# Centaur ___ There was once an attempt to create a more powerful mounted force for combat. Through grafting humanoid part of horses and other four-legged creatures, many mages tried to create a warrior that would be able to fight without the need to train horses and feed them. The attempt failed terribly and the creatures that were birthed were not able to understand basic concepts and almost anything related to human society angered them greatly. They were deemed a failure. These first creatures were known as Centaurs, and though many of them fled and eventually reproduced, they are still quite rare. During the second attempt, the mages met with a druid, a speaker to animals and nature should be able to fix their problem, or so they thought. The druid, who had been bound by the mages to obey them, helped them by mixing in horse, deer and human blood into a ritual to create the second kind of Centaurs, often just called Centaurians to diffenciate them. The resulting creature had horns and was like a muscular man, or very fit woman, from the waist up, and a medium-sized horse from the waist down. The druid gave a bow to the Centaurian, asking it to show what it could do to the excited mages. The centaurian turned to face a target, and then turned around and shot the mages dead. The druid nodded approvingly before telling the centaurians to leave. Over time, the Centaurians bred and became a race of powerful nomadic hunters that roam plains. ### History in Evaria Centaurians have long roamed the plains of the North and East, hunting and living on their own. They were created by magic and nature, but they have no inclination towards it in particular, preferring to rely on their impressive strength and hunting skills. Many who become adventurers do so because they were exiled from their tribes, or because of a sense of curiosity. Sometimes, a Centaurian will meet someone and form a bond with that person. Unlike a romantic or friendly bond, this link between the Centaurian and the person is more like that of a rider and his or her mount. A centaurian rarely accepts to be ridden, but with that one special individual in their life, they will accept and be pleased by it, often times it is because of such a link that a Centaurian will roam the outside world as an adventurer. ### Society Centaurian society relies on everyone of its members to work hard and provide for the tribe. Those who cannot work are often pushed out and exiled. ### Centaurians Racial Traits Your Centaurian character has the following traits. **Ability Score Increase.** Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1. **Age.** Centaurs reach adulthood in their mid teens and live less than a century. **Alignment.** As reclusive wanderers, Centaurians are not preoccupied with mortal morality. They act as they wish and usually care little about politics. They are typically chaotic neutral. **Size.** Plainstrider Centaurs are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 1,000 and 1,400 pounds. Their size is Medium. **Speed.** Your base walking speed is 40. **Plainstrider.** You can take the Dash action as a Bonus action. **Quadruped.** You have disadvantage on Athletics and Acrobatics made to climb. You are require to buy Barding armor, which is more expensive. Allies cannot pass through your square without making an acrobatics check (DC 13) **Steadfast.** You have advantage on saves and skill checks made to resist being knocked prone. You require all your movement to get up from prone instead of just half. **Natural Cavalry.** You count as mounted for the purpose of equipment. You may also serve as a mount for a single creature one size or more smaller than yours. If you do, you still act independantly from your rider. 👍🏻1 **Charge.** If you move at least 20 feet in a straight line towards a target, the first melee weapon attack using strength you make against that target has advantage. Double the minimum distance of Thrown weapons you throw if you have moved at least 20 feet towards the target of your throw. **Powerful Build.** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. **Hooves.** Your hooves are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. **Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan. ___ \page # Cervitaurs ___ Thiner and smaller than their cousins, Cervitaurs are the result of another set of experimentation based on druidic magic that did not include any druids. Frailer than Centaurians, these creatures are more adept at fleeing and are more peaceful in general. Cervitaurs have short horns, long ears and some say hopeful eyes. From the waist up they look like thin humans, but from the waist down they have the body of a deer. After the death of the original mages who created the Centaurians was made known, a bunch of dark druids offered their help to the organization that had first made them. Known as ''The Fools''this organization of mages followed the example set by Vecna when he created the Minotaurs and they wanted a race that would serve them. Similarly, the dark druids wanted to show off their powers and to have half-animal hybrids to serve them. Who knows where they screwed up, but the result of their experimentation was the Cervitaurs. A peaceful folk that obeyed their masters, except where it mattered the most. They refused to fight and they couldn't carry people on their backs. For half a century, the Cervitaurs served their magic masters, but one day, the Centaurians assaulted the city. Around 300 centaurian warriors came charging at the gate and they rescued the Cervitaurs. Though they were so different, the Cervitaurs and Centaurians understood each other, but chose different paths. Some even returned to their magical masters, not having the personal strength to be free. They chose slavery, where the Centaurians offered them freedom. Those who escaped learned to live in forests and around a moral rural cities and regions. They are seen as very helpful and beloved by most, even though sometimes wicked hunters try to hunt them down for fun. ### History in Evaria The Cervitaurs have remained quite peaceful and inactive ever since their creation and escape many centuries ago. Sometimes, a Cervitaur will choose to explore the world or pick up a weapon, and his or her parents will wish them well. ### Society Peaceful by nature, to an annoying degree to some, the Cervitaurs usually try to resolve their conflicts through dialogue and sharing, as such, their societies are made with democracy in mind. Everyone has a right to be heard and they each make sure that they have enough for the harsher seasons. ___ ### Racial Traits Your Cervitaur character has the following traits. **Ability Score Increase.** Your Wisdom increases by 2, and your charisma increases by 1. **Age.** Cervitaurs reach adulthood in their mid teens and live less than a century. **Alignment.** Cervitaurs are typically neutral good, living peaceful lives isolated from others in their small communities. They like to offer help whenever possible and older Cervitaurs tend to sacrifice themselves to help younger ones. **Size.** Cervitaurs are between 5 and 6.5 feet tall and weigh between 200 and 350 pounds. Your size is Medium. **Speed.** Your base walking speed is 35. **Darkvision.** You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. **Non-Combattant.** You can take the Disengage action as a bonus action, when doing so you gain 15 extra walking speed for that turn. **Quadruped.** You have disadvantage on Athletics and Acrobatics made to climb. You are require to buy Barding armor, which is more expensive. Allies cannot pass through your square without making an acrobatics check (DC 13) **Steadfast.** You have advantage on saves and skill checks made to resist being knocked prone. You require all your movement to get up from prone instead of just half. **Peaceful.** You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill and roll with advantage whenever you try to make yourself look weaker. **Mask of the Wild.** You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. **Languages.** You can speak, write, and read Common and Sylvan.