# Bard College ## College of the Fool As a Jester, you are unparraled in the realms of slapstick entertainment, bending luck to your will, and presenting yourself as much less of a threat than you can be. You perform masochistic stunts for the entertainment of nobels and commoners alike, although you may play a much bigger role in the political intriuge than you let on. You posess the power to openly speak of kings and queens as you please, and as such you may lead a life of a black knight or robinhood of sorts. Nevertheless, you are a master of your expertise and no other can come close to your bumbling idiocy. ### Additional Proficiencies When you join the College of the Fool at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Acrobatics and Insight. If you are already proficient with either, you gain expertise instead. ### Unatural Acrobatics Your training as a fool has helped you to keep your feet and perform terrific feats in the most unlikely of situations, you gain the following benefits.
• When you're prone, you can stand up by spending 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed. • You can use your dexterity modifier to calculate your long and high jumps. • You can use your action to stumble hilariously, and gain the benefits of the dash and disengage action. When you use this feature your DM may have you make an acrobatics check to see if you trip and fall prone. ### Stroke of Luck Starting at 3rd level, whenever you fail an ability check, miss an attack roll, or fail a saving throw you may roll again with advantage, possibly turning your failure into a success If using this ability allows you to succeed the ability check, attack roll, or saving throw give one of your Bardic Inspiration die to the DM. Until the next time you take a long rest, the DM may roll that die to penalize any of your attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws. As long as the DM has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, you can't use this feature again. ``` ``` Credit: MaR-93 ### Jesters Play Starting at 6th level, whenever you roll and subsequently choose a 3 or less on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, a number of creatures up to your charisma modifier that can see you gain a use of your Bardic Inspiration die. ### Outspoken Critisism At 14th level, you may cast the spell Vicious Mockery once per day as a free action. When you cast the spell this way you may choose to forgo the 1d4 psychic damage against the target, if you do and the spell succeds you gain advantage on your next persuasion check on the creature within the next minute.