# The Night Before Krampus
##### A horror-themed Christmas adventure where during a massive christmas eve feast most of the party goers have been massacred and killed with blood and gore scattered about Santa's workshop. Your goal is simple, survive Christmas Eve and hopefully liberate the workshop and save Christmas.
\page ## Adventure Background It's Christmas Eve in Faerun and before Santa embarks on his mission to deliver gifts around the world, his annual Christmas party begins at his Workshop in a very rare and mostly unknown continent in the far, far north. Unfortunately though, some things take a turn for the worse and some key guests go missing including Santa Claus himself. With time ticking down until Christmas morning, you have no other choice than to figure out what has happened at the Workshop and find Santa or the spirit of Christmas could be in jeopardy. ## The Players The adventure is geared towards Level 7 players and introduces the option of playing as six pre-made characters that each have their own stories and uniqueness tied into this adventure. It's recommended you have at least three or four players, not counting the DM to make the adventure as fun as possible. Each playable character brings their own skills and one unique item to the adventure to aid in completion and add a bit of replayability. Of course, you can play as Original Characters as well and score the unique items by looting the corpses of the playable characters that weren't chosen. > ##### Dungeon Master Note > Don't reveal the ***Unique Items*** to the players, just read each character's information. Let them know what their unique items are once everyone has chosen. ### Father Kringle, Human Paladin Father Kringle is a human **Oath of the Ancients** paladin and is the mayor of the neighboring town of Hollyshire which is a town in a constant state of celebrating the holidays. Not only is he the mayor, but he is what he considers a mascot for the holidays, always dressed up as a version of Santa Claus, albeit a bit more muscular and what someone people would consider a very attractive man. He has a long bushy white beard that reaches slightly past his chest and ice-blue eyes. Just like Santa, he has flushed red cheeks and wears very tiny glasses over his eyes. He's around 54 years old and stands roughly 6'3" and is heavily muscular. Coming to the party, he came dressed in a long red hooded cotton cloak similar to the one Santa wears with a gold trim around it. Beneath the cloak he wears a hardened set of armor made from a Pine tree which gives off a constant scent of pine. His weapon of choice is a large two-handed club like weapon in the shape of a massive candy cane made from a hard, yet unknown substance anywhere else in Faerun. He percieves himself as a brave and courageous man and is always in high spirits when celebrating the holidays. ***Unique Item.*** Sleigh Bells ### Zeke, White Dragonborn Sorcerer Zeke is a White Dragonborn and has followed the path of a **Storm Sorcerer**. He is reponsible for most of the Christmas themed magic seen around the Workshop such as the falling snow, twinkling ethereal lights and the constant sound of Christmas music seemingly playing from out of thin air. He's a very intelligent dragonborn, but often comes across as abrasive and usually talks down to those he deems less intelligent, but most of the time he doesn't realize he's talking down to people until someone points it out. He isn't the most perceptive when it comes to other people and generally prefers to lead a solitary life and usually he isn't too pleased coming to the Christmas party every year, but he gets paid for it handsomely so he does what he must. He wears an olive-green hooded robe with sprigs of mistletoe sewn into the fabric for the holidays. His staff, which doubles as his walking stick is made from obsidian and nestled at the top of the staff is a snowglobe with a miniature of Santa's workshop. In terms of combat, he prefers to whack people with his quite heavy staff, or use his plethora of spells he usually has cooked up. ***Unique Item.***Enchanted Snowglobe ### Grom Wolfsbane, Dwarf Ranger Grom is a very well known **Hunter** Ranger across Faerun, mostly for his severe facial disfigurements from his time spent hunting the most dangerous of beasts. His most noticeable disfigurement are the massive claw-like scars covering the left side of his head, where his left eye is also missing and left with a gaping hole that has healed and scarred quite horribly. He's slightly younger than Kringle, at 51 years of age. He's usually in a drunken state and is known for being loud, gruff and obnoxious. He has decided to wear a cloak made from the furs of a Polar Bear and beneath that he wears a set of leather armor handed down through his family for hundreds of years. It's stained a dark brown and on the chest piece has the death date for every previous owner of the armor scratched into it. Unlike most Rangers, he hates using bows and instead uses a trusty Musket that he had built for him personally as well as a handaxe which most people would use for cutting logs, Grom has used it on countless occassions to bring down dangerous beasts. He's bald, save for a very long reddish beard that is speckled gray. His remaining eye is a gray-blue colour and is often glazed over with drunkenness. He has been tasked with bringing the numerous meats from wild-game, as well as the massive kegs of ale for the party. ***Unique Item.*** Neverending Flask \page ### Pillow, Gnome Artificer Pillow is a Gnome and a **Mechanist** Artificer wich has earned her the spot as Santa's top Gnome and head Toy Maker at the Workshop. She is one of main driving forces behind the party every year and is usually seen accomponied by her holiday themed construct, ***Tinman*** which is a Nutcracker Soldier made out of metal and wood. She has a wild and energetic personality, and with that throughout the years has caused Zeke to develop a slight hatred of her, but she doesn't notice this and doesn't percieve her personality and energy as bothering anyone. She has wild neon-pink hair tied into two spiked pigtails and has lavender coloured eyes. She has a pair of goggles strapped to her forehead and wears her usual Christmas attire which is a green cotton tunic covered in various buckles and straps, and brown checkered leggins with knee high red leather boots with bells on the tips. Her weapon of choice is a Rapier made from ice and snow and enchanted by Santa himself to use for protection and hand down to her family. ***Unique Item.*** Bag of Toys and map of the Workshop. \page
### Rudolph, Firbolg Druid Rudolph is well known as one of Santa's reindeer and the guiding light to see during the worst of snowstorms, however many people don't know that Rudolph is actually a Firbolg **Circle of the Moon** Druid who was employed by Santa to wildshape as a reindeer and help pull his sleigh around during Christmas for the promise of gold and place to live free of charge. Due to this, Rudolph is easily annoyed by Christmas in general and has developed a hatred for reindeer and deer shaped animals in general. He's a very grumpy and bitter member of the group but will save Santa mainly because he pays him and has given him a place to live and without Santa he fears he'd be back out living on his own. His nose is cherry red in colour, which was done as a permanent enchantment by Santa himself and was one of the costs he had to make to live in the Workshop free of charge. During the adventure, and much to his chagrin he's wearing a pair of fake reindeer antlers on his head and a very garish and ugly woolen sweater knit for him by Mrs Clause which depecits all of the reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh, with built in twinkling Christmas lights. He also wears a pair of woolen, neon green pants and a pair of black leather boots to cover his feet. His Druidic Focus is ironically, a small toy version of a Reindeer tied off to his waist which is made from pine needles, rosemary and pine tree branches. He isn't trained with using weapons and instead, if he needs to defend himself will just turn into animals or punch people. ***Unique Item.*** Reindeer Whistle
### Wilshire Lightclaw, Tiefling Cleric Wilshire Lightclaw also hails from Hollyshire and is a Tiefling **Trickery Domain** Cleric and is responsible for giving the blessings during the yearly feast held at Santa's Workshop and hence his involvement. Him and Father Kringle have a friendly relationship and have known each other long before the yearly parties. He is known for his love of pranks and practical jokes during the festivities. His skin has a purple hue to it and his eyes are pure black like charcoal. His holiday outfit consists of a gray wool tunic with sleighbells tied off around the waist, causing them to jingle with every step. He's also wearing a green coloured Santa hat and a pair of lens-less glasses with a candy cane colour design painted onto them. His pants are black and made from leather where his feet he is wearing a pair of slippers designed to look like polar bears eating his feet. His weapon of choice is a wooden club wreathed in flashing christmas lights and mistletoe berries. He sees himself as a light-hearted and comedic fellow often trying to find the humor in any situation. His deity that he follows and has belief in is Tymora, Goddess of Fortune. ***Unique Item.*** Enchanted Mistletoe
> ##### Unselected Player Characters > The player characters not selected can be found during the adventure as corpses, where the players can loot their bodies for the unique items they carry. > >Decriptions and uses for the **Unique Items** can be found on page of this adventure. ___ > ## Tinman, Pillow's Construct >*Medium construct, neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 12 > - **Hit Points** 42(5d10 + 5) > - **Speed** 30ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|17 (+3)|10 (+0)|16 (+3)|2 (-4)|7 (-2)|5 (-3)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** charmed, poisoned > - **Damage Immunities** poison > - **Senses** darkvision 60ft,. > - **Languages** understands the languages you speak but cannot speak. > ___ > ***Arcane Sight.*** You develop an arcane link with you servant’s sensors. You can use an action to don a special pair of goggles of your own design and see through your construct’s eyes. These goggles are uniquely calibrated to you. If another creature looks through the goggles they see only blackness. > ### Actions > ***Fists.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. > > ***Black Powder Rifle.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, range 30/60ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d8) piercing damage. Upon shooting, the weapon needs to be reloaded as an Action. \page ## The Unique Character Items ### Sleigh Bells The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Sleigh Bells, the player rings the bells and any creature who hasn't yet seen the player using the bells is drawn towards the position where the bells were rung if it fails on a Wisdom check of 10. If it succeeds, it acts as if it heard nothing. Good for distracting foes! ### Enchanted Snowglobe The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Enchanted Snowglobe, one snowman pops up around the user. This snowman is alive and listens to the commands of the user, no questions asked. The snowmen vanish upon death, being dismissed as an action, or after 10 minutes of real time. Only one can be active at a time! ___ > ## Snowman >*Medium construct, unalligned* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 11 > - **Hit Points** 20 (2d10+5) > - **Speed** 25ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|11 (0)|10 (0)|10 (0)|8 (-1)|8 (-1)|8 (-1)| >___ > - **Damage Immunities** cold > - **Damage Vulerabilities** fire > - **Damage Resistances** cold > - **Condition Immunities.** poison > - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP) > ___ > ### Actions > ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage +2 cold damage. > > ***Snowball.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, range 30/60ft., one target. *Hit* 4 (1d6) cold damage. ### Neverending Flask The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Neverending Flask, the user can pour any liquid inside the flask and then the flask will hold an infinite amount of that liquid. Changing out liquids in the flask uses up one of the three daily uses. Only one liquid be active at a time! ``` ``` ### Bag of Toys The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Bag of Toys, the user rolls 1d10 to determine the type of toy pulled from the bag. Each toy has its own uses during the adventure. A list of what the toys can do can be found below this. Only one toy be pulled at a time! Once the toy is pulled from the bag it can no longer be pulled from the bag until the day is over. The toys pulled can be given to other players. ##### Bag of Toys | 1d10 | Toy List | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | Chattering Teeth | | 2 | Toy Gun | | 3 | Toy Sword | | 4 | Water Balloon | | 5 | Stink Bomb | | 6 | Rocking Horse | | 7 | Toy Train | | 8 | Teddy Bear | | 9 | Miniature Lute| | 10 | Miniature Beholder| ### Reindeer Whistle The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Reindeer Whistle, the user calls forth one of Santa's Reindeer. It can serve as as a mount or be used to navigate the Workshop. Upon death, the Reindeer fades from existence. The Reindeer can be dismissed as a Bonus Action. If used for navigation, the Reindeer is controlled by the DM and will guide the players for 5 minutes of real time upon being asked questions. After this, the Reindeer fades from existence. Only one Reindeer may be active at a time. ##### Reindeer Mount | Speed | Carrying Capacity | |:----:|:-------------| | 35 ft | 540 lb | > ##### For The DM! > The Reindeer shares the same stats and actions as the Giant Elk from the Monster Manual. ### Enchanted Mistletoe The player who holds this item can use it up to 3x a day. Upon using the Enchanted Mistletoe, any creature within 5 feet and with a challenge rating of 1 or less becomes Charmed and listens to your every command. The effect of this charm lasts until your death, you become unconcious, or the creature dies. Only one creature may be charmed at a time. \page ### Bag Of Toys; Items #### Chattering Teeth The chattering teeth are a pair of windup teeth that once pulled from the bag, must be deployed. They move around in a 10ft radius making loud chomping sounds. Any creature within 30ft of the Chattering Teeth become distratced by the teeth and will move towards the teeth to investigate. The chattering lasts for 30 seconds. #### Toy Gun The toy gun is a wooden gun contraption that fires out small wooden pellets with a range of 30/60ft. The pellets deal 1d4-1 of bludgeoning damage and can be fired two times before becoming useless. #### Toy Sword The toy sword is a small wooden sword designed for children and has a reach of 5ft and when used as a weapon it deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. It can be used three times before it breaks and becomes useless. #### Water Balloon The water balloon is an enchanted burlap bag that contains an unknown of water. When thrown, the balloon bursts and releases 1d4 gallons of water onto whatever it hits. It has a range of 30/45 feet. #### Stink Bomb The stink bomb is small vial filled of a swirling green gas. When thrown and upon hitting a target it breaks open and releases a cloud of foul-smelling gas in a 15ft radius. Any target inside the gas has disadvantage on Perception checks. The gas lasts for 1 minute. It has a range of 30/45 feet. #### Rocking Horse The Rocking Horse is a small wooden horse that can be turned into a full-sized Wooden Horse as an Action. Upon doing so, the Wooden Horse becomes a mount with a speed of 35 feet and a carrying capacity of 250 lbs. It turns to dust in 10 realtime minutes or if it becomes the recpient of damage as it only has 1 HP. #### Toy Train The Toy Train is a small metallic trainset that can be given a specific route to take that the player deploying the train has already seen and followed. Once the train reaches its destination it turns into dust. The Toy Train has a speed of 45 feet and a carrying weight capacity of 30 lbs. #### Teddy Bear As an Action the Teddy Bear can be polymorphed into one of four types of bears after rolling 1d4. The bear listens to and follows the commands of the player who used the toy. The Bear vanishes if killed, if the player is knocked unconcious/killed, or dismissed as an action.

##### Teddy Bear Summons | 1d4 | Bear Type | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | Black Bear | | 2 | Brown Bear | | 3 | Polar Bear | | 4 | Owlbear | #### Miniature Lute The Miniature Lute can be used to add 1d4 inspiration dice to any player within 30ft of the user of this toy. Upon being used, this toy turns to dust. \page #### Miniature Beholder The Miniature Beholder toy summons a tiny version of a Beholder once smashed onto the ground. The Mini-Beholder is 3 feet tall and weighs 150 lbs and is considered a Small creature. It is purple in colour and its eyestalks have small reindeer antlers on each. Unlike normal Beholders, the miniature only has three eye-stalks. The Mini-Beholder listens to the every command of the player that summoned it and will vanish from existence if the player is killed or knocked unconcious, or if it's killed or dismissed as an Action. ___ > ## Miniature Beholder >*Small aberration, unaligned* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 13 > - **Hit Points** 45 > - **Speed** 0ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|9 (-1)|16 (+3)|15 (+2)|13 (+1)|15 (+2)|12 (+1)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** prone > - **Senses** darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 16 > - **Languages** Deep Speech, Undercommon, telepathy 120ft > - **Challenge** 3 (700 XP) > ___ > ***Summoned Speech.*** The Miniature Beholder can speak and understand any language of whomever summoned it. > > ### Actions > ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 2 (1d6 - 1) piercing damage. > > ***Eye Rays.*** The Miniature Beholder shoots up to two of the following magical eye rays at one or two creatures it can see within 90 feet of it. It can use each ray only once on a turn. > *1. Confusion Ray.* The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or it can't take reactions until the end of its next turn. On its turn the target can't move and it uses its action to make a melee or ranged attack against a randomly determined creature within range. It the target can't attack, it does nothing. > *2. Freezing Ray.* The target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or it takes 1d8+2 cold damage. The target then makes another DC 12 Constitution saving throw or they become Petrified until freed by the Greater Restoration spell or other magic. > *3. Healing Ray.* The Miniature Beholder can spit out a healing ray at a target. The target is then healed for 1d8+2 Hit Points and any Condition effects on that target are removed. \page ## Adventure Hook Unknown to the players, the evil Christmas being, Krampus has arrived at Santa's workshop to dish out some holiday punishment and has massacred most of Santa's work-force and has taken Santa somewhere unknown and has taken over the Workshop for himself while his nefarious deeds are set into motion. Players will come across some truly horrific scenes and enconter lots of gore to fit with the horror theme at Christmas. Their goal is simple, track down Krampus and end him and hopefully save Santa in the process. They won't know right away who's responsible, that's up to you to lead them towards that goal as best as you can! And if they stumble from that path and never find out what is happening, then that's good too. > ##### Hey you, Dungeon Master! > You read the notes in the white boxes out-loud to the players. Everything else, you keep to yourself to help run the adventure. Reminds the players that they start the adventure weaponless and must find the room where their weapons are stored for the duration of the party. ### Outside The Workshop
The snow is falling in a peaceful manner, and the sounds of Christmas music can be heard as it drifts through the winter night. The smell of roasting meats fills your senses and the laughter and chatter amongst friends fills your ears. As you stand there outside in the snow you can't help but smile and feel festive at the sights surrounding you. Santa's Workshop is a beautiful location spanning for hundreds of acres in either direction leading into a truely unknown environment. The building itself stands tall and proud in front of you. Four stories of solid wood and some of the best craftsmanship you have ever witnessed in your time spent in Faerun. It is decorated in a vast array of Christmas herbs and Christmas trees have been erected all across the landscape and are filled with beautiful ornaments from every continent imaginable. The snow is coming down heavily, but nobody seems to mind the almost blizzard-like conditions, everyone is enjoying themselves too much to care with the plethora of wild game roasting on spits and the nearby kegs which have been tapped to allow the guests a chance to drink some of the finest ales in Faerun.
* This would be a good place to allow the characters to introduce themselves and enter into their first roleplaying experience. Their character descriptions and backstories you provide them at the start of the session should help them if they're new to roleplaying and D&D.
As you all finish introducing yourselves your attention is immediately given to a loud booming voice standing ontop of the steps leading into the Workshop. Upon turning to face the figure you all catch the first real glimpse of Santa Claus himself, a somewhat fat, elder gentleman in a beautiful red cloak and velvet red coat. His long white beard reaching his waist and a small red hat nestled tightly ontop his head. He takes a look around at the gathered crowd and begins to speak, a somewhat silky and smooth voice exiting from his lips. ***Santa*** : "I'd like to thank you all for coming to this year's Chrismas Feast. For those of you who don't know, or have never been, this is a yearly feast I put together every year in honor of the holidays and for all the friends and family we've made during the year. It's a time for reflection, compassion, charity and most importantly, a bloody good time!" He raises a glass of wine held in one his chubby hands, to which everyone else in the gathered crowd does as well and each of you down the blood-red liquid and feel comfort as it warms your insides. He begins to gesture to certain people in the crowd, those of which you recognize as the people you had just met moments prior. ***Santa*** : "This party wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of a select few out there. *Father Kringle*, the mayor of the nearby town of Hollyshire, he always shows up with a smile on his face and welcoming arms! *Zeke*! The beautiful and white-scaly friend over there! He's responsible for all the lovely lights floating around tonight. Be sure to give him a hand for that. You wouldn't be eating, nor drinking tonight without this man, *Grom Wolfsbane!* He's the dwarf who's supplied us with all this great meat and ale. I think he deserves some bloody applause. My top gnome, *Pillow* who not only serves as my top toymaker, she also is the one who organizes this whole shindig every year! I'd be lost and crazy without her. *Rudolph*, what can I say about him? Those of you in attendence get to discover his true identity. You may think he's my best reindeer, but he's actually just an ordinary Firbolg and one of the best there is. He's a master of the Wild Shapes I tell you. And last but not least, Wilsire Lightclaw! It's not often you see a Tiefling Cleric and not one nearly as fun as Wilshire. He'll be here to bless the meal and provide some well earned fun and comforts for you all!" ***Santa*** : Dinner will begin in twenty minutes, so please come inside or stay out here and enjoy the food and drink for a few minutes longer. And with that, Santa steps back inside the workshop along with everyone else.
\page This is where the players start getting a taste of what's to come. If you can, try and come across as foreboding as possible with your descriptions. Gotta pump up that fear factor! The characters who weren't chosen by the players go inside when Santa does.
As the next twenty minutes pass as you all stand outside further discussing the party and learning about one another, enthralled in the discussion you barely notice that the wind starts to pick up slightly and the snow starts to become thicker and has started to come down quite heavier, you haven't really seen snowfall like this anywhere.
If any player decides to do a Perception Check here they notice with a **12** or higher that the snow is piling up outside quicker than normal and that on the road that they had taken to get into the Workshop is already covered in a 6ft tall snow drift, seemingly within minutes. A Failed Perception check just notices that it's snowing heavily.
You all make towards the front doors of Santa's Workshop to prepare for the long night of feasting and drinking ahead of you. As you approach the door the sounds of clinking plates and scuffling feet can be heard from the other side, and without a moment's hesitation you push through the door and step through to the other side.
At this point, ask the players on the order of who's following who for this moment. This is key on who sees what when they step through the door. When you're ready, continue to the next section. ### The Pulled Body
As you step through the doorway and into the Entrance Hall of the Workshop you notice it's eerily silent, the sound of dineware and voices has completely died out. As you all take a look at your surroundings and proceed forward through the Entrance Hall. The sounds of the enchanted Christmas music can be heard and the twinkling lights floating around in the air, seem to be dancing along to the beat. In front of you is a set of stairs leading to the second floor, to the left is the doorway to the dining room, and to your right is another doorway which leads to the Storage Room. ***Player In Front.*** -insert name here-, you notice what appears to be a small form lying face down in the doorway to the dining room. As you finally catch a glimpse at the form and stare for a few moments you make out the form of one of Santa's gnomes and just as you have the time to register what it is, the body is pulled through the doorframe and out of sight at a lightning fast speed.
The other players do not see this and thus provides another roleplaying encounter. You can also describe what happens to the player in the front via texting their phone or whispering to them at the table. They can then choose what to do with said information. ``` ``` ## The Entrance Hall The Entrance Hall is a vast hallway that splits off into two rooms and a large staircase leading off to the second floor. It's full of paintings and Christmas themed artwork as well as a large Christmas tree that stands roughly 30ft tall and touches the ceiling. ***Left Doorway.*** Leads to the Dining Room where the Gnome's body was pulled into. ***Light.*** This area is lit up by the enchanted Christmas coloured lights floating through the air. This is the only source of light, other than that it's somewhat dim, but you can still see. ***Sound.*** Just the sound of the Christmas music playing, which covers up any other sounds in the vicinity. ***Right Doorway.*** Another open doorway which leads to the Storage Room which is a good 12x12 feet and is where all of the player's weapons are stored during the party. ***Stairs.*** These lead to the second floor. ### 1. Dining Room The left most-doorway, read this if the player's head through the doorway.
Stepping through the left most doorway you enter what appears to be a large dining room spanning a hundred feet across and filled with rows and rows of long tables covered in vast amounts of food and drink, but upon adjusting to the dim-light, your stomachs take a turn and notice a truly horrific sight. Scattered about the Dining Room are the mangled and mauled bodies of numerous of Santa's gnomes and guests for the party. The room smells heavily of blood and you estimate just by looking that most of the party-goers are lying dead in this room. ***Pillow, The Gnome.*** (If not chosen as a player character) You also make out the corpse of Pillow, the Gnome. She's spread-eagled out on one of the nearest dining tables and her entrails have been torn out and coiled over some mashed potatoes.
#### Developments Players can loot Pillow's body if she's not a playable character at this point. With a Sleight of Hand check of 15 or higher they can find her Bag of Toys unique item. If failed, the item is lost forever. ***Speak with The Dead.*** If this spell is used here, player's can discover that the people who died in this room were killed by a handful of Santa's gnomes who had gone "crazy". Examining the bodies at this point only reveals that they've been mauled by something, but they can't figure out what. ### 2. Storage Room When the player's enter here, they can retrieve their weapons and aid themselves in the adventure, rather than going at it unarmed.
Stepping into the Storage Room, you recognize that each of your weapons have been kept here for safe-keeping, the party was weapon-free after all. The room isn't that big and by estimation it appears to be around 12x12 feet. There's a large wardrobe in the corner, but that's about it.
\page Once the player's have grabbed their weapons and equipped them, be sure to ask them what they'd like to do next. This would be an optimal time to head upstairs, or explore the Dining Room if they haven't. If players at any moment after coming inside and exploring wish to go outside through the Front Doors, tell them this.
As you fling the front doors open you're met with some resistance, but they eventually open very slowly, bits of snow falling through the opening in the door. As the door is pushed open, more and more snow begins to pour in. Within seconds there is now six feet of snow piled up in front of the door, each of you now standing back away from the pile. Glancing out a nearby window beside the door, you catch a glimpse of snow drifts surrounding the Workshop that appear to be hundreds of feet high. You have somehow become snowed inside in a matter of minutes.
Perception Check of 12 or more on the snow reveals a magic quality to it. A magic user making an Arcana check of 12 or higher realizes the snow is an ancient form of magic and cannot be countered, destroyed, or melted. The snow, as of right now is indestructable.

If the player's decide to head up the stairs then you can move forward to this. ## Second Floor
Making your way up the stairs, you finally reach the landing of the second floor and take a look around. The music is still playing up here and the same source of lights dance around in the air in beautiful colours of green, red and white. You are now standing in a long stretch of hallway and to the left the hallway takes a turn to the right, and to the right the hallway takes a right.
The Second Floor landing is a narrow hallway for the time being and splits off into a hallway going to the left, the right is just a dead end. ``` ``` ### 1. Left Hallway
Your footsteps make muffled squsihing sounds across the blood soaked carpeted floor. As you pass a nearby window you notice it is completely covered in a thick layer of ice and the wind can be heard howling like a thousand wolves outside. Curisouty takes you and upon glancing out through it you notice that the snow drifts stretch up as far as you can see and continue on out of sight. Whatever is happening here is not natural. You take a hold of your wits and proceed further, more blood coating the walls and as you pass an open door into one of the bathrooms you take notice of a lone Gnome sitting over one of the basins, but its lower half is completely gone, its eyes open in a blank, dead stare.
Approaching the gnome and getting within 5ft or even touching it results in the players having their first combat scenario with the bottomless undead gnome and his allies which come bursting out of the adjacent bathroom stalls. You can find all the Monster cards and stats you need at the end of this guide. Once the undead gnomes are dealt with, or the players skip the bathroom continue reading.
As you approach a dead end of the hallway, you pass by a door that is slightly ajar with no light beyond it, save for the enchanted Christmas lights floating in the air and causing an eerie glow. You can vaguely make out the sounds of heavy footfalls coming from somewhere around you. They're coming down with an extreme force, followed by what appears to sound like a gutteral scream and then silence.
#### Developments Performing an Investigation Check of 15 or higher reveals the sound is coming from somewhere above you and the player who succeeds finds the hatch to the attic. Going up here you find the body of **Rudolph** if he's not chosen as a character and can be looted for a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 to get the ***Reindeer Whistle***. If they do not succeed on finding the attic, there's another door that they passed right after the bathroom that they can enter and continue on. ### 2. Attic If player's discover the hatch to the attic, read this block. It's about 10 feet up and most people will have to make an Acrobatics DC of 12 to reach it, however Rudolph can stand on his tip-toes and reach if he's being played. Read this once the hatch is opened, with a failure you can say that the "handle to the attic door snaps clean off as your hands wrap around it, but your weight comes down awkwardly bringing just the handle with you." Or something along those lines.
You reach up and pull down the hatch to the attic and within moments, a set of stairs descend from the darkness and present you with a path upward. You can't make out any light up there, even the enchanted Christmas lights haven't found their way up.
\page The Attic is extremely dark and people cannot see too well in their without a light source, so all character's have disadvantage while inside unless they have Darkvision. When enetered, and completely dark, read this:
Clumsily you find your way up the stairs and are immediately plunged into darkness. You cannot see a mere 5 feet infront of you, and your vision ends a few inches away from your face. The room stinks of mildew and dust and there is a slight iron-like smell on the air and a steady dripping sound can be heard.
However, if Rudolph isn't chosen as a player character you can add in this bit of flavour, if not, proceed.
**If Rudolph Isn't a Player Character.** In the eastern corner of the room you can make out what appears to be a faint dim red light slowly flashing. It feels slightly ominous and the dripping sound seems to be coming from over in that vicinity.
If a player approaches, have them realize it's the corpse of Rudolph, the Firbolg Druid whom was introduced during the opening of the adventure. His insides have been torn out and he's missing a massive chunk of flesh from his throat, which is the source of the dripping. He can be looted here with a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 for the ***Reindeer Whistle.*** If Rudolph is indeed chosen as a character, continue on with this right away, or after finding Rudolph's corpse. #### Developments Players can get rid of the darkness by using spells that cast light, using darkvision if they have it, and of course any methods they can think of that you the Dungeon Master will allow to light the room. Once the room is lit up it's revealed to be one of Santa's storage rooms for toys and decorations that didn't cut it for Christmas. It's just jam-packed full of junk and with there now being a light source, you may read this next statement.
As light slowly begins to fill into the room, you take notice of numerous shelves filled with ancient toys in various states of disrepair and decorations that have long left their prime and luster. You realize this room is where Santa and his gnomes would throw away all the toys and Christmas items deemed not good enough. However, and far more ominous you take note of a strange trail of a thick, viscous green muscous trailing across the floor and down the attic stairs where you have just come up from. Something thad been in there with you and you didn't even know about it. The odd thing is, there seems to be bits of something in the mucous catching the light and...shining.
Any player within 5ft of the slime trail recognizes this as Christmas glitter using their Passive Perception. You know this to be the Jack In A Box creature, a being that is seemingly a Jack In A Box, but more snake-like in design. You can find a picture of it on page: The player's don't know this, so keep it suspenseful and scary. The Attic is just a section where players can get a little more information on the adventure and what could be happening. If someone decides to search the room for loot, have them roll an Invetigation Check and resort to the table below for loot. Once a single player has looted an item, there's nothing left. ##### Attic Loot | 1d20 | Loot | |:----:|:-------------| | 1-5 | Potion of Healing | | 6-10 | Goggles of Night | | 11-15 | Jug of Eggnog | | 16-20 | Deck of the Festive Spirit | Item descriptions can be found below. #### Potion of Healing *Potion, common* You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. #### Goggles of Night *Wondrous item, uncommon* While wearing these dark lenses, you have Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision. wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet. #### Jug of Eggnog *Potion, rare* Drinking this jug of fermented eggnog allows you to lower one level of madness that has been accumulated. #### Deck of the Festive Spirit *Wondrous item, legendary* As small pack of cards with ancient scribblings of Christmas trees and presents on the back. On the front side of the card are various pictures and upon drawing a card, something happens to the person who pulls the card. A player declares how many cards they wish to pull and then they pull that many as their action. Once a card is pulled it turns to dust. You cannot draw any more cards for atleast 1 hour. Instead of using a set of cards, have the player roll 1d10. Card descriptions and effects can be found on page: 17 | 1d20 | Card | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | Snowman | | 2 | Snowflakes | | 3 | Bright Star | | 4 | Santa Claus | | 5 | Jack Frost | | 6 | Three Wise Men| | 7 | Choir | | 8 | Fireplace | | 9 | Sleigh | | 10 | Reindeer | \page Players can now leave the attic as there's nothing left up there to do, althought the player's can take a Short Rest if need be. Once they're done in the attic, read this statement. If they never entered the attic, just read the note under the next section.
Realizing that there's nothing left for you in the attic, you descend down the stairs and notice that the slime trail from the attic now leads towards the door you past earlier that was slightly ajar.
### 3. Ajar Door
Stepping through the slightly ajar door you now find yourselves in what appears to be a sort of living quarters, and judging from the size of the beds it doesn't take much deducing to realize this must be where the Gnomes slept and lived when not working. The beds are all made and in good shape, aside from the vast amounts of gore splattered everywhere. Sat on one of the beds closest to the door you just came through is one of the worker gnomes, rocking back and forth cradling another dead Gnome in their arms. **If Pillow is a Player.** Pillow, you recognize these gnomes as the married couple, Hix and Lix and you remember working with them for a time when they built the new barn for the Reindeer. Hix is cradling his wife in his arms and just has a silent, blank stare. They don't notice you. **If Pillow is not a Player.** The gnome cradling the dead gnome is a man, and the gnome he's holding is a female. The male gnome isn't sobbing or anything, he's just staring blankly off into space, not speaking or making a sound. His tunic is stained with blood and gore, the female gnome's head is staring up towards the ceiling, her tongue slightly drooping out of her mouth.
#### Developments * Speaking to Hix doesn't do anything unless Pillow is there. If Pillow is there as a player, he mentions seeing a bunch of strange 2ft tall brown creatures covered in bright colours running through the dorms and slaughtering everyone. He'll then ask to be left alone while himself and his wife talk. * Staying around and pestering Hix causes him to lash out and attack the players. His stat card can be found with the other monsters at the end of this guide. * Lashing out and attacking Hix if he doesn't retaliate causes the player that kills him under this scenario to gain 1 Naughty Point.
Moving on past the crazed gnome, you finally get a chance to look around the living quarters. There's mostly beds but there's a few wardrobes that have been knocked over and looted and you soon begin to notice that there are other gnomes in this room but in various pieces and gruesomely scattered about the place.
* Investigation Check of 15 or higher reveals a trail of cookie crumbs leading to one of the beds in the north-east corner. If a player looks under this bed they see a small gingerbread man sitting under the bed, holding a sharpened candy cane in their hands. If this happens; read this box.
Glancing under the bed you notice what appears to be a small gingerbreadman sitting under the bed, against the wall. They're roughly a foot anda half tall and smiling, their large candied eyes in a state of surprise. You also seem to take notice of a sharpened candy cane held in their one hand.
After reading this box, state more and more gingerbreadmen start to crawl out from beneath the floorboards under this bed and other floorboards around the room. Your next battle is underway! Per bed in the room are 4 gingerbreadmen and there's 6 beds total in the room. * Investigation checks lower than 15 reveal nothing, aside from a small scratching sound, but tell the player's they percieve this to be a rodent, which is a lie. * The player within 5ft to the north-east bed is dealt a surprise attack of opprotunity as one of the Gingerbreadmen launches from under the bed and begins stabbing into their ankles for their standard damage stat. * Leaving the room without investigating also triggers the Gingerbread fight. * During the fight (1d4 rounds in) players will be told by the DM that one of the walls has a gaping hole smashed through it and 1d4 of Gingerbread leave through the hole. * Players must proceed through the hole to continue. ## Into The Workshop Before proceeding through this next session, ask the players the marching order. Who's first, second, third, etc. Then, read this next box. ### 1. Toy Station
Stepping through the now gaping hole in the wall you find yourselves wedged inside a narrow passage and moving through the walls. It's extremely dark in here, but you can vaguely make out a trail of cookie crumbs leading straight ahead. Proceeding forward for what feels like half an hour you finally arrive at an opening and step through into a large room full of toys and bright coloured lights dancing around in the air above your heads. You hear the familar sound of a circus and turning your heads you see a classic carousel spinning around in motion, bright colours and horses blurring into one. This must be the core of the workshop where all the toys are made. **If Grom Isn't a Player.** You catch flashes of red and gray within the swirling of the carousel and with a sickening wet snap sound you watch as the mangled corpse of Grom Wolfsbane, the dwarven Hunter comes sailing from inside the carousel and landing at the foot of (the person in the lead). His neck is severely broken and his remaining eyes has been gouged out quite horrifically.
\page * Looting Grom with a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 nets you the **Neverending Flask** at this point. Continue reading.
To the west of the Toy room is a doorway that leads into what appears to be a room with a mess of hay cascading from within. To the east you take notice of another doorway, but connects to a set of stairs that seems to stretch upwards, turn and go out of sight.
While in the Toy Room,these things can happen. #### Developments * If players investigage and search around the carousel they can find a rather small chest where muffled sounds can be heard from within. It needs a key to be opened and the key can actually be found on the carousel around the neck of a white horse. Jumping on the carousel without being hurt by its breakneck speed needs an Acrobatics DC of 15 of they're dealth 2d6 bludgeoning damage and sent backwards 10ft. There are 4 horses, **black, white, brown and blue** with the key to the chest around the white horse's neck. Be sure to describe the colours of the horses once someone makes it onto the carousel. * Opening the chest reveals a small worker gnome who was locked inside by a handful of crazy Gingerbread things. He's one of the only survivors and if talked to, he mentions that he saw a large horned being dressed like Santa prowling about before getting spooked and running off. He hands the players a key with Santa's face on it which is integral for unlocking a door which can lead the players into saving Santa sooner rather than later. ### 2. Sleigh Storage Players stepping into the doorway with hay spilling out, read this section.
This room is smaller than the previous and the floor is covered in hay and has a slight barnyard scent to it. In the middle of the room is a massive, but beautiful sleigh and you recognize this as the sleigh Santa uses every Christmas to deliver gifts to the children. This is one of the first rooms you've come across tonight that doesn't have any signs of death or violence. It's quite peaceful.
#### Developments * **Passive Perception (10) on the Sleigh.** Reveals that there is a small dial that reads "Christmas Spirit" and it's currently draining and going down from 100 to 0. If **Pillow** is there, tell that player that they know this is tied to Santa's well being and life-force. If it reaches 0 he's dead and it's currently sitting at 50. * **Passive Perception (10 or higher) on the Sleigh.** Reveals there's a slot for a three keys. One of the slots has Santa's face on it, the middle slot has Mrs. Claus face on it and the final slot has a smiling snowman with a pipe hanging out of his mouth on it. **Pillow** if alive knows this to be Frosty. * **The 3 Keys.** Finding all three keys and putting them into the slots on the sleigh has a small door open up behind the sleigh which leads to a new area, and the way to save Santa. If player's do this, read the section titled **Secret Door.** ### 2.5. Secret Door If player's find all three keys and put them into the slots on the sleigh, read this section.
As the final key is placed into the slot you all hear a loud grinding and groaning noise and as you turn towards the sound you watch as a piece of wall slides to the side revealing another room behind the sleigh.
Once player's step through this door, skip to the final section of the adventure on page: 15 ### 3. Larder Once player's descend the stairs, read this.
Making your way down the stairs your nose is immediately assaulted by a harsh and brutal smell which you notice is a mixture of blood, rotting meat and what you can only assume is sick. Stepping off of the final step you find yourselves standing in a large room full of shelves filled with Christmas supplies and there are a ton of corpses scattered about. You vaguely pick up the sound of bones being snapped and the wet sound of meat being torn. The sound of snarling and growling can be heard before the sounds fill your ears once more. Whatever is in here is eating the corpses.
#### Developments * Immediately behind the first corner wall the player's see is a Gnome Zombie feasting on the corpse of a male Half-Elf. Startling the Gnome or failing Stealth Checks while in this room cause 20 Gnome Zombies to pop up from feasting on corpses and make the way towards the source of the sound. * Work this like a stealth section, on the map provided to you the **Red dots** are where the Gnome Zombies are in the room. All 20 of them. * Gnome Zombies have poor Passive Perception so the players should be fine unless they make stupid descisions. * Once they round the corner wall and get a glimpse of the hellish amount of zombies, read this.
As you slowly make your way around the room as you pass the first corner wall you notice an undead Gnome feasting on the corpse of a very handsome Half-Elf male. It's gnawing away on his shoulder and as you catch a glimpse of it you notice that it's not alone and about nineteen other zombie gnomes are feasting away on the plethora of corpses in the room. You've realized that somehow, the undead gnomes have turned this room into a larder...
Making their way through the room, they can eventually come across the door leading out, but it's currently closed. Opening it quietly calls for a Sleight of Hand DC of 12 or more, or the zombies are alerted to the sound and come rushing. Once they push through the door, read this. \page ## Santa's Home ### 1. Kitchen
As you shut the door behind you, you now find yourselves in a small, yet homeley kitchen. There are dried herbs hanging from the ceiling and floating Christmas lights here as well. The sounds of Christmas music can be heard, but it's more faint than the rest of the workshop. There's a table that had been set up for a private dinner but most of the food had been eaten and only crumbs remain. There is a doorway just ahead of you which seems to lead into a living room where you can just make out the shape of a Christmas tree. You realize that you're inside Santa's very own home.
#### Developments * Player's with Passive Perception of 17 or more can hear a slight crying sound coming from upstairs. This is Mrs Claus and she's very much alive. Finding her results in her giving the player's the key with her face on it. * **Investigation DC 10.** Tells the player that does this check that outside the windows the snowfall isn't as severe here and there's a door leading outside. ### 2. Living Room
The living room is decorated for the holidays and for the first time tonight you all feel a sense of relaxation and holiday cheer for the first time tonight. To the left is a set of stairs leading to the second floor and in the corner of the room is a massive Christmas tree adorned with lights and various ornaments. A fireplace is roaring away casting the room in a warm, orange glow. Sockings hang above the fireplace with the names Santa, Mrs Claus and Frosty etched onto them. Sitting on the fireplace is a framed photo of Santa, Mrs Claus and Frosty standing side by side smiling next to the sleigh while gnomes work in the background.
There's nothing of much value in the living room. However, you can have your discretion if you want to include a Short Rest here, some items to loot from under the tree, it's up to you. ### 3. Second Floor As player's go up the stairs, read this section.
The second floor is quite small and homely. There's only one room and you notice that looking through the doorway from the top of the stairs is a large bed covered in reindeer furs as blankets but what catches your eye is Mrs Claus, tied to the bed and gagged with rope.
#### Developments Running into the room without Investigating the second floor with a DC of 12 or more causes an ambush to happen on the Second Floor of 1d10 Gingerbread men crawling from underneath carpets and the curtains covering the windows. * Investigation DC of 12 or more has you notice the Gingerbread, but they flee in terror due to being caught. * If the Investigation DC is 15 or more, the Gingerbread still get found under the carpets and curtains and flee, but the same slime trail is seen on the ceiling and heading into the bedroom with Mrs Claus. ### 4. Santa's Bedroom
Stepping into the room you see that Mrs Claus has been indeed tied to the bed with what appears to be thick ropes and has been gagged with a rope around her mouth. She notices you and starts squirming trying to break free from her restraints.
#### Developments * Removing the ropes covering her mouth causes her to speak to the players and mentions that someone knocked her out and tied her up in here. She mentions a being with goat horns, dressed like her husband. * She then hands them the key with her face on it which is used to unlock the door behind the sled. * If players ask about the being with goat horns read this box below.
**Mrs Claus:** "There are stories about who it is, and my husband and I share a common belief. Centuries ago, my husband had a brother who shared in the work-load and duties around the holidays. He had a seperate sled, and a seperate crew and his own section of the workshop. During a terrible blizzard one Christmas Eve, his brother's sleigh got lost and crashed into the side of a mountain. Nicholas went to see if his brother had lived, but noticed that the terrible blizzard had already covered any trace of bodies and his brother, crew and sleigh were lost to the storm." She seems slightly disturbed telling the story, like something is truly bothering her. **Mrs Claus:** "My husband was distraught and sealed off his brother's workshop hoping to stop the painful memories. However, that blizzard was not natural and there was something about it that haunts my husband to this day. We believe that the blizzard somehow took his brother and corrupted him with dark magic, and we've both been tormented by dreams of his brother as of late, standing over us as we're trapped inside something and he's staring down at us. We believe that his brother has become the dark-side of Christmas, the one they call Krampus." As she finished her story, you all hear a gagging sound mixed with wet slapping and watch as a long snake-like creature with the torso and head of a Jack in The Box descends through a trap door in the ceiling and in one quick movement swallows Mrs Claus whole. It slowly turns its head towards you, a wooden creaking sound filling the air as it turns. As its eyes lock with you, it claps its hands and let out a blood curdling scream.
* Roll for Iniative, players are fighting the Jack in the Box. \page * Once the Jack in the Box is killed it vomits up Mrs Claus and depending on how long combat took she's either dead or alive. If she's in the stomach for more than 5 turns she's dead. * The body of **Father Kringle** is expelled as well if he wasn't chosen as a player character. Looting his body with a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 nets the player the ***Sleigh Bells*** item. * If Mrs Claus still lives she thanks the players each with a kiss on the cheek and runs off. If players end up asking the location of the sealed off workshop read this section.
***Mrs Claus:*** The keys will show you the way.
If the players go out the front door of the house, leading outside read this next section. ### 5. The Yard
As you step through the door leading outside you find yourselves standing in very deep snow and the wind is howling around you, drowning out the sounds of Christmas music. The yard is lined with pine trees each decorated with ornaments and magical blinking lights. In the distance you can make out a small barn next to a frozen pond. Then, as soon as you take a few feet the storm picks up and you find yourselves lost in the blizzard.
* The snow is about three feet deep and reduces each player's movment speed by 5 while in the snow. They also have disadvantage on Acrobatic checks while in the snow. * The severe cold and depth of snow can lead to exhaustion levels. For every 1 hour they're in these conditions they gain 1 level of exhaustion. * Due to the howling wind and blowing snow they also have disadvantage on Perception checks while outside. * Feel free to roll for random encounters while they trek through the snow as well. * If the player's approach towards the pond they find the body of **Wilshire Lightclaw** (if not a player) frozen in the snow after tripping on him. He's frozen solid and there's no way of thawing him. Looting his corpse with a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 or higher nets you the ***Enchanted Mistletoe.*** ##### Random Encounters | 1d4 | Monster Type | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | 1x Zombie Gnome | | 2 | 1d4x Gingerbreadmen | | 3 | 1d4x Zombie Gnomes | | 4 | 2d4x Zombie Gnomes | Once players reach the barn and figure out the right direction (they can't make out the barn when they step outside due to the snow) read this next section. ### 6. The Barn
Standing in front of you is a large barn with the doors wide open, but hardly any snow inside. Through the door you can make out pens where the Reindeer are most likely kept not during the holidays, and you see piles upon piles of haybales lined up inside, a pitchfork embedded into the hay itself.
Once player's enter the barn, continue on with this.
The barn stinks slightly of animals and manure, but it's warm inside and you can feel the cold from outside slipping away. Each of the reindeer stables are empty and from what you can gather, you're alone in the barn. There's a ladder nearby leading up to a small balcony where more haybales are stored, but they seem to be set up in some sort of defended fortification.
#### Developments * Climbing up the ladder reveals the slowly melting body of Frosty the Snowman. He came into the barn to hide from Krampus' mnions and is dying. Clutched in his hands is own key which he hands over to the closest player. * He mentions that it's Santa's brother, and that he's come back for being left to die in the blizzard centuries ago. * He then hands the closest player a piece of paper that when read, says this: *Krampus is a being as old as time and is deemed the devil of Christmas. He is born through sheer despair and rumored that one can only be born on the eve of Christmas. He can never be killed, instead another being must take on the role willingly as there must always be a balance.* You then explain that the rest of the paper is torn away. * After hading the players the note, he finishes melting away. There's nothing left over if player's try looting him. * The players can now return to the sleigh if they have all three keys and unlock the final area. If so, allow them to travel back through the areas. * Returning to the larder, the Zombie Gnomes are all gone and instead, if not selected as a player character, the body of ***Zeke*** is found among the dead and can be looted with a Sleight of Hand DC of 15 for the ***Enchanted Snowglobe.*** Once the player's fit all three keys into the sleigh, read this.
As the three keys turn on their own you hear a strange grinding behind the sleigh and as you turn to look you watch as one of the walls slides off to the side revealing another room nestled behind this one and drenched in darkness.
\page Once the player's step through the opening, you can continue onto the finale of the adventure. ## Krampus Workshop **Light.** Dim darkness. Player's without darkvision can see 30ft in front of them. **Sounds.** Nothing at all. Dead silence.
As you enter through the opening you all find yourselves in a very dark room but you assume this is the sealed off workshop. There are no sounds what-so-ever. **Player's With Darkvision.** Those of you with darkvision can make out what appears to be a large throne sat in the middle of the room and sat on the throne is someone that appears to be Santa, tied to the throne and unconcious. The rest of the room is decorated with very dusty shelves, tables and other assorted workshop equipment.
#### Developments * Approaching the throne activates a trap where Santa is hoisted into the air by various ropes and snaps awake. Upon doing this the room is bathed in light and the doorway you entered through is sealed shut once more. * Krampus then walks out from a room in the back and claps, applauding the players for finding Santa. * If player's stumble into the back room without first approaching Santa the fight is iniated in that small room first.
As soon as you approach Santa you're all blinded with brightly coloured lights of green, red and white. As your eyes adjust to the bright colours dancing in the air and illuminating the room, you hear the sound of clapping and watch as a creature, dressed just like Santa stepHis out from a room in the back. It doesn't take you long to realize that this is Santa's brother, the current Krampus. He's roughly 8ft tall and has two very long, coiled horns sat on top of his head, similar to a goat's. His face and skin is a dark gray colour, thick with black veins. His eyes are two black pits and his mouth is full of blackened, rotting teeth oozing with a black goo. His fingers taper into long claws and his feet now resemble hooves of a goat. When he speaks his voice causes you all to feel extremely cold and sounds like bones clattering amongst one another. You cannot understand the words he speaks and gestures up to Santa who is screaming but no sound comes out. Magical ropes of dark energy coil around his neck and limbs and head out somewhere within the workshop. You watch as the ropes start tighetning...
* The fight with Krampus begins. There are 5 ropes scattered around the map. The players must destroy all 5 pulleys with every 5 rounds one of the ropes tighten to the point of severing whichever limbs are still coiled with rope. If the head rope is severed, the chance of an insta-kill on Santa is reduced. Each rope (not counting the head) deal 3d20 of damage and Santa has 100HP. * Roll 1d4 to determine which rope snaps. 1 for the rope not snapping, 2 is the legs, 3 is arms and doesn't snap, 4 is the head and an insta-kill. * Player's must also fight Krampus while trying to sever the ropes from killing Santa. * If Santa is killed, Krampus considers himself victorious and will take over as Santa and usher in a dark and evil Christmas if he survives. * If Santa survives he heals the player's by 1d20 each and vanishes to help other survivors, beliveing you all can handle Krampus alone. * If Krampus is near death and succeeds on using his portal to escape to his domain, any players with Naughty Points must roll a Dexterity Saving Throw of 12 or higher or they're pulled into the domain with Krampus and sealed away forever. * If Krampus is killed he drops one of his horns and the blizzard picks up and starts breaking down walls and freezing things instantly. There must always be a Krampus so one of the players must willingly take on the role, which sees them morphing into the shape of Krampus before vanishing into thin air. Depending on the ending, read the boxes below. ### Krampus Killed & Santa Lived
As Krampus falls to the ground dead you watch as his body quickly morphs into a human similar in appearance to Santa and then within moments the body turns into snowflakes and floats away on an invisible gust of wind. While this happens the sound of the storm outside increases and you watch as walls are torn down and things begin freezing instantly as the storm tears through the workshop. You however notice that one of Krampus horns lies on the spot where he died, glowing blue and pulsating.
When somebody picks up the horn, read the next segment.
As you pick up the horn you feel your hands get ice cold and those of you watching, notice that (insert name here) slowly shifts into the shape of Krampus before vanishing in a flash of light. The storm ceases and you all find yourselves back in the dining room, the dead bodies and gore have vanished and instead the bodies of the deceased are waking up again and looking around bewildered. Santa is standing at the front alongside Mrs Claus and are raising glasses of wine in the air and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
\page ### Krampus Killed & Santa Dead
As Krampus falls to the ground dead you watch as his body quickly morphs into a human similar in appearance to Santa and then within moments the body turns into snowflakes and floats away on an invisible gust of wind. While this happens the sound of the storm outside increases and you watch as walls are torn down and things begin freezing instantly as the storm tears through the workshop. You however notice that one of Krampus horns lies on the spot where he died, glowing blue and pulsating.
When somebody picks up the horn, read the next segment.
As you pick up the horn you feel your hands get ice cold and those of you watching, notice that (insert name here) slowly shifts into the shape of Krampus before vanishing in a flash of light. The storm ceases and you all find yourselves back in the dining room, the dead bodies and gore being removed by the survivors, with Mrs Claus (if she survived) directing the survivors on where to take the bodies. The gnome you rescued from the chest saunters over and bows, thanking you for stopping Krampus, and mentions that due to Santa's death, and Krampus being reborn the balance needs to be completed and he mentions that he has taken up the mantle of the new Santa and wishes you all a merry Christmas, and gets back to the clean up.
### Krampus Lives & Santa Dead
The portal tears open into the ground and Krampus takes one step forward, flashing a smile at you and steps through the portal. **Players With Naughty Points Sucked In.** Suddenly, you feel yourselves become light as a feather and you're ripped towards the portal and sucked inside. Your body becomes incredibly cold and you wake up. You're back in the Dining Room surrounded by the others pulled through the portal. As you seem to forget the events of what had transpired at the workshop, you all begin to feast...Unknown to those of you pulled into the portal, Krampus is inside his workshop in is own domain looking down at you sealed inside a small snowglobe sat on a shelf with hundreds of other snowglobes, sealed away for an eternity. **Krampus Christmas.** With a bright flash of light and those of you not pulled into the portal find yourselves back in your homes, in your own beds. It must have been a nightmare you all think, but when Christmas morning arrives you find out it has changed. People are being sacrificed out on the streets for Krampus and every following year, each town elects a handful of their population to join Krampus crew and serve him forever. Gifts are no longer exchanged and instead, the gift people get every Christmas is not being sacrificed or taken by Krampus...
### Krampus Lives & Santa Lives
The portal tears open into the ground and Krampus takes one step forward, flashing a smile at you and steps through the portal. **Players With Naughty Points Sucked In.** Suddenly, you feel yourselves become light as a feather and you're ripped towards the portal and sucked inside. Your body becomes incredibly cold and you wake up. You're back in the Dining Room surrounded by the others pulled through the portal. As you seem to forget the events of what had transpired at the workshop, you all begin to feast...Unknown to those of you pulled into the portal, Krampus is inside his workshop in is own domain looking down at you sealed inside a small snowglobe sat on a shelf with hundreds of other snowglobes, sealed away for an eternity. **Christmas.** The storm ceases and you all find yourselves back in the dining room and bodies are being covered and removed by those who have survived. Santa stands overlooking the clean up and seems to be holding a somber expression. He takes notice of those of you still around and alive and thanks you for saving him and saving Christmas, but expresses disappointment that Krampus is still alive. He mentions that this is the last party he'll hold for a long time and heads out to deliver the presents, offering to drop you all off at home on the way.
\page ## Card Descriptions **Snowman.** You feel yourself feel slightly colder and everything around you feels cold as well. Before you can figure out what is happening, you watch as your body turns into that of a Snowman. Your size is considered Medium and you stand 5ft tall. Your movement speed is reduced to 25ft and you're now vulnerable to Fire damage, but immune to Cold damage. Any weapons or armor you have equipped stays on your form as you change. You can only change back to your normal form through death or a Wish spell. **Snowflakes.** Something tickles the top of your head and you notice snow has begun falling around you, but it somehow doesn't let up. You're now surrounded by a small radius of perpetual snowfall that doesn't stop. It can be stopped with magic. **Bright Star.** An orb of bright light appears in the air and hovers for a moment before zooming off in the direction the players will need to go. Once the Bright Star is found again it fizzles out. **Santa Claus.** An ethereal spirit form of Santa Claus appears in front of the player and showers them with one random common item of the DM's choosing. Once this is completed, Santa lets out his famous "ho,ho,ho" and explodes in a bright flash of red and white light. **Jack Frost.** A small goblinoid like being with blue-skin and spiky white hair appears. He cackles and freezes a part of the player solid. The encased part can be melted with fire, or magic. Depending on the part frozen, it carries it's own disadvantages. | 1d4| Body Part Frozen |Effect| |:----:|:--------:|:-----:| | 1 | Head | Disadvantage on all Perception checks, Blinded, Cannot speak. | 2 | Arms | Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Damage. Weapons cannot be used. Hands cannot be used. | 3 | Legs | Disadvantage on Acrobatics, Stealth and other movement based skills. Movement speed is reduced to 0. | 4 | Torso | AC is reduced to 10. Movement speed is reduced to 25ft. Stealth checks are at disadvantage. **Three Wise Men.** Three men in elegant robes appear. They answer three questions given to them by the player who drew the card. Once all the questions have been answered, they vanish. **Choir.** Every 1d4 hours you break out into a random Christmas carol, and cannot stop singing for 1 minute. While singing you have disadvantage on Stealth checks and creatures will hear you. You can only stop singing by being silenced via magic. This curse only lasts for 1d4 days. **Fireplace.** Your inventory becomes suddenly incredibly heavy. Your bag is now full of 1d20 logs of wood. **Sleigh.** Santa's Sleigh has appeared out of nowhere and has become tied around your waist with a magical rope for 1d4 minutes. You must drag the sleigh around for the duration of the time. Your movement speed has been reduced to 15ft. You have disadvantage on all Stealth checks, and cannot run, jump, or anything that uses your legs, aside from walking. **Reindeer.** Just like the classic song, an astral Reindeer appears and smashes into you, running you over. You're knocked Prone and dealt 1d8 bludgeoning damage. \page ## Creatures Encountered ___ > ## Gnome Zombie >*Small undead, neutral evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 8 > - **Hit Points** 22 (3d8+9) > - **Speed** 20ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|13 (+2)|3 (-4)|6 (-2)|5 (-3)| >___ > - **Profienciency Bonus** +2 > - **Saving Throws** Wis +0 > - **Damage Immunities** poison > - **Condition Immunities** poisoned > - **Senses** darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 8 > - **Languages** understands the languages it knew in life but cannot speak > - **Challenge** 1/4 (50 XP) > ___ > ***Undead Fortitude.*** If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. > ### Actions > ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. > > ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 1d4 of necrotic damage. ___ > ## Jack In A Box >*Medium fiend, neutral evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 13 > - **Hit Points** 115(9d10+5) > - **Speed** 30ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|11 (0)|17 (+3)|12 (+1)|11 (0)|10 (0)|8 (-1)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Dex +6 > - **Skills** Acrobatics +4 > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire > - **Damage Immunities** poison, necrotic > - **Condition Immunities** poison, charmed > - **Senses** passive Perception 9 > - **Languages** None > - **Challenge** 3 (700 XP) > ___ > ***False Appearance. *** While the Jack in a Box reamin motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal Jack in a Box toy. > ### Actions > ***Bite.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (1d10) piercing damage. > > ***Swallow.*** The Jack in a Box makes one bite Attack against a Medium or smaller target it is Grappling. If the Attack hits, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. The swallowed target is Blinded and Restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the Jack in a Box, and it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of the Jack in a Box's turns. The Jack in a Box can have only one target swallowed at a time. If the Jack in a Box dies, a swallowed creature is no longer Restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet of Movement, exiting prone. > > ***Ensnare.*** The Jack in a Box coils itself around a target within 5ft of it. While coiled the target becomes ensared and Grappled (escape DC 13). Until the grapple ends, the target is Restrained and each turn while being grappled the target takes 1d6 of bludgeoning damage. The Jack in a Box cannot Grapple another target. \page ___ > ## Hix, The Crazed >*Medium gnome, unalligned* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 14 > - **Hit Points** 35 > - **Speed** 30ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|19 (+5)|17 (+4)|13 (+2)|8 (-1)|2 (-4)|4 (-3)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** None > - **Senses** passive Perception 16 > - **Languages** Latin > - **Challenge** 0 (115 XP) > ___ > ### Actions > ***Punch.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d4 + 5) \page ___ ___ > ## Krampus >*Medium fiend, lawful evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 17 > - **Hit Points** 240 > - **Speed** 25ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|15 (+2)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|20 (+5)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** charmed > - **Damage Immunities** cold > - **Senses** darkvision 120ft,. passive Perception 15 > - **Languages** Common, Primordial, Abyssal > - **Challenge** 8 (3900 XP) > ___ > ***Spellcasting.*** Krampus is an 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Krampus has the following spells prepared: **Cantrips (at will):** chill touch, prestidigitation, ray of frost. **1st level** (4 slots): charm person, jump, hellish rebuke. **2nd level (3 slots):** shatter, suggestion, invisibility. **3rd level (3 slots):** animate dead, vampiric touch, dispel magic. **4th level (3 slots):** blight, hallucinatory terrain, ice storm. **5th level (3 slots):** animate objects, cone of cold, far step > > ***Domain Portal.*** Once Krampus drops belows 100 health he starts opening up the portal to his domain. Once used, cracks begin appearing in the ground. One round later firey-red lights erupts from the cracks and abyssal chanting cand screaming can be heard from within. In 30 seconds (5 rounds) the portal opens up and Krampus escapes back to his dimension. Any players who have accumulated 3 or more Naughty Points must make a DC Constitution Saving Throw of 15 or they're pulled in with Krampus and sealed away forever. > ### Actions > ***Claws.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage. > > ***Slam.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. > > ***Chains.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage. A target hit by this attack must make a DC Dexterity Saving Throw 15 or become Restrained by Krampus' chains. Each turn the target is dragged 10ft towards Krampus and cannot break free unless they succeed on the Dex save. Once they are within touching distance of Krampus he shoves them inside his large toy sack. The toy sack is bottomless and has 50HP. If the sack is ruptured, its contents are dispersed to another dimension. Creatures inside the sack can make a Strength DC Saving Throw of 15 to break free from the sack and that's their turn. They come out of the sack prone. > ### Legendary Actions >Krampus can make three legendary actions at the end of a creature's turn. His Legendary Actions replenish at the start of his turn. > ***Claws.*** Krampus can make an attack with his Claws. > > ***Iceberg.*** Krampus hurls a massive chunk of ice at a target within 30ft of himself. The target must make a DC Dexterity Saving Throw of 12 to dodge, or they take 2d8 cold damage and knocked Prone. > > ***Summon Minion.*** Krampus can summon one of his minions. 1d4 of Gnome Zombies, or 1d4 of Gingerbreadmen. He can only summon minions once all current minions are defeated. > ## Gingerbreadmen >*Tiny fiend, neutral evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 8 > - **Hit Points** 10 (1d10) > - **Speed** 25ft. >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|10 (+0)|9 (+0)|4 (-3)|1 (-4)|1 (-4)|16 (+3)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** charmed, poisoned > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** fire > - **Senses** passive Perception 6 > - **Languages** They just make unitelligble noises. > - **Challenge** 0 (10 XP) > ___ > ***Pack Tactics.*** The Gingerbreadmen have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the their allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. > ### Actions > ***Candy Cane Dagger.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 5 (1d6) slashing damage. > > ***Multiattack.*** The Gingerbreadmen can make 3 attacks with its Candy Cane Dagger.