 to their AC value. #### Meteoric Iron Rarer than rare, meteoric rocks make for a powerful arsenal. Discovered to harbor much of the same properties as fire within its surface, meteoric iron weapons are said to burn as they cut flesh. Meteoric iron makes strong weapons, if a smith is lucky enough to find sufficient rock to make one. Items made of meteoric iron are resistant to fire (this does not translate to a benefit for the holder/wearer). Weapons made of meteoric iron deal one additional weapon die of fire damage on a critical strike. Armor made of meteoric iron grants the wearer resistance to fire damage. Shields made of meteoric iron grant the wearer advantage on saving throws against taking fire damage while the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the damage. #### Mithral Favored by dwarven kingdoms for armor and items denoting station and honor, mithral is a lightweight, silvery metal. Mithral is a unique metal in its low weight and high ductility, making it difficult to manipulate properly if you are not careful. As such, items made with Mithral require Dexterity for their Smith's Tools check. All items made of mithral weigh one half the normal amount. Two-handed weapons made of mithral lose the heavy property, other weapons gain light. Armor made of mithral have no Strength requirement. In addition, medium armor made of mithral allow the user to add a maximum of +3 from their Dexterity modifier to their AC, instead of +2. Shields made of mithral gain light when used as a weapon. In addition, the wearer adds the AC bonus of their shield to their Dexterity saving throws to avoid any effect while aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the effect. #### Skyrite Also known as "Blessed Gold," skyrite is silvery-gold in coloration but as strong as steel. Skyrite is used by paladins and clerics who can afford the precious metal most commonly because of its "anti-evil" properties. Any Fiend, Aberration, or Undead creature that tries to break an item made of skyrite take d4 radiant damage. Additionally, such creatures take an additional d4 radiant damage when attempting to escape a hunting trap made of skyrite. Weapons made of skyrite force Fiend, Aberration, and Undead to take a Constitution saving throw when a critical strike is scored with it. If the save is failed, the creature is stunned until the start of the attacker's next turn. Armor made of skyrite grants the wearer otherworldly protection when worn within direct sunlight for 10 minutes, granting the wearer d8 temporary hit points that last 12 hours or until the armor is doffed. These effect may only occur again after the following dawn. Shields made of skyrite grant advantage on saves against frightened or charmed conditions while the wearer is aware and able to raise the shield against the source of the effect.
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\page #### Smelted Alloys Smelted alloys are combinations of the materials listed in this section, and can contain the powers of both, neither, or a mix thereof. Some materials do not mix well, some make a more powerful material than either component was individually. The rules for creating these alloys yourself are described in the next section. #### Steel Steel is the ubiquitous choice for blacksmiths when arming a soldier or warrior. Strong and durable, smiths can always put their trust in steel. Items made with steel follow the same rules as their Player's Handbook equivalent (excluding the New Items in this module), as well as any special rules granted by a Trait crafted into the item. #### Quixotium Quixotium is a multicolored ore that produces vibrant, prismatic metal. This ore is not commonly used for its unpredictably volatile nature. This metal causes surges of Wild Magic as if a Wild Magic Sorcerer just cast a spell of 1st level or higher (PHB p103). Failures on Smith's Tools checks to make an item with quixotium cause a Wild Magic Surge roll. If you failed Smith's Tools check by 10 or more, the Wild Magic Surge effect triggers without a roll. Weapons and other items created with quixoticum cause a Wild Magic Surge roll after every successful attack (or on a failed save, in the case of a hunting trap). If a Wild Magic Surge effect is triggered, any damage dealt by the weapon is treated as force damage. Armor and Shields created with quixoticum cause a Wild Magic Surge roll every time the wearer is dealt damage. If a Wild Magic Surge effect is triggered, reduce all damage taken by your proficiency until the start of your next turn. ### Metallurgy One **unit** of a Material is an amount worth 1gp *before* price mods are factored. When combining metals, you will gather units of each metal. It is suggested that you gather a number of units total between all your chosen Materials equal to the gp value of the item you'd like to create with the resulting alloy, as you will only be able to combine alloys whose results are identical. If you have more units of one Material than any other, that one is your Major Material and the others are Minor Materials. If you have two Materials tied for the highest, they are both Major Materials, but if you have more than two tied, all of the Materials are considered Minor. Then, roll a Smith's Tools check (using Constitution as the required ability modifier) at DC 13 + the DC modifier for each Major Material + 1/2 the DC modifier for each Minor Material (rounded up). If you succeed, roll a d% for each Material, and consult the Smelting Table below for results, adding 10% if you are rolling for a Major Material. ##### Smelting Table | d% | Results | |:--------:|:------------- | | 1-67 | The alloy gains this Material's Alloy properties. | | 68-100 | The alloy gains this Materia's Alloy properties. | The alloy's DC mod is now equal to the sum of the DCs for the Major Materials + 1/2 the sum of the DCs for the Minor Materials (rounded up). The required ability modifier for Smith's Tools checks with the new alloy is the same as that of the Major Material. If there are two Major Materials with differing ability modifiers, the resulting alloy requires Strength. #### Alloy Properties ##### Adamantine Alloy  **All:** Items are 1.5x their normal weight, have twice the HP, and are magical. **Weapon:** The damage die of the weapon is increased by one size, but all attacks made with the weapon take a -1 penalty to damage rolls (to a minimum of 0). **Armor:** If you are crit by a non-magical attack, it is a normal strike instead. **Shield:** Reduces damage taken from critical strikes by 2 (maximum of 1/2 the damage taken) while you are aware and able to move the shield between you and the attacker. ##### Argentium Alloy  **Weapon & Other Items:** Attacks made with this weapon count as silvered. **Armor:** Reduce damage from creatures vulnerable to silvered weapons by 2 (maximum of 1/2 the damage taken). **Shield:** If you would gain roll a saving throw against an effect from a creature vulnerable to silvered weapons, roll without disadvantage instead. ##### Deepiron Alloy  **All:** Same as deepiron's natural effect, but only for Fey **or** Celestials, determined randomly. ##### Erudite Alloy  **All:** May be used as a spell focus. ##### Finimagus Alloy  **All:** You can cast but not concentrate on spells while weilding (if weapon) or wearing (if armor/shield) this item. **Weapon:** Successful attacks that deal damage make enemies suffer a -1 penalty to their Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration for spells. **Armor:** If you would roll a saving throw against an effect from spell with disadvantage, roll without disadvantage instead. **Shield:** If you would roll a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against an effect from a spell with disadvantage, roll without disadvantage instead.
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\page ##### Meteoric Iron Alloy  **All:** Fire damage taken by these items is reduced by 2. **Weapon:** Critical hits deal d4-1 (minimum of 1) additional fire damage. **Armor:** Reduces fire damage taken by 2 (maximum of 1/2 the damage taken). **Shield:** If you would roll a saving throw against an effect that causes fire damage with disadvantage, roll without disadvantage instead. ##### Mithral Alloy  **All:** Items are 1/2 their normal weight are magical. **Weapon:** Item loses heavy, if it has it. **Armor:** -2 to the Strength requirement to wear the armor (to a minimum of 10), if the armor has one. **Shield:** You add 1/2 shield AC (rounded down) to your Dexterity saving throws while aware and able to move your shield between you and the source of the effect. ##### Skyrite Alloy  **All:** Items are magical. **Weapon:** Critical hits on Fiends, Aberrations, and Undead reduce the target's speed to 0 until the start of your next turn. **Armor:** Gain d4 temp HP for 6 hours after spending 10 mintues in direct sunlight. This cannot trigger again until the following dawn. **Shield:** If you would roll a saving throw to avoid being frightened or charmed with disadvantage, roll without disadvantage instead. ##### Steel Alloy  **All:** No added benefit (still reduces Price Mod). ##### Quixotium Alloy  **All:** Causes Wild Magic Surge rolls on damage (for Weapons&Other Items) or when damaged (for Armor&Shields). ##### Special Cases  ***Mithral and Adamantine.*** When mixing mithral with adamantine, take the weight effects (including light or heavy properties) of whichever is the Major Material. If both are Major or both are Minor, take neither weight effect. **Erudite and Finimagus.** When mixing erudite with finimagus, the result always hardens into a brittle, charcoal-like metal of absolutely no use. **Erudite and Any Other.** This alloy no longer counts as being non-metal. **Iron.** Iron cannot be alloyed.
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### Crafting Reference
##### Armors | Item Name | Crafting Hours | Classification |:-----------------------|:-------------------|:- | *Buckler* | 2 hours | Shield | Breastplate **(C)** | 29 hours | Medium | Chain mail **(D)** | 7 hours | Heavy | Chain shirt **(D)** | 6 hours | Medium | Half plate **(C)** | 52 hours | Medium | Scale mail | 6 hours | Medium | Shield | 3 hours | Shield | Splint **(C)** | 16 hours | Heavy | *Tower Shield* **(C)** | 6 hours | Shield | Plate **(C)** | 102 hours | Heavy
##### Miscellaneous Items\* | Item Name | Crafting Hours | Classification |:- |:- |:- | Chain (10 ft) **(D)** | 2 hours | Other Item | Hunting Trap | 2 hours | Other Item | Manacles | 1 hour | Other Item | 20 Crossbow Bolts | 1 hour | Ammunition | 50 Blowgun Needles **(D)** | 1 hour | Ammunition | 100 Sling Bullets | 1 hour | Ammunition ##### Other Non-metal Items† | Item Name | Crafting Hours | Classification |:- |:- |:- | Club | 1 hour | Hammer | Quarterstaff | 1 hour | Hammer | 20 Arrows | 1 hour | Ammunition
**\*** At DM's discretion, additional items may be added. Items 1gp or below should take 1 hour, 5gp or below should take 2 hours, and any value higher than that should take a number of hours equal to the item's gp value÷15+3 (rounded down).

**†** You may only craft metallic versions of these (with DM's consent).
##### Simple Weapons | Item Name | Crafting Hours | Classification |:-------------------|:------------------|:- | Dagger **(D)** | 2 hours | Sword | Greatclub | 1 hour | Hammer | Handaxe | 2 hours | Axe | Javelins | 1 hour | Spear | *Kukri* **(D)** | 4 hours | Sword | Light Hammer | 2 hours | Hammer | Mace | 2 hours | Hammer | Sickle | 1 hour | Axe | Spear | 1 hour | Spear |  
##### Martial Weapons | Item Name | Crafting Hours | Classification |:-------------------|:------------------|:- | Battleaxe | 3 hours | Axe | *Falchion* **(D)** | 4 hours | Sword | Flail | 3 hours | Hammer | Glaive | 4 hours | Spear | Greataxe | 4 hours | Axe | Greatsword | 6 hours | Sword | Halberd | 4 hours | Spear | Lance | 3 hours | Spear | Longsword | 3 hours | Sword | Maul | 3 hours | Hammer | Morningstar | 3 hours | Hammer | Pike | 2 hours | Spear | Rapier **(D)** | 4 hours | Sword | Scimitar | 4 hours | Sword | Shortsword **(D)** | 3 hours | Sword | Trident **(D)** | 2 hours | Spear | War pick | 2 hours | Axe | Warhammer | 3 hours | Hammer
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##### Martial Weapons | Name | Cost | Damage | Weight | Properties |:---- |:---- |:------ |:------ |:---------- | Falchion | 25gp | 1d8 slashing | 4 lbs | Finesse | Kukri | 25gp | 1d6 slashing | 2 lbs | Finesse, light ##### Shields | Name | Cost | AC | Required Strength | Weight | Properties |:---- |:---- |:------ |:--------:|:------ |:---------- | Buckler | 5gp | +1 | - | 3 lbs | Special | Tower Shield | 50gp | +3 | 13 | 10 lbs | Special ##### Shield Special Properties  ***Buckler.*** When struck in melee combat, you may use your reaction to interpose this shield between you and the attacker to gain AC equal to your proficiency bonus. Any attack made with a Buckler suffers -1 to damage rolls (to a minimum of 1). A buckler requires 1 bonus action *or* 1 action to don/doff. ***Tower Shield.*** Requires proficiency in Heavy Armor as well as in Shields. Wearing this shield gives disadvantage to stealth checks and reduces your speed by 5 feet. Small creatures cannot gain the AC bonus from wearing this shield. Any attack made with a Tower Shield gains +1 to damage rolls. A tower shield requires both 1 action *and* 1 bonus action to don/doff.
## Crafting Materials | Name | DC | Effect |Price mod |:-------- |:---|---- |:------ | Adamantine **(C)**
*(150% weight)
(2x HP)
(Count as magical)* | +6 | **Armor:** Reduces crits to normal hits, requires Strength equal to the armor's AC
**Shields:** Heavy, no +AC if small, resist dmg from crits while aware/mobile
**Weapons:** Loses light/gains heavy, increases dice size by one (including versatile)
**Other Items:** Increases damage dice size by one (even when used as improvised weapon) | x6 | Argentium | +3 | **Armor:** Resistance to damage from creatures vuln to silvered weapons
**Shields:** Adv on saves from creatures vuln to silvered weapons while aware/able to move
**Weapons & Other Items:** Counts as silvered, crits deal radiant damage | x3 | Deepiron | +4 | **Armor:** Imposes disadvantage on attacks from Fey and Celestials
**Shields:** Advantage on saves against effects from Fey and Celestials while aware/mobile
**Weapons & Other Items:** May reroll damage on Fey and Celestials, keep either result| x4 | Erudite **(D)**
*(not metal)
(arcane focus)*| +5 | **Armor:** Grants advantage on saves to maintain Concentration when used as focus
**Shields:** Grants +1 to Spell Save DC when used as focus
**Weapons:** Grants +1 to Spell Attack modifier when used as focus | x5 | Finimagus
*(cannot cast)* | +4 |**Armor:** Advantage on saving throws against spells
**Shields:** Successful spell saves take no damage (instead of 1/2) while aware/mobile
**Weapons:** Damage imposes disadvantage on concentration
**Other Items:** While bound or trapped, creatures cannot cast spells| x5 | Iron
*(1/2 HP)* | -2 | **Armor & Shields:** -1 to AC
**Weapons & Other Items:** -1 to damage rolls (minimum 1) | x0.75 | Meteoric Iron
*(Resists fire)* | +4 | **Armor:** Grants resistance to fire damage
**Shields:** Advantage on saves against fire damage while aware/mobile
**Weapons:** Crits deal +1 weapon damage die of fire damage| x6 | Mithral **(D)**
*(50% weight)
(Count as magical)* | +5 | **Armor:** Removes Strength requirement, add +3 Dex instead of +2 to medium armor
**Shields**: Light, +shield AC to Dexterity saves while aware/mobile
**Weapons**: One-handed weapons gain light, two-handed weapons lose heavy| x5 | Skyrite *
(Count as magical)* | +6 | **Armor:** d8 temp HP for 12 hours or until doffed after 10 minutes in sunlight (once/day)
**Shields:** Advantage on saves against being frightened or charmed while aware/mobile
**Weapons:** Crits stun Fiend, Aberration, Undead (Constitution save)
**Other Items:** Fiend, Aberration, Undead take d4 radiant damage on attempts to break/esc | x6 | Steel | - | **All Items:** No additional rules for items (see PHB p143 for base rules). | x1 | Quixotium
*(Fails trigger WM)* | +3 | **Armor & Sheilds:** Roll Wild Magic if damaged; on trigger, reduce dmg by 2 until next turn
**Weapons & Other Items:** Roll Wild Magic on hit/failed save; on trigger, deal force damage. | x2
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## Weapon Crafted Traits | Name | DC | Hours | Effect |Weapon Classifications |:-------- |:--:|:--: |---- |:------ | Attached Chain **(D)**\* | +2 | +1 | Grants advantage on checks/saves to hold onto weapon | Any | Chain Handle **(D)**\* | +3 | +2 | Grants versatile(same size), gain reach when using two hands | Any w/out two-handed | Balanced Weight | +4 | +2 | Adds thrown (15/40) | Any w/ light | Slim Design | +4 | +1 | Gain advantage on skill checks to conceal this weapon | Any w/ light | Deep Fuller | +4 | +1 | +1 to Save DC of poisons inflicted by attacks | Swords | Weighted End | +4 | +2 | On Crit, knock target prone (Strength save) | Hammers, Axes | Spiked End | +4 | +3 | On Crit, reduce target AC by 1 (solid armor only) | Hammers | Hooked Blade **(D)** | +4 | +2 | On Crit, grapple target (Strength save) | Axes | Sleek Design **(D)** | +5 | +3 | On Massive Crit, roll twice the dice and keep higher half | Any | Counterbalanced | +5 | +4 | On Massive Crit, roll 1d12 and add to the totaled damage | Any w/ two-handed | Wide Head | +5 | +4 | On Massive Crit, target is stunned (Strength save) | Hammers | Thick Blade/Haft | +5 | +2 | Grants adv on shove/push attempts with this weapon | Any w/ two-handed | Extended Grip | +5 | +3 | Lose finesse, inc. versatile die size or gain versatile(+2 sizes) | Swords w/out two-handed | Extended Haft | +5 | +2 | Gain reach and unwieldy | Axes, Hammers w/ two-handed | Serrated Edge **(D)**| +5 | +4 | If atk roll = AC +10 or higher, +1 weapon die of slashing dmg |Swords, Spears, Axes | Keen Edge **(C)** | +6 | +3 | +1 to Crit range | Swords, Spears, Axes | Fitted Grip **(D)** | +6 | +3 | May take -3 to attack roll for +Dex mod to damage rolls | Any ## Armor & Shield Crafted Traits | Name | DC | Hours | Effect|Armor Types |:-------- |:--:|:--:|---- |:------ | Sturdy Leg Plates **(C)** | +3 | +1 | **Armor:** Gain adv to resist push/knock prone. -5 ft speed (unless worn by dwarf) | Heavy | Plate/Ring Padding | +3 | +2 | **Armor:** Removes disadvantage for Stealth checks | Medium | Spiked | +4 | +2 | **Armor:** Deal d4 piercing damage at start of turn while grappled or grappling
**Shields:** Counts as weapon and shield, may be used for attacking, d4 piercing | All | Reinforced **(C)** | +5 | +2 | **Armor:** Adv on push/shove attempts if moved 15 or more ft in a straight line
**Shields:** May use bonus action to push target 5ft after making melee attack | All | Extra Plating **(C)** | +5 | +3| **Armor & Shields:** Reduce non-magical damage taken by 1. | All
#### Definition of Terms  ***Crit Range.*** Increases to Crit Range lower the target number required to roll a Critical Strike. These effects are cumulative with each other and are added after any change made to the default Critical Strike range (such as the Fighter Champion Archetype's *Improved Critical* feature). ***Massive Crit.*** An attack is considered a Massive Critical Strike when an attack with advantage scores a critical hit *and* the other attack roll would have beaten the Target's AC. ***Unwieldy.*** Attack rolls with this weapon of 5 are a critical failures (auto-miss) unless you have more than 20 Strength. ***Dice Sizes.*** A weapon's dice size is the dice rolled naturally for a basic attack with it. In order, they are:
1→1d4→1d6→1d8→2d4→1d10→1d12→2d6→2d8 When gaining versatile, the dice size is listed in reference to the weapon's original dice size. ***Save DC.*** Saving throws caused by crafted items come in two forms, either Weapon Item Saves or Armor Item Saves.   **Weapon Item Save DC = ** 8 + wielder's Attack modifier
  **Armor Item Save DC = ** 8 + crafter's Smith's Tools modifier used to craft the item ::: #### Rule Clarifications  **Rerolls.** You cannot reroll any dice once you have rerolled some/all of your dice. You cannot reroll rerolls. **Ammunition.** Crafted ammunition gains the Weapon benefits from Crafting Materials but cannot gain any Trait. **Spiked (Shield Trait).** Shields with spiked count as weapons as well as a shield. **Extra Plating (Armor Trait).** You can benefit from *Extra Plating* from up to one shield and up to one armor at the same time. This effect can be combined with resistance, but cannot be combined with other flat damage reductions. **Sleek Design.** The extra dice do not count as "rerolls." When choosing half, you must take one of each die that was doubled (i.e. you must be left with the same dice you would have rolled if this property did not trigger). **Hooked Blade.** If successful, the weapon cannot be used to attack until the grapple is ended (see PHB p195). **Attached Chain\* and Chain Handle\*.** These Traits require at least 10ft of chain as additional components. Bonuses from Crafting Materials used to make the chain do not contribute to the weapon, but passive effects do (including the inability to cast spells when weilded).
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\page # Games of Skill & Chance Money makes the world go 'round , and how better to grease the wheels than to play a few games of chance with new friends, potential enemies and even a few monsters. You'll find included in this manuscript some games of chance from across the realm to try your hand against and, with luck, hopefully come out with more coin than you started with. You can't lose every game, can you? #### Optional Rule: Altering minimum bets and payouts If your players are in a town or a location that is more well off than normal consider increasing the payout amounts compared to the local economy, and vice versa if the location is more run down or on hard times. Let the payout and minimum bets reflect the status of your world. You could even alter these based on who the party is gambling with, if it's a shady character have the minimum bet be higher and the payout be lower. | Town Wealth | Minimum Bet | Payout Mulitplier | |:------------:|:-----------------:|:-----------:| | Poor | x0.5 | x0.5 | | Comfortable | x1.0 | x1.5 | | Aristocratic | x2.0 | x2.0 | ## Dice Games The games contained under this section of the manuscript use dice both in-game and out of game. If any character has proficiency with gaming set (dice) they would generally be considered proficient while playing any of these and add their proficiency bonus on skill checks, such as slight of hand or deception, whilst playing any game that uses dice.
##### Slight of hand & Deception Using sleight of hand during the "raise, call, or fold" phase allows anyone to reroll one of their last dice; Deception can be used to force a fold from the other players or the dealer. At the DM's discretion any of these checks may have advantage or disadvantage.
### Avandra’s Favor **25 gold pieces minimum buy-in.** This dice game is deceptively simple and an easy way to lose gold in a hurry. “Roll the dice and may Avandra be with you!” * **Rules:** Players roll 2d6. If they add to a 7 or 12, the player wins. Gamblers can double the bet to add 1d6 to the total. Payout for winning players is 1:1 : ### Crown and Anchor **10 gold piece minimum buy-in.** One of the least played chance games due to the odds being staked ever so slightly against you. Anyone offering to play is most likely just out to take your money. While the game is very quick to play, it is almost impossible to get maximum payouts. * **Rules:** Pick a number and place a bet. The dealer rolls 3d6. If 1 die lands on your number, you get your money back. If 2 dice land on your number, you double your money. If all 3 dice land on your number, you triple it.
### Portholes **No minimum buy-in, betting is common.** Sometimes used to settle bets or just pass time while you are waiting for a caravan to travel with for the day. This game has existed for as long as anyone can remember, originially invented by sailors bored during their downtime while on long voyages. * **Rules:** Everyone rolls 2d10 and your score is the higher number you rolled. If you get doubles, you get to add you numbers together. Rolling two 0s is called Portholes, and that's the highest roll allowed. If there is a draw, the tied players get a single die each to break the tie.
### Tymora’s Spinner **10 gold pieces minimum buy-in.** * **Rules:** Each player chooses one of two options: choose a number between 1 and 20, or choose whether the result of the die roll will be odd or even. The dealer then rolls a d20. If a player chose a specific number, they win triple their bet if the die lands on said face. If a player chose between even or odd, they win 1.5 times their bet if the die lands on a correct face. A player loses otherwise.
### Musical Dice **5 gold pieces minimum buy-in.** * **Rules:** Players put in a bet then everyone who bet rolls a d10. Anyone with the same roll is out. Rounds continue with a d8, then d6, then d4. Any remaining people after that split the pot. If everyone is out, the pot carries over into the next game.
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\page ### Ship, Captain, and Crew **Drinking game, but betting is common** Also referred to as Ship of Fools, played in salty water-logged taverns and in the cramped quarters of a sea faring vessel. A favorite of pirates after a good haul of their latest bounty, or the rank and file of the Empire's Navy. People that get caught cheating usually end up with a knife lodged firmly between their ribs... you've been warned. * **Rules:** The game can be played with as few as two people, but is usually played in a group of five or more. You will need 5d6, the object of the game is to roll a six (the "ship"), a five ("captain"), and a four ("crew") with three dice, and get the highest score with the other two dice ("the ship's cargo") over the course of 3 rolls. All players must score their dice in the order of 6, 5, 4, afterwards they score their "Cargo". ## Card Games The games contained under this section of the manuscript use cards in-game and the cards are represented by dice out of game. If any character has proficiency with gaming set (playing cards) they would generally be considered proficient while playing any of these and add their proficiency bonus on skill checks, such as slight of hand or deception, whilst playing any game that uses cards.
##### Slight of hand & Deception Using sleight of hand during the "raise, call, or fold" phase allows anyone to reroll one of their last dice; Deception can be used to force a fold from the other players or the dealer. At the DM's discretion any of these checks may have advantage or disadvantage.
### Gambit of Ord **50 gold pieces minimum buy-in.** You bet against your fellows as well as the dealer in this game, aim high and you shall claim all of their coin for your own. * **Rules:** Each card player rolls 1d8 , keeping the die hidden. Each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it) , or fold . The game continues when all bets are equal. Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold . Each remaining player rolls 1d4, then all players reveal the d8, d6, and d4, adding them all together . Winner takes 80% of the pot (the other 20% goes to the casino) . Ties split the 80%.
### Beat the Dealer **1 gold piece minimum buy-in.** * **Rules:** You get two cards and the dealer gets two cards. You bet on which card you think will beat his then you turn it over. Automatically beat the dealer if he pulls an Ace
### Twenty-One **25 gold pieces minimum buy-in** * **Rules:** Player rolls 2d10. The dealer does the same, keeping the first die hidden. Each player, including the dealer, takes turns rolling any number of additional d10s. All die faces are face value, except for the 1, which can be worth 1 or 11. If the dealer scores a 21, all players lose. If a player scores a 21, they win. If neither occurs, a player loses if their total is less than the dealer’s, and wins if their total is greater than the dealer’s. Payout for winning players is 2 times their bet. If both the dealer and a player score a 21, that player wins their bet back 1:1. ### Hand of Fate **30 gold pieces minimum buy-in** * **Rules:** Each player rolls 1d12 and keeps their roll secret, the players have the chance to raise the bet, call the bet, or fold. This continues until all bets are equal. A d12 is then rolled which all players can see. Each player has a second chance to raise, call, or fold. A second and final d12 is rolled secretly and each player gets one last chance to raise, call, or fold. Once all bets are equal, all dice are revealed. The player with the highest combined total of their dice and the public die wins the pot. Ties split the total pot.
##### Has anyone seen my Herring? You may notice the public die doesn't really matter since it gets added to everyones roll. The real intention of it is to build the confidence of the players because it buffs up their total if the roll is high. It is there to distract the players away from their secret rolls and get caught up in the game to prompt an extra round of betting because chances are that a high public roll will mean more money flowing across the table.
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\page ## Hand Games Hand games are very rarely, if ever, bet upon. They are most often used by children playing together and having fun, although the rare exception does exist. The hand games most likely to have money involved are games of strength. ### Boulders, Parchment, Shears **No minimum buy-in, betting is very rare.** Another classic game played by children and those wishing to quickly settle an argument or make a decision about something. Mostly played light-heartedly or could be used to as a subtle way to settle a score or very small debt. * **Rules:** Played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "boulder" (a closed fist), "parchment" (a flat hand), and "shears" (a fist with the index finger and middle finger extended, forming a V). On the count of three each player chooses a shape by making it with their hand, the winner is decided as follows: _Boulder_ beats _Shears_, _Shears_ beats _Parchment_, and _Parchment_ beats _Boulder_. If both players choose the same shape it is a draw and no winner is declared for the round. ## Coin Games The games contained under this section of the manuscript use coins both in-game and out of game. > ##### What can I use as coins? > Any coin-like object (something with two sides) can be used to represent the coins in-game. It can be a actual coin in whatever currency you use in real life, or another option is some fantasy coins you may have picked up. If you use this choice you can enhance realism by letting the players keep any coin(s) they win. If you have nothing else you can use a small circle or strip of paper with heads written on one side and tails written on the other.
### Swords **1 silver piece minimum buy-in.** The favorite game of a traveling merchant who picked it up from a circus act during his travels. The concept is fairly simple although it's execution is more luck than anything else. If you ask him though, he'll say he found a foolproof way to win. * **Rules:** Played between two people. One even, the other odd. Each player has a coin and must secretly turn the coin to heads or tails. The players then reveal their choices simultaneously. If the coins match (both heads or both tails), then _Even_ keeps both coins, so wins one from _Odd_ (+1 for Even, −1 for Odd). If the coins do not match (one heads and one tails) _Odd_ keeps both coins, so receives one from _Even_ (−1 for Even, +1 for Odd). This trend continues until either player is out of coins or decides to stop playing. ## Miscellaneous Games **Place holder text, fill in later.** ### Quon A Drensal, “Run of Luck” **Racing lizards game, 25 gold pieces minimum buy-in.** Quon a Drensal is an age-old traditional game and the namesake of the casino your party finds themselves in. Four small desert lizards are released in a small maze-like track that rests upon the table. The lizards themselves are in separate cages at the end of a table until released to race. * **Rules:** Roll 1d4 for each lizard three times, describing the stages of the race at each round of rolls. The lizard with the highest roll total wins, and those who bet on it double their bet as winnings. Second place bet gets half of their bet back, rounded down. ### Dragonchess **Chess game, no minimum buy-in, betting is rare.** Refined, intelligent and gentlemanly are words typically associated with this entertaining game. Most often used as a test of wits and social grace, there is very little if any luck involved and most of the game is using tactics to move your pieces into the proper positions so they can finish off your opponents pieces. You'll find this game within the social elites that think gambling to be "low class" and beneath them. * **Rules:** Played between two people who see who gets the best 2 out of 3 in a series of Intelligence (Dragonchess), Wisdom (Insight), and Charisma (Deception) checks.
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\page # Character History ## Current (alphabetical) ### Agonis (SuperJedi) Born from a High Elven father and a human mother. My mother was robbed and murdered for her interracial relations by a purist human. My father, wanting nothing to do with a bastard child, abandoned me to the city Dorrington. Forced to survive and hide my heritage, I stole what money or food I could. I was discovered by a member of the organization of rogues known as, The Orphanage. Taking odd jobs, notably illegal, I began cementing my reputation within the underground. Having been stepped on and looked down upon by the higher classes, I have grown to despise those of riches and power. Seizing opportunity, I escaped poverty by stealing jewelry coveted by the members of House Devereaux and using the payout to buy passage out of Dorrington. Rarely in a place for more than a few weeks, I go where the promise of work takes me. The wealthier the mark, the better. ### Darius Woodville (Sparhawk) Darius Woodville was born to Margrave Thaddeous Woodville's younger brother, and grew up in the town of Newberry. he grew up as most children of nobles did, his father paid the platinum price, so he spent his time learning the inner workings of both politics and Economics, although his uncle would tell him that the two are the same. As he came of age, he left Newberry to make something of himself, and joined the merchant house Naerhand, using his expertise to amass wealth and earn influence with the the government and other powerful organizations in the north. Years later, he abruptly left the north, returning to his homeland with grand ideas to grow the wealth of Newberry and the western lakes.
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\page ### Emie the Mighty (Latia) I began as an archaeologist beginning college in Anteroria to learn wizardry. I found my spell book while exploring an old ruins. When I discovered the spells worked for me I enrolled in the college to learn everything I could about wizardry. I have been observing this group since the destruction of Anteroria by scrying. One day I glimpsed the destruction of Anteroria. I tried to warn collogues but no one listened. I stole a staff, the Hat of Wizardry, and as many relevant books I could carry from the college and fled north. (Note on Hat of Wizardry. Silken top had made to measure a large man. However it is violently fuchsia with a green silk band and a tiny silver bell sown in on the inside. Most people looking at it tend to stare in horror, but when I look at it I can scry things.) I took the long journey around Jitka. I was avoiding the destruction, and taking the train as much as possible northward. I had to put as much distance between myself and Anteroria as I could. I'm side tracked by ruins and rumors of ruins and spend much of 4 years investigating these sites or searching out the rumored sites. Being short on funds resulted in my selling most of my archaeology gear and taking odd jobs to pay for food and traveling expenses as I traveled into northern Limnia. I was spending most nights in my tent because inn rooms are too expensive. One evening, while following the group's movements to Rolfstein, I scry them recovering the shard. Something, that until now had only existed in books. It has been a very difficult job tracking this group. I'm always 10 steps behind. And I'm unable to catch up because they travel with impossible speed. If its true, maybe I can help them. But everywhere they go they sow chaos and disaster follows. Are they the baddies? :::::::::::::::::: ### Edouart Dantes (Whiskey) I have no background and its sad.
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\page ### Levi Stigen (Sparhawk) Levi is young man standing at 5'11" with short brown hair, and a clean shaven face. He only has one Arm, as the other was magically disintegrated, and that same magic prevents it from ever being re-grown. He wears leather armor over top of commoners clothing, made up of linen and hides. While Levi is recharged from a mana well, glowing veins of what seem to be lightning appear, in almost a spiderweb pattern running from the stump of his right arm to his heart, as well as his eyes crackle with lightning, and glow blue ever so slightly. Levi was born to a wealthy family in Limnea. His father was a retired adventurer, and his mother a scribe and historian at the temple of Epim in Cotza. Levi grew up listening to the tales of his fathers adventures, but the one about finding a magical well filled with a glowing substance truly fascinated him. His father and mother let him do what he wished to, and as such, he spent most of his time outdoors, sometimes fishing, sometimes visiting the market and watching the different craftsmen work, and sometimes still wandering the forests and valleys in the surrounding areas. During one of those little adventures in the woods, Levi, who was 7 at the time, felt like something was calling to him from a distance away, and being young and curious, he followed that call, which eventually led him to the a ruin, with a small pool of colored liquid in it. Remembering his father story, he excitedly reached out and put his right hand into the liquid. Pure Mana shot up his arm, and into his body, but his young body couldn't handle the raw mana, and his right arm disintegrated from the shock, and it knocked him out for an entire day. Being only 7 years old, the boy was so overwhelmed by this, he spent hours screaming and crying in pain, before his father found him, and took him home. Now permanently marked by the well, his father tried to get his name out of the running for the platinum contract, but even missing an arm, he was still considered able bodied, and three months later, he was shipped off to Pottersbee, and the Guild of Fine Carvers. The next 13 years went by as a normal persons would. with being out contact with a mana well, his powers lay dormant and un-noticed, as he spent his time learning his trade. On his 20th birthday, the contract finally ended, and unlike the usual workers who sign new adult contracts, Levi Left immediately, spent his money only on basic necessities, as he felt drawn to another well. Levi spent the next 2 years of his life traveling around, searching for more Mana Wells, and attempting to learn more about their power, and investigating the ruins that hold the wells. One day, after he recharged his powers from a well, he felt a surge of magic, and found himself face to face with a Woman, who he would come to know as Ariel. She spoke words laced with raw mana, attempting to enslave his mind, but Levi resisted by resisting with all the mana in his body. However, Ariel just smiled, and tried again and again. Levi resisted the control a total of five times, before falling under her control, enslaved, and powerless. During the few months under her control, Levi fought many a creature she summoned for her own amusement, barely surviving every time, but unable to resist, until Victor appeared. Victor broke her Control over all of those enslaved there, and brought them back to relative safety, but at a great cost.
KalXen's Campaign
\page ### Rolf (Whiskey) My father was a wine merchant which is why he was traveling up north on business wherein he stayed at my grandfathers inn where he met my mother and they fell in love with each other but life was not pleasant for parents with the racist overtones they had to endure, especially my mother and older sister. So my father decided that it would be best if he gave up focusing on selling his wines and move south to his vineyard and focus on production for my mother and sisters sake. My father paid for my older sisters platinum contract but despite our family having money it would have been a substatial cost and my father believed that serving the contract would build character and set me on my own path in life. At the time I thought he was being cheap and condemned him for it but after a few years I realized he was right and if he hadn't sent me I wouldn't have made so many friends.. or lost them. I left home before my younger sister came of age for her contract so I don't know what became of her. Father: Isaac Glynnan Mom: Renna Glynnan, née Dalar Older sister: Ventora Glynnan Younger sister: Iselyn Glynnan I joined the LaRue noble family who were followers of Celesta (CGood), they were devout and thus hated Manjigore (CEvil). In the early days of when the cities were being rebuilt, packs of Wolven devout to Majigore were known to strike out at singled out travelers. As the cities grew, the need to fight off the packs grew. The Valiant Knights of LaRue were known to protect travelers on the high road, the long stretch between Anteria and Limnea. They took and gave refuge in small forts/camps set up along the road every few days travel, and would protect travelers from these. It was here that I served my platinum contract for ten years and stayed in service for another five years. One particular trip up north escorting the LaRue family and a large population of travellers we made camp inside Direwood Fort, what I remember most about that night, besides the sounds of my friends dying was how supernaturally long as if the light was leeched from the sky too soon.. and the cold... the temperature was as biting as the Wolven. At some point during the chaos after the wolven breached the courtyard and were slaughtering us and I realized I would die that night before I could fulfill my purpose that I did what I had to do, a pact was made on that evening for the power to survive. When the sun finally rose that day and I could see the gruesome scene laid out before me, the largest pack of wolven to ever attack. Their numbers were so vast that they used their dead to get over the stone walls. It took us several weeks to bury the dead in the frozen ground and with a just a handful of knights remaining and the LaRue family dead my brothers of the order quietly went their separate ways. After some time wandering the pull that I've always felt about needing to be somewhere at a specific time kept getting stronger as I travelled north. As my legs took me to where I needed to be I eventually set upon a farm that was set ablaze, rounding the corner of a simple cottage stood before me a demon standing over a man wrapped in chains, as the demon monologued loudly he did not hear my footsteps as I approached and sent my halbred through him. ### Zymar (Lunaga) Tall and of Wiry build, with golden eyes shining out from grey skin, and a clean shaven head. Covered in tattoos, and wearing an ugly mismatch of things, a tattered shirt, a kilt, a backpack made of a full sized wolven's head, and gleaming boots with cute little wings on them. Born in the wilds of Limnia, to a family of nomads, outrunning the Wolven and exploring was part of his daily life as a lad, leading to his slightly feral personality, but strong sense of family and protecting those he considers such. His family missed their luck in his teens, when he was out exploring on his own getting slaughtered by a pack of those fucking man-dogs... He began to train himself, relying on his body, and the few things he's found in ruins along the way, into a killing machine devoted to slaying any wolf kind he manages to find with a fervor. Few years back he feel in with this group of other crazies... some kooky wizard who mutters to himself a lot, some odd witch lady... this dude in a metal suit he swears he built... well... they are all insane, and too reliant on their weird ways instead of themselves... but they try to do good work! Think I may have to protect them until they see the light.
KalXen's Campaign
\page ## Past Characters
| Name | Info | |:----:|:-------------| | Anastasia Eva Ambrose (Deveraux) | Missing | Ash Fangborn | Dead | Atherton Morton| Reincarnated as Rolf | Aurdor Undergallows| Retired drunk | Berit | Dead | Beautrice Flannigan| Prostitute | Laneth Heldon| Dead | Elayna Nord| ? | Ethan | ? | Gabriela | Dead | GH-59365 (Greg)| | Gronock Thokk| Prisoner | Isang | ? | Imelda | ? | Knutt | ? | Kurbag "The Hammer"| ? | Leonard Lumsey| ? | Mialee Ravenwolf| ? | Pavle Bersk| ? | Phillip Merrow| ? | Raven| ? | Regan Amafrey| Dead | TariShara| ? | Tynial Lightfoot| ? | Victor Varnhagen| Dead
KalXen's Campaign