# Ambassador Ooze These oozes are named for the battle that ensued between Jubilex and Orcus over the ranks of the Legion of the Broken Hand, a massive contingent of knights and paladins dedicated to Illmater who gave their lives to seal a portal to the abyss, destroying it from the demiplane connecting the 113'th and 222'nd layers of the abyss and trapping themselves there, between the undead hourdes of Orcus and the oozing muck of Jubilex. Illmater made a mistaken attempt to rescue them after they had been corrupted by these two powers, successfully returning them to the material plane where their bodies quickly succumbed to the taint of Jubilex, their souls held fast in the abyss by Orcus. ### Unturnable In order to rescue these poor, tormented creatures, they must be turned by a priest of Illmater, which doesn't cause them to flee like most undead but merely become killable, where normally slaying one of these would cause it to leak into the ground and slowly reform over the course of the next 1d4 hours. A turned ambassador ooze is vulnerable to radiant damage and won't reform if slain that day. Turning by a priest of a faith other than Illmater has no effect, as the Ooze itself is under the control of Jubilex. If Such a priest attempts turning while using a holy symbol of Illmater, that priest can make a DC 14 religion check to successfully turn the ooze.
### Ooze creation These Oozes drip with the power of Jubilex, and their victims can be slowly transformed into any type of Ooze weaker than the victim was. Any victim of these creatures will be digested for one hour per hit die, resulting in Black pudding, Ochre Jelly, Grey Ooze, or Gelatinous Cubes, depending on the strength of the victim. As such, an Ambassador Ooze will be surrounded by several other types of Ooze when encountered. These oozes will act in concert with the ambassador Ooze. ___ > ## Ambassador Ooze >*Medium Undead Ooze, Chaotic Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 17 (half plate) (special) > - **Hit Points** 222 (20d10+100) > - **Speed** 30, climb 30, amorphous >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (0)| >___ > - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned, Charmed > - **Damage Immunities** Acid, Poison, Necrotic Piercing > - **Damage Resistances** Fire, Cold, Lightning, Slashing and Bludgeoning from nonmagical weapons > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** Radiant (once turned) > - **Senses** Tremorsense 30, darkvision 60 > - **Languages** Understands Abyssal and Common but cannot speak > - **Challenge** 10 (5900 XP) > ___ > ***Amorphous Movement*** The Ambassador Ooze can fit itself through spaces as small as 1 inch diameter, under doors, and through loose soil as difficult terrain. It must leave its armor behind to do this. > ***Amorphous Don/Doff*** The Ambassador Ooze can don any armor using half it's movement, and doff for free. It cannot be grappled, but might have to doff it's armor to escape a grapple or restraint such as a web spell. > ***Acidic Body*** Any Creature that hits the Ooze with a melee attack or touches it suffers 3d6 acid damage. > ### Actions > ***MultiAttack.*** The Ambassador Ooze makes 3 attacks, 1 with its weapon and 2 psedopod attacks > ***Flail*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 12 (2d6 + 5) > ***Sticky Pseudopod*** *Melee Attack:* +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. *Hit* 10(1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, 10(3d6) acid damage, and the victim is grappled and restrained. The victim can make a DC 19 athletics or acrobatics check to escape on each of its turns as an action. It suffers the Ambassador Ooze's acid attack each round on the beginning of it's turn, but the Ooze has one less Pseudopod attack while it is restraining a creature like this. \page