# Martial Archetype Different fighters choose different approaches to perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to emulate reflects your approach. ### Unnamed Fighter Archetype This archetype represents a warrior who can take the simplest weapons and make them deadly, dangerous and useful #### Always Ready Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this archetype, you are proficient with improvised weapons, in addition your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage #### Weapon Specialization Also at 3rd level you choose a simple melee weapon to specialize in from the list below, and gain benefits based on your choice. Some of the following specializations require a saving throw, in this case the DC is equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity or Strength modifier (Your Choice) **Dagger** You have advantage on ability checks made to conceal daggers, in addition when you hit a creature of large size or smaller with a dagger you may attempt a "brow cut". When doing so you cut the space above a creature's eye causing blood to obscure their vision, they must make a constitution saving throw vs your specialization DC or be blinded **Spear** when wielding a spear in one hand you may increase it's damage die to 1d8 as long as you hold a shield in the other hand, in addition spears now have the "reach" property for you **QuarterStaff** When wielding a quarterstaff with two hands you gain +1 AC, in addition when you hit a creature of large size or smaller with a quarterstaff, you may attempt a tripping attack. The creature must make a strength saving throw vs your specialization DC or be knocked prone ``` ```
#### Placeholder At 7th level, #### Placeholder At 10th level #### Placeholder Starting at 15th level #### Placeholder At 18th level