## Cosmic Sorcery Your power comes from a deep connection to the radiant energy of the cosmos. At some point in your life, or in the lives of your ancestors, an event occurred that bestowed this gift upon you. You may have discovered the pieces of a fallen star, or witnessed a rare celestial event like a solar eclipse, or even made contact with a being from the outer reaches. Regardless of how this connection formed, the power of the cosmos dwells within you and suffuses you with its light. At your option, you can pick from or roll on the Cosmic Sorcerer Quirks table to create a quirk for your character. ##### Cosmic Sorcerer Quirks | d6 | Quirk | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | You tend to glow when stressed. | 2 | The light of stars glows behind your eyes. |3| Your skin is hot to the touch. |4| In the right light there is a faint corona of light that surrounds you. |5| You are oddly light on your feet, as if your gravity is pointing the wrong way. |6| You smell faintly of ozone. | ##### Cosmic Sorcery Features | Sorcerer Level| Features | |:---:|:-------------| | 1st | Cosmic Soul, Radiant Mote | 6th | Solar Flare, Shooting Star | 14th | Comet's Flight |18th | Solar Reckoning| #### Cosmic Soul Starting at 1st level, you have dark vision with a range of 120 feet. You always know which direction is north and when you can see the sky you can't get lost except by magical means. #### Radiant Mote Starting at 1st level, you can create motes of radiant light that orbit you and shield you from harm. As an action, you can create a number of motes by expending an equal number of Sorcery Points. Each mote you create lasts for 1 hour and you can have a maximum amount of motes equal to your Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum of 1) . Additionally, you can create up to 2 motes without expending Sorcery Points, but can not do so again until you finish a short or long rest. As long as you are not wearing armor or carrying a shield, you gain a bonus to saving throws equal to the number of motes and a bonus to AC equal to half of that (minimum of 1). While you have at least one mote you shed bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10 feet. > ##### Credits >**Created** by [Ether3al3](https://www.reddit.com/user/ether3al3)
>**Artwork:** [Fireball](https://www.gmbinder.com/images/0fYxdTY.jpg) by cobaltplasma
#### Solar Flare Starting at 6th level, when you begin casting a spell that does fire damage you can make its damage type radiant instead. Additionally, if you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that does fire or radiant damage you regain a mote. #### Shooting Star Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell, you can expend a mote and send it shooting towards a target that you can see within 60 feet. Make a ranged spell attack, if you hit, the target takes 2d6 radiant damage. When you reach 14th level, the damage of this ability increases to 4d6. #### Comet's Flight Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to surround yourself in a glowing nimbus. While the nimbus is present, you gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet and can hover. The nimbus lasts until you are incapacitated, you die, or you dismiss it as a bonus action. #### Solar Reckoning At 18th level, you are suffused with the power of the stars. You gain resistance to fire damage, immunity to radiant damage, and you cannot be blinded. Your mote maximum increases by 2. While you have at least one mote, whenever an enemy ends their turn within 10 feet of you, they takes radiant damage equal to your number of motes, and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take additional radiant damage equal to half of your Sorcerer level. If they fail their saving throw, as a reaction, you can expend a mote and they become blinded until the end of their next turn.