# Stand User ### Call『STAND』 Starting at 3rd level, you can project your soul and willpower as a stand. Stands are incorporeal humanoid-shaped beings of energy. Your stand is not its own creature, it is merely an extenstion of yourself. A stand can only be seen by another stand user when you are engaged in combat, a creature with truesight or by a creature using the Detect Magic spell. Your stand makes unarmed strikes in your place. Your unarmed strikes against surprised creatures who can't see your stand are made with advantage. When a creature is not surprised by you, it recognizes you as the attacker even if it can not see your stand. As part of your Attack action, you can spend 1 ki point to add the reach property to your unarmed strikes for this turn. ### Stand Proud When you reach 3rd level, your increasing mastery of ki has acclimated your body and spirit to projecting your soul as a stand. Your Unarmored Defense feature is replaced by *While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier*. ### 『STAND』Rush Beginning at 6th level, you can push your stand to superhuman speeds. Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 3 ki points to make a number of unarmed strikes as a bonus action. This number is equal to 2 + 1d4. ``` ``` ### Body and Spirit of Stardust When you reach 11th level your experience with using your stand has increased its precision. You can use your Charisma modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when reducing damage using your Deflect Missiles feature. Additionally, your ki saving throws DC is now calculated as follows: ___ * **Ki save DC =** 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier ### The World When you reach 17th level, you unlock your stand's ultimate ability, the power to stop time. You can use your reaction to spend 10 ki points to interrupt the current turn, allowing you to take an extra turn. During this extra turn, only you can use actions, bonus actions, reactions or move. Other creatures' senses does not perceive this turn and will not realize time has been stopped unless you do somehting obvious during it such as moving more than 5 feet, attacking, closing an open door, flipping over a table etc. You can use this feature in reaction to: * Your turn starting * Your turn ending * A creature hostile to you moving directly towards you into space within 10 feet of you * A creature hostile to you moving directly away from you from a space within 10 feet of you After your extra turn has ended, the interrupted turn continues as normal. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.